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目的 了解南昌市男男性接触者(MSM)性病艾滋病感染状况.方法 在南昌地区,采用同伴推动抽样方法 抽取354名MSM人员,对其进行血液检测.结果 在调查的354名MSM人员中,艾滋病感染率4.2%,梅毒感染率7.9%,丙肝感染率0.6%.在不同场所寻找性伴侣的人,其梅毒感染率不一致,以在浴室中的感染率最高,达17.1%.结论 南昌市MSM人群存在有HIV及梅毒和丙肝的感染.  相似文献   

目的:了解佛冈县强制戒毒者的艾滋病相关知识知晓情况和存在的艾滋病感染高危行为.方法:采用横断面整群抽样研究,对佛冈县强制戒毒所内的吸毒人员进行面对面问卷调查.结果:共调查了550名强制戒毒者,其中吸食海洛因的占60.18%,经静脉注射吸毒的占40.91%.被调查者知晓艾滋病的三大传播途径的占71.82%~93.09%,知道日常生活接触如蚊虫叮咬和一起吃饭不会传播艾滋病的分别为37.09%和66%.结论:佛冈县强制戒毒者的艾滋病防治知识知晓率仍有待提高,静脉吸毒、共用针具和性乱现象普遍,安全套使用率低,应该引起有关部门的重视,及时做好艾滋病的预防工作.  相似文献   

目的 了解三类高危人群的基线情况,为制定中盖项目策略和计划提供参考.方法 按照UNAIDS/WHO/FHI有关指南的方法,进行三类高危人群的规模估计、艾滋病相关行为学调查、血清学检测、接受性病服务情况等.结果 累计报告HIV/AIDS的传播途径构成中,经异性性接触、注射吸毒、同性性接触传播分别占37.69%、27.24%、5.97%;三类人群具有一定的规模,并分散于不同种类的活动场所;现场调查吸毒人群、暗娼人群、男男性行为人群的艾防知识知晓率分别为80.9%、69.7%、90.4%,接受HIV检测比例分别为55.22%、26.62%、28.50%:男男性行为人群的HIV感染率为5.04%,梅毒感染率为21.49%;暗娼人群、男男性行为人群的最近一个月安全套使用比例分别是73.42%、45.45%,吸毒人群最近六个月共用注射针具的比例是66.70%.结论 三类高危人群具有一定的人群规模,在HIV/AIDS传播构成中的比例较大,接受艾滋病相关的检测比例较低,高危行为的比例也较严重,尤其是男男性行为人群的HIV感染率较高,艾滋病防控难度较大.需要构建"三位一体"的模式,加强针对高危人群的预防干预和阳性管理,遏制艾滋病的蔓延.  相似文献   

目的 评价高危人群干预措施效果,为制定相关政策和资源分配提供依据.方法 对中盖项目中高危人群和普通人群进行KABP调查,进行对比分析.结果 国家M&E框架知晓率达到87.92%,UNGASS知晓率达到83.33%.对比2次问卷调查结果,高危人群的知晓率有明显提高(P<0.05).女性涉性人员中"最近一次商业性行为安全套使用率"由2007年的92%提高到2010年的95%,"最近一个月商业性行为安全套使用率"由68%提高到77%;静脉吸毒人群中"最近一次共用注射针具比例"由2007年的17.86%下降到10%,"最近一个月共用注射针具比例"由26.42%下降到15%;男男性行为者中"最近一次与男性伴性行为安全套使用率"由69.1%提高到80%,"最近一个月与男性伴性行为安全套使用率"由45.5%提高到77%.结论 武汉中盖艾滋病项目的展提高了高危人群的艾滋病知识知晓率,改善了他们的高危行为,效果非常明显.  相似文献   

世界卫生组织认为性健康教育包括性生理、性心理及性道德三方面内容,是指通过丰富和提高人格、人际交往和情爱方式达到性行为(广义的)在肉休、感情、理智和社会诸方面的圆满协调,从而达到人的全面发展和社会进步(1).  相似文献   

总结了本院2006年1月~2008年12月抗病毒治疗的76位有吸毒行为的艾滋病患者影响服药依从性的调查,发现感染者服药依从性低,而且失访人员多.资料显示,服药依从性低中有吸毒行为的占57%,失访人员中有吸毒行为的占60%.于2009年1月~2011年1月进行护理干预,特别针对吸毒人群,主要方法包括有多种形式的健康教育、用药督导、建立良好的医患关系、心理指导、科学网络管理.认为提供有效的干预措施,可有效提高有吸毒行为的艾滋病患者服药的依从性.  相似文献   

