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To determine predictors of smoking cessation duration in a randomized clinical trial, we assigned participants to nicotine patch (8-12 weeks) plus either (a) a baseline tailored brief motivational intervention, a quit date behavioral skills counseling session, and a relapse prevention follow-up session, or (b) brief advice using the National Cancer Institute's 4A's model. A total of 383 smokers from five methadone maintenance treatment centers in Rhode Island were enrolled, of whom 312 (82%) completed 6-month follow-up assessments. The primary outcome was longest period of self-reported abstinence during follow-up. Participants were on average 40.5 years of age; 51.9% were male, and 77.6% were White. In multivariate analysis controlling for demographics, nicotine dependence, depressive symptoms, and smoking-related symptoms, we found longer periods of abstinence in persons reporting at least one 24-hr quit attempt in the year prior to baseline (OR = 1.97, p = .003), in those anticipating success in cessation (OR = 1.33, p = .024), and in those with a greater percentage of nicotine patch use days (OR = 2.78, p<.001). Past quit attempts, self-efficacy, and constant nicotine replacement were associated with duration of abstinence among methadone-maintained smokers. Attention to these domains in future intervention studies may improve treatment success.  相似文献   

The prevalence of smoking is greater and smoking restrictions are less common in rural areas in comparison to urban areas. Consequently, rural smokers and their families are at increased risk for adverse health consequences from smoking. The presence of home smoking restrictions (i.e., limiting or banning cigarette smoking in the home) can be a mediator for smoking cessation and can reduce health risks for those who live with smokers. The purpose of the present study was to identify correlates of home smoking restrictions among rural smokers. We surveyed 472 smokers from 40 rural Kansas primary care practices who were enrolled in a smoking cessation intervention study. We assessed the prevalence of home smoking restrictions and examined the relationship between such restrictions, demographic variables, comorbid diagnoses, and psychosocial measures of smoking abstinence self-efficacy and motivation to quit. Complete home smoking restrictions were found among 25.4% of rural smokers with an additional 28.3% reporting some restrictions. Restrictions were associated with younger age, higher controlled motivation to quit (i.e., motivation from external pressure), the presence of children under age 6 years living in the home, fewer friends who smoke, and a partner who does not smoke. Smokers with a comorbid diagnosis of high cholesterol, chronic lung disease, or heart disease were less likely to have restrictions. Most smokers in rural primary care practices do not have home smoking restrictions, particularly those without children or a nonsmoking partner and those with significant risk factors for smoking-related illnesses. These patients may be critical targets for broaching issues of home smoking restrictions.  相似文献   

This study reports on baseline characteristics associated with acceptance and refusal of available smoking treatment among currently depressed smokers in a psychiatric outpatient clinic who were enrolled in a larger clinical trial. The sample (N=154) was 68% female and 72% White, with a mean age of 41.4 years and average smoking rate of 17 cigarettes/day. All participants were assigned to a repeated contact experimental condition; received a stage-based expert system program to facilitate treatment acceptance; and were then offered smoking treatment, consisting of behavioral counseling, nicotine patch, and bupropion. Acceptors (n=53) were defined as those accepting behavioral counseling and pharmacological treatment at some point during the 18-month study, whereas refusers (n=101) received only the expert system. The number of days to treatment acceptance was significantly predicted by stage of change, with those in preparation entering treatment more quickly than contemplators or precontemplators. In a logistic regression, the variables most strongly associated with accepting treatment were current use of psychiatric medication and perceived success for quitting. Severity of depressive symptoms, duration of depression history, and history of recurrent depression were not related to treatment acceptance. Findings have implications for the psychiatric assessment and treatment of smokers in clinical settings. Psychiatric medication may play a significant role in smoking cessation treatment acceptance by currently depressed smokers.  相似文献   

We present results from a qualitative study of smokers of home-grown tobacco (chop-chop). In particular, we focused on participants' perceptions of the health effects of smoking chop-chop relative to legal tobacco. Consistent with previous work, we found that smokers of chop-chop believe that relatively less chemical treatment of chop-chop tobacco meant lower health risks than with legal products, although many believed the ultimate difference in effect on health was negligible.  相似文献   

