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<正>剧情简介:在四名年轻的科学家瞬移到某个星球的途中,他们的外形发生变化并且获得了超能力。他们必须学会驾驭自己的能力,团结一致,拯救地球。When four young scientists teleport~1to a certain universe,their physical forms change and they get superhuman abilities.They must learn to control their abilities and work together as a team to save the earth.  相似文献   

Changsha-The central govern-ment is urging provincial officials toprotect and expand the green belts intheir areas. Local officials were urged to putthe"green drive"on the top of theiragendas by State Councillor ChenJunsheng,addressing a national con-ference on tree planting. Chen said at a conference that anaccountability system monitoringtheir performance would be intro-duced to ensure action on this"veryimportant task." Chen.speaking at the workingconference of National AfforestationCommittee.criticized some officialsfor their"over-enthusiasm in boost-ing the economy"by deforestingsome areas and turning them into"de-velopment zones."  相似文献   

Beijing has turned several ancient buildings into muse-ums in a drive to restore and preserve historical relics in thecity.The city government has invested 4.4 million yuan (760,000)to reconstruct the ancient buildings and stockedthem with relics and antiques.The city is expanding a several-hundred-year-oldtemple into a stone carving museum in Xicheng District.  相似文献   

<正>A group of students got together to visit their teacher.The teacher was happy to see them,and their talking soon turned into complaints1about their difficulties in studies and life.一群学生一同去拜访他们的老师。老师看到他们很开心,但不久学生们就满腹牢骚地抱怨他们学习和生活中的压力了。The teacher just smiled and went to the kitchen to get all kinds of cups—some porcelain2,  相似文献   

<正>All the American families today have cars.Some families may have two or more cars.Fathers drive to work.Mothers drive cars to do shopping.Some children may also drive to school.今天,所有的美国家庭都有汽车,有些家庭有两辆甚至更多的车。爸爸开车去工作,妈妈开车去购物,有些孩子开车去上学。  相似文献   

In recent years, many governments have become interested in leasing programmes. The essence of leasing is to combine the advantages of renting and owning. Instead of tenants ‘losing‘all of their rent to the landlord, part of their monthly payment goes toward the eventual purchase of the house. This arrangement satisfies the need for some families to rent at the beginning of their lives, but who want one day to become homeowners. It is particularly suitable for families with a regular income who lack the savings to put down a deposit on a house.Leasing programmes have been taken up in several Latin American countries, notably in Brazil, Chile and Colombia. The case study looks briefly at all three but concentrates on the most recent initiative, that of Colombia.  相似文献   

English for a long time, they still find their vocabulary insufficient. Because of the lack of vocabulary, they cannot understand the meaning of a sentence or cannot understand what others say. And their desire to learn is very strong. Therefore, possessing the efficient strategies of vocabulary learning is especially important. From this point, according to the investigation, this paper is intended to discuss the efficiency of the association methods in middle school vocabulary learning. Only when teachers adopt the appropriate strategies can they make a productive classroom teaching and arouse students’ learning interest.  相似文献   

Tianjin Construction Machinery Works is the earliest enterprisespecialized in manufacturing crawler type bulldozer thatproduced China's first crawler type bulldozer in 1958. Over40years, it has designed and manufactured Yishan crawlertype bulldozers such as T80, T100, T120, T140, T180ect.In 1985, our works imported Komatsu's technologyproduced on a trial basis ten models of bulldozer of twoseries from D60(mechanical drive) to D65(hydromechanical drive). Now, they are manufacturein batches…  相似文献   

Graves and Le CorbusierMichael Graves graviated towards Le Corbusier as a person. He probobly found greatsimilarities in Corbusier:the early-shown talent in painting, and a strong-willed motherwho shaped their future.Both had an elder brother who seemed to meet the expectations of the family better than each of them did at their early age. In Graves case, itwas his mother's request to choose a profession where he could use his talent in drawing. He was given two choices:engineer and architect. It was when his mother described "engineer" that he decided to be an architect(1).f  相似文献   

<正>There are many expressions using the word"eye"in English.So today,let’s start with the word"eye".英语中有很多表达中使用了"眼睛"这个词。今天我们就从"眼睛"这个词说起吧。When it comes to relationships,people’s eyes can be a window into their hearts.This means that their eyes can tell a lot about how they feel.I will tell a story about a man and a woman who are teachers at the same school.The woman is interested in the man.She uses many methods to catch his eye,or get him to notice her.Once he sets eyes  相似文献   

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