自1981年在美国同性恋人群中首次发现HIV感染者以来,男男性接触者(MSM)一直是艾滋病的高危人群之一[1].有资料报道,2007年新发现的5万艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者中,男男性传播占到12.2%[2],2004年中国艾滋病性病预防控制中心首次大规模同性恋人群基数及其艾滋病感染率调查数据揭示,我国处于性活跃期的MSM人群,约占性活跃期男性人群的2~4%,其HIV感染率约达1.35%[3],因此关注MSM人群的健康状况已成为当今公共卫生领域的主要任务之一.  相似文献   

采用全自动相变仪、扫描电子显微镜、电子万能试验机、宏观硬度计等设备和Thermo-Calc热力学计算软件对比研究了Ti质量分数分别为0.018%和0.55%的2种耐磨钢的相变行为和强韧性,分析了相同轧制工艺、回火工艺下实验钢的显微组织和力学性能的差异。结果表明,0.55Ti钢中由于生成了大量微米级的TiC和少量Ti(C,N)粒子,降低了基体中的固溶C含量,提高了奥氏体化温度,同时致使其淬透性相对于0.018Ti钢有所降低;在930℃温度下淬火时,由于淬透性的下降,组织中出现了部分贝氏体组织。在0.55Ti钢中,由于微米级的TiC和少量Ti(C,N)粒子的存在,降低了实验钢的强度。此外,微米级的粒子作为冲击断裂时微裂纹形核点,促进了微裂纹的形核,降低了钢的韧性。  相似文献   

早自1935年Schevaer和Sucky就对悬汞电极上硒的极谱行为进行了研究,观察到在酸性溶液中Se(Ⅳ)的三个极谱还原波,其后,很多作者报导了各种条件下硒在悬汞电极及其它固体电极上的极谱行为。近来硒对人体和生物的影响日益受到重视,更趋向于测定低含量硒的研究,溶出伏安法更受重视。特别是各种固体电极的使用,但已有的报导对机理论述多限于推测,矛盾之处较多,证据似嫌不足。  相似文献   

One of the forces generated during skeletal loading is hydrostatic pressure. In the work presented here, the ability of increased pressure to influence recruitment of osteoclasts was evaluated. Murine marrow cultures, with pO2 and pCO2 kept constant, were subjected to either control (1.0 atm) or elevated (1.37 or 2.0 atm) hydrostatic pressure. As compared to control, cultures pressurized for 6 days at 1.37 atm formed less osteoclast-like cells (OCLC) (71 +/- 6% of control, P < 0.0001). A similar degree of inhibition occurred in cultures exposed to pressure during days 2-4 only (62 +/- 6%), while treatment during days 5-7 failed to inhibit the OCLC number relative to control (99 +/- 5%). Delivery of 2.0 atm pressure on days 2-4 generated 52 +/- 4% OCLC compared to control. Since macrophage colony stimulating factor (MCSF)-dependent proliferation of osteoclast precursors occurs during the pressure-sensitive period, semiquantitative RT-PCR for MCSF mRNA was performed after 3 days in 1.37 atm (days 2-4). As compared to controls, pressure caused a decrease in mRNA coding for the membrane bound form of MCSF (71.2 +/- 4% (n = 25, P < or = 0.05), while the MCSF RT-PCR product representing the secreted form showed no consistent change. This lack of response of the soluble MCSF RT-PCR product was expected, as levels of bioassayable MCSF were not altered by pressure. Extrapolating these data to in vivo conditions suggests that load-bearing will inhibit the formation of osteoclasts.  相似文献   

Practicing psychologists are providing services to persons with HIV infection and those at-risk for AIDS. However, most practitioners have not received formal training about HIV/AIDS. In this study, the majority of psychologists surveyed had treated persons at-risk for the virus but had not received HIV/AIDS information in formal educational programs. Most respondents obtained knowledge through popular media. There is a growing body of specialized knowledge about HIV/AIDS for mental health professionals. In addition to better serving HIV-infected clients, psychologists with current multidisciplinary HIV/AIDS knowledge will be valuable members of health care teams. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess HIV-AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and preventive behavior of pregnant Korean women before designing patient and public education programs. DESIGN: Pre-experimental cross-sectional survey. POPULATION, SAMPLE, SETTING, YEARS: Convenience sample of 409 women at six prenatal clinics in Seoul, Korea, in 1993. OUTCOME MEASURES: HIV-AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, and preventive behavior. METHODS: Self-administered questionnaires. FINDINGS: The women described high levels of knowledge about HIV and AIDS risk factors but less knowledge about transmission of the virus, as well as attitudes of rejection toward unrelated people with HIV/AIDS; 16% provided condoms for their husband's use in extramarital sex, the primary risk behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Korean women are at risk for heterosexual transmission of HIV despite knowledge of risk factors. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Korean education programs for women should focus on modes of heterosexual transmission, care of individuals with HIV or AIDS, self-assessment of HIV-AIDS risk, and self protection.  相似文献   

