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In the morning of December 15, 2005, the foundation ceremony of CNOOC Huizhou refinery was held at the Petrochemical Industry Block in Daya Bay Economy and Technical Development District, Huizhou, Guangdong Province, South China. This project is regarded as the one of Guangdong Province's key projects set during the period of 11th Five- Year Plan,  相似文献   

On November 18, 2002, CNOOC Limited announced appointment of Professor Kenneth Courtis and Dr. Erwin Schurtenberger as Nonexecutive Directors of the Company effective immediately. They replaced Mr. Tso Kai Sum and Mr. Will Honeybourne who sat on the board on behalf of strategic investors and whose terms now expired.Professor Kenneth Courtis is Managing Director of Goldman Sachs and Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asia. Professor Courtis has won numerous prizes and distinctions for his research and is a  相似文献   

我国在深水钻完井方面处于起步阶段,中国海油围绕国家深水开发战略,积极参与南海油气风险勘探开发,在南中国海珠江口盆地M区块M深水气田完成水深1 350~1 500 m的深水气井9口,初步形成了高精度出砂预测、深水防砂设计、压裂充填工艺及流动安全保障措施等完井关键技术。结合南海M深水气田完井作业实践,对深水完井作业中的可能风险点和现场应对技术措施进行总结和梳理,为后续项目设计和作业提供参考、借鉴。  相似文献   

高密度钻井液在缅甸合作区块中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对中海油-缅甸合作区M区块地层孔隙压力和坍塌应力高等复杂情况,开展了高密度钻井液技术研究。分析了高密度钻井液技术难点:膨润土含量、抑制性、加重材料和沉降稳定性,优选出高密度钻井液配方,对其在不同密度下的常规性能、不同膨润土含量对钻井液流变性的影响、抑制性进行了室内实验。结果表明,所优选的高密度钻井液具有较好的流变性、沉降稳定性和抑制性。该高密度钻井液在RM19-3-1井的成功应用表明,该技术可在缅甸合作区M区块进一步推广应用。  相似文献   

China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced that one of its subsidiaries, CNOOC Oilfield Services Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as COS) began to conduct the Tripartite Agreement for Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking in the Agreement Area signed among CNOOC, Vietnam Oil & Gas Corporation (PetroVietam) and the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) on August 26^th to do seismic survey in the South China Sea. This marks a new progress in the joint development and cooperation among China, Philippines and Vietnam in the disputed South China Sea area.  相似文献   

Oil field in South China Sea put into production CNOOC Limited, of which China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) is the parent company, announced on November 15 that Huizhou 19-3/2/1 field has produced first oil from Huizhou 19-3-1 Well at a rate of 6500 barrels per day. More wells in the block will be brought on stream gradually. Huizhou 19-3/2/1 field is located in block 16/08 and 16/19 about 120 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong in Eastern South China Sea.  相似文献   

CNOOC Limited, of which CNOOC is the parent company, announced its 2005 business strategy and development plan in early February to target itself at a 19 percent increase for oil production over the previous year. The offshore oil giant planned to produce 141-146 million BOE (barrels ofoil equivalent) in 2005.  相似文献   

CNOOC Services, Inc, one of the subsidiaries under CNOOC, planned to issue H-shares at HKSE in an attempt to raise US$200-400 million. Merrill Lynch and Swiss Loans No.1 Boston will act as underwriters for the IPO issuance, which is now under preliminary preparation. CNOOC Engineering Inc. another CNOOC subsidiary, issued IPO at home in the beginning of this year and raised nearly 800 billion yuan. Meanwhile, CNOOC Ship Ltd., another subsidiary under CNOOC, also plans to i…  相似文献   

Australian Prime Minister John Howard met the CNOOC Limited delegation headed by Wei Liucheng, Chairman and CEO of CNOOC Limited, on August 29 in Sydney. The Chinese oil delegation came to Sydney for holding the annual meeting of International  相似文献   

海外油气资产与勘探新项目评价管理初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
海外新项目评价是中国海洋石油总公司海外勘探的排头兵,评价水平的高低和评价结果的真实、可靠与否,直接影响着海外油气勘探与资产的并购。海外新项目评价工作具有与国内勘探项目明显不同的特点,项目管理任务重、难度大。项目任务的特点决定了项目质量管理、人力资源管理和沟通管理是该项目最重要的管理内容。项目组制订了以项目质量管理、人力资源管理与人才培养及项目沟通管理为重点的项目管理体系和相应的管理措施。上述管理体系和管理措施的实际应用效果较好,不仅极大地提高了项目的工作效率,使项目组工作从千头万绪走向井然有序,而且快速培养了一批年轻人才。尤其是在有效的、人性化的弹性项目管理下,项目组取得了大量的地质成果,为公司的海外勘探与资产并购提供了强有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

On Aug. 25, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and WorleyParsons, a world famous project construction company, signed an agreement for jointly setting up Huizhou Refinery Project Construction Team in Beijing KEMPINSKI Hotel. Zheng Changbo, assistant president of CNOOC, Dong Xiaoli, general manager of Huizhou Refinery Project Team, and Lynn C. Fister, deputy general manager of WorleyParsons attended the signing ceremony.  相似文献   

