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罗萱 《电子测试》2016,(14):74-75
物联网是继计算机、互联网之后的世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮,它将是下一个推动社会发展的“重要生产力”,它可以实现人与人、人与物、物与物的无所不在、无所不能的沟通和交流。本文介绍了物联网的定义、主要特点、物联网与互联网、传感器网络、泛在网的异同之处。  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术的发展,我国互联网技术得到了长足的发展。物联网是继计算机、互联网之后的世界信息产业发展的第三次浪潮,它将是下一个推动社会发展的"重要生产力",它可以实现人与人、人与物、物与物的无所不在、无所不能的沟通和交流。本文介绍了物联网的定义、主要特点,关键技术,物联网的潜在问题和应用前景。  相似文献   

物联网是以基础网络为基础,以RFID、GPS、传感器及激光扫描器为感知元件,以信息采集为目标,同时由业务层、网络层、感知层组成的网络形式。物联网的应用能够实现物与人及物与物的互联,因此物联网也被称作信息产业的新高潮。本文笔者结合实践经验,就物联网感知环境安全机制的关键技术进行研究,由此提出物联网安全机制的改进方案,以期实现物联网的安全运行及健康发展。  相似文献   

杨平  范苏洪  朱艳 《通信技术》2020,(3):738-743
物联网普遍存在遭受网络攻击类型多样化、没有安全保护标准、数据极易被截获或破解等安全风险,核心问题在于缺乏设备、服务提供者、应用、数据、交易等物的安全认证机制。因此,有必要建立一种提供认证鉴权和数据保护的方案体系,建立物与物、物与人之间的信任。密码技术是解决核心安全问题的基础理论和技术,而传统的证书体系并不适应于物联网环境,基于商密SM9的算法才是目前物联网安全认证的最佳选择。物联网安全平台依赖商密SM9算法的优势,有效克服了传统算法中密钥分发安全性弱等问题,深入物联网行业终端与应用层面,建立了面向物联网业务的端到端安全。  相似文献   

美国权威咨询机构FORRESTER预测,到2020年,世界上物物互联的业务,跟人与人通信的业务相比,将达到30比1,因此,“物联网”被称为是下一个万亿级的通信业务. M2M就是把物与物联系起来,以达到人与物、物与物的实时交流,是物联网的最直接实现方式.  相似文献   

杭州是国内物联网技术研发和产业化应用研究的先行地区之一,处于全国物联网产业发展的"第一方阵",在无线传感网、射频设别、物联网技术应用等方面形成了一批核心技术。物联网确实可以使城市具有智慧,能够实现人与人的沟通,实现人与物、物与物之间的交流,同时也成为了城市信息化中的一个非常重要的环节。作为推动我国物联网产业快速发展的排头兵,杭州已成为全国最为关注的城市之一。而在这片生机勃勃的热土上,主导信息运营商中国移动,  相似文献   

物联网就是网络技术的一种应用,以互联网为基础,利用射频标签、无线传感器网络等物理接入技术与网络信息传输技术,构建一种可以覆盖人与物的网络信息系统。物联网技术目前被广泛应用于公共安全、环境保护、工业检测等重要方面。物联网强调的是人与人、物与物、人与物这三者之间的联系与这几者之间的信息自动交互和共享。由于物联网是于网络技术基础上,网络安全地问题逐渐成为一个社会性的问题,它能对人们的生活质量、工作秩序造成很大的影响,所以物联网技术安全,成为重中之重。  相似文献   

物联网感知层信息安全分析与建议   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
马纪丰  梁浩 《现代电子技术》2012,35(19):76-78,88
物联网是以感知为目的,实现人与人、人与物、物与人全面互联的网络。其概念一经提出,得到了各国政府、科研机构以及各类企业的大力推广和积极发展。感知层作为物联网信息获取的主要来源,其信息安全问题是物联网发展所面临的首要问题。对物联网感知层的信息获取方式以及存在的安全威胁进行了研究,并对现有的安全防护机制进行了分析和总结。最后,针对感知层目前存在的信息安全问题及其技术的发展趋势,提出了相应的应对建议措施。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步以及科学技术的发展,移动终端不断普及,移动互联技术发展迅速,从人与人之间的交流,发展为人与物、物与物之间的信息交互。在整个物联网体系中,低速率物联网占据很大比重。低速率物联网低功耗、低成本,随着Cat.M和NB-lot等系统的开发应用,进一步促进了低速率物联网的发展。低速率窄带通信技术的研发,解决了多终端通信、低能耗通信、远距离通信等问题。这一技术成为应用效率最高、传播范围最广、适应能力最强的通信技术。低速率物联网技术相关研究不断增多,使人们对其有了更深层次的了解。  相似文献   

近年来,计算机网络技术发展迅速,且为推动国民经济的增长做出了巨大贡献。作为计算机网络技术的主要产物,物联网不仅将网络的范围由最初的人与人之间的联系扩展到了人与物、物与物之间,而且也有效提高了社会各个生产、生活领域的工作效率。为了进一步提高物联网的安全性,从而使其更好地服务于人们的生产、生活需要,文章以物联网作为研究对象,通过对其概念进行简要陈述,在结合相关网络安全威胁的基础上,对物联网安全的关键技术应用展开了深入研究。  相似文献   

