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After the Fukushima accident, several investigation reports, including experiments and simulations have been done for each of the affected units to completely understand the accident progression and use their results to improve the knowledge of severe accident management and the severe codes performance. In Unit 2, the major uncertainties are related with the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system performance during the accident progression especially focused in the RCIC turbine, which is assumed to work in two-phase flow. The main objective of this study is to analyze the RCIC turbine performance under two-phase flow scenarios under the assumption that the power produced by the turbine is lower than expected due to the liquid phase in the flow. A degradation coefficient quantifying the turbine power reduction is developed as a function of the flow quality by using the sonic speed reduction at critical flow conditions principle obtained by applying the non-homogeneous equilibrium model (NHEM). The degradation coefficient was applied to RELAP/ScdapSIM severe accident code showing a drastic reduction of the turbine-generated power during two-phase flow and obtaining a RCIC system behavior closer to the Tokyo electric power company (TEPCO) investigation report conclusions.  相似文献   

以压水堆严重事故最佳估算程序RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.4为核心软件,以假想的小型压水堆为研究对象,建立了1个径向3通道、轴向10节块的核反应堆严重事故计算模型,研究了完全丧失电源初因事件引发的严重事故过程,并对事故停堆后蒸汽发生器给水持续300s的缓解措施进行了分析。计算结果表明:蒸汽发生器辅助给水对于延迟事故进程,缓解事故后果具有重要作用。  相似文献   

模块式小堆采用带直流蒸汽发生器(OTSG)的一体化堆芯设计。OTSG具有传热面积大、设备体积小、蒸汽品质高的优点,然而因其二次侧水装量小、热惯性差,当反应堆发生二次侧排热减少时,反应堆冷却剂系统(RCS)可能存在超压风险。紧凑的一体化布置使得堆芯应对冷却剂受热膨胀的能力减弱,进一步增大RCS超压风险。本文采用RELAP5程序对模块式小堆的超压风险进行了研究。研究结果表明,模块式小堆在二次侧排热减少事故中会出现RCS超压现象,其中汽轮机事故停机导致的超压后果最为严重。波动管的流通面积对于RCS压力有着显著影响,合理地设计波动管流通面积可缓解RCS超压。  相似文献   

以典型的3环路压水堆为参考对象,建立了详细的严重事故计算模型。选择一回路热段当量直径为18 cm的失水事故(LOCA)作为初始事件,采用RELAP5/SCDAP/MOD3.2为分析工具,对无注水、无缓解措施下的基准事故进程进行计算分析,研究3种不同注水时机对严重事故进程的影响。3种注水时机分别为堆芯表面峰值温度达到1100 K、1300 K、1500 K时开始注水。计算结果显示,压水堆严重事故进程对于注水的时机非常敏感。较早阶段的注水对于阻止堆芯熔化十分有效,注水较晚会恶化事故进程,加速堆芯熔化。  相似文献   


Severe accident codes (e.g. MAAP, RELAP, and MELCORE) model various physical phenomena during severe accidents. Many analyses using these codes for safety margin evaluation are impractical due to large computational costs. Surrogate models have an advantage of quickly reproducing multiple results with a low computational cost. In this study, we apply the singular value decomposition to the time-series results of a severe accident code to develop a reduced order modeling (ROM). Using the ROM, the probabilistic safety margin analysis for the station blackout with a total loss of feedwater capabilities at a boiling water reactor is carried out. The dominant parameters to the accident progression are assumed to be the down-time and the recovery-time of the reactor core isolation cooling system, and decay heat. To reduce the number of RELAP5/SCDAPSIM analyses while maintaining the prediction accuracy of ROM, we develop a data sampling method based on adaptive sampling, which selects the new sampling data based on the dissimilarity with the existing training data for ROM. Our ROM can rapidly reproduce the time-series results and can estimate core conditions. By reproducing multiple results by ROM, a time-dependent core damage probability distribution is calculated instead of the direct use of RELAP5/SCDAPSIM.  相似文献   

