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A thermodynamic for the effect of the annualized cost of a component on the production cost in 1 000 kW gas-turbine cogeneration system was studied by utilizing the generalized exergy balance and cost-balance equations developed previously. Comparison between typical exergy-costing methodologies were also made by solving a predefined cogeneration system, CGAM problem. It was successful to identity the component which affects the unit cost of system's products decisively. It has been found that the cost of products are crucially dependent on the change in the annualized cost of the component whose primary product is the same as the system's product. On the other hand, the change in the weighted average cost of the product is proportional to the change in the annualized cost of the total system. 相似文献
This paper presents exergetic and engineering analyses as well as a simulation of gas turbine-based cogeneration plants consisting of a gas turbine, heat recovery steam generator and steam turbine. The exergy analysis is based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The engineering analysis is based on both the methodology of levelized cost and the pay back period. To simulate these systems, an algorithm has been developed. Two cogeneration cycles, one consisting of a gas turbine and the other of a gas turbine and steam turbine and process to produce electricity and process heat have been analyzed. The results showed good agreement with the reported data. 相似文献
Characteristics of high-efficiency gas turbine cogeneration systems using low Btu gas (LBG) are first analysed. Raising the turbine inlet temperature and incorporating a regenerator are both investigated as methods to improve the efficiency of the cogeneration system (CGS). Taking a gas obtained by pyrolyzing municipal refuse as an example of an LBG, various thermodynamic characteristics of the CGS are analysed using a simulation model developed by the authors. Secondly, authors investigate the economics of a CGS for district heating and cooling using the pyrolysis gas, making use of the estimated characteristics. It is shown that the CGS is estimated to be economically feasible, whereas a CGS using conventional high Btu fuel gas (methane gas) is estimated to be economically infeasible under assumed conditions. The impacts of changes in various parameters which determine the economics of the CGS are also investigated, and it is shown that the economics of the system using refuse-recovered LBG can be expected to be further improved owing to future developments in the technology of generating and refining pyrolysis gas. 相似文献
Factors such as low capital cost, good match of power and heat requirements and proven reliability can sometimes lead an end user into purchasing gas turbines for use in a modern cogeneration plant. The steam‐injected gas turbine is an attractive electrical generating technology for mitigating the impacts of rising energy prices. According to such mentioned above this paper is to provide results of an optimization study on cogeneration power cycle, which works by gas turbine with recuperator and injection steam added to the combustor of the gas turbine. The performance characteristics of the cycle based on energy and exergy concepts and based upon practical performance constraints were investigated. The effect of the recuperator on the cycle was greatly clarified. Results also show that the output power of a gas turbine increases when steam is injected. When extra steam has to be generated in order to be able to inject steam and at the same time to provide for a given heat demand, power generating efficiency increases but cogeneration efficiency decreases with the increasing of injected steam. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对燃机联合循环机组的特点和石化工业园区中的热用户对供热可靠性的要求,分析了可维持供热可靠性的措施,并给出了推荐方案。 相似文献
根据分布式能源系统的要求,采用解析解的办法对小功率回热燃气轮机热电联产变工况运行进行了研究与验证,在已有的基础上进一步证明了回热燃气轮机变工况运行解析公式的正确性。同时进一步探索了这种机组热电联产变工况的一些特性,为以后分布式能源的应用作了理论上的准备,也为冷热电联供提供了一定的理论基础。 相似文献
The paper evaluates the thermodynamical, economical and environmental characteristics of a cogeneration system composed of a gas turbine and a waste heat boiler (system A). Two other systems for increasing power generating efficiency are also evaluated, namely systems B and C, which are constructed by incorporating a regenerative cycle and a dual fluid cycle, respectively, into system A. It has been estimated that system C satisfies an environmental constraint that the nitrogen oxide density exhausted should be less than 100 parts in 106, and that systems A and B also satisfy this constraint if a small amount of steam is injected into the combustor. The power generating efficiencies of systems A and B, in this case, and that of system C have been estimated to be 33.5%, 38.5% and 41.2%, respectively; i.e. the efficiencies of systems B and C can be improved noticeably compared with that of system A. The economics of these systems have also been evaluated based on the value of a profit index, and the systems are all estimated to be economically viable under the conditions assumed. As a result, it has been shown that it is possible to construct cogeneration systems with satisfactory characteristics of both environmental protection and profitability if system A is used in districts where the heat demand is large, system C in districts where the heat demand is small, and system B in districts with intermediate heat demand. 相似文献
Comparative performance analysis of cogeneration gas turbine cycle for different blade cooling means
