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The anti-epileptic drug carbamazepine was used as marker species in wastewater to identify and quantify sewer exfiltration. In several studies carbamazepine turned out to be hardly removed in wastewater treatment and not or just slightly attenuated during bank infiltration. Concentrations in wastewater are generally 1000 times higher than the limit of quantification. In contrast to many other marker species a "young" drug as carbamazepine is discharged to the environment only by wastewater. The results from this study carried out in Linz, Austria indicate an average exfiltration rate, expressed as percentage of the dry weather flow that is lost on the city-wide scale, of 1%. This rate is lower than sewage losses reported in most other studies which attempted to quantify exfiltration on the basis of groundwater pollution. However, it was also possible to identify one area with significant higher sewage losses.  相似文献   

长江三峡水利枢纽建筑物安全监测决策支持系统总体设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合三峡工程的特点,利用现代的信息技术对三峡工程水利枢纽建筑物安全监测决策支持系统进行总体设计。该系统主要包括三个面向用户的功能分系统,信息管理分系统、分析评价分系统和辅助决策分系统以及底层的系统支持库群,整个系统由计算机网络联成一个有机的整体。  相似文献   

截流式合流制排水管网设计新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种以溢流井为分界线,将截流式合流制排水管网分解为一系列小型完全合流制排水管网的设计新思路,并以管网关联矩阵和节点连接特性矩阵为基础,以节点平衡原理和节点递归算法为核心,实现完全合流制排水管网的流量计算和水力计算.该方法能有效减小管网计算模型的规模,降低程序设计难度,提高程序的实用性.  相似文献   

利用M-C法,建立水资源供水系统决策方案的数学模拟模型,对义乌市城市发展多方案的供水系统进行模拟分析,从而为水资源开发利用提供科学的决策依据.  相似文献   

参数化绘图在渡槽结构优化设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大型预应力U型渡槽结构优化设计中,需要将优化设计结果实现自动化绘图. 为解决这一问题,提出了将高级程序语言与AutoLISP相结合以实现参数化绘图的方法,开发了FORTRAN与AutoLISP混合编程程序设计系统.并将此程序设计系统运用于大型预应力U型渡槽槽身断面的优化设计过程中,把优化设计结果方便地转变成了形象直观的图形(文件),从而实现了自动化绘图.  相似文献   

Different approaches for quantification of pollution loads discharged from combined sewer networks into surface water bodies have been observed over the last few years and decades, but a large number of unresolved problems still remain. Many monitoring campaigns have been based on manual or automated spot sampling - with the long known limitations of this method such as sampling errors and errors due to sample conservation, transport and preparation. On the other hand, only recently have sensors became available which are suitable for continuous application in sewer networks. A large number of practical problems still have to be solved before continuous monitoring in sewer networks will be successful. Additionally, most of the applicable sensors are based on surrogate methods which results in a considerable effort for reference measurements for sensor calibration. Finally, it has to be considered that, depending on the sewer network topography, deposition and remobilisation of pollutants varies considerably, which limits the generality of monitoring results and, subsequently, their applicability as a base for the design of storm water tanks or combined sewer overflows (CSO). A monitoring station for continuous monitoring of load discharges from a CSO has been installed and operated for more than one year. The design and equipment of the measurement station, operational experiences and results are given in this paper.  相似文献   

As the decommissioning of dams becomes a common restoration technique, decisions about dam removals must be based on sound predictions of expected outcomes. Results of past and ongoing dam removal monitoring are an important source of information that practitioners may utilize to evolve predictive and decision‐making tools, emphasizing the need for thorough and defensible documentation of dam removal outcomes. However, as dam removals challenge many basic assumptions of conventional experimental designs and data analysis techniques, the quality of information available to aid decision‐making may be questionable or misleading. Nevertheless, some study design principles and analysis procedures may be robust to the challenges presented by dam removal research. To assist managers in undertaking dam removal monitoring, this article discusses the assets and limitations of monitoring and analysis options available for dam removal studies, with emphasis on selecting a rigorous experimental design and determining significance of results. As the chosen monitoring design will influence the appropriateness of applying standard analytical methods, particularly statistical hypothesis testing, researchers should carefully consider constraints inherent to dam removal studies when designing a monitoring plan and assigning significance to observed changes. Ecological significance is often the most justifiable method for framing significance of dam removal outcomes, though it may be complicated by identification of environmentally significant thresholds. Another alternative is evaluation of the practical significance of results, when observed changes exceed measurement error and background variability. Establishing practical significance may be informative when statistical and ecological significance is inappropriate or impossible to determine. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two decision models, one for determining optimal systems for rainwater management and the other for allocating additional water supplies from managed rainfall in conjunction with irrigation water, are formulated. The application of a rainwater management model to the command and to a watercourse, decides the minimum cost activities to manage rainwater. The output from the first model is used as the input in the second model which optimally allocates water to competing crops. It has been shown that 80% of rainwater could be managed economically in rice fields and in storage underground through artificial recharge. Optimal allocation of managed rainwater in conjunction with irrigation water increases the income of the project area to the extent of 14%.List of symbols AER Total available energy kWh - B max Maximized value of the objective function, Rs - C W Cost of canal water, Rs/103 m3 - C i Cost of managing rainwater through activityi, Rs/103/m3 - C min Minimized cost of managing surplus rainwater, Rs - C RF Average cost of managed rainwater through activityi, Rs/103 m3 - E i Energy consumption in rainwater management activityi, kWh/103 m3 (only energy required for pumping water is considered) - FLS Available capacity for fallow land storage, 103 m3 - FPS Total storage in lined and unlined farm ponds, 103 m3 - GWR Runoff diversion for artificial recharge through inverted tubewells, 103 m3 - i A suffix for management activities having values 1,2,3,..., - j Crop index having values 1,2,3,..., - k Index for crop season, 1=kharif (summer) and 2=rabi(winter) - MRF Maximum rainfall surplus (runoff) available for management. (Runoff value at a 5-year return period was adopted) - P j Income from crop activityj, Rs/ha - RFL Storage in fallow alkali land, 103 m3 - RFS Storage in rice fields up to various depths, 103 m3 - RWM i Volume of rainwater managed through activityi, 103 m3 - VCW Volume of canal water, 103 m3 - VGW Volume of ground water, 103 m3 - X j Area under cropj, ha.  相似文献   

