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采用电磁搅拌法制备了具有不同微观组织特征的半固态A356合金浆料,用图像分析软件对浇注前浆料金相试样的初生相微观组织特征进行了测定,利用间接挤压铸造方法铸造阿基米德螺旋线试样,以挤压成形后的螺旋线试样长度衡量充型能力,通过多元回归,建立了半固态A356合金初生相微观组织特征与充型长度之间的数学表达式。结果表明:半固态浆料充型能力不仅与初生相微观组织特征参数有关,微观组织特征参数的交互作用对充型能力的影响也较大。利用该表达式可以对半固态浆料充型能力进行预测,进而指导半固态浆料制备参数设计、间接挤压铸造工艺设计和缺陷预测。  相似文献   

通过对半固态合金流变充型过程的物理分析,结合半固态合金包含圣维南体和假塑性体的流变特性,根据充型驱动力大于或等于充型阻力,阻流通道内不可流动层厚度小于阻流截面最小厚度的1/2这两个充型临界条件,运用不可压缩粘性流体流动理论,建立半固态合金充满型腔获得完整零件的两个临界条件的数学表达式。为了验证其准确性,对钩舌、轴箱体零件进行了流变成形实验,实验结果证实该临界条件数学表达式的正确性。该式包含设备参数、工艺参数、材料参数和模具参数,可用来指导半固态流变成形工艺设计、设备选型,并能进行缺陷预测和充型过程控制。  相似文献   

采用自行研制的流变装置研究了不同初生相形态半固态A356合金的瞬态流变行为,建立了瞬态流变本构模型;通过设计制造的坯料感应加热系统研究了加热过程中半固态合金的组织演化规律;借助模拟仿真技术确定模具浇注系统和合适的压射条件;对传统压铸机进行改造,生产出高质量的半固态触变成形样件.结果表明,初生相形态和切变机制对半固态合金的瞬态流变行为有显著影响;随合金坯料在液固温区停留时间增加,合金坯料产生组织变化和蠕变,将对后续的成形过程造成影响.  相似文献   

半固态A356合金的流变压铸充填性与组织分布   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
试验研究了压射比压和压射速度对半固态A356铝合金流变压铸充填性的影响。试验结果表明:压射比压和试片的壁厚对新型方法制备的半固态A356合金浆料的充填性影响较大,试片壁厚越大,压射比压越大,型腔越容易充满;为了保证充满型腔,对于10mm的试片,压射比压应≥15MPa,而对于5mm的试片,压射比压应≥20MPa。压射速度对半固态L356合金浆料充填性也具有较大的影响,较高的压射速度有利于半固态A356铝合金浆料的充填;为了保证充满型腔,对于10mm,的试片,压射速度应≥0.384m/s,而对于5mm的试片,压射速度应≥1.152m/s。流变压铸试片的组织分布很均匀,利于获得高质量的半固态A356合金压铸件.  相似文献   

半固态A356合金静态剪切流变性能的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用改进的静态拉伸试验方法,在不同温度和载荷下,对发达枝晶和不同退化程度的枝晶组织的静态流变性能加以测试和比较,发现在同一温度、同样载荷下退化枝晶的流变性能明显优于发达枝晶,其形变临界切应力小于发达枝晶;退化枝晶流变性能对温度的敏感性高于发达枝晶。  相似文献   

采用添加稀土元素铒(Er)变质处理和弱电磁搅拌制备了A356合金的半固态成形浆料。利用微观组织观察、扫描电镜、透射电镜与能谱分析等手段,对制得试样的微观组织进行了研究,并对其形貌演变机理做了分析讨论。结果表明,微量(0.05%)Er元素添加到合金中,可使合金的初生α-Al晶粒从蔷薇花状变成细小的球状。在625℃时对含Er的合金液进行适当的弱电磁搅拌,可以进一步细化合金晶粒,制得半固态成形所需的浆料。  相似文献   

在二次加热过程中,为了使坯料中的温度均匀分布并获得细小的球化组织,必须准确控制加热电流、加热时间与坯料温度之间的关系。以A356合金为对象,采用中频电磁感应器进行了二次加热工艺的研究。结果表明,对于尺寸为45mm×70mm的棒状坯料,线圈尺寸取70mm×100mm,加热路线采用三段加热+保温,经过约10min的二次加热,坯料达到了预期的状态,可以满足后续成形的要求。  相似文献   

