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The present study tested the hypothesis that older adults establish a weaker task set than younger adults and therefore rely more on stimulus-triggered activation of task sets. This hypothesis predicts that older adults should have difficulty with task switches, especially when the stimuli-responses are associated with multiple, competing tasks. Weak task preparation, however, could actually benefit older adults when performing an unexpected task. The authors tested this prediction in Experiment 1 using a repeating AABB task sequence, with univalent and bivalent stimuli intermixed. On some univalent trials, participants received an unexpected task. Contrary to the authors' predictions, expectancy costs were not smaller for older adults. Similar findings were obtained in Experiments 2 and 3, in which the authors used a task-cueing paradigm to more strongly promote deliberate task preparation. The authors found no disproportionate age effects on switch costs but did find age effects on bivalence costs and mixing costs. The authors conclude that older adults do experience extra difficulty dealing with stimuli associated with 2 active tasks but found no evidence that the problem specifically stems from an increased reliance on bottom-up task activation rather than top-down task preparation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Feature singleton search is faster when the target-defining dimension repeats across consecutive trials than when it changes (Found & Müller, 1996). However, this dimension repetition benefit (DRB) has also been demonstrated for the tasks with no search component (Mortier, Theeuwes, & Starreveld, 2005). If DRBs in the search and non-search tasks have the same origin, significant DRBs across trials of different tasks should rise. Two different tasks varied either in a predictable manner (Experiment 1) or randomly (Experiment 2) across trials. In detection task, search displays containing either color or orientation singletons were used. Discrimination task required identification of either color or orientation of a single presented item (non-search display). In Experiment 3, participants performed only the discrimination task, while the search and non-search displays varied randomly. There were significant DRBs for both tasks when the task repeated but not when the task changed (Experiments 1 and 2). DRBs were significant both when the display type repeated and when it changed (Experiment 3). Overall, the findings can be well explained by assuming multiple, independent dimension-weighting systems generating DRBs in different tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Performance of task sequences is assumed to rely on activation and inhibition of tasks. An empirical marker of task inhibition is the so-called n - 2 repetition cost, which is assessed by comparing performance in trial n - 2 task repetitions (i.e., ABA) with that in n - 2 task switches (i.e., CBA). Current theoretical accounts assume that inhibition acts on the level of task representations (i.e., task sets). However, another potential target of task inhibition could be the representation of the task cue. To decide between these two alternatives, the authors used a 2:1 cue-to-task mapping design. They found significant n - 2 task repetition costs both with n - 2 cue repetitions and n - 2 cue switches. These costs were about equal (Experiment 1), and this data pattern was found for both short and long cuing intervals (Experiment 2). Together, the data suggest that task inhibition acts on task sets and not on cue representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments explored the task span procedure: Subjects received lists of 1-10 task names to remember and then lists of 1-10 stimuli on which to perform the tasks. Task span is the number of tasks performed in order perfectly. Experiment 1 compared the task span with the traditional memory span in 6 practiced subjects and found little difference. Experiment 2 compared the task span and the memory span in 64 unpracticed subjects and also found little difference. Experiment 3 compared practice with consistent and varied lists to address retrieval from long-term memory. Experiment 4 manipulated the number of task switches and found that it had little effect on task spans. The results suggest there is no trade-off between storage and task switching, which supports some theories of executive control and challenges others. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two voluntary task-switching experiments probed the influence of previous exposures to stimuli and categorizations of these stimuli on task choice during subsequent exposures to the same stimuli. Subjects performed origin and size judgments under standard voluntary task-switching instructions to perform the tasks equally often in a random order. Both when subjects voluntarily selected the task on the first exposure (Experiment 1) and when the experimenter manipulated the task on the first exposure (Experiment 2), subjects chose to perform the same task on subsequent exposures significantly more often than would be expected on the basis of the instructions to perform tasks in a random order. Presentation of a previously encountered stimulus may result in the retrieval of a stimulus–task binding or event file that biases task selection as well as task readiness. The pattern of data across the 2 experiments suggests that stimulus-based priming influences task choice through both retrieval