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Color changes in irradiated meat were species-dependent. Irradiated pork and beef became less red as a result of irradiation and display time. The redness values of turkey increased after irradiation but decreased during display time. The yellowness of the irradiated samples, for all species, increased as a result of irradiation and display. Visual evaluation of irradiated pork and beef indicated an increase in brownness, whereas turkey increased in redness as dose increased. The surface color of irradiated pork became less uniform than unirradiated pork. Reflectance spectra indicated that irradiation induced a metmyoglobin-like pigment in pork and beef, whereas the pigment in turkey was unchanged.  相似文献   

Thermal Gelation of Myofibrils from Pork, Beef, Fish, Chicken and Turkey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Myofibril gels with 5, 7, or 10% protein and 2% NaCl were prepared from pork, beef, fish, chicken and turkey muscles using a heating rate of 0.7°C/min and pH 6.0 to compare the thermal gelation properties of myofibrillar protein from different species. The force required to rupture gel (Pf), force required to move plunger through gel (Fp), viscosity index (Ni), and elasticity (Ea) increased and cooking loss decreased with increasing protein contents. Myofibrils of chicken breast and thigh had lower and fish and turkey thigh had higher cooking loss at protein contents of 7% or 10%.  相似文献   

End-point tempcraturc (EPT) affected N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAGasc) activity in nonfrozcn and previously frozen cores and ground sampics of beef, pork, turkey breast and ground turkey leg muscle tissue. There was little loss of NAGase activity when heating the products to 40°C; however, as EPT increased from 40–70°C, them was (Pc0.05) loss of activity. At 70°C 90% of activity was lost in beef, 98% in pork, and 93 to 98% in turkey. Inactivation temperature values, IT50, (50% inactivation) were: beef, 59.8°C; pork, 53.4°C; turkey breast, 55.6°C; and turkey leg, 56.6°C.  相似文献   

Effects of heating rate (3°C or 0.7°C/min) and pH (5.5, 6.0, 6.5, or 7.0) on thermal gelation properties of different muscle systems were evaluated (10% protein, 2% NaCl) using pork, beef, fish, and chicken and turkey (breast and thigh) muscles. Results indicated that, at pH 6.5 and 7.0, force required to rupture the gel (Pf), force required to move plunger through the gel (Fp), and viscosity index (Ni), using a slow heating rate, were higher than with rapid heating. All muscles (except breast muscles with the slow heating rate) yielded higher (P<0.05) gel strength (Fp, Pf) at pH 6.0 than at the other pHs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The heat resistance of 35 Salmonella strains was determined at 55 to 65°C. No correlation between the heat resistance and the origin of the Salmonella spp. could be established. D-values in chicken broth, using a linear regression, of an 8 Salmonella serotype cocktail were 4.87, 2.72, 1.30, and 0.41 min at 55, 58, 60 and 62°C, respectively. Using a linear model, the D-values ranged from 4.86 min at 55°C to 0.38 min at 62°C. When the 8 Salmonella serotype cocktail was heated in meat, D-values at the common test temperatures of 58 and 60°C calculated by both approaches were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those observed in chicken broth.  相似文献   