试验研究了压射比压和压射速度对半固态A356铝合金流变压铸充填性的影响.试验结果表明:压射比压和试片的壁厚对新型方法制备的半固态A356合金浆料的充填性影响较大,试片壁厚越大,压射比压越大,型腔越容易充满;为了保证充满型腔,对于10 mm的试片,压射比压应≥15 MPa,而对于5 mm的试片,压射比压应≥20 MPa.压射速度对半固态A356合金浆料充填性也具有较大的影响,较高的压射速度有利于半固态A356铝合金浆料的充填;为了保证充满型腔,对于10 mm的试片,压射速度应≥0.384 m/s,而对于5 mm的试片,压射速度应≥1.152 m/s.流变压铸试片的组织分布很均匀,利于获得高质量的半固态A356合金压铸件.  相似文献   

A356合金半固态充型过程的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ANSYS有限元软件分别对A356合金轮毂压铸件在不同充型温度、压射速度条件下,半固态浆料的流动及其传热现象进行了耦合数值模拟。通过模拟结果的分析,考察了充型温度及压射速度对充型过程中半固态浆料流动及温度分布的影响,发现当充型温度为590℃、压射速度为5m/s时,半固态浆料充型效果最理想,有利于获得组织致密的成形件,为A356合金半固态压铸成形工艺的制定和优化提供了依据。通过试验,对数值模拟所获得的工艺参数进行了验证。  相似文献   

冯鹏发  唐靖林  李双寿  曾大本 《铸造》2006,55(10):1020-1023,1028
通过实验分析了采用A356合金粉末、纯铝粉末、Al-5Ti-B合金粉末和Al-5Ti—B变形合金进行细化处理对A356合金半固态浆料组织的影响。结果表明,在“熔体处理+双向电磁搅拌”复合制备技术中,加入约0.15%、平均粒度为100μm的Al-5Ti-B合金粉末进行晶粒细化,可在1min左右制备出形状因子大于0.8、晶粒半径为80μm(空冷)A356合金半固态浆料;加入10%-15%的微米级纯铝粉末可取得与Al-5Ti-B变形合金相当的细化效果;而采用平均粒度为100μm的A356合金粉末进行固液混合铸造,不适合于A356合金半固态浆料的快速制备。  相似文献   

Rheo-squeeze casting of semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy slurry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of pouring temperature, electromagnetic stirring power and holding process on semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy slurry was investigated, then the slurry was squeeze-cast. The results show that when the pouring temperatures are properly above the liquidus line, for example 630-650 °C, the slurry with spherical primary α(Al) grains can be prepared under the stirring power of 1.27 kW. The slurry is then homogeneously held for a short time, and the primary α(Al) grains are further ripened and distributed evenly in the slurry. The results of the rheo-squeezed casting experiments show that the injection specific pressure has a great effect on the filling ability of the semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy slurry, and the higher the injection specific pressure is, the better the ability for the slurry to fill the mould cavity is. When the injection specific pressure is equal to or above 34 MPa, the whole and compact rheo-squeezed castings can be obtained. The microstructure of the castings indicates that the shape, size and numbers of the primary α(Al) grains in different parts of the castings are highly consistent. After being held at 535 °C for 5 h and then aged at 155 °C for 12 h, the ultimate strength of the rheo-squeezed castings can reach 300-320 MPa, the yield strength 230-255 MPa, and the elongation 11%-15%.  相似文献   

The semi-solid slurry of an A356 Al alloy,which was grain-freed by yttrium,was manufactured by low temperature pouring.The effects of grain-refining on the morphology and the grain size of the primary α phase in the semi-solid A356 Al alloy were researched.The results indicate that the semi-solid A356 Al alloy with particle-like and rosette-like primary α-Al can be prepared by low temperature pouring from a liquid grain-refined A356 alloy.The grain size and particle morphology of primary α-Al in the A356 Al alloy are markedly improved by the addition of 0.5 wt.% Y.The fining mechanism of Y on the morphology and grain size of the primary α-Al in the semi-solid A356 Al alloy was delved.  相似文献   

提出一种制备半固态浆料的新方法-摆动振荡法.采用该方法制备了A356铝合金的浆料.结果表明:摆动振荡可有效地防止稳定凝固壳的形成,可制备出组织优良的半固态浆料,其初生α(Al)的等效直径在60 μm以下,形状因子可达0.8以上,特别地,可以大幅度提高浇注温度.  相似文献   

