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The Basic Flow is a methodology used to calculate environmental flow needs for river regulation. It has gained increased recognition in Spain for hydrological planning. It is based on the study of irregularities in hydrological series of daily mean flows using the simple moving average model as a tool to extract the relevant information. The Basic Flow Methodology (BFM), beyond providing a unique minimum flow value, constitutes a complex management proposal for regulated rivers which includes other management aspects affecting the biological functioning of a river (such as the necessity of flow variability, bankfull flows or varying flow rates) through the establishment of monthly instream flow requirements. This paper presents a practical application of the BFM in the Silvan stream, a natural mountain stream impacted by a hydroelectric regulation project. Results are discussed in terms of physical habitat created and compared to those obtained from the application of another method based on the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology, using a set of computer programs (RHYHABSIM) for physical habitat simulation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The demand for water withdrawal continues to increase worldwide. These water withdrawals from rivers can affect fish habitat and aquatic life. As such, environmental flow assessment methods are used in order to protect rivers against excessive water withdrawals. The concept of environmental flow relates to the quantity of water required in rivers to sustain an acceptable level of living conditions for aquatic biota at various phases of their development. For many agencies, environmental flow methods are essential in environmental impact assessments and in the protection of important fisheries resources. The present study deals with the evaluation of hydrologically based environmental flow methods within the Maritime Province of Canada. In total, six hydrologically based environmental flow methods were compared using data from 52 hydrometric stations across the region. Some methods provided adequate environmental flow protection (e.g. 25% mean annual flow and Q50 flow duration method); however, other methods did not provide adequate flow protection (e.g. Q90 flow duration method and 7Q10 and 7Q2 low‐flow frequency). The 70% Q50 method provided adequate flow protection only under good baseflow conditions and should be applied with extreme caution. The present study shows the importance of the hydrologic flow regime, particularly as it pertains to the baseflow component, as a significant determinant in the level of instream flow protection. © 2014 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada. River Research and Applications © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characterizing temporary river ecosystem responses to flow regimes is vital for conserving their biodiversity and the services they provide to society. However, freshwater biomonitoring tools rarely reflect community responses to hydrological variations or flow cessation events, and those available have not been widely tested within temporary rivers. This study examines two invertebrate biomonitoring tools characterizing community responses to different flow‐related properties: the “Drought Effect of Habitat Loss on Invertebrates” (DEHLI) and “Lotic‐invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation” (LIFE), which, respectively reflect community responses to habitat and hydraulic properties associated with changing flow conditions. Sub‐seasonal (monthly) variations of LIFE and DEHLI were explored within two groundwater‐fed intermittent rivers, one dries sporadically (a flashy, karstic hydrology—River Lathkill) and the other dries seasonally (a highly buffered flow regime—South Winterbourne). Biomonitoring tools were highly sensitive to channel drying and also responded to reduced discharges in permanently flowing reaches. Biomonitoring tools captured ecological recovery patterns in the Lathkill following a supra‐seasonal drought. Some unexpected results were observed in the South Winterbourne where LIFE and DEHLI indicated relatively high‐flow conditions despite low discharges occurring during some summer months. This probably reflected macrophyte encroachment, which benefitted certain invertebrates (e.g., marginal‐dwelling taxa) and highlights the importance of considering instream habitat conditions when interpreting flow regime influences on biomonitoring tools. Although LIFE and DEHLI were positively correlated, the latter responded more clearly to drying events, highlighting that communities respond strongly to the disconnection of instream habitats as flows recede. The results highlighted short‐term ecological responses to hydrological variations and the value in adopting sub‐seasonal sampling strategies within temporary rivers. Findings from this study indicate the importance of establishing flow response guilds which group taxa that respond comparably to flow cessation events. Such information could be adopted within biomonitoring practices to better characterize temporary river ecosystem responses to hydrological variations.  相似文献   