一回路承压管道蠕变是压水堆核电厂严重事故重要现象之一。针对小型压水堆,本文基于SCDAP/RELAP5程序开发了严重事故分析模型,利用实验拟合方法得到了一回路主管道(SA321)、自然循环式蒸汽发生器传热管(00Cr25Ni35Al Ti)两种材料蠕变预测分析模型,改进了SCDAP/RELAP5程序蠕变预测分析功能模块,并通过假想事故序列验证了SA321、00Cr25Ni35Al Ti蠕变预测分析模型的合理性。为后续开展小型压水堆严重事故下一回路承压管道蠕变规律研究提供基础参考。  相似文献   

使用REALP5/SCDAP分析了IRIS堆汽轮机停机和部分失流事故导致的严重事故进程及缓解措施。分析结果表明IRIS堆内水装量大,使得堆芯较长时间处于淹没状态,事故发生后近7个小时堆芯开始裸露,10小时后堆芯开始损坏。对于不卸压不安注的情况,压力容器会完全干涸,堆芯和蒸汽发生器之间形成蒸汽自然循环流动,堆芯温度缓慢升高,低熔点的控制棒金属首先熔化落入下腔室并加热下封头,使得下封头底部区域发生蠕变断裂失效。在不卸压的情况下一个上充泵的安注流量就能够缓解事故。  相似文献   

选择一个典型的3环路压水堆作为参考对象,采用最佳估算程序RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2建立了一个典型的3环路压水堆严重事故计算模型。分析了全厂断电(SBO)事故引发的堆芯熔化基准事故后,高压安全注射系统对该事故的缓解能力。敏感性分析表明,堆芯出口温度达到920 K时,采用卸压充水缓解措施可以有效地阻止堆芯熔化,维持堆芯长期处于稳定、安全状态。  相似文献   

In the unlikely event of a nuclear power plant long duration station black-out, as in the Fukushima Daiichi (1F) severe accident (SA), it was recognized that the suppression chamber (S/C) functions of heat sink and fission product (FP) scrubbing will degrade, resulting in the S/C pressure increase, reduction of the scrubbing efficiency and subsequent necessity of venting operations. Consequently, a relatively large amount of FPs, in particular highly volatile elements (e.g. CH3I), is likely to be dispersed into the environment. As a method to evaluate the degradation of the pool characteristics under discharge of steam and non-condensable gases through vent pipes and steam through different quencher geometries of make-up systems, an experimental campaign was recently started at the SIET research laboratory in Italy. Two different quencher geometries, representing vent pipes and the reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) exhaust pipes in 1F2 and 1F3, were adopted. Several combinations of steam and air mass flow rates were tested to scale down the main conditions occurred during the 1F SA. Measurements of pool water temperature in different locations and visualization with high-speed camera represent the main outcome of the experimental activity. The preliminary results have demonstrated that a relatively small concentration of air in the steam flow is able to suppress the occurrence of chugging of the steam, with reduced mixing in the pool. Both RCIC quenchers adopted induced large chugging at the bottom of the pool which are effective to avoid temperature stratification, thanks to the large water recirculation and vertical mixing within the pool. At decreased subcooling, mixing in the pool ceases and the quenchers with holes disposed in the vertical direction, as in the RCIC exhaust pipe of the 1F unit 3, introduce intense stratification that drastically reduces the condensation efficiency of the S/C pool. Quencher of 1F2 RCIC does not present stratification possibly dependent on the distance of the pipe outlet to the pool floor. Given the reduced size of the pool compared to the plant scale, the observed phenomena should not be extrapolated for the whole S/C. The objective of the ongoing experimental activity is to construct a database based on the high-speed filming, measurements of major quantities such as water temperature, steam pressure and FPs concentration to foster the development of physical models for both lumped parameter SA codes and detailed computational fluid dynamics software, in an effort to enhance the understanding of the complex phenomena following the 1F accident.  相似文献   

