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"十七年文学"研究渐成学术热点,其中原因值得深究,无论是历史演进中的心理补偿、"现代性"反思的推动还是"新左派"思维的影响以及新的文学文献的发掘和使用,都有其各自的理由,但也存在相应的问题,新的学术研究的基础应该是回到文本,通过对文学文本的解读构建历史的真实景观.  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生毕业论文写作是毕业考核的主要手段之一,但学生在毕业论文写作过程中存在各种问题,已经成为一种通病.为了更好地搞好毕业论文的写作辅导,提高学生毕业论文的写作能力和论文水平,结合现实总结了高职学生毕业论文写作方面的现状和存在的问题,并有针对性地进行研究分析,探索了新的指导毕业论文写作的形式和高职方法,对高职学生综合素质的提高起到了很好的作用.  相似文献   

陈思和的<中国当代文学史教程>(下文简称<教程>)和洪子诚的<中国当代文学史>问世后,在文学界掀起轩然大波.陈思和的<教程>创作特色是重视作品,重视潜在写作的重要性.而洪子诚的<中国当代文学史>选取的书写角度不是文学的历史,而是"历史"中的文学.在笔者看来,这两部显示了作者创作个性的文学史,并不适合作为教材,但对于后来的研究者却不失为一个好的借鉴.  相似文献   

微博是近几年迅速发展起来的一种新的社交网络平台.从传播角度分析,微博具有传播者与受众双向可逆,传播渠道多样性、传播介质移动化、传播内容碎片化和传播指向开放性等特性.通过形成教学信息汇聚中心、开展"非正式学习"、促进互动学习、强化对信息内容和流向的管理等策略,能促进微博在教育教学中的有效应用.  相似文献   

韩东八岁时随父母下放苏北农村,"文革"的童年记忆使韩东的小说创作不断聚焦于这一历史时期,先后创作出扎根>、<小城好汉之英特迈往>和<知青变形记>三个历史记忆长篇小说.在描摹日常化、表象化"文革"历史的同时,韩东将目光投向了在历史主体面前无法自主的个体卑微命运.本文从西方存在主义哲学的角度,尝试对韩东在其历史记忆长篇写作中表达的对个体生存命运的思考作一个粗浅的分析.  相似文献   

语言和现实的关系是审视现实主义本质化和关系主义表达的有趣视角."二十七年文学"指出现实高于语言,语言能够真实地反映现实,但在文学本质主义的批刹中,人们往往忽视了"文学反映现实"的正面形象.20世纪80年代以来,纯文学和"无边的现实主义"对"二十七年文学"进行了反思,但在形式革新之余仍然坚持语言可以反映现实.可以肯定,这一时期的形式主义同样面临本质主义的危险,这表明现实和语言的等级关系并非文学本质主义的原因.话语理论时代的叙事观念改变了语言和现实的关系.这坎予"现实主义"关系主义的面目,而在特定的前提下,"现实主义幻象"的本质主义嫌疑仍旧存在.  相似文献   

个人化叙事是一种新的公共性表意模式.作为一种功能性的公共意义模式,它主要指涉个人与公共历史的互动关系.在性质归属上,它是一种以审美形式呈现的个体性的意识形态.在比较语境中,它表征着女性主义话语的伦理立场.在主题选择上,它言说着日常生活的公共历史意义.它本质上是一种文学公共性的无意识存在.  相似文献   

本文从故事背景、情节特点,语言特色等角度分析了小说<老人与海>的创作手法和艺术特色,作者所采用的简单而意象化的描写为作品注入了极大的艺术魅力,为文学写作手法和创作规律的探索提供新的思路.  相似文献   

节日本质上是两段历史之间对立统一的关系,为了改造现实开拓未来,纪念就成了一种必须.纪念是人们站在历史节点上对该节点与历史、现实、未来关系的辩证思考.纪念的内容是历史,立足点是现实,着眼点是未来,本质是精神.纪念是辩证思考,纪念既要思考理论也要关注实践,既要总结成绩也要反思错误,既要关注现实问题,也要展望未来前景.  相似文献   

虽然<呼啸山庄>与<简·爱>无论在主题、爱情观还是宗教信仰等方面存在不一样的风情,但相近的家庭背景,类似的文学熏陶,决定了两姐妹的文学创作有很强的可比性.在<筒·爱>里夏洛蒂·勃朗特更多的是披露个人的情怀,而妹妹艾米丽·勃朗特的<呼啸山庄>本身就是一本社会小说,更多的是对近代文明的控诉.<呼啸山庄>代表的是英国小说的一条绝径,而夏洛蒂对女性内心痛苦的现实主义刻画却带绐英国小说一个新的发展方向.姐妹俩屹立在现实的沃土上反抗现实,但都难以超越"我爱","我恨","我受苦",最终不免为现实所牵制.  相似文献   

Until a few years ago long-term potentiation or LTP was not a very popular subject for a cell biology-oriented audience. Recently, however, the picture has completely changed, mainly because most of the LTP papers are now dealing with specific molecules, second messengers, biochemical pathways, gene regulation, Ca2+ homeostasis, and so forth. This very big transition, has not led yet to a clear-cut picture on the actual locus of change after LTP induction and on the 'memory' molecule that bears the permanent change. Perhaps the biggest limitation is still the very small knowledge we have on how central synapses work. For this reason, at the moment, the most popular and conservative view is that LTP expression involves both pre- and postsynaptic changes. The aim of this review is to briefly summarize the status of LTP expression and to describe some possible future developments based on new approaches and techniques.  相似文献   

