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Social networks and coronary heart disease among Japanese men in Hawaii   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A group of 4653 men of Japanese ancestry living in Hawaii were studied for the association of measures of social networks with both the prevalence and incidence rates of coronary heart disease (Honolulu Heart Program, 1971-1979). Prevalence rates for myocardial infarction, angina, and total coronary heart disease were inversely associated with the social network scales in bivariate analyses with age, and in multivariate analyses including 12 other risk factors. With the incidence data, the associations were less evident. Bivariate analysis with age revealed inverse associations for nonfatal myocardial infarction and total coronary heart disease with only one of the social network scales. With multivariate analyses, there was no significant association of any subgroup of coronary heart disease with any scale, although there was a borderline association (p = 0.08) of nonfatal myocardial infarction with one scale. No individual question was significantly associated with either prevalence or incidence rates for coronary heart disease. There was also little evidence of reduced risk of incident coronary heart disease associated with the social network scale for men in high risk categories of serum cholesterol, blood pressure, and cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine differences between women and men with osteoarthritis in (1) amount and type of exercise behavior; (2) the demographic, psychosocial, health status, and personality correlates of exercise behavior; and (3) the relationship between exercise and health care utilization. Participants were 70 male and 126 female members of a large health maintenance organization who were 60 years of age or older and had osteoarthritis. Results indicated fewer women than men exercised, but among those who exercised, no significant differences in the [amount and type of exercise] behavior were found. Walking was the most frequently reported form of exercise among both women and men. To clarify which variables were related to exercise within each gender, regression analyses were performed separately on the total sample first, and then on women and men separately. In the total sample, age, quality of well-being, and extroversion were significantly related to exercise. Extroversion was significantly related to exercise among men. Helplessness and quality of well-being were significantly related to exercise among women. Exercise was not significantly related to health care service utilization. Results in this study underscore the importance of separating women and men in examination of variables related to exercise behavior.  相似文献   

Intake of trans fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease among women   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Trans isomers of fatty acids, formed by the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils to produce margarine and vegetable shortening, increase the ratio of plasma low-density-lipoprotein to high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, so it is possible that they adversely influence risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). To investigate this possibility, we studied dietary data from participants in the Nurses' Health Study. We calculated intake of trans fatty acids from dietary questionnaires completed by 85,095 women without diagnosed CHD, stroke, diabetes, or hypercholesterolaemia in 1980. During 8 years of follow-up, there were 431 cases of new CHD (non-fatal myocardial infarction or death from CHD). After adjustment for age and total energy intake, intake of trans isomers was directly related to risk of CHD (relative risk for highest vs lowest quintile 1.50 [95% Cl 1.12-2.00], p for trend = 0.001). Additional control for established CHD risk factors, multivitamin use, and intakes of saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, and linoleic acid, dietary cholesterol, vitamins E or C, carotene, or fibre did not change the relative risk substantially. The association was stronger for the 69,181 women whose margarine consumption over the previous 10 years had been stable (1.67 [1.05-2.66], p for trend = 0.002). Intakes of foods that are major sources of trans isomers (margarine, cookies [biscuits], cake, and white bread) were each significantly associated with higher risks of CHD. These findings support the hypothesis that consumption of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils may contribute to occurrence of CHD.  相似文献   

We examined the relation of coffee and alcohol consumption to the risk of coronary heart disease during a six-year period in a cohort of 7705 Japanese men living in Hawaii. The analysis was based on 294 new cases of coronary heart disease. There was a positive association between coffee intake and risk, but it became statistically insignificant when cigarette smoking was taken into account. There was a strong negative association between moderate alcohol consumption (up to 60 ml per day), mainly from beer, and the risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction and death from coronary heart disease. This association remained significant in multivariate analysis, taking into account smoking and other risk factors. The correlation of alcohol consumption with the level of alpha cholesterol (positive) and beta cholesterol (negative) may partly account for the observed negative association between alcohol and coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

F Adlkofer 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,97(18):1870; author reply 1872-1870; author reply 1873

