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<正>A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied with his life.But one day he saw a swan2."This swan is so white,"he thought,"and I am so black.This swan must be the happiest bird in the world."一只乌鸦住在森林里,对生活相当满意。但是有一天,他看到了一只天鹅。"天鹅真洁白。"乌鸦想,"我却是一身黑。天鹅肯定是世界上最快乐的鸟儿。"He told his thoughts to the swan."Actually,"the swan replied,"I was feeling that I was the  相似文献   

<正>One day in 1965,when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle,a fourthgrade teacher came up to me.She had a student who finished his work before all the others and needed a challenge."Could he help in the library?"she asked.I said,"Send him along."1965年,我在西雅图维尤里奇学校当图书馆员时,一天,一个四年级老师来找到我说,她有个学生总是最先完成功课,他需要做点对他有挑战性的工作。"他可以来图书馆帮帮忙吗?"她问。"带他来吧!"我说。  相似文献   

<正>The Speaker An after-dinner speaker was talking on and on and on,boring everyone to tears.One of the guests,fighting to keep his drooping eyelids open,turned to the lady on his right and said,"Can something be done to shut him up?""If there is I’d like to know,"said the lady,"I’m his wife and I’ve been trying to shut him up for twenty years."讲演者一位晚餐后的讲演者说个没完没了,以至每个人都烦得哈欠连天。有一位客人使劲睁开他沉重的眼  相似文献   

<正>1.One day,Hans is going to give a talk.He looks for his materials in his study.一天,汉斯要去做个演讲,在书房里寻找资料。2.He is worrying about the title when his son Roby runs into the study and asks him to play with him.他正在为演讲题目烦恼时,儿子罗比跑进书房,闹着要跟他玩。  相似文献   

The Argentinean-born Cesar Pelli is one of the most important and influential architects practicing in the world today. Since 1965, the date of the earliest project in this publication,he has amassed an impressive list of buildings to his credit, and his architectural production has spanned the difficult cultural transition of our times from modernism to postmodernism. A crucial concern of architecture in both periods, and one often expressed by Pelli himself when discussing his work, is "authenticity." This involves the relationship between a building's image and its reality; or put another way, between what it appears to be, and what it actually is in terms of its physical construction and purpose. In our  相似文献   

<正>“每每踏上旅途,他便得以更客观地审视自己的生活。他总能在旅途中保持清醒,并做出平时无法做出的决断。”——保罗·鲍尔斯,《遮蔽的天空》"Whenever he was en route from one place to another,he was able to look at his life with a little more objectivity than usual.It was often on trips that he thought most clearly,and made the decisions that he could not reach when he was stationary."-Paul Bowles,The Sheltering Sky  相似文献   

<正>A man was really worried about his son,who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all.So the father decided to call on a Buddhist monk(和尚)to train his child.一位父亲十分担心自己的儿子,他已经16岁了,却一点儿也不勇敢。于是父亲决定请一位和尚来训练儿子。The Buddhist monk said to the boy’s father,"You should leave your son alone here.I will make him into a real man within three months.However,you can’t come to  相似文献   

<正>Once upon a time a man had heard that in a place far away,there was a holy~1 flame~2burning.So he left his home to find the holy flame and bring some back home.He thought,"When I have this light,then I will have happiness and all the people I love will have it too."曾经有一个男人听说在一个遥远的地方那儿有一束圣火在燃烧。于是,他离开家去寻找那束圣火并带一些回家。他心想:"当我拥有这束圣火时,我将拥有幸福,并且所有我爱的人都会拥有。"  相似文献   

<正>Once there lived a dog.He was very greedy.There were many times that he had to pay for his greed.Each time the dog promised himself,"I have learnt my lesson.Now I will never be greedy again."But he soon forgot his promises and was as greedy as ever.从前有一条狗,它非常贪婪。有很多次它都不得不为自己的贪婪付出代价。每次它都和自己保证道:"我已经吸取教训了。现在我永远不会再贪心了。"但它很快就忘记了自己的承诺,一如既往地贪婪。  相似文献   

贾红宇  魏荣生 《建筑》2021,(18):70-71
"我们可以没有经验,可以缺少专业技术,但是不能没有责任心."这是陈先欢在农民工安全督察队表彰大会上曾说过的一句话,他常说,"我们肩头扛着的是项目部的信任,是工友们的平安.身为督察员要保持高度的警觉性,要做一面放大镜,要有打破砂锅问到底的责任心."陈先欢,男,30岁,中共党员,曾经也是穿过军装扛过枪的人.退役后,在半岛城邦花园项目劳务分包队当起了安全员.工作中,他一直是最勤勉的,每天的安全巡检中,他没有一丝马虎.在安全宣传会上,他总能用最通俗的语言讲幽默的故事,让每一个工友明白安全的重要性.安全汇报日志他写得最为详细,哪里的机械有故障,哪种安全防护有短缺,哪里的安全设施还有待完善,都记录得清清楚楚.  相似文献   

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