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Signed Total Domination in Graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let G = (V, E) be a simple graph. For any real valued function f: V→R, the weight of f is f(V) = ∑(v) over all vertices v ∈V. A signed total dominating function is a function f: V→|- 1, 1|such that f( N ( v ) ) ≥1 for every vertex v ∈ V. The signed total domination number of a graph G equals the minimum weight of a signed total dominating function on G. In this paper, some properties of the signed total domination number of a graph G are discussed.  相似文献   

Let G =( V,E) be a connected graph and W = { w_1,w_2,…,w_k} be an ordered subset of V( G).For any vertex v ∈V,the locating code of v with respect to W is the k-vector CW( v) = { d( v,w_1),d( v,w_2),…,d( v,w_k) },W is said to be a locating set of G if distinct vertices have the distinct locating code,and the locating number of G is defined as: Loc( G) = min{ | W| : W is a locating set of G}.We study the locating set and locating number of a graph G,obtain some bounds for the locating numbers of graphs,and determine the exact value of Loc( G) for some special classes of graphs,such as cycles,wheels,complete t-partite graph and some Cartesian products of paths and cycles. In addition,we also prove that Loc( T) ≥Δ-1 holds for all trees T with maximum degree Δ,and shows a tree T with Loc( T) = Δ-1.  相似文献   

The bondage number of γf, bf(G) , is defined to be the minimum cardinality of a set of edges whose removal from G results in a graph G′ satisfying γf(G′)>γf(G). The reinforcement number of γf, rf(G), is defined to be the minimum cardinality of a set of edges which when added to G results in a graph G′ satisfying γf(G′)<γf(G). G.S.Domke and R.C.Laskar initiated the study of them and gave exact values of bf(G) and rf(G) for some classes of graphs. Exact values of bf(G) and rf(G) for complete multipartite graphs are given and some results are extended.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionA cycle (path) in a graph G is called a hamiltonian cycle (path) in G if it con-tains all the vertices of G.A graph is hamiltonian (traceable) if it has a hamiltoniancycle (path).The neighborhood of a vertex v,denoted N(v),is the set of all verticesadjacent to v.We define the distance between two vertices u and v,denoted dist(u,v),as the minmum of the lengths of all u-v paths.Let NC2=min|N(u)∪N(v)|,DC2=min{max{d(u),d(v)}},where the minimum is taken over all pairs of vertices u,vthat are at distance two in the graph.Let δrepresent the minimum degree of G.Referto [5] for other terminology.  相似文献   

Let γ f(G) and γ~t f(G) be the fractional domination number and fractional total domination number of a graph G respectively. Hare and Stewart gave some exact fractional domination number of P n×P m (grid graph) with small n and m . But for large n and m , it is difficult to decide the exact fractional domination number. Motivated by this, nearly sharp upper and lower bounds are given to the fractional domination number of grid graphs. Furthermore, upper and lower bounds on the fractional total domination number of strong direct product of graphs are given.  相似文献   

LT codes are practical realization of digital fountain codes, which provides the concept of rateless coding. In this scheme, encoded symbols are generated infinitely from k information symbols. Decoder uses only(1+α)k number of encoded symbols to recover the original information. The degree distribution function in the LT codes helps to generate a random graph also referred as tanner graph. The artifact of tanner graph is responsible for computational complexity and overhead in the LT codes. Intuitively, a well designed degree distribution can be used for an efficient implementation of LT codes. The degree distribution function is studied as a function of power law, and LT codes are classified into two different categories: SFLT and RLT codes. Also, two different degree distributions are proposed and analyzed for SFLT codes which guarantee optimal performance in terms of computational complexity and overhead.  相似文献   

The concept of the incidence chromatic number of a graph was introduced by Brualdi and Massey. They conjectured that every graph G can be incidence colored with △(G) 2 colors. In this paper, the trueness of this conjecture for complete k-partite graph was proved, and the incidence chromatic number of complete k-partite graphs was calculated.  相似文献   

Let X and Y be real Banach spaces. The stability of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias approximate isometries on restricted domains S(unbounded or bounded) for into mapping f: S→Y satisfying ‖f(x)-f(y)‖-‖x-y‖≤ε(x,y) for all x,y∈S is studied in case that the target space Y is uniformly convex Banach space of the modulus of convexity of power type q≥2 or Y is the Lq(Ω,,μ) (1<q< ∞) space or Y is a Hilbert space. Furthermore, the stability of approximate isometries for the case that (x,y)=‖x‖p ‖y‖p or (x,y)=‖x-y‖p for p≠1 is investigated.  相似文献   