Contrary to popular perceptions, coronary heart disease (CHD) is a serious and widespread problem in US women. Public education, preventive interventions, and better data on CHD risk and prevention in women are needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the 1970s in Australia, mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke was higher among lower socioeconomic groups and inequalities were widening. This analysis examines subsequent trends in socioeconomic inequalities, with reference to socioeconomic patterns in major cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: Socioeconomic status was defined by occupation. Age-standardized mortality rates were calculated for men aged 25-64, using death registration data and labour force estimates for 1979-1993. Risk factor data were taken from three cross-sectional population surveys conducted in 1980, 1983 and 1989. RESULTS: Men in manual occupations were at least 35 percent more likely to die from CHD than men in professional occupations and 60 percent more likely to die from stroke. Their 5-year population risk of a coronary event was 30 percent higher. Since 1979, both groups experienced reductions in coronary risk and mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Socioeconomic inequalities in CHD mortality continued to widen during the early 1980s, stabilized thereafter and persisted into the 1990s. Decreases in blood pressure and smoking prevalence contributed most to declines in coronary risk and to socioeconomic differentials.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Virtually all individuals with Down syndrome (DS) have neuropathologic changes characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD) beginning at 40 years of age. Few studies have examined factors that influence age at onset of AD in DS. We investigated whether sex differences in age at onset and risk of AD among adults with DS are similar to those observed in the general population and whether the effect of sex on risk of AD is modified by apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype. METHODS: A community-based sample of 111 adults with cytogenetically confirmed DS (34 to 71 years of age) was ascertained through the New York State Developmental Disabilities system. A semistructured interview with caregivers and review of medical records was used to ascertain the presence or absence of AD. APOE genotyping was carried out without knowledge of the subject's medical history or clinical diagnosis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Both male gender and the presence of an APOE epsilon4 allele were associated with an earlier onset of AD. Compared with women, men with DS were three times as likely to develop AD. Compared with those with the APOE 3/3 genotype, adults with DS with the 3/4 or 4/4 genotypes were four times as likely to develop AD. No individual with an APOE epsilon2 allele developed AD. No evidence of interaction of sex and APOE genotype was found in risk of AD. The higher risk of AD in men may be related to differences in hormonal function between men and women with DS that are distinct from those in the general population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study was designed 1) to examine the prevalence of depression in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF); 2) to explore associations between the physician's rating of functional status (NYHA class) and patient's assessment of functional status (physical limitation, dyspnea) with symptoms of depression; and 3) to explore gender related differences in relation to physician's rating and patient's rating of function status, and symptoms of depression. METHOD: A sample of 119 clinically stable heart failure patients (85 males and 34 females) was recruited from an outpatient cardiology hospital practice. The patients underwent a physical examination and completed a set of questionnaires. Prevalence of depressive symptoms and the association of these symptoms with NYHA class and patient's perceived functional status was studied. RESULTS: Findings indicate that depressive symptoms were not predominant among this sample of CHF patients. Path analyses showed non-significant direct associations between NYHA class as well as patient's perception of dyspnea with depression. In contract, the subjective indicator of physical limitations was strongly associated with symptoms of depression among the males, but this relation was not significant among the females. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that men and women respond differently to the burden of heart failure. However, interpretation of the results from the present study should be considered as tentative and additional research is required to examine mechanisms that explain gender differences in response to heart failure.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To explore the effects on the lacrimal gland of adenovirus infection of the cornea. METHODS: Rabbit corneas were inoculated with human adenoviruses Ad5, Ad14, or a rabbit adapted form of Ad 5, and in some instances booster inoculations were given. Sections of lacrimal glands removed 21-59 days post-inoculation were immunostained using antibodies against rabbit Class I and Class II MHC molecules, CD4, CD8, CD18, and rabbit thymic lymphocyte antigen (RTLA). Relative numbers of positively stained cells were quantified with a Metamorph image analysis system. RESULTS: RTLA and CD18 antigens were expressed on many interstitial cells in the normal lacrimal gland, but few expressed CD4 or CD8. The number of RTLA+ cells increased by 60-100% after inoculation of Ad5 and after boosting, and CD18+ cells increased from 33-100% after inoculation of Ad5 and after boosting. Booster inoculations also caused focal lymphocytic infiltration. MHC Class I was expressed on interstitial cells and duct epithelium, but not acinar cells, and there was no detectable difference after viral infection. In controls, MHC Class II was localized to a population of interstitial cells and a few acinar cells. A single inoculation of the Ad5 virus did not result in an increase in the total number of MHC Class II-positive cells at 21 days, but inoculation with the rabbit-adapted Ad 5 and booster inoculations caused a 30% increase. CONCLUSIONS: Ad5 and rabbit-adapted Ad5 infection of the cornea induce lymphocytic infiltration in the lacrimal gland, and the effect is enhanced by boosting. There is also an increase in expression of MHC Class II after inoculation with rabbit-adapted Ad5 and with booster inoculations.  相似文献   

