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正规式相交判定问题在扩展标记语言(extensible markup language,XML)类型检查中起着十分重要的作用。传统方法是将其转化为自动机的相交问题,在转化过程中会产生大量计算。基于XML模式语言的特点,提出了一种基于规则推导的正规式相交判定算法。该算法直接根据输入的正规式进行推导而无需进行任何转化计算。对于一般的正规式,尽管其仍然是指数级算法,但无需进行复杂的构造自动机的计算;而对于一些特殊的正规式,特别是在XML类型检查中广泛使用的One-Unambiguous正规式,该算法的时间复杂度降为多项式级。最后证明了该算法所使用的推导规则的正确性和完备性。  相似文献   

We generalize a former algorithm for regular language identification from stochastic samples to the case of tree languages. It can also be used to identify context-free languages when structural information about the strings is available. The procedure identifies equivalent subtrees in the sample and outputs the hypothesis in linear time with the number of examples. The results are evaluated with a method that computes efficiently the relative entropy between the target grammar and the inferred one.  相似文献   

Regular (tree) model checking (RMC) is a promising generic method for formal verification of infinite-state systems. It encodes configurations of systems as words or trees over a suitable alphabet, possibly infinite sets of configurations as finite word or tree automata, and operations of the systems being examined as finite word or tree transducers. The reachability set is then computed by a repeated application of the transducers on the automata representing the currently known set of reachable configurations. In order to facilitate termination of RMC, various acceleration schemas have been proposed. One of them is a combination of RMC with the abstract-check-refine paradigm yielding the so-called abstract regular model checking (ARMC). ARMC has originally been proposed for word automata and transducers only and thus for dealing with systems with linear (or easily linearisable) structure. In this paper, we propose a generalisation of ARMC to the case of dealing with trees which arise naturally in a lot of modelling and verification contexts. In particular, we first propose abstractions of tree automata based on collapsing their states having an equal language of trees up to some bounded height. Then, we propose an abstraction based on collapsing states having a non-empty intersection (and thus “satisfying”) the same bottom-up tree “predicate” languages. Finally, we show on several examples that the methods we propose give us very encouraging verification results.  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking Using Satisfiability Solving   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The phrase model checking refers to algorithms for exploring the state space of a transition system to determine if it obeys a specification of its intended behavior. These algorithms can perform exhaustive verification in a highly automatic manner, and, thus, have attracted much interest in industry. Model checking programs are now being commercially marketed. However, model checking has been held back by the state explosion problem, which is the problem that the number of states in a system grows exponentially in the number of system components. Much research has been devoted to ameliorating this problem.In this tutorial, we first give a brief overview of the history of model checking to date, and then focus on recent techniques that combine model checking with satisfiability solving. These techniques, known as bounded model checking, do a very fast exploration of the state space, and for some types of problems seem to offer large performance improvements over previous approaches. We review experiments with bounded model checking on both public domain and industrial designs, and propose a methodology for applying the technique in industry for invariance checking. We then summarize the pros and cons of this new technology and discuss future research efforts to extend its capabilities.  相似文献   

On-line partial evaluation algorithms include a generalisation step, which is needed to ensure termination. In partial evaluation of logic and functional programs, the usual generalisation operation is the most specific generalisation (msg) of expressions. This can cause loss of information, which is especially serious in programs whose computations first build some internal data structure that is then used to control a subsequent phase of execution—a common pattern of computation. If the size of the intermediate data is unbounded at partial evaluation time then the msg will lose almost all information about its structure. Hence subsequent phases of computation cannot be effectively specialised.In this paper the problem is tackled by introducing regular tree languages into a partial evaluation algorithm. A regular tree language is a set of terms defined by tree automata or tree grammars. In the algorithm, regular tree approximations of sets of terms encountered during partial evaluation are constructed. The critical point is that when generalisation is performed, the upper bound on regular tree languages can be combined with the msg, thus preserving recursive information about term structure. This approach also allows the specialisation of programs with respect to goals whose arguments range over regular tree languages.The algorithm is presented as an instance of Leuschel's framework for abstract specialisation of logic programs. This provides a generic algorithm parameterised by an abstract domain—regular trees in this case. The correctness requirements from his framework are established. The extension of the algorithm to propagate regular approximations of answers as well as calls is also presented, increasing the amount of specialisation that can be obtained. Finally a technique for increasing precision based on wrapper functions is introduced.  相似文献   

