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Post-translational regulations of Shaker-like voltage-gated K+ channels were reported to be essential for rapid responses to environmental stresses in plants. In particular, it has been shown that calcium-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) regulate Shaker channels in plants. Here, the focus was on KAT2, a Shaker channel cloned in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, where is it expressed namely in the vascular tissues of leaves. After co-expression of KAT2 with AtCPK6 in Xenopus laevis oocytes, voltage-clamp recordings demonstrated that AtCPK6 stimulates the activity of KAT2 in a calcium-dependent manner. A physical interaction between these two proteins has also been shown by Förster resonance energy transfer by fluorescence lifetime imaging (FRET-FLIM). Peptide array assays support that AtCPK6 phosphorylates KAT2 at several positions, also in a calcium-dependent manner. Finally, K+ fluorescence imaging in planta suggests that K+ distribution is impaired in kat2 knock-out mutant leaves. We propose that the AtCPK6/KAT2 couple plays a role in the homeostasis of K+ distribution in leaves.  相似文献   

The BAG proteins are a family of multi-functional co-chaperones. In plants, BAG proteins were found to play roles both in abiotic and biotic stress tolerance. However, the function of Arabidopsis BAG2 remains largely unknown, whereas BAG6 is required for plants’ defense to pathogens, although it remains unknown whether BAG6 is involved in plants’ tolerance to abiotic stresses. Here, we show that both BAG2 and BAG6 are expressed in various tissues and are upregulated by salt, mannitol, and heat treatments and by stress-related hormones including ABA, ethylene, and SA. Germination of bag2, bag6 and bag2 bag6 seeds is less sensitive to ABA compared to the wild type (WT), whereas BAG2 and BAG6 overexpression lines are hypersensitive to ABA. bag2, bag6, and bag2 bag6 plants show higher survival rates than WT in drought treatment but display lower survival rates in heat-stress treatment. Consistently, these mutants showed differential expression of several stress- and ABA-related genes such as RD29A, RD29B, NCED3 and ABI4 compared to the WT. Furthermore, these mutants exhibit lower levels of ROS after drought and ABA treatment but higher ROS accumulation after heat treatment than the WT. These results suggest that BAG2 and BAG6 are negatively involved in drought stress but play a positive role in heat stress in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Photomorphogenic responses of etiolated seedlings include the inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and opening of the apical hook. In addition, dark-grown seedlings respond to light by the formation of adventitious roots (AR) on the hypocotyl. How light signaling controls adventitious rooting is less well understood. Hereto, we analyzed adventitious rooting under different light conditions in wild type and photomorphogenesis mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana. Etiolation was not essential for AR formation but raised the competence to form AR under white and blue light. The blue light receptors CRY1 and PHOT1/PHOT2 are key elements contributing to the induction of AR formation in response to light. Furthermore, etiolation-controlled competence for AR formation depended on the COP9 signalosome, E3 ubiquitin ligase CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP1), the COP1 interacting SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA-105 (SPA) kinase family members (SPA1,2 and 3) and Phytochrome-Interacting Factors (PIF). In contrast, ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5), suppressed AR formation. These findings provide a genetic framework that explains the high and low AR competence of Arabidopsis thaliana hypocotyls that were treated with dark, and light, respectively. We propose that light-induced auxin signal dissipation generates a transient auxin maximum that explains AR induction by a dark to light switch.  相似文献   

