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This paper highlights important considerations to guide overall planning and element design of lunar/planetary surface habitat structures. Driving influences include stringent launch/landing payload limitations; high costs of human time for surface deployment and operational readiness; influences of the harsh environment on structures, devices and crews; and a paucity of equipment and human and consumable resources that necessitates extreme economies. General habitat concept options are proposed along with desired attributes for comparative assessments of figure of merit (FOM) rankings. Eight broad FOM categories are applied as a basis for top-level option evaluations: (1)?launch optimization features, (2)?landing optimization features, (3)?habitat capacity and functionality, (4)?environmental factors and features, (5)?deployment and operational readiness, (6)?reliability and maintainability, (7)?commonality with other surface systems, and (8)?pathways and potentials for growth. Much of the content of this paper draws on investigations conducted by the Sasakawa International Center for Space Architecture (SICSA) in support of separate National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contracts awarded to teams headed by Boeing and ILC-Dover for a “Minimum Functionality Habitation Systems Concept Study.” Comprehensive team study results were presented to NASA in February 2009 and have been publicly released to all interested parties.  相似文献   

The establishment of a permanent human presence on other planets will require establishing permanent infrastructure in new environments. Civil engineers select, define, and implement solutions to infrastructure design problems in unique environmental contexts. Wind and seismic loading are two examples of constraints long familiar to terrestrial civil engineering. Designing structures for lunar exploration, development and eventual settlement will make use of the same design processes already practiced by the civil engineering profession. However, the extensive experience base resulting from centuries of terrestrial work does not adequately prepare civil engineers for the unprecedented constraints and environmental conditions that are encountered in space. The limited knowledge we already have about the Moon (mostly from the Apollo program) is a place to start. By assimilating and working with this knowledge, those pursuing the design of lunar base structures can begin to produce realistic and valid design solutions. The paper presents technical, operations, and programmatic issues that the writers consider fundamental to understanding the facts of life in this promising new design arena.  相似文献   

Engineers utilize various codes in the process of design, whether structural, mechanical, or otherwise. Reliance on a code for design is based on the knowledge that a tremendous amount of time and effort was spent by experienced engineers to codify theories and good practice in a particular design discipline. Good practice in structural design implies cognizance of materials, structural behavior, environmental loadings, assumptions made in analysis and behavior, and the uncertainties inherent in all of these. The American Institute of Steel Construction's (AISC) Manual of Steel Construction is such a codification for the design and construction of steel structures. It includes information, some tabular and the rest in the form of specifications and commentaries, necessary to design and provide for the safe erection of steel‐framed structures. The design equations are generally semiempirical, that is, they are based on a mix of theoretical analysis, experimental data, and factors of safety. Each of these components has associated implicit assumptions. Some of these assumptions were explored to understand how and if the Earth‐based design code could be used for the design of a lunar outpost. Topics discussed come from the AISC Code of Standard Practice and the commentaries, and issues such as scaling of loads and strength in the 1∕6 g lunar environment, thermal cycling effects and fatigue, stiffening and buckling are briefly discussed. Important topics for further detailed study include: (1) The relationships between severe lunar temperature cycles and fatigue; (2) very low temperature effects and the possibility of brittle fractures; (3) outgassing for exposed steels and other effects of high vacuum on steel∕alloys; (4) factors of safety originally developed to account for uncertainties in the Earth design∕construction process undoubtedly need adjustment for the lunar environment; (5) dead loads∕live loads under lunar gravity; (6) buckling∕stiffening and bracing requirements for lunar structures that will be internally pressurized; and (7) consideration of new failure modes such as high‐velocity micrometeorite impacts.  相似文献   

Inflatable structures have been proposed by a number of authors. Several structural forms have been conceptually designed, including spherical, pillow‐shaped, semicylindrical, and domed saucer. Regardless of structural form, all inflatables require mechanical equipment to initiate and maintain inflation. This paper identifies the mechanical equipment and operations required to support an inflatable structure. A previously proposed semicylindrical structure is selected for this study, but the principal results are applicable to all inflatable structures. The results indicate that air for inflatable structures should be transported to the moon in a liquid (cryogenic) state. The liquefied air can be evaporated and heated to the proper temperature using solar energy and a conventional pumping system. Removing the air from the facility is an entirely different problem and requires different equipment. There are two alternatives: (1) Discharge the air to the moon; and (2) reclaim the air for reuse. The first alternative is not likely to be cost‐effective and might well be scientifically unacceptable. The second alternative presents numerous technical problems but appears technically feasible.  相似文献   

