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During April–July 2000, we radio‐tagged and released juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to evaluate a prototype surface flow bypass at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River. The mock bypass, called a prototype surface collector (PSC), had six vertical slot entrances that were each 6 m wide and 12 m deep. The PSC was retrofitted to the upstream face of Bonneville Dam's First Powerhouse. Our objectives were to: (1) assess species‐specific differences in movement patterns and behaviour of fish within 6 m of the face of the PSC, (2) estimate the efficiency and effectiveness of the PSC and (3) evaluate factors affecting the performance of the PSC. We found that 60–72% of the fish, depending on species, detected within 6 m of the PSC entered it. Of the fish that passed the First Powerhouse at turbines 1–6, 79–83% entered the PSC. Diel period was a significant contributor to PSC performance for all species, and day of year was a significant contributor to PSC performance for subyearling Chinook salmon. The PSC was twice as effective (%fish/%flow) as the spillway, passing 2.5:1 steelhead and subyearling Chinook salmon and 2.4:1 yearling Chinook salmon per unit of water. If fully implemented, the PSC would increase the percentage of fish that pass the First Powerhouse through non‐turbine routes from 65–77% (without the PSC) to 76–85% (with the PSC), depending on species. Published in 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riverine fish populations depend on habitats supporting their resource and life history needs. Dynamic streamflow caused by river regulation or natural events influences the distribution of downstream habitat characteristics. Through studying habitat selection, we can identify the most utilized and valuable habitats for the success of native fishes. We determined seasonal habitat selection of two common, native fish species on the Osage River downstream of Bagnell Dam, a hydroelectric dam in central Missouri, from April 2016 to June 2017 using radio telemetry. Spotted Bass (Micropterus punctulatus) are nest‐guarders, sight feeders, and habitat generalists, whereas Shorthead Redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum) are fluvial dependent, migratory, and benthic feeders. Bayesian discrete choice analyses determined that both species selected particular water depth, velocity, and presence of submerged cover in some or all seasons, even as available habitat changed. Spotted Bass selected water depths <4.0 m near submerged cover during all seasons, low velocity during spring and summer, and near‐bank habitat in all seasons except spring. Shorthead Redhorse used fast flowing habitat during spring, 0.4–1.1 m/s velocity during summer, and low velocity in fall and winter (0.1–0.5 m/s). Shorthead Redhorse used submerged cover in all seasons except summer and selected specific ranges of depth within spring (2.4–4.4 m), summer (3.3–6.7 m), and winter (1.1–2.3 m). Our findings suggest that maintaining habitats with cover and diverse water depths and velocities, particularly both low and high velocity habitats during spring, may promote resilience by providing beneficial habitats for native fishes.  相似文献   

北方地区由于缺水干旱、城市化进程发展和人为活动等影响导致河流生境退化严重,现有评价体系和方法不能很好地反映河流生境状况,基于此,构建了包括河流形态结构、水质水量、河岸带状况、景观环境、水生生物5个方面共13项指标的北方河流生境质量评价指标体系,确定了各指标的等级划分及生境质量综合指数计算方法。结合北京市延庆区妫水河生境调查结果,对流域内选取的妫水河干流及3条支流按照河流河段尺度分为缓坡型、山区型和城区型河段,并利用构建的评价体系和方法开展具体评价。结果表明:(1)研究区域13个样点的河流生境质量状况差异显著,约46.2%的样点河流生境质量处于好等级,约15.4%的样点为较好等级,约7.7%的样点为一般等级,约23.1%样点为较差等级,约7.7%的样点为最差等级。(2)缓坡型河段的生境质量明显优于山区型河段和城区型河段,其生境等级为"好",山区型和城区型河段的生境等级均为"较差",表明河流水量和人类负面干扰对河流生境影响较大。(3)该评价指标体系适合北方缺水干旱的特殊生境状况,其评价结果较为直观的反映了河流生境现状,兼备科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

