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<正>【重点词组或短语】1. win a prize获奖2. do a school survey做一个学校调查3. meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位严师的要求4. meet this group of friends遇到这群朋友5. score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球6. learn to play the keyboard学会弹电子琴7. be patient with sb.对某人有耐心8. work out the answer oneself自己找出答案9. guide sb. to do sth.指导某人做某事10. put in more effort更加努力  相似文献   

<正>【短语小结】1.win a prize获奖2.do a school survey做一个学校调查3.meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位要求严格的老师的要求4.score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球5.learn to play the keyboard学会弹琴6.be patient with sb.对某人有耐心7.guide sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事8.put in more effort更加努力9.look back at回首10.make a great big mess弄得一团糟11.keep my cool保持我的冷静12.look forward to doing sth.期望做某事  相似文献   

<正>【短语小结】1.win a prize获奖2.do a school survey做一个学校调查3.meet the standard of a strict teacher满足一位要求严格的老师的要求4.score two goals in a row连续踢进两个球5.learn to play the keyboard学会弹琴6.be patient with sb.对某人有耐心7.guide sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事8.put in more effort更加努力9.look back at回首10.make a great/big mess弄得一团糟11.keep one’s cool保持冷静12.look forward to doing sth.期望做某事13.get a business degree取得一个商业学  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.work on doing sth.致力于做某事2.come out(书、电影等)出版3.as soon as......一……就……4.become/be interested in对……感兴趣5.once upon a time从前6.the rest of the story故事的剩余部分7.continue to do sth.继续做某事8.leave sb.to do sth.让某人做某事9.the journey to……之旅10.make a plan to do sth.筹划/计划做某事  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事2.in the future将来3.after-school classes课外活动课4.worry about sth.担心某事5.get into a quarrel with sb.与某人吵架6.copy one’s homework抄袭某人的作业7.surprise sb.令某人惊讶8.family members家庭成员9.look through浏览10.give sb.pressure给某人施压  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.listen to tapes听录音磁带2.ask sb.for help向某人求助3.have conversations with sb.同某人谈话4.too...to...太……而不能……5.give a report作报告6.word by word逐词逐句地7.the secret to...……的秘诀8.be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事9.fall in love with爱上10.body language肢体语言11.as well也12.a piece of cake小菜一碟;很容易的事13.look up查阅;查找14.so that以便;为了15.repeat out loud大声跟读  相似文献   

<正>【短语小结】1.allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事allow doing sth.准许做某事be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事2.sixteen-year-olds十六岁的孩子们3.get one’s ears pierced穿耳洞4.get the driving license拿到驾驶执照5.be not serious enough不够严肃认真6.stop doing sth.停止做某事stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事7.instead of代替;而不是  相似文献   

<正>短语小结:1.be like像,跟……一样look like看起来像……2.in water在水中3.in one’s life在某人一生中4.be against(doing)sth.反对(做)某事5.living textbooks活生生的教科书6.provide...for...为……提供……7.the public公众,民众in public公开地8.care for关心,爱护9.be surprised at sth.对某事感到惊讶be surprised to do sth.惊讶地做某事10.urge sb.to do sth.强烈要求某人做某事11.agree with sb.同意某人的意见agree on sth.就某事达成一致意见12.stop riding in cars停止驾驶汽车13.a most unusual woman一个不同寻常的  相似文献   

<正>【重点词组或短语】1.how often多久一次2.of course当然3.on weekends在周末4.go to the movies去看电影5.hardly ever几乎不;不曾6.at least至少,起码7.junk food垃圾食品8.use the Internet上网9.three or four times a week一周三到四次10.want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事11.be good/bad for对……有好/坏处12.go camping in the country去乡下露营13.play sports做运动  相似文献   

<正>短语小结:1.be like像,跟……一样look like看起来像……2.in water在水中3.in one’s life在某人一生中4.be against(doing)sth.反对(做)某事5.living textbooks活生生的教科书6.provide...for...为……提供……7.the public公众,民众in public公开地8.care for关心,爱护9.be surprised at sth.对某事感到惊讶be surprised to do sth.惊讶地做某事10.urge sb.to do sth.强烈要求某人做某事11.agree with sb.同意某人的意见agree on sth.就某事达成一致意见12.stop riding in cars停止驾驶汽车  相似文献   

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