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We show that x-ray computer tomography algorithms can be applied with minimal alteration to the three-dimensional reconstruction of visible sources. Diffraction and opacity affect visible systems more severely than x-ray systems. For camera-based tomography, diffraction can be neglected for objects within the depth of field. We show that, for convex objects, opacity has the effect of windowing the angular observation range and thus blurring the reconstruction. For concave objects, opacity leads to nonlinearity in the transformation from object to reconstruction and may cause multiple objects to map to the same reconstruction. In x-ray tomography, the contribution of an object point to a line integral is independent of the orientation of the line. In optical tomography, however, a Lambertian assumption may be more realistic. We derive an expression for the blur function (the patch response) for a Lambertian source. We present experimental results showing cone-beam reconstruction of an incoherently illuminated opaque object. 相似文献
A novel thin-filament pyrometer is presented. It involves a consumer-grade color digital still camera with 6 megapixels and 12 bits per color plane. SiC fibers were used and scanning-electron microscopy found them to be uniform with diameters of 13.9 micro m. Measurements were performed in a methane-air coflowing laminar jet diffusion flame with a luminosity length of 72 mm. Calibration of the pyrometer was accomplished with B-type thermocouples. The pyrometry measurements yielded gas temperatures in the range of 1400-2200 K with an estimated uncertainty of +/-60 K, a relative temperature resolution of +/-0.215 K, a spatial resolution of 42 mum, and a temporal resolution of 0.66 ms. Fiber aging for 10 min had no effect on the results. Soot deposition was less problematic for the pyrometer than for the thermocouple. 相似文献
Rogowska J Bryant CM Brezinski ME 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2003,20(2):357-367
We describe a new semiautomatic image processing method for detecting the cartilage boundaries in optical coherence tomography (OCT). In particular, we focus on rabbit cartilage since this is an important animal model for testing both chondroprotective agents and cartilage repair techniques. The novel boundary-detection system presented here consists of (1) an adaptive filtering technique for image enhancement and speckle reduction, (2) edge detection, and (3) edge linking by graph searching. The procedure requires several steps and can be automated. The quantitative measurements of cartilage thickness on OCT images correlated well with measurements from histology. 相似文献
Obtaining directional reflectance information for vegetation canopies is often an expensive and time-consuming process. We present here a simple approach based on the use of an inexpensive digital camera equipped with a wide-angle lens. By the imaging of a large homogeneous area, a single image captures multiple views of a vegetation canopy. This gives a directional reflectance distribution fully sampled for view direction and free of variations in Sun elevation and azimuth. We determined the radiometric response of the camera sensor CCD's at the focal point and then extended this calibration to the full CCD array by using averaged images of clear blue sky. We evaluated the utility of the system by obtaining directional reflectance distributions of two vegetation targets, grass (Lolium spp) and pine forest (Pinus radiata), for red visible light. The precision of the derived biangular pattern of reflectance was +/-7%. 相似文献
A new compact light-emitting diode (LED) sun photometer, in which a LED is used as a spectrally selective photodetector as well as a nonlinear feedback element in the operational amplifier, has been developed. The output voltage that is proportional to the logarithm of the incident solar intensity permits the direct measurement of atmospheric optical depths in selected spectral bands. Measurements made over Ahmedabad, India, show good agreement, within a few percent, of optical depths derived with a LED as a photodetector in a linear mode and with a LED as both a photodetector and a feedback element in an operational amplifier in log mode. The optical depths are also found to compare well with those obtained simultaneously with a conventional filter photometer. 相似文献
The application of a method of digital image processing to the visualization of vortex flows and calculation of the temperature and concentration fields in a flame is described. Photographs of the reverse flame glow and its photometric images are obtained and it is established that the photometric images are identical to their interference counterparts. The main advantages of the digital photometry technique are the simplicity of the procedures and the low cost of the instrumentation. Results of the temperature field calculation for an axisymmetric reverse flame are presented. 相似文献
N.M. Winch A. Edgar 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment》2011,654(1):308-313