To reduce the CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) pollutant discharge, one of the effective options is cleaning of sewer pipes before rainfall events. To maximize the efficiency, identification of pipes to be cleaned is necessary. In this study, we discussed the location of pipe deposit in dry weather in a combined sewer system using a distributed model and investigated the effect of pipe cleaning to reduce the pollutant load from the CSO. First we simulated the dry weather flow in a combined sewer system. The pipe deposit distribution in the network was estimated after 3 days of dry weather period. Several specific pipes with structural defect and upper end pipes tend to have an accumulation of deposit. Wet weather simulations were conducted with and without pipe cleaning in rainfall events with different patterns. The SS loads in CSO with and without the pipe cleaning were compared. The difference in the estimated loads was interpreted as the contribution of wash-off in the cleaned pipe. The effect of pipe cleaning on reduction of the CSO pollutant load was quantitatively evaluated (e.g. the cleaning of one specific pipe could reduce 22% of total CSO load). The CSO simulations containing pipe cleaning options revealed that identification of pipes with accumulated deposit using the distributed model is very useful and informative to evaluate the applicability of pipe cleaning option for CSO pollutant reduction.  相似文献   

设计标准是开展城市道路路面行泄通道设计的前提和核心,直接影响路面行泄通道的全面推广实践.鉴于现阶段确定路面行泄通道设计标准的综合性和复杂性,提出两种相对简易的方法,即设计流量法和设计重现期法,用以确定路面行泄通道的设计标准,并通过实际案例验证两种方法的可行性.  相似文献   

Nitrification kinetics are important for process design, optimization, and capacity rating of activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. A Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) project on Methods for Wastewater Characterization in Activated Sludge Modeling (WERF, 2003) focused significantly on the development of procedures for measuring the nitrifier maximum specific growth rate, micro(AUT). In addition, the importance of (and lack of data for) the nitrifier decay rate, b(AUT), was identified. This paper describes three bench-scale methods for measuring micro(AUT): the Low F/M SBR, Washout and High F/M methods. During the WERF project, the importance of pH and temperature control was investigated briefly; this paper summarizes further experimental work performed to address these issues. A summary of micro(AUT) measurements in a number of locations and using the different measurement techniques is provided.  相似文献   

针对工程优化问题中的多变量、复杂非线性约束条件,运用GA工具箱,对某渡槽结构进行优化,得出了令人满意的优化结果。研究表明,遗传算法工具箱使用简单方便,且能根据不同的优化指标、计算精度寻找出最佳结果,充分体现了遗传算法的全局搜索性能。本优化方法具有计算可靠,快捷高效和图形结果可视化等特点,并具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper developes the WWTP operation decision support system (ODSS) to simulate the dynamic behavior of the WWTP treatment process based on ASMs (activated sludge models) and WWTP experiential knowledge. The novel structure and functions of ODSS can offer more flexible and general instructions to the WWTP operations. The three independent sub-systems, namely expert system, simulation system and training system, can cooperate to achieve many more functions such as operation alert, fault diagnosis, process simulation and so forth. The expert system based on the dynamic simulation, an essential part of WWTP ODSS, has been proved to be feasible and effective by the implementation at Fang Zhuang WWTP. Our results indicated that the WWTP ODSS has significant potential for improving plant performance and reducing treatment costs by assisting the operators at the decision-making level.  相似文献   