Previously undetected coronary heart disease (CHD) was suspected in 152 of 2014 presumably healthy males aged 40-59 yr. 63 had angina pectoris, 100 a positive exercise test and only 13 both angina and a positive exercise test. Coronary angiography was performed in 105 cases of whom 69 had a positive angiogram. A 2:1 proportion of true vs false positive diagnoses of CHD was found regardless of whether the diagnosis was suspected by the exercise test and/or the case history. Exercise test data show that CHD-suspect individuals differ only marginally from normal age counterparts irrespective of angiographic findings. However, of the 12 with a positive exercise ECG and maximal pulse greater than or equal to 2 SD below normal mean, 10 had pathologic angiograms. Of 58 with positive exercise ECGs and pathological angiograms, 43 had work performance below normal mean. By using a target pulse of 150 beats/minute 69% of the positive exercise ECGs had remained undisclosed.  相似文献   

Premenopausal black women have a 2- to 3-fold greater rate of coronary heart disease (CHD) than premenopausal white women. The purpose of this study was to provide greater insight into the reasons for this difference, which are currently unclear. We compared CHD risk factors in 99 black and 100 white, healthy premenopausal women, aged 18 to 45 years, and of relatively advantaged socioeconomic status. Compared with white women, black women had a higher body mass index (32.0 +/- 9.2 vs 29.0 +/- 9.4 kg/m2, p = 0.021), and higher systolic (124 +/- 17 vs 115 +/- 14 mm Hg, p <0.0001) and diastolic (79 +/- 14 vs 75 +/- 11 mm Hg, p = 0.048) blood pressures. The mean plasma lipoprotein(a) concentration was markedly higher in the black women (40.2 +/- 31.3 mg/dl) than in the white women (19.2 +/- 23.7 mg/dl, p <0.0001). The plasma total homocysteine level was also higher in the black women (8.80 +/- 3.38 vs 7.81 +/- 2.58 micromol/L, p = 0.013). The black women, however, had lower plasma triglyceride levels (0.91 +/- 0.46 vs 1.22 +/- 0.60 mmol/L, p <0.0001), and a trend toward higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels (1.37 +/- 0.34 vs 1.29 +/- 0.31 mmol/L, p = 0.064) than the white women. Plasma total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels were similar, despite a greater consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol by the black women. Rates of cigarette smoking and alcohol intake were low and similar between the races. In summary, premenopausal black women had a higher mean body mass index, blood pressure, lipoprotein(a), and plasma total homocysteine level, and a greater consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol than white women. These differences in coronary risk factors may place the black women in our study at increased risk for CHD compared with the white women.  相似文献   

The applicability of a complement consumption assay as a means by which to detect IgG aggregates and immune complexes in serum was examined. Both heavy (greater than or equal to 19S) and intermediate (11-17S) IgG aggregates were detected and the sensitivity of the assay was greater than or equal to 10 mug aggregated IgG/ml. BSA anti-BSA complexes, formed in slight antibody excess, were detected at a BSA concentration of 200 ng/ml. NHS stored at 4degreesC for greater than or equal to 2-3 weeks or at -20degreesC for more than 3 months developed distinct anticomplementarity (AC). This background AC, due to IgG aggregate formation, was reduced by heating the serum at 56degreesC for 50 min prior to testing. A similar reduction of AC and C1q fixation was observed when IgG aggregated at 61degreesC or 63degreesC was heated further at 56degreesC for 50 min. The abatement of AC could not be correlated to a change in IgG aggregation size. In contrast, AC of preformed antigen-antibody complexes was not reduced by this heat treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Coronary heart disease (CHD) and decline in cognitive functioning and dementia are common problems in the elderly. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are connected with vascular dementia, but less is known about cognitive functioning among elderly patients with CHD based on population studies. OBJECTIVE: To describe the associations between CHD and cognitive impairment among the elderly. POPULATION AND METHODS: Of the total population of the Lieto study (488 community-dwelling men and 708 women, >/=64 years old), the ambulatory patients with CHD (89 men and 73 women) and sex- and age-matched controls without any sign of CHD (178 men and 146 women) were selected to make up the study population. CHD was defined as the presence of angina pectoris or a past myocardial infarction. Cognitive assessment was based on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). RESULTS: The total MMSE scores, the MMSE subtest scores and the overall test-based cognitive functioning did not differ between patients and controls. Among men, higher MMSE subscores in orientation and language were related to more severe chest pain. According to logistic regression analyses, the cognitive impairment of men was associated with high age, the use of cardiac glycosides and physical disability. Among women, cognitive impairment was associated with high age and the use of antipsychotics. CONCLUSION: In general, CHD has no independent association with cognitive impairment among the non-institutionalized community-living elderly. Among men, however, a complicated CHD may negatively affect cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