数据流分析和处理是计算机应用最常见的工作之一,实际系统常常包括不同频率的数据流,而现有的程序语言要求在程序中对数据频率进行显式的处理.旨在提出一种新型的变频数据流处理框架,针对基本的频率运算进行自动化处理.我们基于函数式程序设计语言和依赖类型系统理论,定义了数据流语言FStream,在程序的类型检查过程中对数据流频率进行检查和处理,并给出了离散的Simulink模型到FStream的表示.  相似文献   

并发反应式系统的组合模型检验与组合精化检验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
文艳军  王戟  齐治昌 《软件学报》2007,18(6):1270-1281
模型检验和精化检验是两种重要的形式验证方法,其应用的主要困难在于如何缓解状态爆炸问题.基于分而治之的思想进行组合模型检验和组合精化检验是应对这个问题的重要方法,它们利用系统的组合结构对问题进行分解,通过对各子系统性质的检验和综合推理导出整个系统的性质.在一个统一的框架下对组合模型检验和组合精化检验作了系统的分析和归纳,从模块检验的角度阐述了上述两种组合验证方法的原理及其相应的组合验证策略.同时总结了各类问题的复杂性,并对上述两种方法作了比较分析,揭示了它们之间的内在联系.最后展望了组合模型检验与组合精化检验的发展方向.  相似文献   

Bounded Model Checking of CTL   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Bounded Model Checking has been recently introduced as an efficient verification method for reactive systems. This technique reduces model checking of linear temporal logic to propositional satisfiability. In this paper we first present how quantified Boolean decision procedures can replace BDDs. We introduce a bounded model checking procedure for temporal logic CTL* which reduces model checking to the satisfiability of quantified Boolean formulas. Our new technique avoids the space blow up of BDDs, and extends the concept of bounded model checking.  相似文献   

以吴方法为理论基础,提出一种针对高层次设计验证的定界模型检验方法.通过使用多项式等式建模高层次设计和待验证性质,将定界模型检验问题转化为定理证明问题,并用吴方法有效地解决该定理证明问题.实验结果表明,与基于布尔SAT、基于LP的RTL SAT以及基于非线性求解器的性质检验方法相比,该方法在时间消耗上具有相当大的优势.  相似文献   

在软硬件验证里,模型检验是一个重要手段,至今它已经形成一个庞大的方法论体系。现在我们把模型检验内容从标准方法、抽象解释方法、综合方法3个范畴加以介绍,旨在形成人们对模型检验总的印象,从而全面理解和掌握模型检验各个方法的精神实质和具体情况,有助于将这些方法运用到实际软硬件验证中并从中受到启发,以便进一步发展模型检验理论或开发模型检验新的方法和工具。  相似文献   

邝宏斌  罗贵明 《计算机工程》2008,34(19):23-25,2
并行化是提高模型检测效率的重要手段。该文研究了基于标号迁移系统的C程序模型检测,提出一种软件模型检测并行化的方法。该方法利用软件模型检测工具模块化验证(MAGIC)的模块化特性对C程序进行组件分解,将各组件均衡地分发到若干计算节点,由节点调用MAGIC完成验证。由于保证节点间只有少量的通信与同步,该方法能达到较好的并行加速比,具有良好的可扩展性。实验结果显示,该方法大幅压缩了检测时间,有利于大规模软件的形式化验证。  相似文献   

This paper shows how downward simulation can be checked using existing temporal logic model checkers. In particular, we show how the branching time temporal logic CTL can be used to encode the standard downward simulation conditions. We do this for both a blocking, or guarded, interpretation of operations (often used when specifying reactive systems) as well as the more common non-blocking interpretation of operations used in many state-based specification languages (for modelling sequential systems). The approach is general enough to use with any state-based specification language, and any CTL model checker in which the language can be encoded.  相似文献   