K.C. Nam    D.U. Ahn    M. Du  C. Jo 《Journal of food science》2001,66(8):1225-1229
ABSTRACT: Irradiation and storage increased lipid oxidation of normal and pale-soft-exudative (PSE) muscles, whereas dark-firm-dry (DFD) muscle was very stable and resistant to oxidative changes. Irradiation increased redness regardless of pork-quality type, and the increases were proportional to irradiation dose. Irradiation increased the production of sulfur-containing volatiles, but not lipid oxidation products. The total volatiles produced in normal and PSE pork were higher than the DFD pork. Some volatiles produced in meat by irradiation evaporated during storage under aerobic packaging conditions. Nonirradiated normal and DFD pork had higher odor preference scores than the nonirradiated PSE, but irradiation reduced the preference scores of all 3 pork-quality types.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Raw turkey breasts were aerobically or vacuum-packaged, irradiated with a linear accelerator, and frozen for 0, 1.5, or 3 mo. Lipid oxidation, volatiles, color values, gas production, and oxidation-reduction potential of the samples were determined. Irradiation produced off-odor volatiles associated with lipid oxidation and sulfur-volatiles; the off-odor was much higher in aerobic packaging. Volatiles increased with irradiation dose, aerobic packaging, and storage time. Irradiation increased stable pink color with both aerobic and vacuum-packaging. Irradiation increased the production of carbon monoxide (CO) and reducing property, indicating that CO-myoglobin could be responsible for the pink color. Lipid oxidation and color changes were not related in irradiated frozen turkey.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Precooked turkey breast meat was aerobically packaged or vacuum-packaged and irradiated at 0, 2.5, or 5.0 kGy. CIE color, reflectance, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), gas production, and lipid oxidation were determined at 0, 7, and 14 d. Irradiation increased redness of vacuum-packaged meat, and the redness was distinct and stable under vacuum. Irradiation decreased ORP and produced carbon monoxide (CO). This indicated that the pink color was caused by the heme pigment-CO complex formation. The reflectance of meat and the absorption spectra of myoglobin solution supported the assumption that denatured CO-myoglobin is the pigment in irradiated precooked turkey breast.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of packaging atmosphere (aerobic, vacuum, or modified atmosphere with carbon monoxide) on ground beef treated with ionizing radiation were investigated. Measurements of color (CIE L*, a*, b*), lipid oxidation (TBA value), and sensory quality were conducted during 28 d of storage at refrigerated (0 to 2°C) temperatures. Irradiation significantly ( p > 0.001) decreased color scores and increased TBA and off-odor scores. The MAP + CO treatments increased the L* and a* values ( p < 0.001), regardless of irradiation dose. The TBA values for MAP + CO-packaged samples were well below the levels considered "rancid" (about 1.0). In addition, sensory scores indicated minimal production of irradiation off-odors with MAP + CO packaging.  相似文献   

Beef or pork was chopped, screened, and washed; water was removed by centrifugation to make surimi-like, water-washed beef or pork. Processing parameters were evaluated to develop the optimum processing techniques to yield the most functional material. Regardless of fat content in the starting material, water-washed beef or pork contained <1% fat. Water-washed muscle was lighter (reduced redness and yellowness) than the original starting material but had more color than fish surimi. Washed beef or pork formed gels with greater hardness than commercial fish surimi above 55°C after heating at 0.5°C/min. Salt soluble protein of water-washed beef or pork was higher than that of commercial fish surimi.  相似文献   

K.C. Nam    D.U. Ahn 《Journal of food science》2003,68(5):1686-1690
Irradiation significantly decreased the redness of ground beef (P < 0.05), and the visible color of beef changed from a bright red to a green/brown, depending on the age of meat. Addition of ascorbic acid (0.1%, wt/ wt) in ground beef prior to irradiation prevented color changes in irradiated beef, and the effect of ascorbic acid became greater as the age of meat or storage time after irradiation increased. Ground beef with added ascorbic acid had significantly lower oxidation‐reduction potential than the control (P < 0.05), and the low oxidation‐reduction potential of meat helped maintain the heme pigments in reduced form. Sesamol +α‐tocopherol had no effect in stabilizing color of irradiated beef.  相似文献   

The effects of added antioxidants on the oxidative quality changes of irradiated pork patties were studied. Lipid oxidation (TBARS) was not a concern, even in aerobically packaged irradiated pork patties when antioxidants were added. Irradiation produced sulfur compounds, such as dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl disulfide, responsible for irradiation off‐odor. The addition of gallate + tocopherol or sesamol + tocopherol was effective in reducing the sulfur volatiles, but had no effect on the redness of irradiated raw pork patties. Aerobic packaging was highly effective in reducing sulfur volatiles and off‐odor from irradiated meat during storage. Antioxidants had little effect on the sensory characteristics and consumer acceptance of irradiated pork, and consumers did not consider the red color of irradiated raw pork as a quality defect.  相似文献   