The present study describes salivary cotinine levels and their relationship to cigarettes smoked per day in Mexican smokers. Using a sampling strategy based on the number of cigarettes per day, we recruited 1,222 smokers from Mexico City and the state of Morelos in Mexico during 1999. Smoking behaviors and other factors known to affect nicotine intake and cotinine level were identified in an interview using a standardized questionnaire. Salivary cotinine was measured by capillary gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus detection. We used generalized additive models to describe the relationship between salivary cotinine levels and variables of interest. The mean age of the population was 39.7 years (SD=15.6 years), with a mean cotinine level of 194.7 ng/ml (SD=134.8; range=10.1-767). Participants smoked a mean of 15.5 cigarettes per day (SD=11.3). Salivary cotinine and cigarettes smoked per day were positively related, although the association was not linear, flattening above 20 cigarettes per day. After adjusting for cigarettes per day, we found that significant predictors of cotinine levels included age, body mass index, cigarette producer, and smoking behavior variables. These results may have implications for dosing with nicotine medications to aid smoking cessation in Mexican smokers and suggest that whether the cigarette is labeled light or regular has no relationship to nicotine dose from smoking cigarettes.  相似文献   

Smoking-related cancer and other disease account for more than 400,000 U.S. deaths annually. Smoking cessation reduces smoking-related disease rates, but relapse rates are high. Thus, interest in reducing the harm of continued smoking is growing. Potential reduced exposure products (PREPs) are marketed to reduce smokers' exposure to smoke toxicants such as carbon monoxide (CO) and carcinogens and may be harm reduction tools. New PREPs are proliferating, but past experience with "low-yield" cigarettes that failed to reduce smokers' toxicant exposure suggests that comprehensive evaluation is necessary to predict if these new products are likely to alter the harm caused by smoking. The purpose of the study was to develop clinical laboratory methods for PREP evaluation. Smokers (N = 35) completed four, 5-day conditions that differed by product used: Advance, Eclipse, own brand cigarettes, or no cigarettes. Carcinogen (as assessed by one nitrosamine and one polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon biomarker) and nicotine exposure were assessed via thrice-weekly urine sampling. Withdrawal symptoms were measured daily, and smoking behavior was assessed on the first and last day of each condition. Relative to own brand, Advance reduced exposure to the nitrosamine NNK and CO, and Eclipse reduced exposure to nicotine and the nitrosamine NNK, increased exposure to CO, and resulted in larger, longer, and more frequent puffs. No smoking reduced exposure to the nitrosamine NNK, CO, and nicotine, whereas withdrawal was elevated (all p values <.05). Clinical laboratory evaluation of PREPs for smokers is valuable for measuring users' smoke toxicant exposure, withdrawal, and smoking behavior and should be incorporated into a comprehensive PREP evaluation strategy.  相似文献   

Adolescent smoking prevalence is a major health concern, with 24.4% reporting smoking in the past 30 days and 15.8% considered daily smokers. The purpose of this study was to characterize biobehavioral nicotine dependence, smoke constituent exposure and smoking topography in adolescent daily smokers. Relationships among biological markers of nicotine dependence (nicotine boost, carbon monoxide [CO] boost and cotinine levels) with existing self-report measures (modified Fagerstr?m Tolerance Questionnaire [mFTQ] and the motivations for smoking scale) were examined. Gender differences were characterized. Fifty adolescents 13-18 years old were recruited for the study, 50% female. CO, plasma nicotine levels pre- and postcigarette, cotinine, and smoking topography were measured during a smoking bout with participant's usual cigarette. Average CO boost, pre- to postcigarette was 7.2 + 3.6 ppm, baseline cotinine level averaged 224.0 +/- 169.6 ng/ml and nicotine boost averaged 23.4 +/- 21.7 ng/ml. Mean puffs per cigarette was 14.2 +/- 6.3. Males had significantly higher total puff volumes, but similar smoke constituent exposure to females, and higher handling of cigarettes as smoking motive. In regression analysis, 35% of variance in tobacco use, as indicated by baseline cotinine concentration, was explained by maximum puff duration, postcigarette CO level, and nicotine dependence, as measured by the mFTQ. Results indicated adolescents had considerable smoke constituent exposure and nicotine dependence suggesting the importance of appropriate smoking cessation treatment.  相似文献   

