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<正>The Year of Horse went by,and the Year of Sheep comes.With fireworks bursts into the sky celebrating the Lunar New Year,Sheep Year come to the earth after twelve years for one round.They had spread through the ages and known to everybody that"The sheep falls into a tiger’s mouth","The sigh of losing sheep"and other relevant1idioms about sheep.骏马西去,神羊东来。随着新年阵阵贺岁的烟花腾空而起,十二年一轮的羊年又来到了。  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions using the word "enemy".So today,let’s talk about the stories of the"enemy".英语中有很多表达中使用了"敌人"一词,所以今天我们就从敌人的故事说起吧。Do you have an enemy?An enemy threatens you,attacks you or tries to harm you.Hopefully,you don’t.你有敌人么?敌人会威胁你,攻击你,或者试图伤害你。希望你没有。If you do have enemies,I have some advice for you:如果你有敌人的话,我有几点建议给你:  相似文献   

<正>The Teacher’s Notation During a Christmas exam,one of the questions was,"What causes a depression?"One of the students wrote,"God knows,I don’t know.Merry Christmas."The exam paper came back with teacher’s notation:"God gets 100,you get zero.Happy New Year."老师的批语在圣诞节考试期间,有一个问题是:"什么引起萧  相似文献   

<正>For many countries,January 1 offers an opportunity to forget the past and make a clean start.There are a variety of foods at New Year that are believed to bring good luck in the next year.在众多国家,1月1日都是一个辞旧迎新的日子。人们相信在新年里有一些食物能给人们带来好运。  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s note:You are mistaken if you think that Westerners do not believe in superstitions.The superstitions might be different,but pretty much every country around the world has them.Here’s a list of some of the common superstitions followed in the West to help you get a better insight into their cultures and customs.编者注:要是你认为西方人不迷信,那你就大错特错了。不同国家迷信内容或许不同,但几乎所有国家都存在迷信。下面是一份西方共有迷信的清单,以方便大家深入了解西方文化与风俗。  相似文献   

<正>Do you need motivation for studying?If you ever feel like studying is pointless,you may find inspiration2in the following tips.Read on to discover what your problems really are!学习需要动力吗?如果你觉得学习毫无意义,你可以从下面的提示中找到灵感。继续阅读,你会发现你的问题在哪!TIP 1:GET WISE!You’ve probably heard the old saying"I’ll never use this knowledge in the real world."It’s  相似文献   

<正>"Comparison is the death of joy."比较是快乐的终结者。"When you are content1to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete,everybody will respect you."—Mark Twain"当你愿意做真实的自己,不和他人比较或竞争时,人人都会敬重你。"——马克·吐温You compare cars,houses,shoes,money,social popularity and so on.And at the end of the day you pummel2your self-esteem to the ground and you create a lot of negative feelings with-  相似文献   

王晖 《世界建筑》2003,(3):72-73
This 600-acre private estate is located in alovely agricultural region in the Midwestern US. OlinPartnership, working with architects Thierry Despontand Jacquelin Robertson, looked to the agriculturaltraditions and materials of America's heartland forinspiration. Despite elements of the compositionthat are, in fact, derivative of European models,these are transformed within the context of thenative landscape and local traditions to create anensemble that is not only deeply American, butal…  相似文献   

<正>There are 10 questions which you should know the answers to,because the answers to these ten questionswill help you discover the very best in yourself."有十个问题的答案是你应该知道的,因为这十个问题的答案能帮助你发现最棒的自己。"1.What would make you proud of yourself?什么会让你为自己感到骄傲?When you follow your heart and intuition(直觉),people won’t always agree with you.When you find something that makes you happy,  相似文献   

<正>Enjoy that uniqueness.You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else.You do not have to lie to hide the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else.欣赏你自己的独特吧!你不用伪装自己以使你看起来和别人一样,也无需掩藏你那些与众不同之处。  相似文献   

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