In this paper,the reactor core cooling and its melt progression terminating is evaluated,and the initiation criterion for reactor cavity flooding during water injection is determined.The core cooling in pressurized-water reactor of severe accident is simulated with the thermal hydraulic and severe accident code of SCDAP/RELAP5.The results show that the core melt progression is terminated by water injection,before the core debris has formed at bottom of core,and the initiation of reactor cavity flooding is indicated by the core exit temperature.  相似文献   

基于最佳估算程序RELAP5/MOD3.3,对AP1000系统进行了详细的建模分析,选取冷却剂泵卡轴事故、蒸汽发生器(SG)传热管破裂事故和直接注射管线双端断裂事故作为典型事故,获得了典型事故工况下关键参数的瞬态特性和非能动系统响应特性。结果表明:对于冷却剂泵卡轴事故,一回路最大压力为16.82 MPa,燃料包壳表面温度最大值为1 299K,满足验收准则的要求;对于SG传热管破裂事故,破损SG的水体积为231.54m3,小于AP1000蒸汽发生器255.563m3的总容积;对于直接注射管线双端断裂事故,AP1000的非能动堆芯冷却系统能对一回路进行冷却和降压,并防止堆芯裸露和燃料包壳过热。  相似文献   

以CPR1000型核电站3×50%电动给水泵为研究对象,采用基于RELAP5和Simulink程序开发的CPR1000数字化仪控系统仿真试验台,详细计算分析了给水泵单泵故障和双重故障对反应堆运行的影响及相应的缓解措施。结果表明,给水泵单泵故障对反应堆运行的影响较小,各相关参数能够很快重回事故前的稳态工况。在给水泵双重故障情况下:初始核功率在75%FP及以下时,不会出现蒸汽发生器(SG)低-低水位;初始核功率高于75%FP、汽机初始负荷在90%FP及以下时,需将汽机负荷阶跃降至50%FP,才不会出现SG低-低水位;汽机初始负荷在90%FP以上时,建议停堆。  相似文献   

假设AP1000核电厂发生类似福岛核事故的初因事件,利用RELAP5/MOD3.3程序对事故早期的一、二回路系统和非能动安全系统进行模拟计算,得到了反应堆冷却剂系统压力、堆芯冷却剂温度、非能动安全系统流量等重要参数的瞬态变化。分析表明:在非能动余热排出系统完好的情况下,反应堆系统能顺利进入热停堆状态;如果非能动余热排出系统1根换热管发生双端断裂,则反应堆系统将会在5 h内发生严重事故。  相似文献   

Since the Fukushima accident in 2011,more and more attention has been paid to nuclear reactor safety.A number of evolutionary passive systems have been developed to enhance the inherent safety of reactors.This paper presents a passive safety system applied on CPR1000,which is a traditional generation Ⅱ+ reactor.The passive components selected are as follows:(1) the reactor makeup tanks (RMTs);(2) the advanced accumulators (A-ACCs);(3) the passive emergency feedwater system (PEFS);(4)the passive depressurization system (PDS);(5) the incontainment refueling water storage tank (IRWST).The model of the coolant system and the passive systems was established by utilizing a system code (RELAP5/MOD3.3).The SBLOCA (small-break loss of coolant) was analyzed to test the passive safety systems.When the SBLOCA occurred,the RMTs were initiated.The water in the RMTs was then injected into the pressure vessel.The RMTs' low water level triggered the PDS,which depressurized the coolant system drastically.As the pressure of the coolant system decreased,the A-ACCs and the IRWST were put to work to prevent the uncovering of the core.The results show that,after the small-break loss-of-coolant accident,the passive systems can prevent uncovering of the core and guarantee the safety of the plant.  相似文献   

CPR1000非能动应急给水系统瞬态特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用RELAP5/MOD3.4程序对CPR1000压水堆在全厂断电事故下一回路主要参数的瞬态热工水力特性进行分析,验证CPR1000非能动应急给水系统(PEFWS)对事故的缓解能力。计算结果表明,CPR1000在发生全厂断电事故后,PEFWS完全可及时向蒸汽发生器补水,同时导出堆芯余热,保证反应堆处于安全状态,从而验证CPR1000PEFWS的设计成功。  相似文献   