The natural flow paradigm (NFP) emphasizes the need to partially or fully maintain or restore the range of natural intra‐ and interannual variation of hydrologic regimes to protect native biodiversity and the evolutionary potential of aquatic, riparian and wetland ecosystems. Based on our studies of natural and managed flow regimes in New Zealand, we do not believe that all components of the natural flow regime are necessary to achieve the objectives of the NFP, either partially or fully, because many aquatic species have very flexible niches and life‐history requirements (i.e. there is ‘ecological redundancy’). Obviously, maintaining the natural flow regime will maintain the hydrologic and hydraulic conditions necessary for sustaining natural ecosystems. However, if there is adequate knowledge of what ‘values’ need to be maintained in a waterway, and the aspects of the flow regime that are required to maintain those values are also known, then regimes can be designed that target these requirements and thus optimize conditions for the ‘values’. We believe that an assessment of ecosystem requirements using information on river processes together with habitat requirements and life‐history strategies of biota can achieve the best balance between resource use and sustaining ecosystem function and value, and show examples where changes to natural flow regimes have maintained, or even improved, instream values in some New Zealand rivers. We caution that simple flow‐based rules, such as those that might be developed under the NFP, could be unnecessarily restrictive on multiple use of water in New Zealand while, at the same time, preclude the opportunity for enhancement of key ecosystem values in many waterways. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A good understanding of the natural flow regime plays an important role in many hydrological studies. Also important in such studies is the quantification of environmental flows. This study focuses on flow metrics that best describe the natural flow regime and the hydrological characteristics for rivers in New Brunswick (Canada) as well as quantifying environment flows for these rivers. New Brunswick rivers have a mean annual flow (MAF) of approximately 23 L s?1 km?2, which is also reflective of the water availability. The frequency analysis showed that low flows (T = 2–50 years, where T is the recurrence interval) were all below the 10% MAF. Environmental flow methods based on the MAF and flow duration analysis (median flow) showed good regional regression equations. However, flow duration methods showed high variability especially at flows between Q80 and Q100. Flow targets based on the 25% MAF, Q50 and 70% Q50 were used to estimate environmental flows, particularly during low‐flow periods (winter and summer). Results showed that the 70% Q50 method should be used with caution in summer as this method provided flows in the range of 15–16% of MAF. Other methods provided environmental flows higher than 15% MAF, thus, providing better flow protection for aquatic habitat. When comparing water availability for off‐stream use (river flow–environmental flow), different parts of New Brunswick were found to be deficient in flows (i.e., river flows less than environment flows—no extractable water) during the summer and winter low‐flow periods.  相似文献   

The preservation of instream flows entails multiple benefits not only for river ecosystems but also for human well‐being. Benefits of marketed goods and services provided by water withdrawals such as irrigation, water supply and hydropower production are well‐known. Others, such as recreational, aesthetic, cultural and existence values of a well‐preserved river flows are less studied. There is an increasing interest of policy makers to understand the benefits of costly river ecosystem restoration measures. Moreover, disregarding such benefits may turn into inter‐stakeholder conflicts. This paper reviews empirically‐based literature assessing environmental flows restoration/conservation. Thus, it offers the state‐of‐the‐art on three aspects: 1) what motivations drive the socioeconomic evaluation of instream flows (policies and alternative instream flow regimes); 2) what values and benefits are associated with instream flows (e.g. the sheer existence of a well‐preserved river, productive assets and cultural attributes); and 3) what methods are employed to undertake such assessments (e.g. scenario development, monetary and non‐monetary valuations, and stakeholders engagement). Building on this, we propose a methodological framework for case‐specific assessments of the restoration of environmental flows. This proposal combines increased stakeholder participation, better understanding of ecosystem functioning, awareness of the plurality of values and an accurate choice of valuation methods. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