基于松花江流域拦河建筑物现状,采用阻隔系数法,评价主要干支流的纵向连通性。结果表明:松花江干流和嫩江纵向连通性指数分别为0.21和0.27,连通性评价等级为良,第二松花江连通性指数为0.62,连通性评价等级为中等。嫩江支流中连通性最好的是嫩江,成为冷水性鱼与嫩江尼尔基以下河段交流的唯一通道;而甘河、雅鲁河、绰尔河和讷谟儿河连通性评价等级为良,洮儿河、霍林河和乌裕尔河连通性评价等级为劣。第二松花江支流中伊通河和饮马河拦河坝众多,鱼类洄游受阻,连通性等级为劣。松花江干流支流牡丹江、拉林河受梯级水电站开发影响,其评价指数为劣;倭肯河、汤旺河受河流沿岸灌区渠首闸坝、水库及水电站建设影响,评价等级为差,这些支流目前濒危珍稀鱼类已绝迹,也极少见到冷水性鱼类。整个流域内未建设过鱼设施,对鱼类洄游和种群交流产生阻隔,提出了补建和新建过鱼设施,必要时开展增殖放流的措施。建议对没有预留生态流量的拦河建筑物进行改造或者利用现有设施泄放生态流量,对预留生态流量的调整水库调度方案保证其下泄流量满足不同时间、空间鱼类生存需求。  相似文献   

The role of native trees, Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and Goodding willow (Salix gooddingii), in structuring the riparian small mammal assemblage on rivers in the American desert southwest is unclear. It is unknown, for example, whether these trees directly or indirectly provide the food or shelter necessary for the presence of any species. Because of the rapid and widespread decline of gallery forest, due in part to river regulation, the retention of remnant stands and replacement of lost stands are major regional conservation issues. To elucidate small mammal–forest linkages, we compared patterns of macrohabitat use among terrestrial small mammals at two rehabilitated and one unmanipulated alluvial floodplain site along the highly regulated lower Colorado River. We also compared current patterns to the Colorado River faunal associations Joseph Grinnell documented in 1910, prior to significant flow regulation. We used grid‐based, capture‐mark‐recapture techniques at two revegetation sites, each a mosaic of six distinct macrohabitats, including planted cottonwood/willow, to associate species with specific macrohabitats. We also trapped a ‘reference’ grid containing naturally regenerating cottonwood and willow at a site on the lower Bill Williams River floodplain. Despite very poor development of cottonwood plantings at one of the revegetated sites, each supported at least nine species and harbored all seven species that Grinnell associated with areas flooded nearly every year. The set of species Grinnell associated with cottonwood/willow stands (Peromyscus maniculatus, Reithrodontomys megalotis, and Sigmodon arizonae) was trapped at both revegetation sites but entirely absent at the reference site. The Bill Williams site may be inaccessible to Sigmodon, but the absence of the other two species is probably a consequence of differences in floodplain structure and functioning among the study sites as well as between the Bill Williams site and historic Colorado River riparian areas. Our data suggest the richness of the native lower Colorado River riparian small mammal assemblage is unrelated to the presence or absence of cottonwood/willow trees, but does depend in part upon the presence or absence of dense herbaceous vegetation. Resource managers attempting to rehabilitate degraded desert riverine ecosystems need to consider understory as well as overstory plant species in revegetation efforts. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

香鱼是楠溪江较为名贵且对环境敏感的一种鱼类,由于人类活动影响,香鱼栖息地遭到破坏,导致香鱼数量急剧减少。为进一步开展楠溪江香鱼栖息地的水生态保护与修复工作,本文对楠溪江香鱼栖息地水质及着生藻类进行了现场调查与分析,结果表明:香鱼产卵期的产卵场及育肥期的育肥场水质相对较好,能为香鱼的产卵、育肥提供较好的水质环境;上溯期的中游产卵场河段及下游感潮河段水质均较差,不利于香鱼从下游河段向育肥场迁移。产卵场和育肥场着生藻类生物量丰富,以硅藻为主,有利于香鱼的产卵和育肥。为促进楠溪江香鱼栖息地的保护与修复,针对楠溪江下游感潮河段开展水环境综合治理工作,提出了重点关注TN的削减的建议。  相似文献   

Climate Change and Resource Management in the Columbia River Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Scenarios of global climate change were examined to see what impacts they might have on transboundary water management in the Columbia River basin. Scenario changes in natural streamflow were estimated using a basin hydrology model. These scenarios tended to show earlier seasonal peaks, with possible reductions in total annual flow and lower minimum flows. Impacts and adaptation responses to the natural streamflow scenarios were determined through two exercises: (a) estimations of system reliability using a reservoir model with performance measures and (b) interviews with water managers and other stakeholders in the Canadian portion of the basin. Results from the two exercises were similar, suggesting a tendency towards reduced reliability to meet objectives for power production, fisheries, and agriculture. Reliability to meet flood control objectives would be relatively unchanged in some scenarios but reduced in others. This exercise suggests that despite the high level of development and management in the Columbia, vulnerabilities would still exist, and impacts could still occur in scenarios of natural streamflow changes caused by global climate change. Many of these would be indirect, reflecting the complex relationship between the region and its climate.  相似文献   