of episodes within the context of the experiment and semantic memory mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined how task switching is affected by hierarchical task organization. Traditional task-switching studies, which use a constant temporal and spatial distance between each task element (defined as a stimulus requiring a response), promote a flat task structure. Using this approach, Experiment 1 revealed a large switch cost of 238 ms. In Experiments 2-5, adjacent task elements were grouped temporally and/or spatially (forming an ensemble) to create a hierarchical task organization. Results indicate that the effect of switching at the ensemble level dominated the effect of switching at the element level. Experiments 6 and 7, using an ensemble of 3 task elements, revealed that the element-level switch cost was virtually absent between ensembles but was large within an ensemble. The authors conclude that the element-level task repetition benefit is fragile and can be eliminated in a hierarchical task organization. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to slower responding to a stimulus that is presented at the same, rather than a different location as a preceding, spatially nonpredictive, stimulus. Repetition priming refers to speeded responding to a stimulus that duplicates the visual characteristics of a stimulus that precedes it. IOR and repetition priming effects interact in nonspatial discrimination tasks but not in localization tasks; three experiments examined whether this is due to processing differences or due to response differences between tasks. Two stimuli, S1 and S2, occurred on each trial. In Experiment 1, S1 and S2 were both peripheral arrows; in Experiment 2, S1 was a central arrow and S2 was a peripheral nondirectional rectangle; in Experiment 3, S1 was a peripheral nondirectional rectangle and S2 was a peripheral arrow. S1 never required a response; S2 required a localization or a discrimination response. Despite evidence that form information was likely extracted from the arrow stimuli, the localization task revealed no repetition priming: IOR occurred regardless of shared visual identity of the S1 and S2 arrows. The discrimination task revealed IOR only when the visual identity changed from S1 to S2; otherwise, facilitation occurred. These results suggest that IOR is masked by repetition priming only when the response depends on the explicit processing of form information; repetition priming does not occur when such information is extracted automatically but is task (and response) irrelevant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors tested the hypothesis that with adequate practice, people can execute 2 cognitive operations in working memory simultaneously. In Experiment 1, 6 students practiced updating 2 items in working memory through 2 sequences of operations (1 numerical, 1 spatial). In different blocks, imperative stimuli for the 2 sequences of operations were presented either simultaneously or sequentially. Initially, most participants experienced substantial dual-task costs. After 24 sessions of practice, operation latencies for simultaneous presentation were equal to the maximum of times for the 2 operations in the sequential condition, suggesting perfect timesharing. Experiment 2 showed that a reduction of dual-task costs requires practice on the combination of the 2 updating tasks, not just practice on each individual task. Hence, the reduction of dual-task costs cannot be explained by shortening or automatization of individual operations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, the authors compare stimulus-based versus task-rule-based task performance. Participants practiced 8 stimulus-response mappings either with or without knowledge about 2 underlying task sets. After practice, 2 transfer blocks with 8 new stimuli were presented. Results show that rule knowledge leads to significant switch and transfer costs, whereas without rule knowledge neither switch nor transfer costs occur. However, significant Task Type × Response Type interactions occurred in both conditions. In a second experiment including only the no rule condition, half of the stimulus-response mappings in the transfer blocks were incongruent to the underlying task rule. Slower response times for these incongruent stimuli as compared with congruent stimuli and the absence of switch costs suggest that participants acquired (presumably implicit) knowledge about 4 different stimulus-response categories. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments were run to determine whether time and central-processing capacity are requried to select between perceptual attributes. A same-different matching task was employed for all experiments. In Experiments 1 and 2, three sets of stimulus pairs were used, each of which varied along only one relevant perceptual dimension (color, size, or form). In Experiment 1, reaction time on the matching task was shown to be faster when the stimuli were presented in blocks in which all stimulus pairs came from the same set (blocked presentation) than when stimulus pairs from each of the three sets were randomly intermixed (random presentation). In Experiment 2, reaction time on a secondary probe task was faster during the encoding stage of a sequential mathcing task with blocked presentation than with random presentation. Experiment 3 indicated that this outcome could not be attributed to a difference in the number of possible stimulus alternatives. Thus, the results support the hypothesis that time and central-processing capacity are required to select between perceptual attributes.  相似文献   