各类计算生态需水量的方法多需要长序列实测的水文或生境资料,无法直接适用于资料短缺的河流。在实测资料短缺的平原河流通顺河武汉段上布置10个典型断面,利用人为设定的多级试算流量来替代长序列实测流量,利用MIKE11软件模拟推求河道典型断面水力参数(河宽、水深、流速和湿周等)随流量的变化关系;在此基础上,依据平原河流滩槽明显的特点,选用水力学法中基于水力参数与流量间相关关系的湿周法和生态水力学法分别计算研究河段的生态需水量。计算结果表明,通顺河武汉段的河道基本形态得以维持和生物基本栖息地得以保障时的生态需水量应为26 m3/s。所提出的计算方案能较好地推求资料短缺地区平原河流的生态需水量,也可为类似河流的生态需水计算提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Large river paradigms suggest that natural flow regimes are critical for maintaining instream habitats and promoting production and growth of native aquatic organisms. Modifications to the Missouri River, Nebraska, within the past 100 years have drastically reduced shallow water habitat, homogenized the flow regime, and contributed to declines in several native species. Despite drastic flow modifications, several metrics of the Missouri River's flow regime still vary across years. We related age‐0 channel catfish growth to environmental conditions in the channelized Missouri River, Nebraska, between 1996 and 2013 using an information theoretic approach. Growth rate was most influenced by growing season duration and duration of discharges below the 25th percentile of 30‐year daily Missouri River discharges. Periods of low water may be important for juvenile growth because of channel modifications that limit critical shallow water habitat during higher within‐bank flows. Exclusion of peak discharge and peak discharge timing in the best model to predict growth is counter to conventional thoughts on river fish responses to hydrological conditions but may be reflective of the general lack of high‐magnitude flooding during the majority of our study. Future efforts to relate juvenile fish growth to environmental conditions can provide guidance for water management in the Missouri River and other regulated North American rivers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

‘Downstream’ hydraulic geometry relationships describe the variation of water depth, velocity, and water surface width between rivers of different size at a characteristic discharge, whereas ‘at-a-station’ geometry describes the variation of hydraulic geometry with discharge within a reach. The instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) also predicts the variation in water depth and velocity with discharge at a reach scale, so that hydraulic geometry relationships can potentially be used as a preliminary method of habitat assessment. Hydraulic geometry relationships were calculated from instream habitat surveys of 73 New Zealand river reaches with mean flows varying from 0.6 to 204 m3 s−1 and an average gradient of 0.0047. The exponents of both at-a-station and downstream hydraulic geometry relationships were within the range of values reported in other international studies, although the exponents indicated that New Zealand rivers tended to experience greater changes in velocity and less in depth than the international average, probably because of high average gradient. The frequency distributions of water depth and velocity were positively skewed in most rivers, and on average the modal velocity was 90% of the mean velocity and the modal depth was 80% of mean depth. The use of at-a-station hydraulic geometry relationships for instream habitat assessment was compared to depth and velocity predictions using habitat simulation techniques (IFIM) in two streams. Measurements of stream width and depth at five cross-sections at two calibration discharges were used to establish at-a-station hydraulic geometry relationships. These predicted mean depth and velocity within 8% of the reach average values of the IFIM surveys within the range of calibration discharges and within 10–15% of the IFIM reach average when extrapolated beyond the calibration discharges. Hydraulic geometry can be used to indicate whether hydraulic conditions approach a ‘threshold’ such as a minimum acceptable depth or velocity, thus predicating the need for more extensive habitat survey and analysis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

European river basin authorities are responsible for the implementation of the new river basin management plans in accordance with the European Water Framework Directive. This paper presents a new methodology framework and approach to define and evaluate environmental flow regimes in the realistic complexities that exist with multiple water resource needs at a basin scale. This approach links river basin simulation models and habitat time series analysis to generate ranges of environmental flows (e‐flows), which are evaluated by using habitat, hydropower production and reliability of water supply criteria to produce best possible alternatives. With the use of these tools, the effects of the proposed e‐flows have been assessed to help in the consultation process. The possible effects analysed are impacts on water supply