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煤炭间接液化技术及其影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对国际,国内煤炭间接液化技术发展情况的调查论证,表明,我国已经掌握了世界上最先进的煤炭液化技术,讨论了在山西发展煤代油技术的优势和希望。  相似文献   

通过分析煤炭间接液化项目的经济效益与原油价格和煤炭价格的关系,推导出经济效益临界点时项目经济效益与原油价格和煤炭价格的关系公式,用于判断原油和煤炭价格对煤炭间接液化项目经济效益的影响,以及该类项目的经济效益临界点,并分析了影响项目经济效益的其他因素。  相似文献   

煤炭间接液化技术及其在中国的产业化前景   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
吴春来 《煤炭转化》2003,26(2):17-24,33
介绍了国内外煤炭间接液化技术的研究开发和应用,对在中国建设煤炭间接液化示范厂的技术经济进行了简要分析,指出在我国实现煤炭间接液化工业化生产,必须根据市场需求,因煤因地制宜,把提高经济效益放在首位。  相似文献   

南非SASOL的煤炭间接液化技术   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
吴春来 《煤化工》2003,31(2):3-6
介绍了南非SASOL煤炭间接液化技术的发展和特色 ,其中开发应用的浆态床和固定流化床工艺及设备居世界领先地位 ,指出在借鉴或拟引进该项技术时应根据自身条件选择不同的工艺。  相似文献   

煤炭直接液化项目经济效益临界点分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈显伦 《化学工业》2009,27(11):36-37
通过分析煤炭直接液化项目的经济效益与原油价格和煤炭价格的关系,推导出经济效益临界点时项目经济效益与原油价格和煤炭价格的关系公式.用于判断原油和煤炭价格对该类项目经济效益的影响和项目的经济效益临界点。  相似文献   

郭新乐 《广州化工》2011,39(7):34-35
分析了煤液化技术在我国经济发展中的战略性意义,介绍了煤液化技术,包括直接液化技术,间接液化技术,展望了我国煤液化技术的发展方向并提出了建议。  相似文献   

介绍了煤炭间接液化合成油的技术、经济分析、工业装置及该技术的推广障碍等,并对该技术在我国的应用提出建议。  相似文献   

通过对煤液化工艺原理和煤液化技术对比分析,得出煤炭间接液化及直接液化不应单从技术优劣判断,二者各有所长,同时又有一定互补性的结论,认为我国煤种齐全、地域辽阔,两种液化技术均有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

煤间接液化技术及发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王光彬 《当代化工》2009,38(1):69-71
分析了我国的能源结构,介绍了我国煤炭液化技术的发展概况和国外煤炭间接液化技术的现状,展望了煤间接液化技术的发展前景,指出石油短缺是中国能源发展面临的重要问题,将发展煤液化技术和建设煤液化产业作为补充石油不足的重要途径之一。  相似文献   

我国煤炭储量丰富,煤液化制油技术是缓解我国一次能源结构中原油供应不足的措施。文章介绍了煤炭液化的方法、原理和国内外研究发展概况。  相似文献   

介绍了煤经合成气间接液化合成液体燃料的原理及典型工艺。综述了煤间接液化技术的发展历程及其最新进展,讨论了国内外煤间接液化技术的工艺流程,重点介绍了煤间接液化过程中的核心问题,主要包括气化炉、费托合成反应器和费托合成催化剂,分析了煤间接液化的技术经济性以及对煤间接液化的工业应用前景进行了展望。分析表明:具有我国自主知识产权的煤间接液化技术建设100万吨级以上工业化装置在技术上可靠、经济上可行,且100万吨级工业化项目的成功实施将带动我国煤间接液化技术的产业化进程,加快形成具有中国特色的能源转化技术和产业。  相似文献   

针对某100万t/a煤制油项目原煤成浆浓度低的状况,进行了煤浆提浓。以伊泰煤制油16万t/a示范项目为例,介绍了煤浆提浓的工艺流程,对比了煤浆提浓前后气化装置的工艺参数,并以此为依据对100万t/a煤制油项目煤浆提浓的经济性进行了分析。结果表明:提浓前后原煤煤质变化不大,提浓后水煤浆质量分数提高了2.74%,黏度增加了19.3%,比氧耗、比煤耗分别降低了5.88%和4.79%,有效合成气组分提高约2%,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

煤的直接加氢液化工艺   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出中国搞煤液化的必要性,介绍了煤液化的方法,重点对目前世界上较先进成熟的煤直接液化技术的工艺特点进行了总结和比较,提出了综合利用煤直接和氢液化技术炼油的可行性方案。  相似文献   