CNOOC Limited announced on July 18 that it has agreed to purchase a 24.5 percent stake in QHD 32-6 oil field the cost of US$150 million. Meanwhile,CNOOC Limited has agreed to pay each of two foreign partners US$20 million for a 49 percent stake in LH11-1 oil field.  相似文献   

在油气田开采后期,面临着储层亏空、开发层系多等问题,出现储层易污染、增加修井难度等现象,影响了储层开采效率。探讨了地层防漏失和分层开采一体化工艺,研发了适用于此工艺的防漏失阀和分层开采丢手工具,实现了Y型生产管柱、防漏失阀及分层开采管柱一趟下入的新型工艺。试验表明,一体化工艺解决了生产管柱和防漏失阀一起下入的问题,提高了后期修井作业效率,缩短了返排时间,减少了储层污染。  相似文献   

CNOOC Limited has taken over the operatorship of the Yacheng 13-1 Gas Field, the largest offshore gas field in China for foreign cooperation, from BP with effect from January 1.Representatives from CNOOC Limited (51%), BP (34.3%), and the Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC-- 14.7%)celebrated the handover at a ceremony in Shenzhen on January 6, which marked eight years of successful operation of the world-classYacheng 13-1 offshore gas installation.  相似文献   

中国海油是我国三大石油公司中唯一涉足燃气电厂业务的公司。“厂网分开、竞价上网”的实施及“两化”融合的政策推动,给中国海油提供了战略机遇和发展空间。中国海油燃气电厂智能化发展经历了信息化、数字化和数字化转型升级3个阶段。第一阶段(2000年前后),在企业信息管理系统的基础上进行功能拓展、优化和相应基础网络的升级改造;第二阶段(2010—2015年),采用数字化的技术和方法对相关重点数据进行采集、汇总和分析;第三阶段(2015年以来),采用数据库技术和大数据分析技术,突出电力交易辅助决策支持的实时性特点,探索建设一个智能集控型燃气电厂,并在其他电厂推广。中国海油燃气电厂智慧化建设与管理的突出特点是厚平台轻应用,以智慧平台为核心与其他信息系统进行整合集成,统一管理,实现人、信息化系统与生产系统的创新融合,支撑中国海油燃气电厂绿色低碳、高质量发展。具有中国海油特色的燃气电厂智慧化信息管理贯穿项目建设、生产全过程,并通过试点建设,实现了从能源生产到客户服务的数字化转型。  相似文献   

Sinopec and CNOOC, two of China's big-three oil companies, have set up a joint venture to import crude oil.The joint venture makes CNOOC the fifth largest crude oil importer in China. Following the move, CNOOC is also likely to gain government approval to build a large refinery and market oil products this year, company executives said.  相似文献   

China National Offshore Oil Company Limited(CNOOC Ltd.) saw its daily net production of oil and natural gas rose 15 percent year on year to 566,860 barrels of oil equivalent in the first quarter. However,the company's total unaudited revenue dropped 41.9 percent to 13.95 billion yuan (US$2.1 billion) on lower crude prices in the first three months this year. Based on the 2009 ranking of Global Top 500 released by British "Financial Times" on May 29, CNOOC, which is the parent company of CNOOC Ltd., moved up to the 80th place from the 101st place in 2008.  相似文献   

CNOOC Limited announced on December 24 that Yang Hua, Senior Vice President of CNOOC Limited and President of CNOOC International Limited will succeed Dr.Mark Qiu as Chief Financial Officer effective on January 1,2005.  相似文献   

LNG储罐设计、建造工艺复杂,造价高,是能源领域中的尖端技术之一,长期由国外企业垄断。为了实现LNG储罐技术的国产化,作为目前国内最大LNG进口商的中国海洋石油总公司(以下简称中国海油),在借鉴国内外相关单位设计建设经验的基础上,经过多年科研攻关,成功研发了LNG储罐技术体系"CGTank~":①自主开发了成套计算软件,通过建立流固耦合的三维全息及多点接触模型,完成了对储罐全工况的计算;②引入欧洲规范,结合响应谱分析,创新了地震作用研究及内罐校核研究;③首次提出利用最大剪切破坏理论得到的主应力作为应力强度判别的标准;④形成了完全自主知识产权的大型LNG全容储罐技术包。"CGTank~"体系在天津LNG示范工程中完成了首次应用,由中国海油气电集团提供储罐设计核心技术,由海洋石油工程股份有限责任公司EPC总承包,目前项目已经通过了所有指标的测试,顺利运营。LNG储罐自主技术的应用前景广阔,有利于推动LNG产业的全面国产化进程。  相似文献   

中海油LNG产业链的形成及发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邢云 《天然气工业》2010,30(7):103-106
中国海洋石油总公司(简称中海油)将液化天然气项目作为发展战略之一,相继投产了广东、福建和上海LNG项目,还在中国沿海规划了其他6个LNG项目,奠定了LNG产业链的基础。以LNG项目为龙头,中海油成功地进入了该产业链及其相关产业,包括参股资源开发、LNG海洋运输、LNG运输船建造、燃气轮机技术引进国产化、国有企业国际化运作;中海油还配套参与了建设运营管网、卫星站、加气站、LNG加注站、燃气发电、城市燃气等;配套建设并开发了小型液化天然气厂和冷能利用等项目。中海油进口LNG对调整我国沿海经济区域能源结构、改善环境质量、提高人们的生活水平、促进经济与环境协调发展作出了贡献。  相似文献   

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