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老龄化是21世纪全球性议题,我国作为人口大国,人口老龄化问题日益加剧.针对此,提倡居家与社区养老成为我国应对人口结构变化的重要政策,而社区环境配置与社区空间营造成为影响老年人生活品质的关键因素.日本在应对老龄化及社区适老化环境设计方面探索较早,以日本东京谷中社区为例,梳理谷中社区老龄化环境特性及空间配置,分析老年人在社... 相似文献
二战后的日本城市经历了\"城市化社会-城市型社会-城市收缩\"三个过程,其城市规划相关法律和方法也随之不断转型。本文梳理了日本在城市收缩阶段相关规划法的转型、城市变革类型、城市空间问题,着重从老龄化、少子化问题对策角度,在宏观、中观、微观三个层级分析日本的空间规划对策。宏观层级主要介绍育儿、养老支援体系和上位法规的转变;中观层级介绍面向少子老龄化的人口收缩的设计理念的转变;微观层级则以案例为核心,介绍近年来社区公共育儿支援设施、老幼共生住区,空屋激活计划,街道复兴策略等面向空间具体问题时的规划设计经验。最终比照中国近年来的老龄化、少子化趋势,从宏观、中观、微观三个层级归纳日本在城市收缩阶段可供参考的经验。 相似文献
城市是生物多样性关注的热点区域,亦是生态文明建设和可持续发展的重要空间组成部分。风景园林、城乡规划领域既往研究中多次提及生物多样性保护的重要性,然而对具体的保护方针措施及政策研究较为笼统,不利于城市生物多样性保护工作的充分开展。围绕日本生物多样性友好型绿地规划热点,基于深度案例解析其生物多样性导向下城市绿地总体规划相关施策;并以日本新宿区为核心案例,分析城市中心区范围内生态网络构建方法,厘清日本生物多样性保护政策的具体流程;总结生物多样性友好型绿地系统规划经验,以及国内绿地规划实际,讨论其规划施策经验在中国相关领域的可借鉴性,为未来国内城市生物多样性保护工作及生态文明建设提供规划管控施策及理论方法层面参考。 相似文献
随着我国老龄化的日趋严峻,以及家庭规模日益小型化,子女难以独立完成照顾父母的家庭重任,社区养老的重要性开始突显。通过对日本社区嵌入型养老机构的利用老人进行问卷调研,解析影响老人选择社区嵌入型养老机构的相关因素,提出合理规划社区嵌入型养老机构的规划策略。结果显示老人在选择社区嵌入型养老机构时,重视离自己及子女居住地近的要素,并在实际利用时,呈现相同的趋势;城市化水平不同的城市,其老人在选择利用机构时,选择理由呈现出差异性。当前,我国正处于快速老龄化的发展进程之中,国家高度重视并积极鼓励“在地安养”,探讨日本社区嵌入型养老机构的规划策略,从中汲取经验,对完善中国社区养老机构的规划建设和社区养老服务模式的构建有重要的参考和借鉴意义。 相似文献
在快速的城市化进程中,我国的城市社区治理经历了治理结构的变迁,也遇到了治理秩序失衡、治理失效等问题.《新城市议程》强调从全球、国家、区域、城市及社区尺度建立所有人和社区力量有效参与的治理体系,为我国的城市社区治理提供了新的思路.文章在系统梳理我国城市社区治理范式演进历程的基础上,从治理思维、治理内涵和治理维度3个层面对... 相似文献
Merritt Polk 《Planning Theory & Practice》2013,14(4):481-497
This paper analyses the ways in which top administrators and planners have framed sustainable development in western Sweden and explores the impact of this framing on formal planning processes and decision making at a regional level. Three main conceptualizations of sustainable development are identified, which are here termed the “pro-market”, the “win–win” and the “interdependent” framings. While the “interdependent” framing was most influential in the region studied, the multi-level, multi-sector nature of the network ensured that it was not unchallenged. Instead, an open arena for learning and dialogue about long-term and holistic approaches to planning was established. This allowed a core definition of sustainable development that integrated environmental limits with basic human needs (long term and global) to have a real and practical impact on decision making. 相似文献
David W. Edgington 《Planning Perspectives》2019,34(1):115-132
Comprehensive planning has been a key activity of local governments in Japan. This paper discusses the history of the comprehensive planning concept and argues that the purpose of comprehensive planning in large Japanese cities (dai-toshi) differs from that in Western cities. Specifically, Japanese comprehensive plans reflect Japan’s distinctive planning and political culture, such as the country’s history of granting gradually increased local autonomy to its cities under the Local Government Act, and the implementation of top-down plans prepared and implemented by powerful mayors and bureaucracies. Since year 2000 comprehensive plans for Japanese large cities have begun to change due to lower rates of economic growth, population stability, and ageing, alongside the challenges of introducing more efficiency and effectiveness into the planning process. 相似文献
《China City Planning Review》2012,(1):22-29