Model compound studies have shown that 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline is an exceptionally good coal solvent. In the pure compound, subbituminous coal conversion to THF-soluble products approaches 100% under relatively mild reaction conditions. The effectiveness of tetrahydroquinoline for coal conversion appears to be related to its concentration relative to coal. The unique behaviour of tetrahydroquinoline is ascribed to its being a highly active H-donor; the fact that it is regenerable under reaction conditions by the reaction of hydrogen and quinoline; and that its polarity allows penetration of the coal structure and aids in dispersion of the dissolved coal. It has been found that, during reaction with coal, tetrahydroquinoline and other nitrogen compounds undergo extensive condensation reactions which result in an increase in the nitrogen content of the high boiling and non-distillable liquefaction products.  相似文献   

Ores and ore concentrates containing minerals of Co, Mo, Ni, Fe, and other potentially active metals have been investigated as slurry catalysts for liquefaction of Blacksville mine, Pittsburgh seam, bituminous coal. The tests were conducted batchwise in a stirred autoclave for 30 min at 425°C and 13.79 MPa (2000 psig) hydrogen pressure according to a two-cycle scheme. In the first cycle, the reaction charge consisted of ground coal, catalyst, hydrogen, and SRC-II heavy distillate. The product of the first cycle was hot-filtered, and the liquid product served as a vehicle for the second cycle, which was otherwise run identically to the first. Reaction products from each cycle were analysed to determine conversion of coal, yield of liquids, liquid product viscosity, and group type (preasphaltene, asphaltene, and oil). Mixtures of ores containing iron pyrites and minerals containing other catalytically active transition metals were compared to pyrites alone and to a pulverized supported Co-Mo-alumina catalyst. An ore catalyst containing both Fe and Ni was superior to another that contained an equivalent mass of iron alone. The best ore catalysts tested, in terms of high liquid yields and low product viscosities, were mixtures of pyrites and molybdenum- and cobalt-containing ores. The latter yielded results that approached those obtained with an equivalent mass of cobalt and molybdenum on an alumina support.  相似文献   

GE水煤浆工艺主要采用烟煤为原料,但是贵州主产无烟煤。GE水煤浆装置如果需要采用贵州本地煤,就需要进行烟煤和无烟煤配煤试验。通过采用多种烟煤与无烟煤配比的工程试验,分析各种配煤对生产工艺和技术经济性影响,并拟合曲线,建立煤炭价格与最佳经济配比的数学关系,根据现行煤炭价格,计算出最佳经济配比。  相似文献   

Several transition-metal complexes were tested for their effectiveness in liquefying coal under very mild conditions. Liquefaction was not observed, probably because interaction with the coal deactivates the catalyst.  相似文献   

Reactions between coals and hydrogen atoms were studied using a discharge flow apparatus at temperatures ranging from 403 to 523 K under 133 Pa pressure. Australian brown coal (Yallourn) and Japanese subbituminous coal (Taiheiyo) both yielded liquid hydrocarbons of similar composition. In contrast to conventional coal liquefaction, the present system led to the formation of exhaustively hydrogenated products composed mainly of monocyclic alkanes.  相似文献   

Hydroliquefaction of Japanese Miike and Taiheiyo coals was carried out using various iron complexes as catalysts in tetralin at 375–445 °C. Iron pentacarbonyl (Fe(CO)5) showed the highest catalytic activity, increasing coal conversion by about 10% at 425 °C under an initial hydrogen pressure of 5 MPa. Amounts of hydrogen transferred to coal increased from 1.4–2.3 wt% of daf coal in the absence of the catalyst to 2.5–4.2 wt% of daf coal in the presence of Fe(CO)5 at 425 °C.  相似文献   

Taiheiyo coal, which was treated with an aqueous solution of dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride, adsorbed colloidal iron sulphide prepared from FeS04 · 7H2O and Na2S · 9H2O in aqueous media. The adsorbed colloidal iron sulphide was much more effective as a catalyst for the liquefaction of the coal itself than the usual powder-type iron sulphide. Thus in differential thermal analysis under hydrogen, the coal with 0.35wt% adsorbed colloidal iron sulphide gave an exothermic peak at 401 °C, which was ≈20 °C lower than when using the powder-type iron sulphide. The coal was smoothly hydrogenated at 450 °C to give a yield of ≈60% liquid products.  相似文献   

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