为研究超临界水堆(SCWR)全系统启动特性,以SCTRAN程序为计算工具,基于中国超临界水堆(CSR1000)堆芯参数、高性能轻水反应堆(HPLWR)热力循环回路和日本SCWR再循环启动回路,建立了SCWR完整再循环启动系统模型。通过与HPLWR热力循环回路的稳态参数对比,验证了完整回路模型的正确性。分析在控制系统控制下的CSR1000再循环启动过程,得到了启动过程中堆芯、汽鼓、汽轮机、各级抽汽、再热器、各级回热器的瞬态响应曲线。计算结果表明,启动序列和启动过程各热工参数的变化符合预期,系统稳定启动;堆芯始终处于单相状态;汽轮机入口为超临界蒸汽;经过高压和低压回热器后堆芯入口温度能够达到280℃;高压缸入口压力维持恒定;在启动的过程中最大燃料包壳表面温度低于限值温度650℃,整个启动过程安全可靠。   相似文献   

During a station blackout of PWR, the pump seal will fail due to loss of the seal cooling. This particular transient-LOCA sequence designated as S3-TMLB' analyzed by SNL with MELPROG/TRAC for Surry plant showed that the depressurization due to the pump seal LOCA would result in early accumulator injection and subsequent core cooling which lead to the delay of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) meltthrough. The present analysis was performed with SCDAP/RELAP5 to evaluate this scenario shown in the MELPROG/TRAC analyses. Addition-ally, the calculated results were compared with the similar experimental studies of JAERI's ROSA-IV program.

The present analyses showed that: (1) During S3-TMLB', the loop seal clearing would occur and cause a slight delay of accident progression. (2) It is unlikely that the accumulator injection, which leads to the delay of RPV meltthrough by approximately 60 min, is initiated automatically during S3-TMLB'. Accordingly, an intentional depressurization using PORVs is recommended for the mitigation of the accident consequences. (3) The present SCDAP/RELAP5 analyses did not show significant delay of accident progression. It was found that non-realistic lower heat generation and higher core cooling models used in the MELPROG/TRAC analysis are attributed to this discrepancy.  相似文献   

以先进核电站AP1000为研究对象,在其蒸汽发生器二次侧设计了1套耗汽驱动汽动辅助给水泵的非能动辅助给水系统。使用RELAP5程序计算分析全厂断电事故下设计系统的运行特性,研究其应对事故工况的能力。计算结果表明:全厂断电事故下,设计的非能动辅助给水系统可有效地排出堆芯余热,保证反应堆的安全;由于冷却剂体积收缩,170 min时稳压器排空;该系统可连续运行200 min,排出事故后的大部分堆芯余热。非能动辅助给水系统可作为全厂断电事故后的应急缓解方案。  相似文献   

采用机理性严重事故最佳估算程序SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3.2,以美国西屋公司Surry核电站为参考对象,建立了1个典型的3环路压水堆核电站的严重事故分析模型,分别对主回路冷段和热段发生25cm大破口失水事故(LBLOCA)导致的堆芯熔化事故进行研究分析。结果表明,压水堆发生大破口失水事故时,堆芯熔化进程较快,大量堆芯材料熔化并坍塌至下腔室,反应堆压力容器下封头失效较早,且主回路冷段破口比热段破口更为严重。  相似文献   

采用严重事故最佳估算程序RELAP5/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2,建立美国Surry-2核电站的详细计算模型,对完全丧失给水(TLFW)引发的堆芯熔化事故进行研究分析。为准确预测压力容器内堆芯熔化的进程,为二级概率安全评价提供可信的初始条件,计算中考虑了一回路压力边界的蠕变破裂失效,并评价了人为干预对堆芯熔化进程及事故后果的影响。计算结果表明,由完全丧失给水引发的压水堆核电站严重事故不会出现人们担心的高压熔堆;反应堆压力容器下封头的失效位置不是在其底部,而是在其侧面;通过打开稳压器释放阀对一回路实施主动卸压能够大大推迟事故的进程。  相似文献   

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