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This paper develops probabilistic and human reliability models to estimate the probability of structural collapse (system risk) during the construction of typical multistory reinforced-concrete buildings in the presence of human error. Results obtained from the human reliability analysis suggest that errors related to concrete cover and concreting workmanship are more detrimental to system risk than any other errors. Errors related to reinforcement area have a minor effect on system risk, provided that the existing effectiveness of engineering inspections is maintained. The results also show that errors related to installation of steel shores/reshores do not significantly affect the system risk.  相似文献   

In several studies it is widely accepted that human error is the main reason for up to 80% of all incidents and accidents in complex high-risk systems that exist in the aviation, petrochemical, healthcare, construction, mining, and nuclear power industries. The construction industry, greatly impacted by accidents, is accountable for more than 1,000 fatalities in each of the past 14 years. The human factors analysis classification system (HFACS) is a general human error framework originally developed and tested as a tool for investigating and analyzing the human causes of accidents with applications to rail, air, and offshore environments. This paper introduces the concept of HFACS along with the framework of human error awareness training (HEAT) and their potential contribution to the construction industry. Based on the HEAT approach, this paper proposes a new error analysis educational and classification tool for safety within the construction industry. The primary difference between HFACS and HEAT is found in the structure, content, and presentation of the information allowing for higher effectiveness in incident investigation and safety education and training in construction.  相似文献   

周远平 《包钢科技》2008,34(1):68-69,75
会计账目差错会对会计报告产生影响,特别是一些重要的会计账目差错会误导管理者或者投资人作出错误的决策.文章对会计账目形成差错的情况做了分类,并认真分析了差错产生的原因,有利于会计、审计人员减少或及时发现和纠正会计账目差错.  相似文献   

Construction projects are uncertain and complex in nature often because of iterative cycles caused by errors and changes. These errors and changes impair project performance and, consequently, cause schedule and cost overruns to be prevalent. Iterative cycles are more detrimental when design and construction are concurrent and often force activities to proceed without complete information. In an effort to address this issue, this paper presents the information technology aspect of the dynamic planning and control methodology (DPM), which provides a mechanism that will analyze the impact of negative iterative cycles on construction performance. In order to guarantee a smooth application of this method to real-world projects, DPM has been developed by integrating several existing methods around a core system dynamic model for quality and change management and then implementing these methods into a web-based collaborative environment. A case project, applying the developed web-based DPM, shows great potential in facilitating on-site decision making by virtue of its support of data analysis as well as real-time information sharing.  相似文献   

Construction and engineering practitioners have found it increasingly difficult to learn from their mistakes, particularly with regard to the prevention, identification and/or containment of design errors. Yet, design errors have been the root cause of numerous catastrophic accidents that have resulted in the death and injury of workers and members of the public. This paper examines and classifies the nature of error and design error causation in construction and engineering projects. A review of the normative literature revealed that design errors are caused by an array of factors that can work interdependently. A generic framework is developed that classifies design error according to people, the organization, and project is presented. The paper suggests that people, over and above organizational and project management strategies, have the greatest propensity to reduce errors through the process of situated learning and knowing. This is because the working environment provided by an organization and the processes used to deliver construction and engineering projects influence the nature and ability of people to undertake tasks. Consequently, there is no single but rather a multitude of strategies that need to be adopted in congruence to reduce design errors so that safety and project performance are ameliorated.  相似文献   

This paper presents stability analysis and design recommendations for the falsework of wood and metal post shores. Based on the setup of shoring systems used on actual construction sites, analysis models of the shoring system have been derived. The experimental test results indicate that the base stiffness to the ground of shores is 50 t-cm/rad for (490 kN-cm/rad) wood post shores and 70 t-cm/rad (686 kN-cm/rad) for metal post shores of which the joint stiffness between members is 750 t-cm/rad (7,355 kN-cm/rad). With these stiffnesses, factors of 0.75 for wood post shores and 0.85 for metal post shores are used to modify the critical loads of shoring systems calculated from individual shores. The critical loads of a shoring system increase with the number of fixed strong shores, but are not affected by the number of leaning columns. In simplifying shore design, the LeMessurier formula is used for the strength computation of shoring systems composed of wood post shores. The critical loads of shoring systems increase linearly with the number of strong shores, but they are invariant with the positions of strong shores. If the required number of strong shores is defined, the critical loads of shoring systems can be found by interpolation.  相似文献   

Hydraulically actuated construction equipment is rapidly being retrofitted with robotic control capabilities by several major manufacturers. However, position control errors caused by several factors are significant in these types of construction equipment. Errors are amplified if the manipulator and its operator must measure and locate objects in the equipment’s fixed reference frame. Both mechanistic and statistical approaches to correcting position errors are possible. A statistical approach is reported here that is validated based on experiments with a computer-controlled large-scale manipulator (LSM). The LSM is sufficiently representative of several types of construction equipment to be able to serve as a general test bed. In the regression analysis, three factors which are measurable in real time: distance, hydraulic pressure, and payload, were varied to determine their influence on position errors in the LSM. It was shown that with an integrated multivariable regression model, about 30% of the mean positioning error of the LSM can be reduced without the use of fixed external reference systems. The model can be implemented as simple, real-time regression equations.  相似文献   

蒙秀云 《包钢科技》2006,32(5):68-70
人力资源会计是会计学科中一个正在发展的新分支,在我国仍处于理论研究阶段,实务尚未得到应用.在新形势下,我国推行人力资源会计的必要性和可能性.人力资源会计中主要研究人力资源成本与价值的确认计量,记录和报告等问题,为人们提供人力资源会计信息.  相似文献   