A modular inflatable structure consisting of thin, composite membranes is presented for use in a lunar base. Results from a linear elastic analysis of the structure indicate that it is feasible in the lunar environment. Further analysis requires solving nonlinear equations and accurately specifying the geometries of the structural members. A computerized geometric modeling technique, using bicubic Bezier surfaces to generate the geometries of the inflatable structure, was conducted. Simulated results are used to create three‐dimensional wire frames and solid renderings of the individual components of the inflatable structure. The component geometries are connected into modules, which are then assembled based upon the desired architecture of the structure.  相似文献   

A lunar base is an essential part of all the new space exploration programs because the Moon is the most logical first destination in space. Its hazardous environment will pose challenges for all engineering disciplines involved. A structural engineer’s approach is outlined in this paper, discussing possible materials and structural concepts for second-generation construction on the Moon. Several different concepts are evaluated and the most reasonable is chosen for a detailed design. During the design process, different solutions—for example, for the connections—were found. Although lunar construction is difficult, the proposed design offers a relatively simple structural frame for erection. A habitat on the Moon can be built with a reasonable factor of safety and existing technology. Even so, we recognize the very significant difficulties that await our return to the Moon.  相似文献   

The moon has recently regained the interest of many of the world’s space agencies. Lunar missions are the first steps in expanding manned and unmanned exploration inside our solar system. The moon represents various options; it can be used as a laboratory in low gravity, it is the closest and most accessible planetary object from the Earth, and it possesses many resources that humans could potentially exploit. This paper has two objectives: to review the current status of the knowledge of lunar environmental requirements for future lunar structures, and to attempt to classify different future lunar structures based on the current knowledge of the subject. The paper divides lunar development into three phases. The first phase is building shelters for equipment only; in the second phase, small temporary habitats will be built, and finally in the third phase, habitable lunar bases will be built with observatories, laboratories, or production plants. Initially, the main aspects of the lunar environment that will cause concerns will be lunar dust and meteoroids, and later will include effects due to the vacuum environment, lunar gravity, radiation, a rapid change of temperature, and the length of the lunar day. This paper presents a classification of technical requirements based on the current knowledge of these factors, and their importance in each of the phases of construction. It gives recommendations for future research in relation to the development of conceptual plans for lunar structures, and for the evolution of a lunar construction code to direct these structural designs. Some examples are presented along with the current status of the bibliography of the subject.  相似文献   

Lunar environmental characteristics, such as the lack of atmosphere, the smaller gravitational acceleration, and the weaker regolith, place different requirements on structural systems than the earth environment does. Some of these requirements are the internal pressurization of structures, emphasis on details, and careful design of foundation systems. Popular structural systems on the Earth environment, such as steel and reinforced concrete frames and trusses with traditional rigid connections may be inefficient for the lunar environment. Cable structures can be shown to meet the different and sometimes conflicting requirements of the lunar environment. The behavior of three different groups of cable structures in the lunar environment (differentiated by their small, medium and long spans) are studied in this paper. The structural systems can be designed to meet the main requirements in an efficient way. Foundation uplift problem is of particular interest, especially in the early lunar colonization stage. It was shown that with a slight modification in the cable system, the uplift problem can be solved, thus saving manpower and costs, while improving the overall system behavior.  相似文献   

Three concepts for the shelters on the moon are presented here. It is envisaged that the first robots will land on the moon and start preparing sites for advanced bases and also for future human presence. These robots will encounter severe radiation and micrometeor hits when they are exposed to the lunar atmosphere. During the period of intense solar radiation these robots have to be temporarily sheltered, since shielding on the robots may not be adequate to protect the instruments. The construction of these shelters has to be performed with very little equipment support. This paper presents concepts and their feasibility analysis for the fabrication of shelters under such stringent constraints.  相似文献   

