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Toshiaki Rokunohe Toshiyuki Suzuki Tokio Yamagiwa Sadayuki Yuasa Shigemitsu Okabe 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2004,146(4):18-25
Evaluation of insulation strength for lightning surge that actually enters into substations is important in estimating insulation reliability of gas‐insulated equipment. The standard lightning impulse voltage (1.2/50 µs) is used for factory tests. However, the actual lightning surge waveforms in substations are complex and are usually superimposed with various oscillations. Insulation characteristics of SF6 gas as a function of such complex voltages have not been sufficiently clarified. This paper deals with gap breakdown characteristics in SF6 gas under submicrosecond pulses. Breakdown voltages are lower under a polarity reversal condition than under a monopolarity condition. The cause of this difference is discussed while observing discharge propagation using an image converter camera. The electrode size effect is also discussed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 146(4): 18–25, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10246 相似文献
目前绝大多数气体绝缘开关设备采用SF6气体绝缘,SF6泄漏导致严重的环保问题,人们迫切希望少采用或不采用SF6气体,以降低对环境的污染。为此,试验研究SF6和SF6/N2混合气体在不同混合比、不同压力以及在不同电场结构下的击穿特性,并与SF6气体的绝缘性能进行比较,试验结果表明:在N2中注入20%~30%的SF6气体后,SF6/N2混合气体绝缘性能指标可以达到纯SF6气体的80%左右,但若继续增加SF6气体的配比,则其耐电强度上升的幅度明显变慢;此外,试验研究还发现,极不均匀电场会大大降低气体的耐击穿电压强度。试验研究证明了采用SF6/N2混合气体代替纯SF6气体的技术方案的可行性。 相似文献
在SF6组合电器(GIS)的运行过程中,SF6气体中的微量水分含量的多少直接影响到GIS设备的安全可靠运行。通过对现场运行过程的分析,找出GIS组合电器气室中SF6微量水分超标的原因,提出了处理方法和预防措施。分析表明,通过早期检测,采取预防措施,可最大限度控制GIS设备内部SF6气体中的水分,降低设备损伤速度。 相似文献
Hiroyuki Shinkai Hisashi Goshima Masafumi Yashima Hideo Fujinami 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2007,159(4):8-17
Gas‐insulated switchgear (GIS) is subjected to very fast transient overvoltages such as lightning surges or disconnector switching surges. Therefore, the sparkover voltage and time (V?t) characteristics of SF6 in a very short time range of less than are of great interest from the viewpoint of insulation design and coordination for a GIS. This paper describes the V?t characteristics of SF6 at a gas pressure of 0.5 MPa using a steep‐front square impulse voltage under a quasi‐uniform field gap and presents a quantitative evaluation of the V?t characteristics for a nonstandard lightning impulse voltage. In the case of a square impulse, the V?t characteristics of positive polarity were observed to be almost flat over a long time range from 80 ns to , and rose steeply over a short time range from 80 ns down to 20 ns. For negative polarity, the V?t characteristics exhibit a gentle rise from 200 ns down to 40 ns. In the estimation of V?t characteristics, the equal‐area criterion parameters were quantitatively estimated using the square impulse. For a nonstandard lighting impulse, we found that application of the equal‐area criterion with these parameters for the nonoscillating impulse and oscillating impulse of up to 5.3 MHz as a model of lightning surge and disconnector switching surge is possible. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 159(4): 8– 17, 2007; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20309 相似文献
Breakdown voltages in uniform and quasi-uniform field gaps are sensitive to the presence of small protrusion on the electrode surface in SF6 at high pressures. The aim of the present work is to study direct breakdown and corona stabilized breakdown for the transitive region from uniform to nonuniform gap in dry air and SF6 at low pressures up to a critical pressure when direct breakdown takes place by a leader discharge crossing the gap in SF6. In a parallel-plane gap with a variable-height protrusion subjected to the dc voltage, corona onset voltage is remarkably controlled by the protrusion height. The present electrode arrangement has the advantage of directly measuring the minimum critical guiding field strength for the propagation of a streamer discharge at corona onset. The experimental observations have been explained qualitatively on the basis of a streamer model and precise electric field calculations of gap. 相似文献
Toshiaki Rokunohe Tatsuro Kato Makoto Hirose Tetsu Ishiguro 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2010,171(1):19-27
Efforts of designers of gas‐insulated switchgear (GIS) are currently focused on such features as smaller installation area and economical efficiency. Circuit breakers (CB), disconnecting switches (DS), and earthing switches (ES) have been redesigned in more compact configurations. Compactness and light‐weight requirements are applied also to bushings used in GIS. GIS bushings can be divided in three general types: capacitor, gas‐filled, and molded bushings. Requirements of the light weight and the economical efficiency of gas‐filled bushings can be satisfied by improvements in insulation technology. Size reduction can be effectively achieved by moderation of the electric field strength on the outside surface of the hollow insulator in the area of the inner grounded electrode tip. We devised a new inner grounded electrode structure consisting of a cylindrical electrode and a ring electrode supported by column electrodes. This paper describes the effect of reduction of the maximum value of electric field strength on the outside surface of the hollow insulator by a new type of grounded electrode. Then, improvement of insulation performance for electrodes with insulation coating in SF6 gas is described as the composite insulation technology. Finally, the efficiency of these insulation technologies is described by the basic insulation test results of a prototype compact 800‐kV SF6 gas‐filled bushing. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 171(1): 19–27, 2010; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience. wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20898 相似文献