Color and oxidative rancidity were determined for chilled (3 ± 2°C) and frozen (?17 ± 3°C) boneless pork chops packaged in vacuum or air and irradiated to an absorbed dose of 0, 1.5 or 2.5 kGy (chilled) or 0, 2.5 or 3.85 kGy (frozen) of electron beam or cobalt60 irradiation. Irradiation of vacuum-packaged chops produced redder, more stable (color and rancidity) product. More pronounced oxidative rancidity and less stable display color were noted for samples irradiated in aerobic packaging. Irradiation source had varying but limited effects on color and rancidity. Optimum packaging conditions can control color and rancidity changes in boneless chops, thereby enabling irradiation to be a useful intervention technology.  相似文献   

Changes were measured in TBARS, color, and volatiles of irradiated (4.5 kGy) pork patties with antioxidants (sesamol, quercetin, rutin, BHT, and rosemary oleoresin) during 7 days storage at 4°C. Irradiation accelerated lipid oxidation of raw pork during storage. However, irradiation before cooking did not influence lipid oxidation of cooked pork during storage. Sesamol, quercetin, and BHT were effective in both irradiated raw and cooked pork during 7-days storage. Rosemary oleoresin and rutin were effective only in irradiated raw pork for 3 days. Hexanal, propanal and higher boiling components were well correlated (P < 0.01) with TBARS in cooked pork. Generation of volatiles was reduced by sesamol and quercetin, but the effects of antioxidants on color changes of raw pork patties were minor and inconsistent.  相似文献   

宰后成熟过程中冷却牛肉、猪肉色泽和嫩度的变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本实验比较研究了冷却牛肉和猪肉在宰后120h内色泽和剪切力的变化.分别从牛屠宰厂和猪屠宰厂选取牛、猪各4头,按规范工艺屠宰后取背最长肌,分切成8个肉块,经简易包装后在0~4℃下18、48、96、120h,之后测定肉色、剪切力值及其他相关指标.结果表明,牛肉和猪肉的pH值、肉色(L*、a*、b*)、水分含量、剪切力值等指标存在显著差异(p<0.05).随着成熟时间延长,亮度增加、红度下降、剪切力下降;宰后120h内,猪肉嫩度的变化比牛肉更明显.  相似文献   

H.A. Ismail    E.J. Lee    K.Y. Ko    D.U. Ahn 《Journal of food science》2009,74(6):C432-C440
ABSTRACT:  Ground beef with 10%, 15%, or 20% fat were added with none, 0.05% ascorbic acid + 0.01%α-tocopherol, or 0.05% ascorbic acid + 0.01%α-tocopherol + 0.01% sesamol, and irradiated at 0 or 2.5 kGy. The meat samples were displayed under fluorescent light for 14 d at 4 °C. Color, lipid oxidation, volatiles, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and carbon monoxide (CO) production were determined during storage. Irradiation increased lipid oxidation and total volatiles of ground beef regardless of fat contents. Ascorbic acid +α-tocopherol + sesamol treatment was the most effective in reducing lipid oxidation during storage. The production of ethanol in nonirradiated ground beef increased dramatically after 7 d of storage due to microbial growth. Total aldehydes and hexanal increased drastically in irradiated control over the storage period, but hexanal increased the most by irradiation.  L *-values was decreased by irradiation, but increased in all meat regardless of fat contents as storage period increased. Irradiation reduced the redness, but fat contents had no effect on the  a *-value of ground beef. Sesamol lowered, but ascorbic acid +α-tocopherol maintained the redness of irradiated beef up to 2 wk of storage. The yellowness of meat was significantly decreased by irradiation. The reducing power of ascorbic acid +α-tocopherol lasted for 3 d, after which ORP values increased. Irradiation increased CO production regardless of fat content in ground beef. In conclusion, up to 20% fat had no effect on the quality change of irradiated ground beef if ascorbic acid +α-tocopherol was added.  相似文献   