有界模型检测的优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
G(p)和G(p→F(q))是有界模型检测(bounded model checking,简称BMC)中的两个重要的常用模态算子.对验证G(p)和G(p→F(q))编码转换公式进行优化.通过分析当验证这些模态算子时FSM(finite state machine)的状态转移和线性时序逻辑(linear-time temporal logic,简称LTL)的语义特征.在现有的编码公式的基础上,给出了简洁、高效的递推公式,该公式有利于高效编码成SAT(satisfiability)实例;证明了递推公式和原转换公式的逻辑关系.通过实验比较分析,在生成SAT实例规模和易求解方面都优于BMC中求解这些模态算子的现有的两种重要方法AA_BMC和Timo_BMC.所给出的方法和思想对于BMC中验证其他模态算子时的编码优化也有参考价值.  相似文献   

We present an extension of classical tableau-based model checking procedures to the case of infinite-state systems, using deductive methods in an incremental construction of the behavior graph. Logical formulas are used to represent infinite sets of states in an abstraction of this graph, which is repeatedly refined in the search for a counterexample computation, ruling out large portions of the graph before they are expanded to the state-level. This can lead to large savings, even in the case of finite-state systems. Only local conditions need to be checked at each step, and previously proven properties can be used to further constrain the search. Although the resulting method is not always automatic, it provides a flexible, general and complete framework that can integrate a diverse number of other verification tools.  相似文献   

We survey the current state of knowledge on the circuit complexity of regular languages and we prove that regular languages that are in AC0 and ACC0 are all computable by almost linear size circuits, extending the result of Chandra et al. (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 30:222–234, 1985). As a consequence we obtain that in order to separate ACC0 from NC1 it suffices to prove for some ε>0 an Ω(n 1+ε ) lower bound on the size of ACC0 circuits computing certain NC1-complete functions. Partially supported by grant GA ČR 201/07/P276, project No. 1M0021620808 of MŠMT ČR and Institutional Research Plan No. AV0Z10190503.  相似文献   

身份认证协议的模型检测分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一个直观、易用的模型来模拟和验证身份认证协议,并给出基于Spin(模型检测工具)的实现,它不仅可以模拟多对参与者同时进行会话,而且还有效缩减了状态空间,从而避免了以前文献中提到的状态爆炸现象,同时该文用Needham-Schroeder公钥协议和TMN协议来说明如何应用该模型。  相似文献   

State space minimization techniques are crucial for combating state explosion. A variety of explicit-state verification tools use bisimulation minimization to check equivalence between systems, to minimize components before composition, or to reduce a state space prior to model checking. Experimental results on bisimulation minimization in symbolic model checking contexts, however, are mixed. This paper explores bisimulation minimization as an optimization in symbolic model checking of invariance properties. We consider three bisimulation minimization algorithms. From each, we produce a BDD-based model checker for invariant properties and compare this model checker to a conventional one based on backwards reachability. Our comparisons, both theoretical and experimental, suggest that bisimulation minimization is not viable in the context of invariance verification, because performing the minimization requires as many, if not more, computational resources as model checking the unminimized system through backwards reachability.  相似文献   

对任务流模型检验技术进行了讨论。任务流方法不关心状态数量、能否从一个指定状态到达另一指定状态及系统必须的状态是否存在,而是关心状态组合提供的功能是否存在及各状态组合之间是否存在指定的转换关系,从而避免了状态空间爆炸问题。模块搜索算法以模块为基础对任务流模型进行搜索来验证给定系统是否满足规范要求。  相似文献   

Feature-oriented programming organizes programs around features rather than objects, thus better supporting extensible, product-line architectures. Programming languages increasingly support this style of programming, but programmers get little support from verification tools. Ideally, programmers should be able to verify features independently of each other and use automated compositional reasoning techniques to infer properties of a system from properties of its features. Achieving this requires carefully designed interfaces: they must hold sufficient information to enable compositional verification, yet tools should be able to generate this information automatically because experience indicates programmers cannot or will not provide it manually. We present a model of interfaces that supports automated, compositional, feature-oriented model checking. To demonstrate their utility, we automatically detect the feature-interaction problems originally found manually by Robert Hall in an email suite case study.Research done while at Brown University.  相似文献   

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