Katunori Watabe Kouji Shinomiya Hideki Ueno Mitsuyoshi Onoda Hiroshi Nakayama 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2000,131(1):1-9
The effect of a barrier between a needle electrode and a plane one in an (N2/SF6) gas mixture on creeping flashover was investigated using a microsecond pulse voltage. The SF6 gas content was varied from 0% to 100%, and the gas pressure from 0.1 MPa to 0.3 MPa. The flashover voltage increased with increasing SF6 gas content for a positive needle electrode. For a negative needle electrode, excepting the total pressure of 0.1 MPa, at which similar flashover characteristics were obtained to the positive case, a considerable decrease in flashover voltage was found in the case of a mixture of a few percent SF6 in (N2/SF6) gas mixture at elevated total pressures. The corona behavior on the barrier in (N2/SF6) gas mixture was investigated by means of a high‐speed digital framing camera. © 2000 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 131(1): 1–9, 2000 相似文献
SF_6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器研制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍西容公司新研制的一种完全无油化的SF_6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器,提出了关键技术问题解决方案和产品绝缘结构的设计思路。并介绍了研制成功的110kV和220kV系列产品的结构、技术参数、性能指标、试验考核情况和产品特点。 相似文献
在E/p 值为7.52~94.0kV(/mm·MPa)的较大范围内,采用稳态汤逊法(SST)测量了SF_6-He和SF_6-Ne的电离系数α和吸附系数η,求出了在各混合比下的SF_6-He、SF_6-Ne的临界耐电强度值(E/p)_(lim),并分析了两种混合气体的绝缘特性. 相似文献
SF6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器研制 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文介绍西容公司新研制的一种完全无油化的SF6气体绝缘电容式电压互感器,提出了关键技术问题解决方案和产品绝缘结构的设计思路.并介绍了研制成功的110kV和220kV系列产品的结构、技术参数、性能指标、试验考核情况和产品特点. 相似文献
根据对SF_6气体极不均匀场间隙异常放电的分析,提出了由三条界限线,即流注击穿线、低概率冲击击穿线和电晕起始线组成的估算间隙低概率冲击击穿电压的方法;击穿电压的计算值和实验测量值的比较表明,计算给出的是稍偏严的结果. 相似文献
冲击电压下SF6气体绝缘中局部放电及其检测技术研究现状及展望 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
阐述了开展冲击电压下SF6气体绝缘中局部放电及其检测技术研究的意义,以及冲击电压下局部放电的研究手段和设备现状,包括振荡冲击电压发生器、典型绝缘缺陷模型和冲击电压下局部放电的检测方法等方面。介绍了现阶段冲击电压下SF6气体绝缘中局部放电的研究仍处于实验室阶段,重点仍在于冲击电压下典型绝缘缺陷模型(针板电极和绝缘气泡)局部放电的发展机理和特征,在实际生产中应用仍需要进一步研究;最后提出了该项研究目前存在的问题及以后的研究方向。 相似文献
Hiroyuki Hama Kiyoshi Inami Manabu Yoshimura Koichiro Nakanishi 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1996,116(5):1-17
In this paper, a method is proposed to estimate the minimum breakdown voltages of surface flashovers initiated from the triple junction at which a solid insulator, SF6 gas, and a metal electrode come in contact. Using four kinds of test samples, the flashover voltages Vf are measured. The voltages Vf become lower than the theoretical voltages Vs of streamer inception in the case of the test sample with the large electrode area at the triple junction. To understand the phenomena quantitatively, we estimated the real partial discharge voltages Vc from the voltages Vf, and investigated the relationship between the voltages Vc and the theoretical values Vs. The values of Vs/Vc, which characterize the properties of the partial discharges, can be shown by the product λS90%Eav P of the following parameters: (1) coefficient λ representing the surface roughness of electrode at the triple junction; (2) effective area S90% of the electrode; (3) average field Eav at the area S90%; and (4) gas pressure p. The minimum surface flashover voltages in the insulators for coaxial electrode systems can be estimated precisely, considering the properties of Vs/Vc. 相似文献
Shinya Ohtsuka Shunji Nagara Masaki Koumura Yousuke Hashimoto Michiaki Nakamura Masayuki Hikita 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2002,140(3):34-43
This paper describes partial discharge (PD) inception and breakdown voltage characteristics of a CO2/N2/SF6 gas mixture in a nonuniform field. These voltage characteristics were investigated with ac high voltage by changing the mixture rate of each gas of CO2, N2, and SF6 gas and the gas pressure from 0.1 MPa to 0.6 MPa. It was found that adding a small amount of CO2 gas into a N2/SF6 mixture causes a drastic increase in the breakdown voltage. For instance, when the mixture rate of SF6 in N2/SF6 gas mixture is 50%, with the addition of 1% CO2 the maximum breakdown voltage becomes 1.31 and 1.15 times higher than that of a 50% N2/50% SF6 gas mixture and pure SF6 gas, respectively. Moreover, those voltage characteristics of a CO2/N2/SF6 gas mixture were also investigated by changing the electric field utilization factor as well as by applying positive and negative standard lightning impulse voltages in order to discuss the corona stabilization effect, which seems to be one reason for the drastic increase in the breakdown voltage. These results and breakdown mechanism of the CO2/N2/SF6 gas mixture are discussed on the basis of the corona stabilization effect and the dissociation energies of the component gases by observing PD light images, PD light intensities through a blue and red filter, and PD current waveforms. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 140(3): 34–43, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10019 相似文献