The paper compares the thermodynamic performance of MS9001 gas turbine based cogeneration cycle having a two-pressure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) for different blade cooling means. The HRSG has a steam drum generating steam to meet coolant requirement, and a second steam drum generates steam for process heating. Gas turbine stage cooling uses open loop cooling or closed loop cooling schemes. Internal convection cooling, film cooling and transpiration cooling techniques employing steam or air as coolants are considered for the performance evaluation of the cycle. Cogeneration cycle performance is evaluated using coolant flow requirements, plant specific work, fuel utilisation efficiency, power-to-heat-ratio, which are function of compressor pressure ratio and turbine inlet temperature, and process steam drum pressure. The maximum and minimum values of power-to-heat ratio are found with steam internal convection cooling and air internal convection cooling respectively whereas maximum and minimum values of fuel utilisation efficiency are found with steam internal convection cooling and closed loop steam cooling. The analysis is useful for power plant designers to select the optimum compressor pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, fuel utilisation efficiency, power-to-heat ratio, and appropriate cooling means for a specified value of plant specific work and process heating requirement. 相似文献
The influence of operating conditions such as reheat, intercooling, ambient temperature and pressure ratio are analyzed from a second law perspective on the performance of a natural gas‐fired gas turbine cogeneration system. The effect of these operating parameters on carbon dioxide emissions is also discussed. The second law efficiency of gas turbine cogeneration system increases markedly with reheat option. Higher pressure ratios lead to decreased second law cogeneration efficiency but this effect can be reduced with a higher level of reheat option. The effect of intercooling on second law efficiency is strongly related to pressure ratio with higher pressure ratios significantly decreasing efficiency. The second law efficiency is not so sensitive to the environment temperature for levels of reheat or intercooling greater than 50%. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A turbine plant, using solar energy as a heat source, has been studied. The facility is used as a pump drive or electric-power generator. It is suitable for use in waterless areas, is easy to operate and maintain, and has high thermal efficiency. A computer-aided optimization was carried out for a regenerative solar gas turbine, including a parametric study of compressor, regenerator, concentrator, and turbine efficiencies. The effects of maximum cycle operating temperature and engine-pressure ratio on thermal efficiency and power output, as welll as corresponding optimum pressure ratios, were determined. The turbine and compressor efficiencies and the maximum cycle temperature exert the strongest influence on cycle thermal efficiency, power output, optimum pressure ratio for maximum work and efficiency: the regenerator has a greater effect than the receiver. 相似文献
A cogeneration system generating both heat and power for district heating and cooling is required to be more efficient to improve its economy. In this paper, three typical methods for improving the power generation efficiency of a gas turbine cogeneration system are evaluated by examining exergy flow at various points of the system. The three methods investigated are: (a) to raise turbine inlet temperature, (b) to incorporate a regenerative cycle, and (c) to introduce a dual-fluid cycle. Exergy flows at various points of each cogeneration system have been evaluated. It has been shown through quantitve analyses of exergy flows (1) what kind of energy loss of the system can be reduced by introducing each efficiency-improving method, (2) that the method of incorporating a regenerative cycle is highly useful in improving exergy efficiency of the cogeneration system. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this study, efficient configuration of a biogas‐fuelled cogeneration system (CGS) in a sewage treatment facility was investigated. The efficient configuration of the CGS was clarified on the basis of the relationship between exhaust heat recovery efficiency (ηehr) of the CGS and the ratio of yearly average heat demand to yearly average biogas production of the facility (Qh.d/Qb.p). The CGS was assumed to be used under Qh.d/Qb.p<ηehr,Qh.d/Qb.p≈ηehr, and Qh.d/Qb.p>ηehr conditions. It was found that although the CGS was able to cover total heat demand of the facility by only consuming biogas produced, from the point of view of energy utilization, reduction of unutilized biogas and reduction of electricity demand efficiencies, the most efficient CGS was obtained under the Qh.d/Qb.p≈ηehr condition. Under the Qh.d/Qb.p≈ηehr condition, energy utilization, reduction of unutilized biogas, and reduction of electrical demand efficiencies were 0.64, 0.99, and 0.32, respectively, whereas under the Qh.d/Qb.p<ηehr and Qh.d/Qb.p>ηehr conditions, energy utilization, reduction of unutilized biogas, and reduction of electrical demand efficiencies were in ranges of 0.56–0.64, 0.43–0.99, and 0.16–0.20, respectively. A more efficient system can be obtained if a CGS with lower ηehr such as a fuel cell is used under the Qh.d/Qb.p<ηehr condition and if a CGS with higher ηehr such as a steam turbine is used under the Qh.d/Qb.p>ηehr condition. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20389 相似文献