The recent advancements in consumer-grade digital camera technology and the introduction of high-resolution, high sensitivity CsBr:Eu2+ storage phosphor imaging plates make possible a new cost-effective technique for X-ray imaging. The imaging plate is bathed with red stimulating light by high-intensity light-emitting diodes, and the photostimulated image is captured with a digital single-lens reflex (SLR) camera. A blue band-pass optical filter blocks the stimulating red light but transmits the blue photostimulated luminescence. Using a Canon D5 Mk II camera and an f1.4 wide-angle lens, the optical image of a 240×180 mm2 Konica CsBr:Eu2+ imaging plate from a position 230 mm in front of the camera lens can be focussed so as to laterally fill the 35×23.3 mm2 camera sensor, and recorded in 2808×1872 pixel elements, corresponding to an equivalent pixel size on the plate of 88 μm. The analogue-to-digital conversion from the camera electronics is 13 bits, but the dynamic range of the imaging system as a whole is limited in practice by noise to about 2.5 orders of magnitude. The modulation transfer function falls to 0.2 at a spatial frequency of 2.2 line pairs/mm. The limiting factor of the spatial resolution is light scattering in the plate rather than the camera optics. The limiting factors for signal-to-noise ratio are shot noise in the light, and dark noise in the CMOS sensor. Good quality images of high-contrast objects can be recorded with doses of approximately 1 mGy. The CsBr:Eu2+ plate has approximately three times the readout sensitivity of a similar BaFBr:Eu2+ plate. 相似文献
A CCD-based bistatic lidar (CLidar) system has been developed and constructed to measure scattering in the atmospheric boundary layer. The system uses a CCD camera, wide-angle optics, and a laser. Imaging a vertical laser beam from the side allows high-altitude resolution in the boundary layer all the way to the ground. The dynamic range needed for the molecular signal is several orders of magnitude in the standard monostatic method, but only approximately 1 order of magnitude with the CLidar method. Other advantages of the Clidar method include low cost and simplicity. Observations at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, show excellent agreement with the modeled molecular-scattering signal. The scattering depends on angle (altitude) and the polarization plane of the laser. 相似文献
A numerical model evaluating the response of a typical integrating nephelometer is described. The model incorporates the actual scattering geometry as well as the effects of a finite light source, detector size, and a nonideal Lambertian diffuser. An angular scattering weighting function is introduced to provide a tractable approach in numerical calculations and easy application. Using established size distribution ensembles associated with a few representative aerosol types, we compare the calculated response of a real nephelometer with that of an ideal, or perfect, nephelometer. The results indicate that, frequently, the nephelometer-produced aerosol-scattering coefficient is of the order of 10-20% too small; but for some naturally occurring aerosols, the difference may be as large as 40-50%. For a multiple-wavelength nephelometer, the response model can be employed to estimate the expected error in the aerosol-scattering coefficients directly from the measurements themselves. 相似文献
We report the development of a pump-probe instrument that uses a high-repetition-rate (82-MHz) picosecond laser. To maximize laser power and to minimize jitter between the pump- and the probe-pulse trains, we choose the asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) configuration. Verification of the method is obtained through concentration measurements of atomic sodium in an atmospheric methane-air flame. For the first time to our knowledge, ASOPS measurements are made on a quantitative basis. This is accomplished by calibration of the sodium concentration with atomic absorption spectroscopy. ASOPS measurements are taken at a rate of 155.7 kHz with only 128 averages, resulting in a corresponding detection limit of 5 × 10(9) cm(-3). The quenching-rate coefficient is obtained in a single measurement with a variation of ASOPS, which we call dual-beam ASOPS. The value of this coefficient is in excellent agreement with literature values for the present flame conditions. Based on our quantitative results for detection of atomic sodium, a detection limit of 2 × 10(17) cm(-3) is predicted for the Q(1) (9) line of A (2)Σ(+) (v = 0)-X(2)II (v = 0) hydroxyl at 2000 K. Although this value is too large for practical flame studies, a number of improvements that should lower the ASOPS detection limit are suggested. 相似文献