In a follow-up study of 1,852 men with coronary heart disease, 195 deaths occurred within the first 3 years (33 +/- 13 months [mean +/- standard deviation]). Analysis of these cases indicated that the risk of sudden cardiac death in ambulatory men with clinical manifestations of coronary heart disease may be readily estimated from noninvasive clinical and exercise criteria. The important predictors are indexes of the severity of coronary heart disease and impairment of peak left ventricular function demonstrated with symptom-limited maximal exercise. The advantages of these predictors are that they may be elicited on the initial study as well as on follow-up noninvasive examinations of ambulatory patients. The appearance of nonelectrocardiographic predictors in serial examinations may provide an indication for invasive studies and be a more important finding than the ischemic S-T reponse to exertion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because of the beneficial effects of estrogen, premenopausal women are normally protected against coronary heart disease (CHD) and are at lower risk for myocardial infarction; consequently, CHD occurs very rarely in menstrually active women. Given this background, the aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that decreased concentrations of estrogen are associated with CHD in premenopausal women. METHODS: Fourteen premenopausal women with CHD were investigated and compared with a healthy control group comparable for age and cardiovascular risk factors. Relevant characteristics of patients and controls were assessed: age, blood pressure, body mass index, total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, former pregnancies, ovariectomy and related surgical interventions, smoking history and former use of oral contraceptives. To ensure the premenopausal status of the participants, the regularity of the menstrual cycle and the follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations were also assessed. Plasma estradiol and progesterone and urine estrone concentrations (24 h urine collection) were measured at day 6 after estimated ovulation to assess the relative increase in plasma estradiol and progesterone during the second half of the menstrual cycle. RESULTS: Compared with the control group, premenopausal women with CHD had significantly lower concentrations of plasma estradiol (408.9 +/- 141 pmol/l and 287.8 +/- 109 pmol/l respectively; P = 0.0228) and total estrogen (2061 +/- 693 pg/mumol creatinine and 1607 +/- 448 pg/mumol creatinine respectively; P = 0.025) in the urine. However, the progesterone concentrations were not significantly different between the groups. These findings might be explained by a partial ovarian dysfunction, as the patient group had a significantly higher number of tubal sterilizations (eight compared with one). CONCLUSION: Our data provide support for the hypothesis that decreased concentrations of estradiol might be an additional pathogenetic factor for the development of CHD in menstrually active premenopausal women.  相似文献   

Although synovial lining cells (SLC) have been implicated in the production of hyaluronan (HA), which is found at particularly high concentrations in synovial fluid, the degree to which individual cells within the synovium are adapted to this particular function remains to be elucidated. Uridine diphosphoglucose dehydrogenase (UDPGD) activity is the irreversible, rate-limiting step in the production of UDP-glucuronate, an essential monosaccharide in the synthesis of HA. We have assessed the UDPGD activity, microdensitometrically, in individual lining cells of normal and rheumatoid (RA) synovium, using a modified quantitative cytochemical method. In normal synovium, high activity was confined to the cells of the lining with negligible activity in the deeper subintima. The mean UDPGD activity/cell in lining cells of rheumatoid synovium was significantly lower than the activity in normal SLC. In some samples of RA and normal synovium, a bimodal distribution of cells was evident in the lining on the basis of UDPGD activity, a zone of cells in the basal layers with high UDPGD activity and a separate population of cells in more superficial layers with relatively low UDPGD activity. The results suggest that a particular population of cells is present, consistently in normal and more variably in RA synovial lining, which have high UDPGD activity/cell and may be involved in the production of HA. Furthermore, in RA synovium both the UDPGD activity/cell and the relative proportion of these cells within the lining appear to be decreased.  相似文献   

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