为分析淮河流域环境流要素的变化趋势及其对洪泽湖鱼类栖息地的生态影响,以淮河中下游河段为研究区,采用IHA法,将蚌埠水文站1950—2015年径流序列划分为2002年蚌埠闸扩建前后两个时期,采用5种流量事件筛选出32种环境流评价指标,分析了水文变异条件下5种环境事件的生态效应;以鳜鱼为洪泽湖指示鱼类,综合考虑栖息地限制因子,运用PHABSIM模型得到栖息地加权可利用面积-流量曲线,计算了鳜鱼产卵期的生态流量。结果表明:淮河中下游环境流组成趋于单一化,大洪水事件减少,枯水流量增大,高脉冲流量持续时间缩短,出现次数增加,对下游生态环境不利;洪泽湖鳜鱼4—6月产卵期的最小生态流量为300 m~3/s,适宜生态流量为550 m~3/s;需合理调控环境流,增加鱼类补充和物质循环,并采取湖泊生态修复等措施,维持洪泽湖的生态平衡。  相似文献   

莱茵河流域水环境管理的经验对长江中下游综合治理的启   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
以欧洲莱茵河流域近 5 0年的综合治理经验 ,尤其是近 10年相继开展的一系列流域管理行动计划的成果 ,介绍莱茵河从传统的单一流域水管理向以生存质量可持续发展为目标的可持续综合管理转变过程 ,即流域有关国家跨国协调的经验 ,流域内各国为共同治理莱茵河签署的控制化学污染公约、控制氯化物污染公约、防治热污染公约、2 0 0 0年行动计划、洪水管理行动计划等一系列协定 ,由此展望莱茵河流域可持续管理的未来。建议我国在长江三角洲经济发达地区尽快采用严格的欧洲环境管理标准 ,严密监测 ,强化监督 ,依法治理。  相似文献   

本研究采用野外生物监测、栖息地同步观测和实验室控制实验等技术手段,应用生物学、鱼类生态学、生态水力学、水文学等多学科理论,基于河流栖息地模拟法,研究了黄河下游指示物种黄河鲤生态学特性及其栖息生境与流速、水深、水温等水文水环境因子之间的关系,将径流条件与目标物种不同生长阶段生物学信息相结合,建立了代表物种繁殖期、越冬期栖息地适宜度指数,构建了黄河下游重点河段河流栖息地模型,建立了指示物种栖息地状况与河川径流条件定量响应关系,提出黄河下游花园口和利津断面繁殖期最小生态流量为300 m3/s和100 m3/s、适宜生态流量为600~700 m3/s和190~250 m3/s。该研究在水生生物习性及其与河川径流响应关系方面实现突破,解决了黄河生态需水研究中关键技术问题。  相似文献   