Current interest' in anodized aluminum surfaces as substrates for adhesive bonding has created a need to measure the properties of the oxide layer in a non-contacting manner. Visible light ellipsometry is a very sensitive non-contacting technique for measuring the thickness of very thin films on smooth surfaces whose optical constants are known. However, the method is limited to film thicknesses which are generally less than 2000 Å and validity is lost when there is appreciable scattering caused by the roughness of the substrate and the structure of the oxide itself. These objections become much less severe if the operating wavelength is in the infrared region. Such an infrared ellipsometer has been developed to measure the thickness of oxides produced by anodization of aluminum with production-finished surfaces. The instrument operates with a 10.6 μm beam from a low power CO2 laser and uses a 6328 Å beam from a He-Ne laser for alignment and location of the measurement region. The oxides were formed on unclad 7075 aluminum by anodization in an ammonium pentaborate solution at constant current to termination voltages of from 25 to 275 V in 25 V increments. The measured ellipsometric quantities Δ and ψ were used to compute the corresponding metal oxide film thicknesses using a complex refractive index N = 2.39?i41.36 for the substrate. The results for a film refractive index of 1.50 were in close agreement with those measured with a scanning electron microscope. Elemental concentration profiles for each surface were made by Auger electron spectroscopy. 相似文献
Methodologies that employ auxilliary flux data collected by upward- and downward-looking optical sensors to improve atmospheric corrections of airborne multispectral images are presented and evaluated. Such flux data often are collected in current airborne sensors to produce bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) images and estimates of hemispherical-hemispherical reflectance. The fact that these images must then be corrected for atmospheric interference raises the question as to whether the auxilliary flux information can be employed to estimate some of the input parameters required by atmospheric correction models. Radiative transfer simulations are employed to demonstrate that the utilization of the downwelling and upwelling fluxes as a means of inferring intrinsic atmospheric optical information can be used to better characterize the local atmosphere and accordingly to improve the atmospheric corrections applied to the apparent BRF images. 相似文献
Dubietis A Dalin P Balčiūnas R Černis K Pertsev N Sukhodoev V Perminov V Zalcik M Zadorozhny A Connors M Schofield I McEwan T McEachran I Frandsen S Hansen O Andersen H Grønne J Melnikov D Manevich A Romejko V 《Applied optics》2011,50(28):F72-F79
Noctilucent, or "night-shining," clouds (NLCs) are a spectacular optical nighttime phenomenon that is very often neglected in the context of atmospheric optics. This paper gives a brief overview of current understanding of NLCs by providing a simple physical picture of their formation, relevant observational characteristics, and scientific challenges of NLC research. Modern ground-based photographic NLC observations, carried out in the framework of automated digital camera networks around the globe, are outlined. In particular, the obtained results refer to studies of single quasi-stationary waves in the NLC field. These waves exhibit specific propagation properties--high localization, robustness, and long lifetime--that are the essential requisites of solitary waves. 相似文献
Pougatchev N 《Applied optics》2008,47(26):4739-4748
A linear mathematical model for the statistical estimate of the bias and noise of satellite sounders and a case study are presented. The model provides the tool for proper comparison of actual performance of the remote sensing system while in orbit to correlative data sets. The model accounts for: (i) noncoincidence in time and space of satellite and validating systems sampling; (ii) different characteristics of the validated and validating systems, e.g., different vertical resolutions and noise levels. In the case study the model is applied to validation of temperature profile retrievals using radiosondes for the reference. 相似文献
Cunin B. Eckert C. Haessler A. Heisel F. Miehe J.A. Planat M. 《IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control》1994,41(2):275-278
A new method-with picosecond resolution-allowing the recording of the instantaneous time phase fluctuations of a crystal controlled oscillator is presented. The oscillator under test drives the acoustooptic modelocker of a CW Nd:YAG laser associated with a synchronously pumped dye laser. By means of a streak camera illuminated by the ps dye laser pulses and synchronized by the oscillator signal the statistics of its zero crossings is analyzed 相似文献
A nonlinear, least-squares curve-fitting method is described that simultaneously determines the optical constants and the thickness of a very thin (? 100-?) film from reflectance versus angle of incidence (R - θ) data measured in the soft-x-ray region. The method is applied to R - θ data obtained for very thin, sputtered films of carbon (65 ? thick) and gold (94 ? thick) at photon energies of 60-900 eV. The results show that the present method is capable of accurately determining the thickness of very thin films even for transparent materials, and that the obtained optical constants are in good agreement with values reported for films with a thickness of 1000 ?. 相似文献
A highly sensitive spectrophotometric technique is described for the calibration of a digital thickness monitor (DTM) mounted in an electron beam evaporator. The DTM was found to have a systematic error of 12% for the production of Nb films 700 to 1200 Å thick. 相似文献