Both cigarette smoking and strenuous physical work are associated with increased oxidative stress, which is implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. No study to date has measured oxidative stress in response to graded exercise in cigarette smokers. We compared oxidative stress biomarkers before and after strenuous exercise (Bruce treadmill protocol) in 14 cigarette smokers and 15 nonsmokers of similar age (24+/-6 years) and fitness status. Plasma protein carbonyls (PC), malondialdehyde (MDA), and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) were measured pre- and postexercise. Smoking status (p<.01) and time (p<.01) effects were noted for PC with values higher for smokers than nonsmokers and increasing from pre- to postexercise (52% vs. 25%, respectively). The smoking statusxtime interaction for PC approached statistical significance (p=.07). The change in PC from pre- to postexercise was positively correlated with the number of cigarettes smoked per day (r=.5782, p=.03). A smoking statusxtime interaction was noted for MDA (p<.01), with values increasing 37% from pre- (0.6140+/-0.0708 micromol/L) to postexercise (0.8440+/-0.0687 micromol/L) for smokers and remaining relatively unchanged for nonsmokers (from 0.7664+/-0.0901 to 0.7419+/-0.0776 micromol/L). 8-OHdG was unaffected by smoking status (p=.43) or exercise (p=.40). These findings indicate that young cigarette smokers experience an exaggerated oxidative stress response to strenuous physical work, compared with nonsmokers of similar age. These results highlight yet another detrimental impact of cigarette smoking on human health. Future investigations should focus on older, more established smokers.  相似文献   

Few studies have evaluated the impact of smoking cessation on objective measures of sleep. The present study assessed the long-term effects of tobacco smoking abstinence on sleep and depression. A total of 15 chronic smokers with Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D) scores of less than 9 were evaluated. Subjects were screened for baseline data when they were smoking chronically. They underwent a 5-week psychological treatment for tobacco smoking, after which their depressive symptoms and sleep architecture were evaluated at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12 months of abstinence. We report the results of the seven patients who completed 1 year of evaluations and of those patients who achieved only partial abstinence. Polysomnographic recordings were taken, level of depression was measured with the HAM-D, and urinary cotinine levels also were evaluated. HAM-D scores were analyzed with and without sleep items. Nicotine abstinence reduced latency to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and increased HAM-D scores, suggesting that chronic smokers have depressive symptoms that may be controlled by nicotine administration.  相似文献   

Genetic factors play an important role in smoking behavior. Although African Americans are at disproportionately increased risk for tobacco-related morbidity and mortality, limited attention has been given to genetic investigation of tobacco use in this population. The present study examined consent for genetic testing among African American smokers enrolled in a smoking cessation clinical trial. African American light smokers (相似文献   

Self-help interventions for older smokers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relative effectiveness of two self-help smoking interventions as adjuncts to a self-help manual and telephone support service (hotline) for older smokers. DESIGN: Subjects were stratified on baseline variables and randomised to one of two treatment conditions in a methods development study. SUBJECTS: 177 community- dwelling smokers aged 60 years and older. INTERVENTIONS: All subjects received a self-help manual and access to a smokers' telephone hotline. Subjects also received either mailings (Letters condition) or counselling telephone calls (Proactive condition) at four and eight weeks after enrollment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Use of the hotline and prevalence of abstinence lasting at least 48 hours (verified by a "significant other") were assessed at three and six months for the full sample. Seven-day abstinence was calculated for comparison with previous research. A subsample of 91 subjects was followed up at 12 months. RESULTS: Overall abstinence rates for the two conditions were in the range of typical self-help interventions. Men were more likely to be abstinent than women at follow up at three and six months. A significant gender x treatment interaction was found, with abstinence rates higher for men in the Letters condition, and women in the Proactive condition. Hotline use was high, with nearly half of subjects calling by 12 months. CONCLUSION: Both interventions appear promising for older smokers, but may be differentially effective for men and women. Older smokers will use a hotline; whether Letters and Proactive interventions can improve on manual and hotline effectiveness rates alone is being tested in a subsequent controlled trial.