The fractal dimensions of primary phase morphology in semi-solid A356 alloy prepared by low superheat pouring and slightly electromagnetic stirring were calculated, and the effect of pouring temperature on fractal dimension of primary phase morphology in semi-solid A356 alloy was researched. The results indicate that it is feasible to prepare semisolid A356 alloy slurry by low superheat pouring and slightly electromagnetic stirring, and there is an important effect of pouring temperature on the morphology and the grain size of the primary phase in semi-solid A356 alloy, in which the reduction of pouring temperature can obviously improve grain size and shape factor of primary phase in semi-solid A356 alloy under the condition of a certain stirring power. The primary phase morphology of semi-solid A356 alloy prepared by low superheat pouring and slightly electromagnetic stirring can be characterized by fractal dimension, and the primary phase morphology obtained by the different processing parameters has the different fractal dimensions. Solidification of semi-solid alloy is a course of change in fractal dimension.  相似文献   

采用椭圆旋扭管反复凝熔法制备半固态A356铝合金浆料。结果表明:椭圆旋钮管反复凝熔技术具有旋扭强制对流促进初生晶核游离、自搅拌加强熔体剪切、反复凝熔促进形核的作用,可使初生α晶核演变为球形或近球形晶粒。椭圆管长短轴比、旋扭强度以及凝熔频率对半固态浆料的微观组织有显著影响。随着长短轴比、旋扭强度和凝熔频率的增大,晶粒细化和圆整效果显著提高;但长短轴比过大,容易堵塞流道;当旋扭强度超过13.5(°)/cm时,晶粒细化和圆整效果没有明显提高;当凝熔频率超过40μm-1时,晶粒细化作用不再增强,圆整度反而降低。在椭圆长短轴比为1.8-1、旋扭强度为13.5(°)/cm、凝熔频率为40μm-1的条件下可制得晶粒直径细小、形状圆整的半固态浆料。  相似文献   

The self-developed taper barrel rheomoulding (TBR) machine for light alloy semi-solid slurry preparation was introduced. The semi-solid slurry was obtained from the intense shearing turbulence of the alloy melt in the cause of solidification, which was further caused by the relative rotation of the internal and external taper barrel whose surface contained wale and groove. The heat transmission model of TBR process, the flow rules and the shearing model of the alloy melt were deduced. Taking A365 as experimental material, the microstructure evolution rules under different slurry preparation processes were analyzed. The results show that decreasing the pouring temperature of A365 alloy melt properly or increasing the shearing rate helps to obtain ideal semi-solid microstructure with the primary particle size of about 70 μm and the shape factor of above 0.8.  相似文献   

The semi-solid slurry of A356 Al alloy was manufactured by low superheat pouring and weak electromagnetic stirring. The effects of pouring temperature on the slurry manufactured by weak electromagnetic stirring were researched. The results indicate that it is feasible to manufacture the slurry with particle-like primary phases by low superheat pouring and weak electromagnetic stirring, and there is an important effect of the pouring temperature (superheat temperature) on the morphology and the size of primary α -Al in A356 Al alloy. By the action of suitable weak electromagnetic stirring, increasing pouring temperature to put low superheat pouring in practice is capable of obtaining semi-solid slurry of A356 Al alloy with particle-like primary phase. Compared with the samples made only by low superheat pouring without stirring, raising pouting temperature by 15-35℃ above the liquidus temperature under condition of weak electromagnetic stirring can ensure the same grain size and morphology of the primary phase.  相似文献   

开发一种半固态金属浆料制备技术,即引晶法,研究工艺参数对半固态A356铝合金浆料组织的影响,讨论球状初生α(Al)晶粒的形成机制和形貌控制。结果表明:当制备浆料为4kg、引晶尺寸为10mm、加入量为3.5%、倾倒温度为611-617°C时,半固态浆料中初生α(Al)晶粒的平均直径可达40-75μm,形状因子可达0.82-0.89。当引晶尺寸为10mm、倾倒温度为613°C、加入量为2%-4%时,初生α(Al)晶粒的平均直径可达45-82μm,形状因子可达0.78-0.88。倾倒温度的降低或者引晶加入量的适当增加,可以改善初生α(Al)晶粒的组织。当QR=QA、Rh=Rc时,只要倾倒温度适宜就可以制备优质半固态浆料。引晶熔化时产生的枝晶碎块是半固态浆料中初生α(Al)晶粒的直接来源,形成的温度过冷区也有利于异质形核。  相似文献   

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