miRNAs are involved in various biological processes, including adaptive responses to abiotic stress. To understand the role of miRNAs in the response to ABA, ABA-responsive miRNAs were identified by small RNA sequencing in wild-type Arabidopsis, as well as in abi1td, mkkk17, and mkkk18 mutants. We identified 10 novel miRNAs in WT after ABA treatment, while in abi1td, mkkk17, and mkkk18 mutants, three, seven, and nine known miRNAs, respectively, were differentially expressed after ABA treatment. One novel miRNA (miRn-8) was differentially expressed in the mkkk17 mutant. Potential target genes of the miRNA panel were identified using psRNATarget. Sequencing results were validated by quantitative RT-PCR of several known and novel miRNAs in all genotypes. Of the predicted targets of novel miRNAs, seven target genes of six novel miRNAs were further validated by 5′ RLM-RACE. Gene ontology analyses showed the potential target genes of ABA-responsive known and novel miRNAs to be involved in diverse cellular processes in plants, including development and stomatal movement. These outcomes suggest that a number of the identified miRNAs have crucial roles in plant responses to environmental stress, as well as in plant development, and might have common regulatory roles in the core ABA signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP (eATP) has long been established in animals as an important signalling molecule but this is less understood in plants. The identification of Arabidopsis thaliana DORN1 (Does Not Respond to Nucleotides) as the first plant eATP receptor has shown that it is fundamental to the elevation of cytosolic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) as a possible second messenger. eATP causes other downstream responses such as increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide, plus changes in gene expression. The plasma membrane Ca2+ influx channels involved in eATP-induced [Ca2+]cyt increase remain unknown at the genetic level. Arabidopsis thaliana Annexin 1 has been found to mediate ROS-activated Ca2+ influx in root epidermis, consistent with its operating as a transport pathway. In this study, the loss of function Annexin 1 mutant was found to have impaired [Ca2+]cyt elevation in roots in response to eATP or eADP. Additionally, this annexin was implicated in modulating eATP-induced intracellular ROS accumulation in roots as well as expression of eATP-responsive genes.  相似文献   

It has been reported that Arabidopsis phytochrome (phy) A and phyB are crucial photoreceptors that display synergistic and antagonistic action during seedling de-etiolation in multiple light signaling pathways. However, the functional relationship between phyA and phyB is not fully understood under different kinds of light and in response to different intensities of such light. In this work, we compared hypocotyl elongation of the phyA-211 phyB-9 double mutant with the wild type, the phyA-211 and phyB-9 single mutants under different intensities of far-red (FR), red (R), blue (B) and white (W) light. We confirmed that phyA and phyB synergistically promote seedling de-etiolation in B-, B plus R-, W- and high R-light conditions. The correlation of endogenous ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) protein levels with the trend of hypocotyl elongation of all lines indicate that both phyA and phyB promote seedling photomorphogenesis in a synergistic manner in high-irradiance white light. Gene expression analyses of RBCS members and HY5 suggest that phyB and phyA act antagonistically on seedling development under FR light.  相似文献   

Genetic variations are an important source of germplasm diversity, as it provides an allele resource that contributes to the development of new traits for plant breeding. Gamma rays have been widely used as a physical agent for mutation creation in plants, and their mutagenic effect has attracted extensive attention. However, few studies are available on the comprehensive mutation profile at both the large-scale phenotype mutation screening and whole-genome mutation scanning. In this study, biological effects on M1 generation, large-scale phenotype screening in M2 generation, as well as whole-genome re-sequencing of seven M3 phenotype-visible lines were carried out to comprehensively evaluate the mutagenic effects of gamma rays on Arabidopsis thaliana. A total of 417 plants with visible mutated phenotypes were isolated from 20,502 M2 plants, and the phenotypic mutation frequency of gamma rays was 2.03% in Arabidopsis thaliana. On average, there were 21.57 single-base substitutions (SBSs) and 11.57 small insertions and deletions (InDels) in each line. Single-base InDels accounts for 66.7% of the small InDels. The genomic mutation frequency was 2.78 × 10−10/bp/Gy. The ratio of transition/transversion was 1.60, and 64.28% of the C > T events exhibited the pyrimidine dinucleotide sequence; 69.14% of the small InDels were located in the sequence with 1 to 4 bp terminal microhomology that was used for DNA end rejoining, while SBSs were less dependent on terminal microhomology. Nine genes, on average, were predicted to suffer from functional alteration in each re-sequenced line. This indicated that a suitable mutation gene density was an advantage of gamma rays when trying to improve elite materials for one certain or a few traits. These results will aid the full understanding of the mutagenic effects and mechanisms of gamma rays and provide a basis for suitable mutagen selection and parameter design, which can further facilitate the development of more controlled mutagenesis methods for plant mutation breeding.  相似文献   