College is an important transition period during which young adults explore tobacco use. Few large-scale studies have been conducted among college students regarding tobacco use. We initiated a study examining tobacco use in 30 colleges and universities in the Pacific Northwest. We conducted a baseline survey among students. Sample size varied by the school size; for the 14 largest schools, we drew a random sample of all students, oversampling freshmen (n approximately 750) so that we could recruit and follow a cohort to assess smoking onset during the college years. Of the remaining students, we sampled equivalent numbers of sophomores, juniors, and seniors (n = 200 each). For the 16 schools with fewer than 1,350 students, we surveyed all students. We found overall smoking rates of 17.2%. Males (18.6%) were more likely to smoke than females (16.6%; p = .03), and public college students were more likely to smoke (20.5%) than those who attended private independent schools (18.9%; p = .61), whose rates were higher than those of private religious schools (11.6%; p = .001). Overall, college students are light smokers who do not smoke every day of the month. Further, they tend not to be highly dependent on tobacco, do not consider themselves regular smokers, and plan to quit before they graduate (56.8%). School type should be considered when estimating smoking rates among 4-year college students. Data indicate that college smokers wish and plan to quit before graduation, suggesting that efforts to assist smokers in quitting during the college years may be fruitful.  相似文献   

The prevalence of smoking is high among people with schizophrenia. Although several research groups are developing smoking treatments for these smokers, abstinence rates to date have been modest. Methodological tools such as cue exposure are useful in clinical research with smokers in general, but the value of these paradigms with smokers with schizophrenia has yet to be established. The aim of the present study was to determine the subjective and physiological effects of exposure to in vivo smoking cues in smokers with schizophrenia. A total of 25 heavy smokers with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder were assessed while nonabstinent and after 2-hr smoking abstinence. Urge to smoke, mood, nicotine withdrawal symptoms, heart rate, and blood pressure were measured during a precue relaxation period, after exposure to neutral cues, and after exposure to smoking cues. Results indicate that both exposure to smoking cues and brief abstinence increased urge levels, nicotine withdrawal symptom levels, and negative affect. Abstinence did not amplify the effects of cues on urges or other cue reactivity measures. These results indicate that smoking cue reactivity laboratory models may be useful for investigating potential smoking treatments for, or neurobiological contributions to, smoking behavior in smokers with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Breath carbon monoxide (CO) is a convenient, widely used method for abstinence validation, with cutoffs of 8-10 ppm commonly employed. The goal of the present study was to determine an appropriate CO cutoff to differentiate nonsmokers and smokers within a large sample (N = 374) of female prisoners incarcerated at a correctional facility in Virginia. Mean age of the population was 34.5 years, 49.2% were White, and 29% had less than a high school education. Smoking prevalence was 74.1% within the prison population. Examination of CO levels versus smoking self-report using a receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed that a CO cutoff of 3 ppm resulted in the best sensitivity (98.1%) and specificity (95.8%). Overall ROC area under the curve was 99% (95% CI = 98.2%-99.9%). This same cutoff was optimal for smoking subgroups including Black and light (<10 cigarettes/day) smokers. Results suggest that CO cutoffs higher than 3 ppm may misclassify some smokers as nonsmokers and underestimate the prevalence of smoking.  相似文献   

Most smokers initiate smoking in adolescence, and craving for cigarettes may play an important role in maintenance of smoking behavior and relapse to smoking during a quit attempt. Although a significant body of literature explores cue-reactivity in adult smokers, little has been published on cue-reactivity among adolescent smokers. In a previously published work, we found that videotaped smoking cues may not be robust in eliciting craving among adolescent smokers. Hence, in this preliminary study, we examined reactivity to in vivo smoking cues among adolescent smokers (N = 11, average age = 18.1 years, range = 15-19 years, predominantly female). Participants were presented with in vivo smoking and neutral cues (counterbalanced). We recorded subjective craving and real-time heart rate in response to each type of cue. Adolescent smokers had a significantly greater "desire" to smoke (p < .05) in response to smoking cues vs. both baseline and neutral cues. Participants had faster heart rates after the smoking cues during the epochs of 21-30 s and 31-40 s (p values<.05) as compared with baseline, and mean heart rate was higher during the smoking cues relative to neutral cues among participants who received the smoking cues first (p < .05). Results of this preliminary study further demonstrate the feasibility of conducting cue-reactivity studies with adolescent cigarette smokers. Findings from this study suggest that adolescent smokers may show patterns of responding to smoking cues similar to those of adult smokers. Implications for future laboratory studies with adolescent smokers are discussed.  相似文献   

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