No-one knows precisely what life will be like in 2020, but it is always fun guessing. If we know the development rates of many different technologies, we can anticipate many of the things that will be possible and when they are likely to happen. Considering the interactions between the many technologies and society along the way, we can also foresee many potential consequences on business and social life. Developing such scenarios allows us to plan with a much better picture of how life might look, realising that many things will still turn out differently in spite of our best efforts.It is in computer-based technology that we may see the greatest changes. By 2020, we will have synthetic intelligent life forms sharing our planet and they may even have legal rights. They will catch up with human intelligence before then in overall terms, though there will still be a few things left that only people can do. Most new knowledge will be developed by synthetic intelligence and we will have to accept that we just do not understand some of it, while accepting the resultant benefits. This will lead us into the care economy, where people gradually concentrate more on the human side of activity, as machines gradually take over both physical and mental work. A partnership between man and machine will make our work more productive and our play more enjoyable, augmenting the smallest spark of creativity with machine intelligence. Even entertainment will be within the machine domain, with today's crude computer game heroes and heroines evolving to a whole range of entertainers, even chat show hosts. It is even possible that some of our friends may be synthetic. Since many of our relationships will be net based, we will not even necessarily know which of our friends are synthetic.  相似文献   

雷电是大气中带电云块之间或带电云层与地面之间所发生的一种强烈的自然放电现象。雷电虽然是一种人类还不能控制其发生的自然现象,但为避免它对人类社会造成的危害,人们通过长期的观测研究,对雷电现象及其特性、发生和发展的规律已经取得了一定的成果,并在此基础上形成了雷电防护的理论和措施。本文主要通过对石油化工企业仪表控制室雷电防护的必要性与重要性的分析和雷击对仪表控制室的危害形成阐述,并结合现代综合防雷的新观念,具体提出仪表控制室综合防雷技术。  相似文献   

网络的意义不仅是连接,更重要的是通过互动演生出来的种种可利用特性。要让物联网动起来的必要条件是赋与"物"以标识和元数据。探索建立物联网的元数据体系,建议制定标准,并以此为基础开发应用。  相似文献   

Dimitrova  N. Bove  V.M.  Jr. 《Multimedia, IEEE》2001,8(4):13-15
Advertising campaigns and highly popular government programs have for many years trumpeted the need to get people connected to the Internet. That meant solving the technological and sociological issues involved in providing network access to the population and turning them into regular users. The message echoes today in a slightly muted form. Except in developing parts of the world, getting people connected is no longer a major challenge. The challenge today is to create and support experiences that users continue to value. The recent drop in the overheated valuations of networking-oriented businesses serves as a useful reminder that people don't really care about being connected to the Internet per se. They use the Internet to connect to other people or things. In the case of, connecting to people, a valuable question to ask might be, How can connected applications identify communities, support their activities, and evolve to meet their needs? With respect to things, let's consider the increasingly popular situation in which those things are multimedia content. In particular, let's think about how multimedia content might be the glue that connects, defines, and supports communities. Irrespective of views on intellectual property issues or business models, even a cursory reading of recent events makes it undeniable that the Web is becoming a remarkably effective-if not yet efficient-multimedia content distribution platform. While this may not have been a design goal earlier, it's now a significant driving force in the evolution of network technology, user services, and access devices. Given media content, people, and the Internet, there are three sorts of connectedness pairings to consider: people-to-people; people-to-media; and media-to-media  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - In this paper, we introduce a survey of routing protocols for inter- net of things (IoT). We provide an overview of hardware and software plat- forms for IoT...  相似文献   

在Agent协商方法里,辩论协商已获得了越来越多的重视。通过提供一个逻辑环境用来解决辩论协商模型,特别是对论证的类型进行了分类和定义,比较好地解决了论证的产生和评估的问题。实验表明该逻辑环境是合理和有效的。  相似文献   

A service level agreement (SLA) is a formal contract between the service provider (SP) and the customer. Among various specifications, the SLA states an availability requirement and a penalty the SP pays if this requirement is violated. Traditional approaches to protection use a fixed deployment of backup resources, or do not consider the status of a service. As more heterogeneous applications use optical wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) backbone network services of the future internet, these service-agnostic approaches are unable to accommodate the differentiated availability requirements. This results in substantial revenue loss either by refusing requests, or by accepting them and then violating their SLAs. In this paper, we propose and investigate the characteristics of a centralized control and management framework for service-aware, admission, and re-provisioning (SAR) in WDM backbone networks of the future internet. Our framework aggressively admits service requests, and dynamically reprovisions existing services by exploiting knowledge of their status. We first propose a GMPLS-based architecture and a revenue model for our analysis. Then we introduce a priority index, called urgency level (UL). An UL is assigned to an existing service indicating its status and relative importance, technically and economically. We reprovision resources by shifting them from low-UL services to provide backups for higher-UL services, which are more at risk of violating their SLAs or which have higher penalties. Our framework increases the revenue for the SP by creating more sales revenue and reducing potential penalties. Numerical results show improved performance in terms of 1) lower resource overbuild; 2) lower bandwidth blocking ratio; 3) higher SLA satisfaction ratio; 4) more balanced SLA violations; and 5) higher overall net revenue. Our framework is also shown to be effective for a range of failure models and penalty strategies.   相似文献   

Groebbens  A.  Colle  D.  De Maesschalck  S.  Lievens  I.  Pickavet  M.  Demeester  P.  Tran  L.  Steenhaut  K.  Nowé  A. 《Photonic Network Communications》2003,6(3):207-222
In Part One of this study [1], we presented three approaches for organizing backup tree (BT) protection, where a BT was used to protect a group of working paths (WPs) against single failures. Shared BT protection uses less capacity compared to d edicated (path) protection (DP), while having the same fast recovery. Using shared BT protection is particularly suitable for multi-protocol lambda switching (MPS) networks and can save about 15% capacity resources compared to DP. In this paper, we present a simulation study in which we apply the approaches presented in Part One for several network topologies with different demand scenarios. The effects of network and demand characteristics on the capacity gain obtained with these approaches are analyzed. In addition, the comparison between BTs and 1 : N protection is made.  相似文献   

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