From a governmental perspective, after a thorough analysis on provincial urban system planning, this paper summarizes the new cognitions and consensuses of provincial urban system planning guided by the Scientific View of Development. It points out that there have been explicit definitions in related laws and regulations on the responsible main body, the review and approval procedure, and the planning content. The paper generalizes three "musts" in planning content, three "musts" in planning administration by superior government, and three "controls" by the government at provincial level. 相似文献
随着城市更新项目的推进,多元主体协同参与治理已成为共识。为保证协同治理的有效性,主体之间的协同关系应当与面临的冲突问题相匹配。基于此,使用文本分析和扎根理论等方法,从权力视角出发,将治理主体与冲突问题纳入同一框架,以内部协调机制为基础,通过加强现有关系、建立新的关系、形成联盟、增强沟通 4 个路径来实现内部协同;以外部保障机制为支撑,从政策法规、制度建设、引入外部组织 3 个方面来获得外部支持,从而构建城市更新项目的协同治理机制,对进一步深化城市更新协同治理的认识有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
本文针对目前城市绿地建设和规划中指标体系存在的问题,结合南京市绿地系统专项规划,提出了特大城市绿地系统规划中指标的选取标准和完善城市绿地规划指标体系的建议,以供同行讨论。 相似文献
珠三角城市群地区的区域规划与区域治理——基于《珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要》的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<珠江三角洲地区改革发展规划纲要>是我国近年来推出的重要区域规划之一,其内容丰富、涉及面广,但关注的核心问题是经济发展的转型和区域协调发展.珠三角地区应以该规划纲要为指导,在城乡规划编制中体现公共政策性和法律约束性,建立以城乡规划为核心的统一空间规划体系,积极推进区域治理和区域整合,构建多中心的城市区域结构,努力建成资... 相似文献
Neil Foley 《Urban Policy and Research》2016,34(3):199-211
This article reviews the history of the governance approaches and planning and funding tools utilised for regional public land acquisition in Perth and Sydney. Focus in this analysis is placed on the hypothecated land tax model used in Perth of the Metropolitan Region Improvement Tax (MRIT). The main outcome of the comparison and contrast of the approaches taken in Perth and Sydney is to present the case for the extension of the “Perth model”, which includes the MRIT, to other Australian cities. The benefit, from the perspective of the implementation of public policy and strategic metropolitan planning, of the availability and utilisation of a hypothecated tax for public land acquisition, is a key conclusion of this article. 相似文献
ABSTRACTIn the theory of urban development, the evolutionary perspective is becoming dominant. Cities are understood as complex systems shaped by bottom-up processes with outcomes that are hard to foresee and plan for. This perspective is strengthened by the current turn towards smart cities and the intensive use of digital technologies to optimize urban ecosystems. This paper extends the evolutionary thinking and emerging dynamics of cities to smart city planning. It is based on recent efforts for a smart city strategy in Thessaloniki that enhances the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of the city. Taking advantage of opportunities offered by the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge, the Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities, the World Bank, and the EU Horizon 2020 Program, Thessaloniki shaped a strategy for an inclusive economy, resilient infrastructure, participatory governance, and open data. This process, however, does not have the usual features of planning. It reveals the complex dimension of smart city planning as a synthesis of technologies, user engagement, and windows of opportunity, which are fuzzy at the start of the planning process. The evolutionary features of cities, which until now were ascribed to the working of markets, are now shaping the institutional aspects of planning for smart cities. 相似文献
从理论认识、问题研判、社区分类与特征识别、分类指导与分期实施四个方面对《成都市城乡社区发展规划(2018-2035年)》编制进行了梳理,重点阐释了市级层面社区发展规划三方面的理论探索:①社区发展规划延续了“五大社区”战略目标,通过8种“发展要素”的提取,将上位规划与平行规划的要求纳入社区分类和发展规划中,明确了这一全新的规划类型与现存规划体系的关系;②通过“社区发展群”的划分、特征识别和十大行动引导,市级社区发展规划将顶层设计(五大社区)层层传导至区县和街道镇的社区治理行动中,建立了“从宏观战略到社会治理最后一公里”的传导机制;③通过“八大社区发展群”及其分类指导,规划彰显了成都城乡社区的多元特征,同时也为区县和街道镇层级的社区规划留出操作空间。可以说《成都市城乡社区发展规划(2018-2035年)》提供了一个从宏观视角研究和引导基层社区发展的可能。 相似文献