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加拿大一直以来都着重于私人住房(即商品房)市场的开发,在政府的适度干预之下,多伦多的住房市场不仅提供了大量的住宅,而且住宅的类型和产权形式也被市场所认可.然而,在现有市场条件下,仍然有许多人的住房需求得不到充分满足.在有些情况下,还明显地需要政府通过规范对市场进行进一步的干预,以保证建设高质量的生活环境.多伦多社会住房的建设由于缺少来自政府的鼎力支持,目前也面临很多困难.地方规划师一直在努力地工作,在实现社会住房的民主管治、改进管理方式,以及改善住房水平方面都做出了许多尝试.目前在多伦多,无论是商品房还是社会住房都需要政府在行政和规划方面予以支持和帮助.  相似文献   

多伦多由于在区域规划和大都市管治方面的创新而著称于世,然而,那些为多伦多带来良好声誉的做法大都需要追溯到上世纪50至70年代。在随后的20年里,各级政府,特别是管理市镇政府的安大略省政府放弃了从区域的角度来管理城市发展的努力。直到1990年代,由于城市快速膨胀的压力,以及未来30年该区域将增加人口400万的预测,迫使省政府不得不有所反应。随后省政府制定了一系列新政策,2004年更制定了包含多伦多市到尼亚加拉这样一个庞大区域的精明增长规划和绿带建设方案。尽管现在来谈这些方案是否会成功还为时过早,但其发展过程却值得我们去认真观察。  相似文献   

余群 《上海住宅》2005,(6):28-29
“两个1000万”商品房建设,是落实市委、市府关于全市房地产市场调控工作要求,坚持“以居住为主、以市民消费为主、以普通商品住房为主”调控原则:不断改善广大市民居住条件,保持房地产市场平稳健康发展的一项重要举措。  相似文献   

The construction of social housing in gentrifying neighbourhoods can ignite contestation, revealing tensions between economic imperatives, social policy and neighbourhood change. With a view to understanding how the convergence of these agendas preserve unpopular, but socially critical housing infrastructure, the aim of this paper is to explore how the challenges social housing implementation encounters across these agendas intersect with a broader agenda for local democratic planning. Using social housing as our empirical focus and directing attention to the gentrifying local government area of Port Phillip in Victoria, Australia, this paper reveals how a council’s main asset to support implementation – its policy frameworks – creates an urban narrative of social inclusivity and diversity. Through this case, we illustrate how elected officials and some residents draw from these policies to interject into episodes of community contestation, which we argue presents opportunities to expose and renew commitments to social housing over space and time.  相似文献   

There have been increasing calls for studies of housing systems that are more integrative and pluralistic in nature. Understanding the relationship of social housing systems to the wider housing market remains a key challenge. The mobility of households and the structural configuration of supply are both of importance, demanding methods able to reconcile both. This paper propounds vacancy chain models as offering significant potential in this regard, allowing policy analysis and options appraisal to be built on more dynamic conceptualisations of housing systems. The theoretical basis for vacancy chain models is developed before an account is given of a model developed of the Bradford (UK) social rented sector. The results suggest that social renting is very closely linked to the wider housing market and consequently the impacts of policy and investment may be felt beyond the sector. Observations on the future development of vacancy chain models are offered.  相似文献   

Planning for housing in Britain has embraced the use of housing market areas (HMAs) as appropriate geographies to address calls for greater market responsiveness. Tenure is a crucial dimension of the housing market, so it must be central to assessing local housing demands. Despite the wide cleavages between social and private rented sectors, and between both of these sectors and the owner-occupying majority, the geography of tenure-specific HMAs has remained largely unexplored. This paper assesses the importance of tenure-specific HMAs for housing planning within the current policy frameworks aimed at meeting housing needs. The paper then reports analyses to delineate tenure-specific HMAs, with these boundaries then compared with HMAs defined by analysing the whole market. The case for a national system of tenure-specific HMAs based on migration is found to be unproven. Nevertheless, such HMAs can provide the basis for meaningful affordability measures and a tool to address segregation and reshape housing markets in cities.  相似文献   

本文从房地产发展入手,探讨不同时期城市规划的重点,通过房地产市场的变迁分析,推导当代城市的发展趋势,总结当前城市规划的技术服务新内容,回归城市规划理应具备的科学性。  相似文献   

文章通过介绍上海中房建筑设计有限公司在保障性住区规划及建筑设计方面的实践与思考,提出保障性住区应关注人性化,体现经济性,采用紧凑灵活的单体,并且在生态节能方面起到示范作用。  相似文献   

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