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The new method of in-situ desulfurization with mechanical stirring of new type impellers was introduced,in which the bubble′s dispersion and disintegration of magnesium vapor were the key to boosting the desulfurization efficiency and increasing the utilization rate of magnesium.Effects of different new type of impellers on bubble dispersion and disintegration were studied through bubble image analysis,gas-liquid mass transfer,and power consumption levels of different impeller structures.The results showed that the sloped swept-back blade impeller-2produces optimal bubble′s dispersion and disintegration,as well as higher volumetric mass transfer coefficient and CO2gas utilization while consuming the least power.Numerical simulation result with Fluent software also showed that the sloped swept-back blade impeller-2has higher turbulent kinetic energy and better velocity distribution than the other two impellers.  相似文献   

For the lack of the present hot metal desulfurization processes in iron and steel industry, our group has proposed the in-situ mechanical stirring method for external desulfurization of molten iron and researched this new method. This paper investigated this new in-situ mechanical stirring hot metal desulphurization process on desulphurization experiments of one-ton scale by using the new desulfurizer. The experimental results indicated that the desulfurization efficiency of in-situ mechanical stirring desulfurization process is 90% and the lowest sulfur content in the treated hot metal is 23ppm. By comparing with the methods of direct throwing desulfurizer and in-situ injecting desulfurization, in-situ mechanical stirring desulfurization process is the suitable desulfurizaton method.  相似文献   

转炉渣用于铁水预脱磷的工艺实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 研究了转炉渣剂的组成及相关工艺因素对铁水脱磷率的影响。结果表明:为降低转炉渣的熔化温度以适应铁水预处理温度的要求,转炉渣的CaF2添加量应控制在15%~20%;采用80%的转炉渣和20%的CaF2配制的转炉渣剂对铁水进行脱磷处理时,脱磷率可达到78%左右;另外,转炉渣剂中的P2O5能显著降低铁水脱磷率。  相似文献   

The possibility of using ZnO for desulfurization in hot metal was evaluated. A lab scale experimental setup was designed so that different desulfurizing agents could be added to hot metal for evaluation of their desulfurizing power. The setup had good control of both temperature and the gaseous atmosphere. It also provided stirring of the metal bath with an impeller as well as quenching facility to maintain the metal composition at high temperature. Desulfurization of hot metal using CaO powder showed evidently the applicability of the new setup. On the other hand, additions of ZnO into the hot metal under various experimental conditions showed no effect on desulfurization. The results were in contradiction to the suggestion found in literature. A thorough examination of the thermodynamic data employed by the previous work was carried out. The data used in the literature were found to be subjected to fundamental mistakes. The present experimental results convincingly rule out the possibility of using ZnO as a desulfurization agent.  相似文献   

利用转炉渣对铁水脱磷的动力学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭上型  郭湛 《炼钢》2004,20(6):37-39,44
在实验室条件下,模拟转炉渣组成,利用CaO-SiQ-Fe2O3-MnO2-MgO-P2O5-Al2O3-CaF2系熔剂对铁水进行脱磷预处理。实验发现:随着预处理时间的延长,铁水发生回磷反应。在铁水回磷状态下,测定了磷在渣中的传质系数。讨论了回磷原因和抑制铁水回磷反应的措施。在此基础上,确定了合适的铁水脱磷预处理时间和转炉渣的优化组成。  相似文献   

根据目前铁水预处理技术发展与应用现状,综述几种常用炉外脱硫剂的性能与冶金效果,理论分析了复合脱硫剂中添加剂的作用。  相似文献   

含转炉渣的预熔脱磷剂进行铁水脱磷实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下,用部分转炉渣代替预熔脱磷剂中纯化学试剂原料进行铁水预处理脱磷实验研究,研究发现,含有转炉渣的预熔脱磷剂能实现较好的脱磷效果;在1350℃,加入量为10%的条件下,含转炉渣45.73%的预熔脱磷剂能将铁水中的磷由0.21%降低到0.011%,脱磷率可达到94.76%。  相似文献   

为了与管线钢生产线相匹配,济钢120t转炉铁水预处理工艺选用KR技术,在入转炉的铁水罐中进行脱硫,选取活性石灰作为脱硫剂,铁水预处理周期为34~37min,可以与转炉生产匹配。  相似文献   

对120t铁水罐喷吹纯镁脱硫工艺进行了优化研究,结合实验室石灰石脱硫结果,确定了工业生产脱硫应采取的措施,如提高钝化镁粉纯度、控制喷枪插入深度、连续少量投放石灰石及喷枪气化室维护等。结果表明,镁利用率提高了8%,一次扒渣后硫含量范围为0.005%~O.010%。  相似文献   

脉冲旋转搅拌喷吹铁液脱硫新工艺实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取实验室物理模拟的方法,对新型的脉冲旋转搅拌喷吹与原单向搅拌的效果进行了对比实验。脉冲式旋转搅拌方式分为搅拌器正反双向脉冲式旋转与旋转 停止 旋转脉冲式旋转。研究结果表明,与单向搅拌相比,脉冲式搅拌的熔池混匀时间明显缩短,液体表面卷入的颗粒数量明显增多,喷吹载气气泡在液体中的停留时间延长1倍。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了将精炼炉白渣中间含有的胶凝性材料作为和扒渣板相粘结的粘结剂,添加了一些中间包弃渣成分的抗渣性材料,作为扒渣板的隔离膜材料。以及主要实施过程及其产生的工艺效益。  相似文献   

