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日本血吸虫病是一种严重危害我国血吸虫病疫区人民健康和影响社会经济发展的寄生虫病.血吸虫病诊断在防治工作中占有重要地位,是确定化疗目标人群的依据.目前,卫生部临床检验中心尚未建立寄生虫病血清学检测室间质评和室内质控原则和方法[1],因此,建立血清流行病学调查质量控制方法十分必要.间接血凝试验(IHA)试剂盒稳定性欠佳,各地血吸虫病查病质量难以控制,2002-2008年武汉市江夏区开展IHA查病质量控制,现将质量控制结果报告如下.  相似文献   

流行性腮腺炎是由腮腺炎病毒(Mumps-vires)侵犯腮腺引起的急性呼吸道传染病,并可侵犯各种腺组织或神经系统及肝、肾、心脏、关节等器官.是儿童和青少年中常见的呼吸道传染病,亦可见于成人(1).为了解流行性腮腺炎流行病学特征,更好地做好预防控制工作,现对武汉市2006-2009年流行性腮腺炎疫情资料分析如下.  相似文献   

陈斌 《冶金管理》2005,(4):37-39
今年以来,受进口铁矿石大幅涨价、取消钢坯出口退税、3月30日国务院常务会议决定将抑制钢材有效需求增长等的影响,国内钢材市场不同品种价格出现了一定程度的波动,建筑钢材甚至出现了较大幅度下跌。今年下半年无缝钢管的价格走势如何,是我们需要重点研究和分析的课题。一、宏观政策的影响国务院常务会议强调要采取更直接、更有力的措施,应对国际铁矿石价格大幅上涨的问题;严格控制钢铁产品出口,尽快落实取消对钢坯、钢锭出口退税措施;加强铁矿石进口协调和管理,整顿和规范铁矿石经营秩序;加大钢铁行业结构调整力度,抑制钢铁生产能力盲目扩张…  相似文献   

本文采用线性倾向估计、M-K分析、R/S分析和小波分析等方法对西藏三地(日喀则、拉萨、泽当)近60年的气温资料进行了统计分析。全年气温变率:拉萨0.42℃/10a,日喀则0.35℃/10a,泽当0.20℃/10a。三地各季、全年平均气温变化均通过显著性检验,研究区气温在过去的50多年存在显著上升趋势。日喀则气温突变的时间为2001年,拉萨、泽当的气温变化未出现突变现象。三地未来的气温变化很可能维持现有升高趋势。三地气温变化存在较为明显的9年和25年的周期。文中对气温变化和太阳活动、CO_2浓度的关系了进行探讨。CO_2浓度持续升高和下垫面反射率(冰雪覆盖区面积减小和覆盖时间缩短)的减小,可能是当前西藏气温升高的主要原因。  相似文献   

首钢烧结原料变化趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冉小梅 《烧结球团》2004,29(6):42-44
随着国内铁矿粉资源日趋紧张 ,首钢烧结原料结构发生了重大变化 ,烧结矿质量也有了明显的改变。首钢烧结厂根据高炉生产需要 ,在保证烧结矿质量的前提下 ,对今后的原料使用进行了趋势分析  相似文献   

河南省的矿产资源比较丰富,对河南省的地区经济发展具有非常重要的影响,不仅能够带动河南省社会经济发展,而且还能够从根本上为人们的日常生活提供更多方便快捷的方式。但是在针对矿山资源进行开发和利用的时候,不可避免会涉及到环境问题。因此,本文针对矿山地质环境的治理现状进行分析,并且与实际情况进行结合,提出其整个变化趋势,为矿山地质环境治理效果提供有效保证。  相似文献   

孙立 《冶金管理》2000,(12):34-38
我国钢铁企业在自1993年以来长达7年的产品结构调整和价格回落之中,对市场经济有了越来越清醒的认识.为了适应市场竞争的需要,不断强化成本意识、质量意识和服务意识,在努力提高产品质量和销售服务质量的情况下追求生产的低成本,谋求企业的生存和发展,创造赢利的空间.依据行业统计信息和`成本网'最新的交流汇总数据,对大中型钢铁企业的成本变化趋势进行分析,可以为行业和企业的管理者提供一些有益的参考和启示.一、对生产成本的分析1.大中型钢铁企业生产成本呈现逐年降低的趋势生产成本主要反映企业在原材料采购及生产环节中的成本控制情况…  相似文献   

武钢烧结厂含铁原料的变化趋势及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景宏杰 《烧结球团》2005,30(3):52-56
从武钢烧结厂目前含铁原料使用现状入手。对国内外矿石资源及供应情况进行了分析。并提出了武钢烧结厂含铁原料未来的采购及使用趋势。  相似文献   