This paper develops, implements, and applies a mathematical model for economic unit dispatch for a novel cogeneration concept (CHP-HP-FG-CS (CHP with compression heat pump and cold storage using flue gas heat)) that increases the plant’s operational flexibility. The CHP-HP-FG-CS concept is a high-efficiency and widely applicable option in distributed cogeneration better supporting the co-existence between cogenerators and intermittent renewables in the energy system.The concept involves integrating an efficient high-temperature compression heat pump that uses only waste heat recovered from flue gases as low-temperature heat source, and an intermediate cold thermal storage allowing for non-concurrent operation of the cogeneration unit and the heat pump unit.The model is applied for a paradigmatic case study that shows how the integration of a heat pump affects the operational strategy of a cogeneration plant. It is found that CHP-HP-FG-CS offers significant reductions in fuel consumption (?8.9%) and operational production costs (?11.4%). The plant’s fuel-to-energy efficiency increases from 88.9 to 95.5%, which is state-of-the-art.The plant’s intermittency-friendliness coefficient Rc improves only marginally due to the constrained nature of the low-temperature heat source and the associated small capacity of the heat pump unit. Significant improvements in Rc are found when increasing the heat pump capacity assuming the availability of an unconstrained heat source. 相似文献
《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》1994,21(5):695-706
An overview of the experimental techniques employed or developed for the measurement of local and mean heat transfer coefficients and adiabatic wall effectiveness from film cooled surfaces is presented. The scope of this work is confined to heat transfer techniques applied to film cooling of gas turbine blades, steady state and transient. The latter technique have significant advantages over the former in that it yields results at parameters duplicating those at the full-scale operating engine conditions, although the former technique offers simplicity. 相似文献
Selahattin Gktun 《国际能源研究杂志》1998,22(14):1299-1304
An irreversible heat engine-driven vapour compression and absorption heat pump system is considered as a cogeneration cycle. The effects of thermal resistances and internal irreversibilities on the coefficient of performance (COP) of this cogeneration cycle were investigated using finite-time thermodynamic approach. An improved equation for the COP of the system under consideration was obtained. The results obtained here may serve as a good guide for the evaluation of existing real cogeneration heat pumps or provide some theoretical bases for the optimal design of future cogeneration heat pumps. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
《Applied Thermal Engineering》2000,20(2):179-197
The gas turbine engine is known to have a number of attractive features, principally: low capital cost, compact size, short delivery, high flexibility and reliability, fast starting and loading, lower manpower operating needs and better environmental performance, in relation to other prime movers, especially the steam turbine plant, with which it competes. However, it suffers from limited efficiency, especially at part load. Cogeneration, on the other hand, is a simultaneous production of power and thermal energy when the otherwise wasted energy in the exhaust gases is utilised. Hence, cogeneration with gas turbines utilises the engine’s relative merits and boosts its thermal efficiency. Thereby, the worldwide concern about the cost and efficient use of energy is going to provide continuing opportunities, for gas turbine cogeneration systems, in power and industry.In this work, ten research investigations carried out by the author and associates during the last ten years in the field of gas turbine cogeneration in power and industry are reviewed briefly. 相似文献
The feasibility of a proposed system that combines a magnesium oxide/water chemical heat pump and a diesel engine as a cogeneration system is discussed based on experimental results. The combined system is intended to utilize the waste heat discharge from the engine by means of the chemical heat pump and to level the heat supply load of the engine, allowing enhanced energy utilization. The thermal performance of the chemical heat pump in the cogeneration system is estimated based on the results of a packed‐bed experiment. The estimation indicates that by storing the waste heat from the engine during low demand periods, the cogeneration system can produce more than several times the standard thermal output of the diesel engine during peak demand periods. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A first- and second-law analysis is presented for a process developed for simultaneous generation of a fuel gas and electric power (gas and power cogeneration) based on atmospheric circulating-fluidized-bed (ACFB) combustion of coal. The mathematical model has a zone structure, multi-species equilibrium calculations for applicable zone conditions at high temperatures (50 gas-phase and seven solid-phase chemical species) and the concept of freezing of the gas composition at low temperatures. Our analysis shows that the process utilizes coal in a simple, effective and environmentally clean manner. The first- and second-law efficiencies of the process are, respectively, 35.0 and 27.6% for gas generation, 15.4 and 14.6% for power generation, 50.4 and 42.2% overall. The heating value of the gas is 11 MJ/Nm3 (medium). Desulphurization is achieved by using CaS-based sulphur capture during limestone addition to the gasifier bed. Results are compared with data from a 150 kg of coal/h experimental plant. 相似文献