Auxin is a key regulator of plant development affecting the formation and maturation of reproductive structures. The apoplastic route of auxin transport engages influx and efflux facilitators from the PIN, AUX and ABCB families. The polar localization of these proteins and constant recycling from the plasma membrane to endosomes is dependent on Rab-mediated vesicular traffic. Rab proteins are anchored to membranes via posttranslational addition of two geranylgeranyl moieties by the Rab Geranylgeranyl Transferase enzyme (RGT), which consists of RGTA, RGTB and REP subunits. Here, we present data showing that seed development in the rgtb1 mutant, with decreased vesicular transport capacity, is disturbed. Both pre- and post-fertilization events are affected, leading to a decrease in seed yield. Pollen tube recognition at the stigma and its guidance to the micropyle is compromised and the seed coat forms incorrectly. Excess auxin in the sporophytic tissues of the ovule in the rgtb1 plants leads to an increased tendency of autonomous endosperm formation in unfertilized ovules and influences embryo development in a maternal sporophytic manner. The results show the importance of vesicular traffic for sexual reproduction in flowering plants, and highlight RGTB1 as a key component of sporophytic-filial signaling.  相似文献   

ALBA DNA/RNA-binding proteins form an ancient family, which in eukaryotes diversified into two Rpp25-like and Rpp20-like subfamilies. In most studied model organisms, their function remains unclear, but they are usually associated with RNA metabolism, mRNA translatability and stress response. In plants, the enriched number of ALBA family members remains poorly understood. Here, we studied ALBA dynamics during reproductive development in Arabidopsis at the levels of gene expression and protein localization, both under standard conditions and following heat stress. In generative tissues, ALBA proteins showed the strongest signal in mature pollen where they localized predominantly in cytoplasmic foci, particularly in regions surrounding the vegetative nucleus and sperm cells. Finally, we demonstrated the involvement of two Rpp25-like subfamily members ALBA4 and ALBA6 in RNA metabolism in mature pollen supported by their co-localization with poly(A)-binding protein 3 (PABP3). Collectively, we demonstrated the engagement of ALBA proteins in male reproductive development and the heat stress response, highlighting the involvement of ALBA4 and ALBA6 in RNA metabolism, storage and/or translational control in pollen upon heat stress. Such dynamic re-localization of ALBA proteins in a controlled, developmentally and environmentally regulated manner, likely reflects not only their redundancy but also their possible functional diversification in plants.  相似文献   

Despite increasing reports on the function of CCCH zinc finger proteins in plant development and stress response, the functions and molecular aspects of many non-tandem CCCH zinc finger (non-TZF) proteins remain uncharacterized. AtC3H59/ZFWD3 is an Arabidopsis non-TZF protein and belongs to the ZFWD subfamily harboring a CCCH zinc finger motif and a WD40 domain. In this study, we characterized the biological and molecular functions of AtC3H59, which is subcellularly localized in the nucleus. The seeds of AtC3H59-overexpressing transgenic plants (OXs) germinated faster than those of wild type (WT), whereas atc3h59 mutant seeds germinated slower than WT seeds. AtC3H59 OX seedlings were larger and heavier than WT seedlings, whereas atc3h59 mutant seedlings were smaller and lighter than WT seedlings. Moreover, AtC3H59 OX seedlings had longer primary root length than WT seedlings, whereas atc3h59 mutant seedlings had shorter primary root length than WT seedlings, owing to altered cell division activity in the root meristem. During seed development, AtC3H59 OXs formed larger and heavier seeds than WT. Using yeast two-hybrid screening, we isolated Desi1, a PPPDE family protein, as an interacting partner of AtC3H59. AtC3H59 and Desi1 interacted via their WD40 domain and C-terminal region, respectively, in the nucleus. Taken together, our results indicate that AtC3H59 has pleiotropic effects on seed germination, seedling development, and seed development, and interacts with Desi1 in the nucleus via its entire WD40 domain. To our knowledge, this is the first report to describe the biological functions of the ZFWD protein and Desi1 in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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