金属镁粒铁水脱硫过程动力学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郭汉杰 《钢铁》2007,42(5):37-41
通过对金属镁粒铁水脱硫过程动力学的研究发现,金属镁粒的粒径越大,镁粒气化后的气泡在铁液中的停留时间和平均上浮速率就越大,铁液中镁脱硫反应的传质系数减小;上浮速率及停留时间与铁液温度几乎没有关系,但传质系数随温度的增加而增加;在一定的铁液深度和铁液硫含量时,金属镁粒铁水脱硫时镁的利用率随镁粒的粒径增加而减小;温度对镁的利用率的影响在镁粒粒径小时比粒径大时要大,在铁液硫含量小时比硫含量大时影响要大;就脱硫过程动力学而言,温度越高越有利于铁液中镁的脱硫反应,这与热力学结论相反;铁液温度为1573 K,铁液中的w([S])为0.06%,铁水包的深度为3 m,在镁粒半径范围为(3~16)×10-4 m时,理论计算镁脱硫时镁的平均利用率为83.1%,与宣化钢铁公司生产得到的数据进行了对比,得到很好的吻合.  相似文献   

用预熔渣对铁水脱磷的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以铁水和脱磷粉剂为研究体系,应用CaO-Fe2O3-CaF2渣系的脱磷粉剂和其预熔渣对铁水脱磷,研究结果表明,用Al2O3和白云石部分替代萤石,预熔后的脱磷渣都比未预熔渣的脱磷速度快,且二者的处理过程结果基本相似,脱磷粉剂经过预熔处理,成渣迅速,预处理时间缩短,温降小,脱磷率高。  相似文献   

 在实验室小型实验炉内,采用CaO Fe2O3基粉状脱磷剂,进行了铁水预处理脱磷的实验。主要研究了铁水中原始硅含量、钙氧比、熔剂含量和助熔剂含量等因素对铁水脱磷率的影响。结果表明,较低的铁水硅含量、合适的钙氧比、适量的CaF2和Al2O3含量能提高铁水预处理脱磷率。  相似文献   

钢渣热闷技术及再利用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谷金生  薛军 《鞍钢技术》2010,(5):56-58,62
介绍了钢渣热闷技术原理、工艺及热闷后加工所得产品的利用情况。生产实践表明,钢渣热闷技术可以充分回收钢渣中的残钢,提高钢渣再利用率。  相似文献   

The chromium recycling from the stainless steel dust of an argon-oxygen decarburization (AOD)furnace during a hot metal pretreatment process was investigated.Experiments at different temperatures or with different amounts of AOD dusts were carried out in a laboratory furnace equipped with MoSi2 heating elements and subsequently industri-al experiments were conducted in a stainless steelmaking factory,in order to study the thermodynamic mechanism of C and Si reacted with Cr2 O3 to get Cr from AOD dust.The results showed that the reaction between C and Cr2 O3 occurred below 1 572.18 K.Although its reducing ability was weaker than that of Si,C enabled the Cr in Cr2 O3 in the AOD dust to be recycled using the Si in the slag.By combining the AOD dust added in an earlier stage,the hot metal pretreatment slag added in a later stage could not only recycle Cr from AOD dust but also remove Si,S,and P.Higher hot metal temperatures resulted in higher Cr content and lower remained P concentration in the molten iron.  相似文献   

 为研究狭缝式透气砖底喷粉对铁水脱硫效果的影响,以氮气为载体,通过狭缝式透气砖从底部向装有100 kg铁水的感应炉中喷吹石灰粉。实验结果表明,该工艺操作简单,稳定可靠,脱硫率高,无喷溅现象,铁损少,温降小,无污染,处理周期短,投资省,是比较理想的脱硫新工艺,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new idea about desulfurization with in-situ mechanical stirring method on the basis of desulfurization by single blow grain magnesium and KR method, that is, the inner gases carry the magnesium vapor formed in-site in molten iron by magnesium-based desulfurization, and bubble dispersed and disintegrated under the condition of mechanical stirring, thence to improve the efficiency of desulfurization by single blow grain magnesium .It has been proved by research of cold water model experiment that the bubble dispersion and disintegration can not only improve the desulphurization efficiency but also increase the utilization rate of magnesium. Obviously, the bubble dispersion and disintegration of magnesium vapor is the key problem in improving the desulphurization efficiency and increasing the utilization rate of magnesium. Thus the research focus on exploring the performance of bubble dispersion and disintegration on the base of refining process and gas-liquid mass transfer. According to the literature and cold water model experimental result basing on principle of similitude, the influencing factors and interaction of bubble dispersion and disintegration have been studied from the perspectives of physical and numerical simulation. The study would provide the theoretical and experimental data for the new method of desulfurization with in-situ mechanical stirring.  相似文献   

75t铁水罐脱硫工艺及实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈林权  周良  何建新  徐东 《炼钢》2001,17(1):19-22
通过对高炉-转炉的长流程生产线上各脱硫工序、脱硫容器、各种喷吹型式以及脱硫剂优缺点的分析比较,论述了北台钢厂脱硫工艺的确定原则和选择结果,并提出北台钢厂喷枪和铁水罐耐火材料选用建议,并通过对北右钢厂试生产结果的分析,提出了下阶段降低脱硫剂和温降的主要措施。  相似文献   

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