During floodbank raising work as part of a major capital flood defence scheme on the River Torne between 1985 and 1990, selected reaches of the main trapezoidal channel were enhanced. By winning spoil from the channel margins and from borrow pits in the floodplain, a more varied marginal zone was created which maximised the potential habitat for wetland plant communities and their associated fauna. Enhancement comprised bank re‐profiling to create narrow wetland shelves (berms), shallow bays, channel margins of varying shape and depth and linear still ponds from the borrow pits. The 1990 planting programme comprised 11 macrophyte species and a total of 7740 individual plants. This paper reports on an initial study to evaluate the marginal habitat enhancements on the River Torne 5 years after completion of the project. Lack of pre‐scheme data necessitated a space‐time substitution; enhanced river margins were compared with neighbouring reaches that had undergone conventional floodbank repair and remained as trapezoidal channel sections planted with a standard, low maintenance seed mix. Marginal vegetation was surveyed and supported by measurements of the physical habitat at 10 enhanced and 10 conventionally‐engineered reaches. The macrophyte surveys and the results from the cluster analysis and polar ordination indicate that enhanced and conventionally‐engineered reaches are floristically distinct and that the enhanced reaches have a more varied macrophyte community. The results from the Mann–Whitney U‐tests show that enhanced reaches have significantly higher values of wetland species diversity and equitability, percentage of wetland species, bank width and soil moisture and significantly lower bank angles. However, the correlation and linear regression analyses did not show any strong associations between the physical habitat and plant parameters. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus is a highly mobile species and is known to make extensive seasonal movements in lotic systems. Dams have been suggested to detrimentally affect this species, although abundant channel catfish populations are known to occur in many fragmented rivers. To examine factors that allow channel catfish to persist in impounded rivers, we assessed relative abundance of channel catfish in three impounded and three flowing sites of the Fox River, Illinois, USA. Radiotelemetry was used to determine movement and habitat use patterns of channel catfish among flowing and impounded areas. Relative abundance of channel catfish was consistently higher at flowing sites than at impounded sites during summer. Several radio‐tagged channel catfish moved downstream into impounded areas in fall, and all tagged individuals were found in impounded areas during winter. The majority of tagged channel catfish moved upstream into flowing areas during spring. Channel catfish used a wide range of depths (0.28–2.60 m), and were always found in current velocities less than 0.50 m s?1. They selected most strongly for coarse substrates, but were infrequently found near cover. Although low‐head dams restrict the movements of channel catfish, impounded areas appear to provide overwintering habitats that may eliminate the need for seasonal long‐distance movements. Small run‐of‐river impoundments, however, may contain unsuitable conditions for channel catfish during other seasons. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) populations were decimated by a variety of anthropogenic activities throughout much of the 20th century. Understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of spawning migrations within natal rivers is a critical information gap with regard to habitat protection and ultimately, species recovery. The objectives of this study were to document and describe seasonal movements of shortnose sturgeon in the Altamaha River system, Georgia. Passive acoustic telemetry was used to monitor the movements of 40 adult individuals from April 2011 through February 2014. Telemetry data revealed that during much of the year, the adults resided within the tidally influenced portion of the river, with most detections occurring near the freshwater–saltwater interface. Upstream movements to potential spawning habitat occurred during winter and early spring, and most fish returned to the lower estuary by April. Upstream migrations appeared to be triggered by environmental cues and were initiated when mean weekly temperatures in the lower Altamaha River were 11.6–16.9 °C. Unlike spawning migrations documented in northern rivers, the pattern of movement observed in this study was a single‐step migration without an apparent resting or staging period. Upstream migrations during nonspawning months were also observed and appeared to correspond with increasing discharge, which potentially resulted in increased channel navigability and habitat availability in nondrought years. This study further illustrates the clinal variations in life history typical of the species and may have important implications on river‐specific strategies for species recovery.  相似文献   

朱玲玲 《人民长江》2017,48(11):27-31
长江中下游"一江两湖"交织,形成我国最为庞大和复杂的江湖水网,是水资源最为丰富的地区,亦是长江经济带发展规划的重点区域。近60 a来,江湖系统内、外部人类活动频繁,规模大,致使泥沙来源、来量及分布格局显著变化,江湖关系相应调整。基于江湖系统不同控制区的泥沙通量计算,揭示了"一江两湖"泥沙分布格局调整的3个特征阶段:1956~1980年江平衡、湖沉积,1981~2002年江湖同沉积和2003~2015年江湖同补给。下荆江裁弯、水土保持工程、湖泊围垦和水利枢纽工程等多重人类活动以及极端的水文情势,对江湖泥沙分布格局阶段的调整影响明显。  相似文献   

采用海河流域北系20个气象站1956年-2012年降水时间序列,从趋势、周期、突变和空间差异四个方面分析了该地区降水时空变化特征。结果显示:海河北系年降水以14.9mm/(10a)的速度减少;降水具有多时间尺度下的显著差异特征:月尺度较平稳,仅10月、11月发生显著下降,5月、6月发生显著增加;季尺度上,春、秋季较平稳,夏、冬季呈现下降趋势;年降雨呈现28年显著周期,并且在20世纪80年代前后转入枯水期。地区差异上,山区较平原区降水变化幅度更大,但周期平稳,突变时间更早。  相似文献   

金沙江流域降水空间分布特征及变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据金沙江流域25个气象站点1961~2010年的降水观测数据,采用Mann-Kendall非参数检验及经验模态(EMD)趋势拟合等方法,分析了流域降水时空分布特征及其近期变化趋势。结果表明,金沙江流域年季降水量存在明显的区域差异。高程4 000 m以上的区域降水总体呈显著增加趋势,面平均年降水量变幅达1.68 mm/a;高程4 000~3 000 m的区域降水量总体呈不显著增加趋势,面平均年降水量变幅为0.8 mm/a;高程3 000 m以下的区域降水量总体表现为不显著下降趋势,面平均年降水量降幅为-0.59 mm/a。年降水量变化主要体现在夏秋季降水量变化上;高程4 000 m以上和3 000 m以下两个区域降水集中性和降水强度存在增加趋势,其干旱现象也愈发严重;近期流域极端降水可能存在增加趋势。  相似文献   