reliability, hydropower production and aquatic habitat. After public agreements, a heuristic optimization process was applied to maximize e‐flows and habitat indicators, while maintaining a legal level of reliability for water resource demands. The final optimal e‐flows were considered for the river basin management plans of the Duero river basin. This paper demonstrates the importance of considering quantitative hydrologic and ecological aspects of e‐flows at the basin scale in addressing complex water resource systems. This approach merges standard methods such as physical habitat simulations and time series analyses for evaluating alternatives, with recent methods to simulate and optimize water management alternatives in river networks. It can be integrated with or used to complement other frameworks for e‐flow assessments such as the In‐stream Flow Incremental Methodology and Ecological Limits of Hydrologic Alteration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Minimum environmental flows in rivers provide a certain level of protection for the aquatic environment. The relationship between wetted perimeter and discharge can be used to define the minimum environmental flows by the slope method (SM), or curvature method (CM), especially for cases with poor understanding of the aquatic ecosystem. SM and CM derived inconsistent values of minimum environmental flows. It was not clear which method better defined minimum environmental flow. Moreover, the computation and optimization procedures are both time consuming and error‐prone, especially for complicated wetted perimeter–discharge relationships. In this study, flow regulation for rivers was regarded as a multiple criteria decision‐making problem, with the objectives of minimum river discharge and maximum wetted perimeter. Ideal point methods (IPMs) with the scaling coefficient r = 1 (IPM1) and r = 2 (IPM2) were used to solve this model to determine optimal environmental flows. IPM was simple in computation, especially when the wetted perimeter–discharge relationship was given as scattered data pairs. Meanwhile, it was applicable to a wider range of wetted perimeter–discharge relationship than SM and CM. Environmental flows estimated by IMP1 are the same as that by SM. The analytical results for environmental flows using SM, CM, IPM1 and IPM2 were compared for wetted perimeter–discharge relationship expressed as power or logarithmic function. It showed that CM is not a good method to define environmental flows. SM with unity slope and IMP1 were recommended. CM, SM and IPM were examined for the determination of environmental flows in a river in North Xinjiang, China. Environmental flows for different transects of the studying river reach were estimated to be 21% of the mean annual flow by SM or IPM1, which provided the satisfactory wetted perimeter, water depth and average velocity for aquatic organisms. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了改善河湖水系间的物理连通关系和水力关系,从理论上系统描述河湖水系连通性特征概况,回顾了连通性相关生态模型的发展沿革,分析了河流在三个几何维度上的连通性特征,并阐述了以水为载体的物质流、物种流和信息流在三维空间流动的生态影响。在此基础上,从生态系统的结构、功能和过程出发,提出了3流4D连通性生态模型及其参数和判据,用以系统、整体地概括描述河湖水系连通性的生态学机理。结果表明,3流4D连通性生态模型一方面可以通过建立参照系统和分级系统对河湖水系连通性现状进行评估;另一方面可以对连通的生态过程进行仿真模拟计算,对河湖水系连通性特征进行模拟和分析,促使河湖水体恢复天然的水文及其伴随过程节律及生态系统功能,提高水生态修复工程的科学性和可靠性,达到改善水生态系统整体性、保障生态系统服务功能的目的。  相似文献   

Predictions of habitat‐based assessment methods that are used to determine instream flow requirements for aquatic biota are uncertain, but instream flow practitioners and managers often ignore those uncertainties. Two commonly recognized uncertainties arise from (i) estimating the way in which physical habitat within a river changes with discharge and (ii) the suitability of certain types of physical habitat for organisms. We explored how these sources of uncertainty affect confidence in the results of the British Columbia Instream Flow Methodology (BCIFM), which is a commonly used transect‐based habitat assessment tool for small‐scale water diversions. We calculated the chance of different magnitudes of habitat loss resulting from water diversion using a high‐gradient reach of the North Alouette River, BC, as a case study. We found that uncertainty in habitat suitability indices for juvenile rainbow trout generally dominated uncertainty in the results of the BCIFM when large (>15) numbers of transects were used. In contrast, with small numbers of transects, variation in physical habitat among sampled transects was the major source of uncertainty in the results of the BCIFM. Presentations of results of the BCIFM in terms of probabilities of different amounts of habitat loss for a given flow can help managers prescribe instream flow requirements based on their risk tolerance for fish habitat loss. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sandbars are an important aquatic terrestrial transition zone (ATTZ) in the active channel of rivers that provide a variety of habitat conditions for riverine biota. Channelization and flow regulation in many large rivers have diminished sandbar habitats and their rehabilitation is a priority. We developed sandbar‐specific models of discharge‐area relationships to determine how changes in flow regime affect the area of different habitat types within the submerged sandbar ATTZ (depth) and exposed sandbar ATTZ (elevation) for a representative sample of Lower Missouri River sandbars. We defined six different structural habitat types within the sandbar ATTZ based on depth or exposed elevation ranges that are important to different biota during at least part of their annual cycle for either survival or reproduction. Scenarios included the modelled natural flow regime, current managed flow regime and two environmental flow options, all modelled within the contemporary river active channel. Thirteen point and wing‐dike sandbars were evaluated under four different flow scenarios to explore the effects of flow regime on seasonal habitat availability for foraging of migratory shorebirds and wading birds, nesting of softshell turtles and nursery of riverine fishes. Managed flows provided more foraging habitat for shorebirds and wading birds and more nursery habitat for riverine fishes within the channelized reach sandbar ATTZ than the natural flow regime or modelled environmental flows. Reduced summer flows occurring under natural and environmental flow alternatives increased exposed sandbar nesting habitat for softshell turtle hatchling emergence. Results reveal how management of channelized and flow regulated large rivers could benefit from a modelling framework that couples hydrologic and geomorphic characteristics to predict habitat conditions for a variety of biota. Published in 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The maintenance of hydrologic connectivity in river networks has become an important principle for guiding management and conservation planning for threatened salmon populations, yet our understanding of how fish movement is impaired by spatial and temporal variation in connectivity remains limited. In this study, a two‐dimensional hydraulic modelling approach is presented to evaluate flow connectivity in relation to passage requirements of adult steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in coastal California streams. High‐resolution topographic data of stream reaches with distinct channel morphology were collected using terrestrial light detection and ranging surveys and linked with water surface measurements to calibrate hydraulic model simulations. Quantitative metrics of longitudinal flow connectivity were developed to assess fish passage suitability in relation to stream discharge. Measured flow data from the 2008–2009 winter season and simulated long‐term records indicated that suitable passage flows occur with relatively low frequency and duration at all sites, suggesting that instream flow protections for fish passage are warranted. Results from the hydraulic modelling simulations were then compared with two alternative methods for assessing passage flows. A regional formula used by the State of California to identify minimum instream flow needs provided conservative estimates of passage flow requirements, whereas an approach based on riffle crest water depths underestimated flow needs. The hydraulic modelling approach appears well suited for simulating flows for fish passage studies and may be particularly useful for testing alternative environmental flow assessment methods and evaluating habitat–flow relationships in stream reaches of importance, such as critical habitat for threatened fish species. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a critically important source of water for river, wetland, lake, and terrestrial ecosystems, yet most frameworks for assessing environmental flows have ignored or not explicitly included the potential impacts of groundwater pumping on environmental flows. After assessing the processes and existing policies for protecting streamflow depletion from groundwater pumping, we argue that a new groundwater presumptive standard is critical as a placeholder to protect environmental flows in rivers lacking detailed assessments. We thus extend the previous presumptive standard to groundwater pumping, a different and important driver of changes to streamflow. We suggest that “high levels of ecological protection will be provided if groundwater pumping decreases monthly natural baseflow by less than 10% through time.” The presumptive standard is intended to be a critical placeholder only where detailed scientific assessments of environmental flow needs cannot be undertaken in the near term. We also suggest a new metric, the environmental flow response time, that allows water managers to quantify the timescales of the impacts of groundwater pumping on the loss or gain of environmental flows.  相似文献   