主要介绍了洪屏上水库主坝、西副坝、西南副坝安全监测系统设计,包括变形监测、渗流监测、应力应变监测等,并对蓄水初期监测成果进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

After the flood disaster in 1953 in the southwestern part of the Netherlands, Van Dantzig tried to solve the economic decision problem concerning the optimal height of dikes. His solution has a fixed probability of flooding after each investment. However, when there is economic growth, not the probability of flooding but the expected yearly loss by flooding is the key variable in the real optimal safety strategy. Under some conditions, it is optimal to keep this expected loss within a constant interval. Therefore, when the potential damage increases by economic growth, the flooding probability has to decline in the course of time in order to keep the expected loss between the fixed boundaries. The purpose of the paper is to show the implications of the optimal solution in case there are differences between costs and benefits among dike-ring areas. Further, the paper focuses on the translation of the theoretical results into new legal standards that can work well in practice.  相似文献   

A special structure of combined sewer overflow tanks is the inline storage sewer with downstream discharge (SKU). This layout has the advantage that besides the sewer system, no other structures are required for storm water treatment. Consequently only very little space is required and compared to combined sewer overflow tanks, there is an enormous potential in reducing costs during construction. To investigate the efficiency of an inline storage sewer, a monitoring station was established in Dortmund-Scharnhorst, Germany. The monitoring station was in operation for a period of 2.5 years. Within this period water samples were taken during a total of 20 discharge events. Besides the complete hydraulic data collection, seven water samplers took more than 5,000 water samples during dry and wet weather. This adds up to a total of more than 20,000 individual lab analyses. The average of the total efficiency for the SKU-West is 86%. 29% of this efficiency can be attributed to the throttle flow. The remaining 57% can be divided into a part of 48% that can be attributed to the process storage and 9% that can be attributed to sedimentation and erosion process.  相似文献   

南水北调西线工程线路设计优化方案探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
系统总结评价了南水北调西线工程设计方案。遵循自流调水、高水低走、纵向坡降均一化、梯级水库库容调节、多路联合调水原则,利用地理信息系统空间分析功能和水力学规划求解方法,计算设计了以米林桑白-岷县铁关门线为主线的高海拔、中高海拔和中低海拔3线联合的最优调水方案,最大调水量为1 777. 4×108m3/a。通过同红旗河方案比较,发现桑白-铁关门线调水方案规避了红旗河方案的缺点,具有线路短,纵向坡降大,交通便利的优点,并且避开了自然保护区和地质灾害高风险区。认为以中低海拔线为主的多线联合调水方案应当成为西线调水的首选方案。  相似文献   

This work addresses the issue of climate change in the context of water resource planning on the time scale of a few years. Planning on this time scale generally ignores the role of climate change. However, where the climate of a region has already shifted, the use of historical data for planning purposes may be misleading. In order to test this, a case study is conducted for a region, the Australian Capital Territory, where long term drought is raising concerns of a possible climate shift. The issue is cast in terms of a particular planning decision; the option to augment water supply in the next few years to hedge against the drought persisting. A set of climate scenarios are constructed for the region corresponding to the historical climate regime and to regimes where progressively greater levels of change are assumed to have already taken place (5%, 10%, 20% reductions in mean rainfall). Probabilities of the drought persisting are calculated for each of the scenarios. The results show substantial increases in the probability of the drought persisting for even moderate reductions in mean rainfall. The sensitivity of the decision to augment supply to the scenario results depends ultimately on the planners tolerable thresholds for the probability of the drought persisting. The use of different scenarios enables planners to explore the sensitivity of the decision in terms of their risk tolerance to ongoing drought and to their degree of belief in each of the scenarios tested.  相似文献   

Decisions about invasive species control and eradication can be difficult because of uncertainty in population demographics, movement ecology, and effectiveness of potential response actions. These decisions often include multiple stakeholders and management entities with potentially different objectives, management priorities, and jurisdictional authority. We provide a case study of using multi-party, collaborative decision analysis to aid decision makers in determining objectives and control actions for invasive grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in Lake Erie. Creating this process required binational (Canada-United States) and multi-state/provincial collaboration to craft a shared problem statement, establish objectives related to ecological, economic, and social concerns, determine potential response actions, and evaluate consequences and tradeoffs of these actions. We used participatory modeling and expert elicitation to evaluate the effectiveness of control scenarios that varied in action type (i.e., removal efforts and spawning barriers) and the temporal and spatial application of these actions. Using a matrix population model parameterized for western Lake Erie grass carp, we found that removal efforts concentrated in areas of high catchability, when paired with a spawning barrier on the Sandusky River, Ohio, USA, could effectively control grass carp in Lake Erie, if all assumptions are met. We determined a set of key uncertainties regarding gear catchability and current population size that have led to the transition to an adaptive management process. In addition, our work formed the basis for grass carp management plans for the states of Michigan and Ohio and has provided a means for collaboration among agencies for effective application of control efforts.  相似文献   

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