We have studied at the Provincial Prison of Granada, during the months of July and August of 1993 the knowledges of the prison inmates about the transmission of the AIDS, measures of prevention, risk behaviors like not use of condoms, use of intravenous drugs and sharing syringes. In total, there were 75 human immunodeficiency virus infected (HIV+) and 78 not infected (HIV-). The percentage of correct answers about transmission were significant, similar to the other studies done population in general. For the risk behaviors among HIV+, only 34.7% of HIV+, reported the of condoms all the times with their partners. Within the HIV+ reported have used intravenous drugs, sometimes 85.3%, sharing syringes only 43% last time. These data suggest that it is necessary to update the in Jail Health Promotion Programmes, in particular stressing the use of condoms and the risk sharing syringes by the HIV+ inmates, and informing about the risk of i.v. drugs consumption in general.  相似文献   

目的 了解2005-2009年随州市中学生艾滋病防制知识、态度和需求,为防治艾滋病的干预措施和干预效果评价提供相关信息和依据.方法 用整群抽样的方法 对随州市高中二年级学生进行自填表式问卷调查,所有资料经Epidata 3.0软件进行录入,用SPSS 16.0软件进行数据统计分析.结果 随着年度的变化,随州市中学生艾滋病的相关知识的知晓率和对HIV感染者、患者持有积极的态度逐年提高,获取艾滋病防治知识的途径由以广告栏和报刊为主转变成以宣传资料和网络为主.结论 随州市中学生艾滋病防制知识知晓率随着宣传教育工作的深入开展而逐年提高.  相似文献   

A prospective study was conducted in the Chiang Mai Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinic to determine the frequency of HIV seroconversion among men following high risk sexual contacts and to establish risk factors for HIV infection. HIV antibodies were detected in 26 out of 150 men on the initial recruitment with a seroprevalence rate of 21%. Among 124 initial HIV negative subjects; 100, 77, 68, and 55 subjects were followed for 2, 4, 12, and 24 weeks, respectively. One subject had HIV seroconversion documented with the rate of 1.0% (1/100, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.03-5.4%). Logistic regression analysis found significantly independent associations of HIV prevalence with prostitute visits at least once a month (OR = 3.6, 95% CI = 1.2-10.9), and with cigarette smoking (OR = 3.5, 95% CI = 1.2-10.5). Intensive health education should be elucidated to decrease the high rate of HIV infection among this population.  相似文献   

The present study was an experimental test of efficacy of a brief education intervention for increasing HIV/AIDS knowledge among cocaine-dependent outpatients. Participants were randomly assigned to an HIV/AIDS education intervention (experimental condition) or a sham intervention (control condition). Control participants were subsequently crossed over to the HIV/AIDS education intervention. Experimental participants had higher scores on tests of HIV/AIDS knowledge after receiving the education intervention than did control participants. Further supporting the intervention's efficacy, control participant scores also increased once participants were crossed over and received the education intervention. Scores at follow-up were lower than at postintervention but remained higher than baseline scores. Results support the intervention's efficacy for increasing HIV/AIDS knowledge among cocaine-dependent outpatients. This intervention is brief, inexpensive, and easily implemented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined factors associated with practicing contraception among 319 street-recruited iv drug users in New York City. The Ss were administered a structured interview covering AIDS risk behaviors, drug use history, and sexual behavior. Slightly over half of Ss (52%) were practicing contraception, primarily with condoms and birth control pills. Among 220 male Ss, contraception was associated with being non-Hispanic, being unmarried, having a home, and AIDS-related changes in drug injection behavior. Among 99 female Ss, it was associated with having multiple sexual partners. Although concern about AIDS was evident in Ss' behavior, there are multiple determinants (ethnic group membership, situational practicalities, and concern about AIDS) in practicing contraception, and the level of contraception among this group will still result in many unwanted pregnancies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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