Philosophically, the natural flow regime concept is tremendously appealing; however, its application can be challenging for many biologists without the expertise or resources to handle such approaches on their own. This is particularly true on hydropeaking rivers, where incorporating natural flow is sometimes challenging. Additional challenges include our limited understanding of how individual flow components relate to geomorphic and ecological processes. Supplementary to environmental flow approaches is understanding that many hydropeaking rivers are ecologically two different rivers in one: the low flow and high peaking flow. Taxa that require a narrow range of water velocities or cannot withstand rapid changes in discharge would likely be eliminated or competitively disadvantaged under such harsh environmental conditions. As the low and peak flows diverge, the two rivers become increasingly different ecologically, and there will likely be fewer taxa that can withstand such abiotic variability. Deviations from a natural flow regime may result in new constraints on certain fishes and invertebrates, but this does not necessarily mean a loss of productive fish habitat. Viewing hydropeaking rivers as two rivers in one and the risks associated with high to low flow ratios may serve as a more practical and useful perspective towards maintaining altered yet productive rivers while representing a step towards improving the management river ecosystems. © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2013.  相似文献   

The dynamic nature of alluvial floodplain rivers is a function of flow and sediment regimes interacting with the physiographic features and vegetation cover of the landscape. During seasonal inundation, the flood pulse forms a ‘moving littoral’ that traverses the plain, increasing productivity and enhancing connectivity. The range of spatio-temporal connectivity between different biotopes, coupled with variable levels of natural disturbance, determine successional patterns and habitat heterogeneity that are responsible for maintaining the ecological integrity of floodplain river systems. Flow regulation by dams, often compounded by other modifications such as levee construction, normally results in reduced connectivity and altered successional trajectories in downstream reaches. Flood peaks are typically reduced by river regulation, which reduces the frequency and extent of floodplain inundation. A reduction in channel-forming flows reduces channel migration, an important phenomenon in maintaining high levels of habitat diversity across floodplains. The seasonal timing of floods may be shifted by flow regulation, with major ramifications for aquatic and terrestrial biota. Truncation of sediment transport may result in channel degradation for many kilometres downstream from a dam. Deepening of the channel lowers the water-table, which affects riparian vegetation dynamics and reduces the effective base level of tributaries, which results in rejuvenation and erosion. Ecological integrity in floodplain rivers is based in part on a diversity of water bodies with differing degrees of connectivity with the main river channel. Collectively, these water bodies occupy a wide range of successional stages, thereby forming a mosaic of habitat patches across the floodplain, This diversity is maintained by a balance between the trend toward terrestrialization and flow disturbances that renew connectivity and reset successional sequences. To counter the influence of river regulation, restoration efforts should focus on reestablishing dynamic connectivity between the channel and floodplain water bodies.  相似文献   

水文指数法确定河流生态需水   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
宋兰兰  陆桂华  刘凌 《水利学报》2006,37(11):1336-1341
河流水文情势是河流生态系统的自然动力学特征,而径流情势是水文情势的重要特征。根据生物种群和环境因子之间的关系,从反映河流水文情势的径流情势中筛选水文指数,构建河流生态需水的计算方法。从径流情势中提取流量、频率、历时、发生时间、变化率5个水文指数确定河流生态需水。采用水文指数法实际计算了广东省河流的生态需水,并和Tennant法进行比较分析,结果表明,采用水文指数法计算河流生态需水是可行的。  相似文献   

Low instream flows and high water temperatures are two factors limiting survival of native salmon in California's Shasta River. This study examines the potential to improve fish habitat conditions by better managing water quantity and quality using flow and water temperature simulation to evaluate potential restoration alternatives. This analysis provides a reasonable estimate of current and potential flows and temperatures for a representative dry year (2001) in the Shasta River, California. Results suggest restoring and protecting cool spring‐fed sources provides the most benefit for native salmon species from a broad range of restoration alternatives. Implementing a combination of restoration alternatives further improves instream habitat. Results also indicate that substituting higher quality water can sometimes benefit native species without increasing environmental water allocations. This study shows the importance of focusing on the limitations of specific river systems, rather than systematically increasing instream flow as a one size fits all restoration approach. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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