人力资源成本及会计处理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘胜天  谭哲 《有色矿冶》2003,19(1):57-59
人力资源会计将成为知识经济时代的会计主流,研究的目的是将蕴涵于人体内的人力资源作为经济资源,对与其相关的信息的增减变动进行计量和报告。本文着重阐述了人力资源的历史成本、重置成本以及人力资源核算中帐户的设置、人力资源入帐价值的确认和人力资源的会计处理等问题。  相似文献   

肖永红 《铜业工程》2006,(3):61-63,66
通过建立、健全单位内部会计监督制度;明确相关人员在内部会计监督中的职责权限;保护对违法会计行为的检举权利;加强会计工作的社会监督和国家监督等问题的分析后认为:在现代企业制度条件下,必须加强会计监督,健全和完善与新形势相适应的会计监督体系,它是增强企业竞争力、促进企业发展的重要保证。  相似文献   

综合了新农村建设中村镇环境景观的现状,提出了村镇景观设计的原则,在此基础上具体阐明了景观设计与规划的实施策略,以期为新农村的村镇环境景观设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Engineers utilize various codes in the process of design, whether structural, mechanical, or otherwise. Reliance on a code for design is based on the knowledge that a tremendous amount of time and effort was spent by experienced engineers to codify theories and good practice in a particular design discipline. Good practice in structural design implies cognizance of materials, structural behavior, environmental loadings, assumptions made in analysis and behavior, and the uncertainties inherent in all of these. The American Institute of Steel Construction's (AISC) Manual of Steel Construction is such a codification for the design and construction of steel structures. It includes information, some tabular and the rest in the form of specifications and commentaries, necessary to design and provide for the safe erection of steel‐framed structures. The design equations are generally semiempirical, that is, they are based on a mix of theoretical analysis, experimental data, and factors of safety. Each of these components has associated implicit assumptions. Some of these assumptions were explored to understand how and if the Earth‐based design code could be used for the design of a lunar outpost. Topics discussed come from the AISC Code of Standard Practice and the commentaries, and issues such as scaling of loads and strength in the 1∕6 g lunar environment, thermal cycling effects and fatigue, stiffening and buckling are briefly discussed. Important topics for further detailed study include: (1) The relationships between severe lunar temperature cycles and fatigue; (2) very low temperature effects and the possibility of brittle fractures; (3) outgassing for exposed steels and other effects of high vacuum on steel∕alloys; (4) factors of safety originally developed to account for uncertainties in the Earth design∕construction process undoubtedly need adjustment for the lunar environment; (5) dead loads∕live loads under lunar gravity; (6) buckling∕stiffening and bracing requirements for lunar structures that will be internally pressurized; and (7) consideration of new failure modes such as high‐velocity micrometeorite impacts.  相似文献   

随着社会和经济的发展,人力资源作为最宝贵的资源,在企业经营管理中的作用越来越重要,作为我国国民经济支柱的国有施工企业,要在市场中生存与发展,就必须重视人力资源管理。然而,国有施工企业人力资源管理现在普遍存在管理理念、用人制度、考评激励、人才机制、员工培训等方面的问题。解决问题的对策在于树立新的人力资源管理观念,建立科学的用人和考评机制,采取激励机制留住人才,加强人才队伍建设,创建学习型企业等途径,提高人力资源管理水平。  相似文献   

李淑香 《甘肃冶金》2007,29(2):70-71
设计监理是工程监理的重要内容之一。随着工程监理的业务范围向着项目管理、工程咨询、代建制的延伸,设计监理的重要性将会越来越被人们所认识。本文通过监理实践,对设计监理进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

陈玉印 《山东冶金》1999,21(6):27-28
石横特殊钢厂在Novell网上以Foxpro数据库管理系统设计实现了会计电算化网络软件,其主要功能是数据录入、数据维护、查询检索、统计计算、打印功能等,其主要特点是可进行模块化设计,通用性设计,优化计术,并具有安全保密性,在实际应用中运行效果较好。  相似文献   

为了预防高原矿工作业时间长和工作任务繁重等因素引起的疲劳失误事故,针对高原缺氧、低温等环境特性,首先分析了人体作业疲劳积累特点,并通过构建高原矿山人体疲劳—作业失误机理图,概括了高原地区人体疲劳积累与作业失误的发生机制。其次,比较了不同海拔下人体生理机能和最大做工量的变化,划分出高原矿工疲劳积累的4个阶段(疲劳积累初期、疲劳积累稳定期、疲劳积累末期、疲劳恢复不可逆期(疲劳性损伤),基于对高原矿山作业者疲劳与行为错误之间关系的问卷调查分析,绘制出高原矿工各作业疲劳阶段失误率变化特征曲线。最后,运用人因分析和分类系统(HFACS),提出了高原矿山作业疲劳—人因失误框架(F-HFACS),全面分析了高原矿工疲劳的因素及其对人因失误发生的影响。研究表明:疲劳稳定期通常作业效率较高、失误率低且基本稳定;疲劳末期疲劳积累进一步加深,作业失误率激增,为防止疲劳性损伤,必须停止作业。该研究为高原矿山制定合理的轮班方案,降低作业失误率提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

城市化的发展促进了人们对城市生态设计的探索。本文阐述了城市生态设计的理念,并从设计方法和措施等方面探讨设计形式与生态过程相协调的各种可能。  相似文献   

地下工程在施工和运营期间的测量工作一般以位移量方面的量测为主,文章介绍了作者研制的一种计算机无接触三维测量系统-数字化近景摄影测量系统,用于隧道(井巷)周边位移的精密测量及隧道(井巷)断面验收测量的原理,使用方法及其精度分析。  相似文献   

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