由于矿山的开采引起的地面沉陷也给人类的生活和生态环境带来了消极的影响,包括地表形态的破坏,生态环境的影响,造成地面建筑物的破坏及危及公路、铁路交通运输.矿山开发对矿区自然环境和社会环境都造成严重损害,已成为制约矿区可持续发展的主要问题之一.本文以磷矿为例分析矿区土地利用变化预测及变化趋势分析.  相似文献   

文章结合本次全国矿产资源利用现状调查省级单矿种成果汇总工作,对甘肃省铅锌资源分布做了基本介绍,对开发利用现状进行调查分析,对未来产能变化趋势做了静态分析,并提出了一些资源开发利用建议。将甘肃省铅锌资源进行开发利用和后备产能进行分析之后提出,甘肃省铅锌资源开发将走大中型矿山提供基础保障,小型及铅锌伴生矿山做后备补充的路线。  相似文献   

Segmental splenectomy was performed in 5 patients with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis mansoni and symptomatic splenomegaly. The aim was to preserve a functional remnant comprising 20-30 per cent of the bulk of a greatly enlarged spleen. The operative technique involved devascularization of anatomic segments and suture of an omental patch to the residual spleen. This procedure was simple, well tolerated and effective in relieving abdominal discomfort and cytopenias. The residual spleens showed normal uptake of 99Tc-sulphur colloid. If long term observation confirms the value of segmental splenectomy in hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, it may become appropriate therapy for those patients with symptomatic splenomegaly who do not require portal decompression.  相似文献   

Indicates that trend surface analysis is a technique used by geologists to map changes in the values and distributions of important variables across extensive topographical regions. Variations in mapped data are expressed in terms of large-scale regional trends and small-scale local deviations from those trends. Some applications of the technique to community psychology are discussed in the context of a trend surface analysis of mental disorder in a small midwestern city. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the summer of 1980, acute Manson's Schistosomiasis occurred in 28 pediatric patients, swimming in two ponds with no watershed connections between them, in the rural area of Juncos and Cidra, Puerto Rico. Clinical and immunological events were studied and Oxamniquine (Vansil, Pfizer) was administered to all of them and followed closely for 3 years. Fever and general malaise recorded in 93% of the patients, diarrhea and abdominal pain in 68% and urticaria or facial edema in 64%. Hepato and/or splenomegaly was recorded in 71% of them. Twenty seven of the patients had evidence of immunoserological activity against adult schistosomal antigens (GASP and PSAP). Two patients had intense immunologic activity, even before the recovering of fresh Schistosoma mansoni eggs in their stool. This was a response to GASP and PSAP antigens. When they started passing fresh eggs of schistosoma and COP (Circumoval Precipitation Test) turned positive, their clinical status worsened and antibodies to GASP antigen increased two fold. The oviposition phase elicited a strong antibody and immunological reaction with significant eosinophilia and cross reaction was observed between adult schistosomal and egg shell antigens. Severe clinical manifestations were seen in spite of low egg excretion. Oxamniquine was effective in obtaining a coprological cure and in altering the immunologic response as compared with other untreated groups in literature.  相似文献   

A novel cDNA encoding a protein kinase (termed PASK) was isolated from rat brain. The PASK catalytic domain was most similar to Ste20-related protein kinases, showing 45.5 and 39.2% amino acid identity with human SOK1 and yeast Sps1, respectively. The amino-terminal noncatalytic domain of 71 amino acids was rich in alanine and proline and contained several proline-alanine repeats. PASK was widely expressed in rat tissues but negligible in liver and skeletal muscle. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that PASK was localized to a distinct set of cells including neurons, adrenal glomerulosa cells, and transporting epithelia such as epithelial cells of brain choroid plexus, distal tubule and collecting duct of kidney, duct of salivary gland, and parietal cells of stomach. Subcellular fractionation showed that PASK was present in both the cytosol and the Triton X-100-insoluble cytoskeletal fraction in brain.  相似文献   

Globule leucocytes were detected in forestomachs, abomasum, duodenum, ileum, large intestine, lung, liver, bladder and kidney in cattle infected with Schistosoma mattheei. In animals examined seven and eight weeks after infection they were found only in the lungs. They were present in the alimentary tract from 18 weeks onwards. They were most numerous and most widely distributed in animals subjected to repeated, heavy infection. There was evidence that they were associated with the immune response of the host and that they were derived from mast cells.  相似文献   

Comparative oral glucose tolerance test performed in 30 patients with hepato-intestinal schistosomiasis and 30 controls, showed that the mean value of glycemia in the former group was superior. However, none of these patients show a diabetic G.T.T. curve.  相似文献   

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