H.A. Ismail    E.J. Lee    K.Y. Ko    H.D. Paik    D.U. Ahn 《Journal of food science》2009,74(1):C25-C32
ABSTRACT:  Four antioxidant treatments (none, 0.05% ascorbic acid, 0.01%α-tocopherol + 0.01% sesamol, and 0.05% ascorbic acid + 0.01%α-tocopherol + 0.01% sesamol) were applied to ground beef using either mixing or spraying method. The meat samples were placed on Styrofoam trays, irradiated at 0 or 2.5 kGy, and then stored for 7 d at 4 °C. Color, lipid oxidation, volatiles, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and carbon monoxide (CO) production were determined at 0, 3, and 7 d of storage. Irradiation increased lipid oxidation of ground beef with control and ascorbic acid treatments after 3 d of storage. α-Tocopherol + sesamol and ascorbic acid +α-tocopherol + sesamol treatments were effective in slowing down lipid oxidation in ground beef during storage regardless of application methods, but mixing was better than the spraying method. Irradiation lowered L *-value and a *-value of ground beef. Storage had no effect on lightness but redness decreased with storage. Ascorbic acid was the most effective in maintaining redness of ground beef followed by ascorbic acid +α-tocopherol + sesamol. Irradiation and storage reduced the b *-value of ground beef. Irradiation lowered ORP of ground beef regardless of antioxidants application methods, but ORP was lower in beef with mixing than spraying method. Beef sprayed with antioxidants produced more hydrocarbons and alcohols than the mixing application, but ascorbic acid +α-tocopherol + sesamol treatment was effective in reducing the amount of volatiles produced by irradiation. Therefore, mixing was better than the spraying method in preventing lipid oxidation and maintaining color of irradiated ground beef.  相似文献   

牛肉颜色的RGB特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为一个重要的食用品质,牛肉的颜色既是牛肉分级评定时的一个指标,同时又是自动分级时与脂肪区别的一个重要特征。本文从统计和理论的角度,结合我国现在使用的一种牛肉颜色等级图,对牛肉颜色的RGB特征进行了分析,得出了牛肉颜色的规律,为进一步自动分级算法设计提供保证。  相似文献   

A surimi-like material was made from finely minced beef or pork by water washing followed by screening to remove connective tissue. Changes in component proteins, amino acid composition and vitamin, mineral and cholesterol content occurring during preparation were investigated. Total amino acid nitrogen contents of water-washed beef and pork were higher than those of the respective muscle by 7% and 6.5%. Among 16 amino acids measured, histidine and glycine decreased in both water-washed beef and pork, while others increased compared to original muscle. Thiamin content decreased after washing. Surimi-like beef and pork had less cytoplasmic minerals (K, Na, Mg) but more minerals associated with proteins or subcellular organelles (Ca, Cu, Zn, Fe). Fat content decreased, although cholesterol concentration was not changed by washing.  相似文献   

S.-C. Lee    J.-H. Kim    K.C. Nam    D.U. Ahn 《Journal of food science》2003,68(6):1904-1909
ABSTRACT: The antioxidant effect of far infrared-treated rice hull (FRH) extracts in irradiated turkey breast meat was compared with that of sesamol and rosemary oleoresin. The FRH extracts significantly decreased thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances values and volatile aldehydes (hexanal, pentanal, and propanal) and was effective in reducing the production of dimethyl disulfide responsible for irradiation off-odor in irradiated raw and cooked turkey meat during aerobic storage. The antioxidant activity of FRH extracts (0.1%, wt/wt) was as effective as that of rosemary oleoresin (0.1%). However, the addition of FRH extracts increased red and yellow color intensities and produced an off-odor characteristic to rice hull in raw and cooked meat.  相似文献   

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