The best location in the inner solar system for the grand observatories of the 21st century may be the Moon. A multidisciplinary team including university students and faculty in engineering, astronomy, physics, and geology, and engineers from industry is investigating the Moon as a site for astronomical observatories and is doing conceptual and preliminary designs for these future observatories. Studies encompass lunar facilities for radio astronomy and astronomy at optical, ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Although there are significant engineering challenges in design and construction on the Moon, the rewards for astronomy can be great, such as detection and study of Earth‐like planets orbiting nearby stars, and the task for engineers promises to stimulate advances in analysis and design, materials and structures, automation and robotics, foundations, and controls. Fabricating structures in the reduced‐gravity environment of the Moon will be easier than in the zero‐gravity environment of Earth orbit, as Apollo and space‐shuttle missions have revealed. Construction of observatories on the Moon can be adapted from techniques developed on the Earth, with the advantage that the Moon's weaker gravitational pull makes it possible to build larger devices than are practical on Earth.  相似文献   

The construction of an outpost on the Moon in which humans can live and work for periods exceeding six months will require special countermeasures to adapt to the hostile environment present at the lunar surface. Various inherent dangers such as meteoroids, galactic cosmic radiation, solar proton events, and large thermal extremes will drive the design configuration of the outpost. Other considerations such as lunar soil mechanics, equipment performance, mass delivery, risk, reliability, and tele‐operability act strongly as constraints that shape and control the design alternatives. Analysis of these fundamental relationships have resulted in lunar civil engineering guidelines, which are unique to this domain, and these in turn have pointed to research areas needing further attention. A preliminary design is presented for a lunar outpost shelter. Additionally, the design methodology is explored, and early enabling technologies are identified to facilitate an understanding of lunar shelter designs from an integrated system standpoint.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of a qualitative investigation to identify concepts for design and construction of near‐term lunar facilities. Accomplishing such construction will require an adaptation or transfer of current terrestrial technology and methods. Discussions on modularization, geosynthetic materials, aluminum materials, static load analysis, and dynamic load analysis provide illustrative examples of how terrestrial technologies can be adapted to lunar applications. These discussions provide support for the development of a phased lunar construction strategy. The initial stage of construction is characterized by small self‐supporting accomodation and laboratory modules. The assembly facility stage is characterized by the construction of a large pressurized module‐assembly facility. The module production stage is characterized by the fitting together of terrestrial or low earth‐orbit subassemblies into completed modules within the module assembly facility. The completed modules are also tested and moved to their final location in this stage. The lunar materials stage is characterized by the construction of facilities with maximum use of lunar materials.  相似文献   

Design and construction of a structure on the Moon requires addressing a host of issues not encountered on Earth. Since there is no atmosphere on the Moon, a lunar structure must contain an artificial atmosphere. One critical design issue is the magnitude of the pressure of this atmosphere. Much of the current literature on the design of lunar structures assumes a pressure of 101.3 kPa (14.7 psi), corresponding to that at sea level on Earth, which is an order of magnitude larger than any other loading on the structure. An assessment of the outcome of lowering the internal pressure for a lunar structure is presented that accounts for human physiology, plant growth, mechanical equipment for gas circulation, structural aspects, leak rate, decompression, flammability, combustion, and economic issues. Options for the magnitude and content of an internal atmosphere for a lunar structure are given. Results clearly show that there is a great savings if the pressure is lowered by an amount that does not greatly affect the inhabitants' physiology or safety.  相似文献   

The paper examines and compares structural concepts considered for use as habitats for lunar and Martian outposts. An evaluation methodology that allows numeric rating of concepts was previously developed and is upgraded herein. The methodology defines a number of important characteristics on which concepts are to be judged. In addition, weighting factors are assigned for the various characteristics considered in the evaluation system. These factors are presented as variables that depend on mission goals and timing aspects. An example evaluation is made for a specific scenario utilizing the developed methodology. The overall purpose of this work is not to provide an absolute rating, but rather to identify strengths and weaknesses of concepts. This approach should be invaluable in the development and selection of structural concepts for extraterrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

Engineering, Design and Construction of Lunar Bases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How do we begin to expand our civilization to the Moon? What are the technical issues that infrastructural engineers, in particular, must address? This paper has the goal of introducing this fascinating area of structural mechanics, design, and construction. Published work of the past several decades about lunar bases is summarized. Additional emphasis is placed on issues related to regolith mechanics and robotic construction. Although many hundreds of papers have been written on these subjects, and only a few tens of these have been referred to here, it is believed that a representative view has been created. This summary includes environmental issues, a classification of structural types being considered for the Moon, and some possible usage of in situ resources for lunar construction. An appendix provides, in tabular form, an overview of structural types and their lunar applications and technology drivers.  相似文献   