Lien, Ruthruff, Remington, & Johnston (2005) reported residual switch cost differences between stimulus–response (S–R) pairs and proposed the partial-mapping preparation (PMP) hypothesis, which states that advance preparation will typically be limited to a subset of S–R pairs because of structural capacity limitations, to account for these differences. Alternatively, the failure-to-engage (FTE) hypothesis does not allow for differences in probability of advance preparation between S–R pairs within a set; it accounts for residual switch cost differences by assuming that benefits of advance preparation may differ between S–R pairs. Three Experiments were designed to test between these hypotheses. No capacity limitations of the type assumed by the PMP hypothesis were found for many participants in Experiment 1. In Experiments 2 and 3, no evidence was found for the dependency of residual switch cost differences between S–R pairs on response-stimulus interval that is predicted by the PMP hypothesis. Mixture-model analysis of reaction times distributions in Experiment 3 provided strong support for the FTE hypothesis over the PMP hypothesis. Simulation studies with a computational implementation of the FTE hypothesis showed that it is able to account in great detail for the results of the present study. Together, these results provide strong evidence against the PMP hypothesis and support the FTE hypothesis that advance preparation probabilistically fails or succeeds at the level of the task set. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated whether young and old adults can temporarily remove information from a capacity-limited central component of working memory (WM) into another component, the activated part of long-term memory (LTM). Experiment 1 used a modified Sternberg recognition task (S. Sternberg, 1969); Experiment 2 used an arithmetic memory-updating task. In both paradigms, participants memorized 2 lists, one of which was cued as temporarily irrelevant. Removal of the irrelevant list from capacity-limited WM was indexed by the disappearance of list-length effects of that list on latencies for concurrent processing tasks. Young adults could outsource the irrelevant list within 2-3 s and retrieve it back into the central part of WM later. Old adults showed the same flexibility in the arithmetic updating task but seemed somewhat less able or inclined to temporarily move information into the activated part of LTM in the modified Sternberg task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the role of compatibility of input and output (I-O) modality mappings in task switching. We define I-O modality compatibility in terms of similarity of stimulus modality and modality of response-related sensory consequences. Experiment 1 included switching between 2 compatible tasks (auditory–vocal vs. visual–manual) and between 2 incompatible tasks (auditory–manual vs. visual–vocal). The resulting switch costs were smaller in compatible tasks compared to incompatible tasks. Experiment 2 manipulated the response–stimulus interval (RSI) to examine the time course of the compatibility effect. The effect on switch costs was confirmed with short RSI, but the effect was diminished with long RSI. Together, the data suggest that task sets are modality specific. Reduced switch costs in compatible tasks may be due to special linkages between input and output modalities, whereas incompatible tasks increase cross-talk, presumably due to dissipating interference of correct and incorrect response modalities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments the authors examined whether individual differences in working-memory (WM) capacity are related to attentional control. Experiment 1 tested high- and low-WM-span (high-span and low-span) participants in a prosaccade task, in which a visual cue appeared in the same location as a subsequent to-be-identified target letter, and in an antisaccade task, in which a target appeared opposite the cued location. Span groups identified targets equally well in the prosaccade task, reflecting equivalence in automatic orienting. However, low-span participants were slower and less accurate than high-span participants in the antisaccade task, reflecting differences in attentional control. Experiment 2 measured eye movements across a long antisaccade session. Low-span participants made slower and more erroneous saccades than did high-span participants. In both experiments, low-span participants performed poorly when task switching from antisaccade to prosaccade blocks. The findings support a controlled-attention view of WM capacity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When switching between tasks, participants are sometimes required to use different response sets for each task. Thus, task switch and response set switch are confounded. In 5 experiments, the authors examined transitions of response within a linear 4-finger arrangement. A random baseline condition was compared with the cuing of specific response subsets grouped by hand or by finger equivalence, and these subsets were examined in both single task and task-switching designs. Results showed that part of the task switch cost is associated with switching between response sets. Furthermore, the analysis revealed a novel effect: When task switching and repetition trials are mixed, a bias towards switching the response and/or hand is found in task repetition trials. Response repetition is hindered when a task switch is expected, even for those trials when a switch of task does not occur. The results demonstrate executive processes involved in task set configuration closely depend on the motoric processing of the response set. The results are also important for current theories of task set control. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When 2 tasks must be performed concurrently, each requiring a choice of response, dual-task slowing is typically found. However, E. H. Schumacher et al. (1997) reported that dual-task slowing can be eliminated when equal priority is assigned to each task. Experiment 1 largely confirmed this with the same tasks as Schumacher et al. (tasks using stimulus–response combinations of visual–manual and auditory–vocal pairings). Experiment 2 retained the equal-priority instructions but switched the task pairings (to visual–vocal and auditory–manual); substantial dual-task slowing occurred. Experiment 3 used the same two response sets but only a single stimulus; slowing was again obtained despite equal priority instructions. Equalizing task priority was not sufficient to eliminate interference; relatively unusual cases in which dual-task interference is eliminated seem to depend on task-specific features. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The task-switching paradigm offers enormous possibilities to study cognitive control as well as task interference. The current review provides an overview of recent research on both topics. First, we review different experimental approaches to task switching, such as comparing mixed-task blocks with single-task blocks, predictable task-switching and task-cuing paradigms, intermittent instructions, and voluntary task selection. In the 2nd part, we discuss findings on preparatory control mechanisms in task switching and theoretical accounts of task preparation. We consider preparation processes in two-stage models, consider preparation as an all-or-none process, address the question of whether preparation is switch-specific, reflect on preparation as interaction of cue encoding and memory retrieval, and discuss the impact of verbal mediation on preparation. In the 3rd part, we turn to interference phenomena in task switching. We consider proactive interference of tasks and inhibition of recently performed tasks indicated by asymmetrical switch costs and n-2 task-repetition costs. We discuss stimulus-based interference as a result of stimulus-based response activation and stimulus-based task activation, and response-based interference because of applying bivalent rather than univalent responses, response repetition effects, and carryover of response selection and execution. In the 4th and final part, we mention possible future research fields. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 6 task-cuing experiments, with 2 cues per task, the authors varied cue-stimulus interval to investigate G. D. Logan and C. Bundesen's (2003) claim that when cue repetition is controlled for, task-switch cost and its reduction with preparation are largely eliminated and hence cannot index an endogenous control process. Experiment 1 replicates their result, but Experiments 2 and 3, with similar designs, demonstrate a substantial task-switch cost, reducing with increasing cue-stimulus interval. Experiments 4 to 6 show that the critical difference is the probability of a task change: If it is kept low enough to discourage reconfiguration of task set unless and until the cue signals a task change, robust evidence for anticipatory task-set reconfiguration is obtained, even in Experiment 6, modeled closely on Logan and Bundesen's. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been reported that it is harder to switch to a strong, well-practiced task from a weaker, less-practiced task than vice versa. Three experiments replicated this surprising asymmetry and investigated how it is affected by a reduction in interference between tasks. Experiment 1 progressively delayed the onset of the stimulus attribute associated with the stronger task. Experiments 2 and 3 separated the response sets of the tasks. Both manipulations reduced, without eliminating, interference of the stronger with the weaker task but reversed the asymmetry of switch costs, resulting in a larger cost of switching to the weaker task. The results are interpreted in terms of a model of the interactions between control input, task strength, and task priming. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments compared groups of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and healthy older and younger participants on visuospatial tracking and digit sequence recall, as single tasks and performed concurrently. In Experiment 1, tasks were performed concurrently with very low demand relative to span. Only the AD patients showed a dual task deficit. In Experiment 2, single task demand was manipulated on each task from below span to above span for each individual. All groups showed the same performance reductions with increasing demand. In Experiment 3, demand on 1 task was constant, whereas demand on the concurrent task was varied. AD patients showed a clear dual task deficit but were no more sensitive than control groups to varying demand. Results suggest an identifiable cognitive resource for dual task coordination within a multiple component working memory system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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