This article charts the history of the reception, reproduction and appropriation of a single image that has recently become a kind of "gay icon"--the Figure d'Etude in the Louvre, painted by Hippolyte Flandrin in 1835. Initially no more than a neo-classical academic exercise, the formal emptiness of this picture meant that it could be re-invested and reinscribed with new meanings and new titles at every turn. Emblematic of the anxious visibility/invisibility of the newly discovered homosexual body during a period when the gaze still had to be kept a dark secret, Flandrin's image only "came out" in its later photographic reworkings by Frederick Holland Day and Baron von Gloeden. After being reproduced for a specifically homosexual audience early this century, the popular Romantic pose of the young man curled-up in profile became a standard one, reappearing recently in the photographs of Robert Mapplethorpe. The inactive, abject and inward-turned isolation of the figure with its narcissistic self-absorption makes it, in my view, a profoundly negative stereotype of the gay gaze and the homosexual body. Flandrin's figure nonetheless appears today on gay merchandise world-wide as a sign of our separate and secluded subject positions and our community's unwillingness to radically alter older imposed and inherited classical stereotypes.  相似文献   

The quality of writing of construction specifications is one of the greatest challenges facing construction contractors or their representatives in today’s business environment. Writers of construction specifications have been criticized for their contribution toward construction disputes. Although the construction business environment has moved toward modernization of some of its business processes, claims arising from construction specifications continue to rise. Equally, a written exposition of a quantitative instrument that measures the quality of writing of construction specifications is not available in the literature. Thus the construction industry needs to develop methodologies for measuring the quality of writing of construction specifications that should overcome their current underperformance in this area. This paper presents the procedures that underlie the quality of writing of construction specifications, gives a management tool for facilitating its measurement, and also presents the results of construction contractors’ practices regarding the quality of said writing. The results show that the surveyed Malawian construction contractors were in the process of putting in place principles to govern the quality of writing of construction specifications.  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Self-help approaches for obesity and eating disorders: Research and practice edited by Janet D. Latner and G. Terence Wilson (see record 2007-11980-000). This book is an edited text that provides a review of research findings in this area and a discussion of practical strategies related to implementing self-help. The intended audience is researchers and clinicians, and the book provides a good balance of literature review and consideration of practical issues that should meet the needs of both. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Without conscience: The disturbing world of the psychopaths among us by Robert D. Hare (see record 2001-00418-000). Too often we hear about adults, and now more than ever, adolescents, who perpetrate violence so horrific and seemingly meaningless that their actions defy the understanding of professionals, let alone of the perpetrators' families. The republication of Robert Hare's popular work on the psychopathic personality is a testament to the success and importance of this book. Hare paints an intriguing yet scary portrait of this, the most dangerous type of personality disorder. His colourful, but accurate portrayal of the psychopath makes this book equally important alike for parents and clinicians. Without conscience is based on more than 30 years of the author's research on psychopathy. The book is written in a sincere and easily readable fashion for a general audience. The research and clinical literature is described in nontechnical terms with a minimum of jargon, making the work accessible to a wide audience. Much of Hare's research has been devoted to the reliable identification of psychopaths. His development of the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL) may represent the single, most important advancement to date toward what hopefully will become our ultimate understanding of psychopathy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper, based on an analysis of cancer articles published in popular periodical literature since the early part of the century, argues that gender has played a key role in medical and popular understandings of cancer. Cancer education, the author finds, has taught women and men different things. Public health materials created with the intention of improving health through education actually send a multiplicity of messages, not all of them helpful. This essay suggests that public health messages targeted by sex are problematic, although perhaps necessary. The paper also contributes to scholarship concerned with the question of how people develop their ideas about risk of disease.  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Undergraduate writing in psychology: Learning to tell the scientific story by R. Eric Landrum (see record 2008-03689-000). This review is written from the perspective of a student who enrolled in a course on academic writing and a professor who taught the course. From the student's perspective, Landrum covers all the bases, from the reason psychologists write scientifically to the proper way to write a notecard. However, she feels that the book is too basic, and that students will not feel that they learned anything new from it. From the professor's perspective, the book covers the basics of writing empirical papers and review papers in APA style. However, the book's difficulty level is very low, which may say a lot about the audience for psychology textbooks. The dilemma for Landrum is to decide which audience to write for: The best students don't need the book's basic points, and the worst students won't read it. Landrum's book may be the best of the APA Paper books: It's more original and more effective than its competitors. Storytelling is a good model for research articles, and Landrum nicely develops the model throughout the book. Despite its storytelling theme, however, the book recommends hiding the storyteller: students should sound objective, formal, and detached--in a word, boring. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Physicians and patients need convenient access to quality medical information. This study's goal was to place a medical resource on the World-Wide Web (WWW), allow access to it through a simple to use interface, and analyze the usage of such a resource. The Family Practice Handbook (TFPH) was digitized and placed onto the WWW. Usage data was obtained from June 1995-June 1996. 118,804 individuals accessed TFPH viewing 409,711 pages of information. A broad spectrum of topics was accessed. TFPH proved to be an extremely popular resource, servicing the broad information needs of an international audience. These preliminary findings suggest the future promise of Internet medical resources.  相似文献   

Master's programs in gerontological nursing have not proven to be popular over the years, and that is still true today despite the increasing numbers of older adults with multiple health care needs. In an effort to market a new gerontological nursing masters' project successfully, a resource exchange network was developed to build a support system rather than a traditional advisory group. This article describes the Gerontological Nursing Network (GNN), provides examples of how resource exchange between GNN members and the project have been beneficial to each, and discusses pluses and problems in using such a model.  相似文献   

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