The Moon is nearly devoid of essential biogenic resources such as water, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen. Lunar bases must have a ready supply of these vital resources since they are easily lost to the vacuum of space. Also, wet chemical processes dominate the chemical industries. Extraterrestrial sources of these materials must be found to provide for life support, construction, and manufacturing. If Phobos and Deimos have carbonaceous chondritic compositions, they are ideal targets for extraterrestrial exploitation. They may contain biogenic resources such as water, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen, as well as easily recoverable structural materials.  相似文献   

Indigenous Resource Utilization in Design of Advanced Lunar Facility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most important consideration in the establishment and support of a permanently manned lunar base will be resource utilization. Seven potential lunar construction materials were analyzed with respect to their physical properties, processes, energy requirements, and resource efficiency. Reviewing the advantages and disadvantages of each material led to the selection of basalt as the primary construction material for initial use on a lunar base. The team conceptualized a construction system that combines lunar regolith sintering and casting to make pressurized structures. The design uses a machine that simultaneously excavates and sinters the lunar regolith to create a cylindrical hole. The hole is then enclosed with cast basalt slabs, allowing the volume to be pressurized for use as a living or work environment. Cylinder depths up to 4–6 m in the lunar mare and 10–12 m in the lunar highlands can be achieved. Advantages identified in the construction system include maximum resource utilization, relatively large habitable volumes, interior flexibility, and minimal construction equipment needs. The conclusions of this study indicate that there is significant potential for the use of basalt as a low‐cost alternative to Earth‐based materials. It remains to be determined, during lunar base phasing, whether this construction method should be implemented.  相似文献   

A telescope on the Moon is needed for astronomy and can be constructed in this decade or early in the next century. Design for this telescope will be fundamentally different from the design of free‐flying telescopes. Its design will be more like the new Keck telescope being completed on a mountaintop in Hawaii than the Hubble Space Telescope, in low Earth orbit. Success of the lunar‐based telescope will depend on an appropriately engineered structure, a suitable interface (foundation) in the lunar soil, and a carefully thought out construction process. Participation of engineers in identifying and resolving issues for this extraterrestrial engineering and construction project is a natural extension of the traditional engineering role, and will prepare the engineering and construction communities for the subsequent greater challenges associated with basing on the Moon. These communities need to document now the types of data and information that NASA should obtain in the next early lunar missions so that construction on the Moon will be facilitated.  相似文献   

The establishment of an efficient transportation system is key to any human development on Earth or in space. Different technologies for transporting humans and goods have been developed, the diversity of which indicates that individual concepts have specific strengths and weaknesses. So far, transportation on the Moon has utilized a wheel‐based vehicle, the lunar rover. Present concepts for transporting goods and people in a lunar base of the future are generally based on using wheels and traction. While such systems have many advantages for a variety of applications, the hauling of heavy goods will require the preparation of stable and trafficable roadways, a challenging and potentially expensive undertaking. This paper presents an alternative based on using one of the fundamental means to move objects, namely ropes and cables. Because of their inherent characteristics, ropes have been used to lift and haul heavy loads for long distances with high levels of reliability. This mature and constantly perfected technology, not well known in this car‐oriented society, has been investigated for its use as a true alternative to the traditional wheel‐based transportation systems. As will be shown, innovative applications of cable‐based technologies may in effect provide many opportunities to leverage the differences between the Earth and the Moon for the purpose of creating efficient engineering products.  相似文献   

The Air Force Institute of Technology is in the process of designing a space shuttle experiment designated as the Rigidized Inflatable Get-Away-Special Experiment (RIGEX) to study the effects of microgravity on the deployment of inflatable rigidizable composite structures. Once in space, the experiment is designed to inflate and rigidize three composite tubes (which could be used in a more global space structure), then perform a vibration analysis on each by exciting the structures using piezoelectric patches mounted to the walls of the tubes and collect data via accelerometers. The experiment is designed to take part in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) get-away-special program and as such must meet structural verification standards to be pay loaded as such. This paper presents the structural and vibration analysis of the RIGEX assembly and inflatable composite tubes using ABAQUS finite-element analysis (FEA) software. Results of the FEA showed good correlation when compared to eigenvalue/eigenvector experimental results obtained from ping testing the actual structures. This finite-element analysis has been used to modify the experiments design to meet NASA structural integrity requirements and verify the natural frequency of the RIGEX structural support assemblies.  相似文献   

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