为了解黄河下游支流大汶河鱼类多样性及其与环境因子的关系,分别于2017年4月和10月对大汶河24个采样点进行鱼类及环境调查,采用冗余分析方法识别了影响大汶河鱼类个体数量和多样性指数的主要环境因子。结果表明:2017年共采集到鱼类8 299尾,隶属于4目16科25种,其中鲤科鱼类共15种;鱼类多样性和均匀性较差,优势种以鲫(Carassius auratus)、(Hemiculter leucisclus)和乌鳢(Channa argus)等耐受性较强的平原性鱼类为主;大汶河鱼类物种数量、生物量和多样性指数的季节性变化不显著,但是秋季个体数量显著大于春季;影响大汶河鱼类个体数量的主要环境因子是水深和河宽,而影响鱼类多样性指数的主要环境因子是DO。  相似文献   

The effects of deep‐draft vessel traffic in confined riverine channels on shorelines and fish are of widespread concern. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States, wakes and subsequent beach run‐up from ships transiting the Lower Columbia River have been observed to strand juvenile salmon and other fish. As part of a before‐and‐after study to assess stranding effects that may be associated with channel deepening, we measured 19 variables from observations of 126 vessel passages at three low‐slope beaches and used multiple logistic regression to discern the significant factors influencing the frequency of stranding. Subyearling Chinook salmon were 82% of the fish stranded over all sites and seasons. Given a low‐slope beach, stranding frequencies for juvenile salmon were significantly related to river location, salmon density in the shallows, a proxy for ship kinetic energy, tidal height and two interactions. The beach types selected for our study do not include all the beach types along the Lower Columbia River so that the stranding probabilities described here cannot be extrapolated river‐wide. A more sophisticated modelling effort, informed by additional field data, is needed to assess salmon losses by stranding for the entire lower river. Such modelling needs to include river‐scale factors such as beach type, berms, proximity to navigation channel, and perhaps, proximity to tributaries that act as sources of outmigrating juvenile salmon. At both river and beach scales, no one factor produces stranding; rather interactions among several conditions produce a stranding event and give stranding its episodic nature. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

小浪底水库投入运行以后,黄河下游河道地貌发生巨大变化,滩区治理面临土地保护与开发利用之间的矛盾。本文基于地形空间插值与实测资料研究了花园口-高村宽滩游荡型河段在2000—2017年间的泥沙分布特征及滩区地貌演变情况,并提出滩区改造方案。研究发现,由于小浪底水库拦沙作用,长期低含沙水流下泄导致河床形态调整加剧,主槽冲刷明显,洪水漫滩几率降低;下游河道生产堤及控导工程的修建,加上土地开发利用及其他人为活动影响,滩区逐渐从沉积模式转为侵蚀模式;花园口-高村河段在2000—2017年累计侵蚀11.373亿m3,其中滩地侵蚀约2.145亿m3。为了沿黄经济带发展与滩区生态建设,有必要采用机械放淤、填方再造等手段对下游滩区进行分区改造,优化土地资源利用。  相似文献   

鞠艳  张珂  李炳锋  陶然  张菁  吴星宇 《水资源保护》2022,38(6):104-110, 153
通过GRACE重力卫星观测数据和GLDAS陆面模式同化数据重构金沙江流域实际蒸散发,采用质量守恒约束降尺度方法提升GRACE重力卫星陆地水储量观测数据的空间分辨率;基于水量平衡方法,重建了金沙江流域2002—2016年的子流域尺度逐月实际蒸散发,分析了金沙江流域实际蒸散发的时空变化特征以及影响实际蒸散发的主要驱动因子。结果表明:重建的实际蒸散发与7种蒸散发产品的可靠性均较高,其中与NOAH产品的平均差和均方根误差最小,与PLSH产品的相关系数较好,为0.82;金沙江流域多年平均实际蒸散发量为447.30mm,空间分布上自西北向东南逐渐增加。2002—2016年蒸散发呈不显著的增加趋势;各土地利用类型蒸散发中,林地蒸散发的增加速率最大,草地的增加速率最小;金沙江流域实际蒸散发主要受降水和气温影响,受风速影响次之,受归一化植被指数和相对湿度的影响较小。  相似文献   

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