The optimal decay rate problem is considered for boundary control system modeling by a flexible structure consisting of a Eular-Bernoulli beam. Controls are a bending moment in proportion to angular velocity and a shear force in proportion to velocity. A sensitivity asymptotic analysis of the system' s eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is set up. It is proved that, for every 00, y(0)=Y_0, Y_0=(Y_1,Y_2)~T ∈V×H form a Riesz basis of V×H, and the optimal exponential decay rate can be obtained from the spectrum of the system.  相似文献   

设G=(V,E)是简单图,V表示G的顶点集,E表示G的边集.对任何实值函数f∶V→R和V的子集S,令f(S)=∑u∈Sf(u).设f∶V→{-1,1}是G上的一个函数.如果对于V的至少一半的顶点v,f(N[v])≥1,则称f是G上的多数控制函数.图G的多数控制数是γmaj(G)=min{f(V)|f是G上的一个多数控制函数}.得到了这个参数的下界,推广了Henning的一些结果.  相似文献   

设图G=(V,E)为无孤立点的简单图,且f:V→{-1,1}为G上的一个函数,如果对于任意的顶点v∈V,均有f[v]≥2,则称f是图G的一个强符号控制函数。图G的强符号控制数定义为γss(G)=min{w(f)|f是图G的强符号控制函数}。设k是1≤k≤|V|的正整数,f:V→{-1,1}为图G上的一个函数,如果在图G中至少有k个顶点,使得f[v]≥2,则称f是图G的一个强k-符号控制函数。图G的强k-符号控制数定义为γkss=min{w(f)|f是图强G的k-符号控制函数}。分别得出了强符号控制数及强k-符号控制数的几种形式的下界。  相似文献   

设D=(V,E)为一个有向图,对于函数f:V→{-1,0,1),如果对任意的V∈V,均有f(ND[v])≥1成立,则称f为图D的一个负控制函数,图D的负控制数厂(D)=min{w(f)|f是D一个负控制函数}.给出几类有向图的负控制数的值,并得到一般有向图的负控制数的几个下界.  相似文献   

设G=(V,E),是一个图,对于图G的一个函数f:E→{-1,1},如果对任意e∈E(G),均有∑e'∈N(e)f(e')≤1,则称f为图g的一个逆符号边全控制函数.图G的逆符号边全控制数γ'st(G)=max{∑e∈Ef(e)|f是图的逆符号边全控制函数}.给出了图的逆符号边全控制数的两个上界.  相似文献   

设G(V,E)是阶数至少是2的简单连通图,k是正整数,若厂是从V(G)∪E(G)到{1,2,…,k}的一个映射,使得:对于任意的uv,vw∈E(G),u≠w,有f(uv)≠f(vw);且对于任意的uv∈E(G),u≠v,有f(u)≠f(v),f(u)≠f(uv),f(v)≠f(uv),则称f为G的一个k-全染色(简记成k-TC of G).而Xt(G)=min{k|k—TC of G},称为G的全色数.设G和H是点边都不相交的简单图,V(G∨H)=V(G)∪V(H),E(G∨H)=E(G)∪E(H)∪{uv|u∈V(G),v∈V(H)},则称G∨H是G与H的联图。给出m+1阶星和n+1阶扇的联图的全色数。  相似文献   

点可区别全色数的一个上界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设G是简单图,f是从V(G)UE(G)到{1,2,…,k)的一个映射.对每个u∈y(G),令c(u)={f(u)}v∈V(G),uv∈ E(G)}.如果,是k-正常全染色,且对任意u,v∈V(G)(u≠v),有c(u)≠c(v),那么称f为图G的k-点可区别全染色(简记为k-VDTC).数χvt(G)=min{k|G-有k—VDTC}称为图G的点可区别全色数.通过应用概率方法,证明了对任意最大度A≥2的图G,χvt(G)≤32(△+1).  相似文献   

Harary 提出了整和图的概念,设 f 为整数集到图 G( V( G) , E( G)) 的顶点集 V( G) 之间的一个单射,使得对于 G 的两个不同的顶点u 和v ,uv ∈ E( G) ,当且仅当存在 w ∈ V( G) ,使 f( u) + f( v) =f( w ) ,则 G 称为整和图,并且他证 明了所有路 和星图是整 和图。树 中度数至少 为3 的 顶点称为 叉点, Chen 用粘合法证明了广义星图和叉点距离至少为4 的树是整和图,并同时猜测所有的树均为整和图。本文证明了所有叉点距离至少为3 的树是整和图,从而给出了一类新的整和图  相似文献   

设G是一个图,g和f是定义在图G的顶点集上的两个整数值函数,且g≤f.图G的一个(g,f)—因子是G的一个支撑子图H,使对任意x∈V(H)有g(x)≤dH(x)≤f(x).若图G的边集能划分为若干个边不相交的(g,f)—因子,则称G是(g,f)—可因子化的.给出了一个图是(g,f)—可因子化的一个充分条件,改进了有关结果.  相似文献   

给出了关于线性函数之间可线性表出的一个定理与证明。  相似文献   

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