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This paper describes an online image analysis tool developed as part of an iterative, user-centered development of an online Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called the Education through Virtual Experience (EVE) Portal. The VLE provides a Web portal through which schoolchildren and their teachers create scientific proposals, retrieve images and other resources, and produce collaborative scientific papers summarizing their learning experiences. The VLE underwent substantive formative testing involving over 200 schoolchildren producing over 50 collaboratively written research papers. Detailed analysis of these research papers identified some shortfalls toward the goal of producing authentic scientific engagement. The absence of data collection and data analysis within these research papers was disappointing despite having scheduled time for this activity and having several professional imaging tools available. The post-evaluation analyses have enabled the development team to identify specific design flaws in the previous VLE and have shaped the design of the new custom-built tool. The success of the tool will be born out through content analysis of future collaboratively written student papers.  相似文献   

With the popularity of embedded systems and the consequently rising demand in the job market for professionals well-versed in them, embedded operating systems (EOSs) have become one of the core courses in computer science studies across the world. The objective of EOS courses is to develop students' ability to port, modify, and customize an embedded operating system through a series of laboratory exercises. However, our teaching experience has revealed that beginners require a considerable amount of time to familiarize themselves with the development environment and the relevant processes, such as operating in a command line interface, setting environment variables, and kernel configurations. Furthermore, students need to constantly handle compiler error messages, malfunctions of the target EOS, and incompatibility issues related to development tools. These problems may frustrate and discourage students. A common strategy to address this problem is to dedicate more hours to teaching or to hire more teaching assistants to help students progress. However, none of these methods is suitable for institutions with limited resources. Therefore, in this paper, we develop a computer-assisted learning system called the Computer-assisted Learning Environment (CALEE) to assist students with their assignments and thus motivate them. CALEE consists of two parts: a self-learning assistant (SLAT) and a collaborative learning website (CLW). SLAT is a software application that provides a set of useful functions to help students perform EOS laboratory exercises, whereas the collaborative learning website seeks to encourage greater interaction among students. Our experiments show that CALEE expedites learning, improves students' motivation, and reduces the teaching load.  相似文献   

A problem-posing system is developed with four phases including posing problem, planning, solving problem, and looking back, in which the “solving problem” phase is implemented by game-scenarios. The system supports elementary students in the process of problem-posing, allowing them to fully engage in mathematical activities. In total, 92 fifth graders from four different classes were recruited. The experimental group used the problem-posing system, whereas the control group followed the traditional paper-based approach. The study investigates the effects of the problem-posing system on students’ problem-posing ability, problem-solving ability, and flow experiences. The results revealed more flow experiences, and higher problem-solving and problem-posing abilities in the experimental group.  相似文献   

English vocabulary learning and ubiquitous learning have separately received considerable attention in recent years. However, research on English vocabulary learning in ubiquitous learning contexts has been less studied. In this study, we develop a ubiquitous English vocabulary learning (UEVL) system to assist students in experiencing a systematic vocabulary learning process in which ubiquitous technology is used to develop the system, and video clips are used as the material. Afterward, the technology acceptance model and partial least squares approach are used to explore students’ perspectives on the UEVL system. The results indicate that (1) both the system characteristics and the material characteristics of the UEVL system positively and significantly influence the perspectives of all students on the system; (2) the active students are interested in perceived usefulness; (3) the passive students are interested in perceived ease of use.  相似文献   

Self-testing is a means to check learning effect. Besides time–space restriction, there are many deficiencies in traditional offline self-testing. With the development of information technology, learners can have self-testing on the Internet. Self-testing on Internet, namely, web-based self-testing, overcomes time–space limitation of traditional offline self-testing, but there are still several disadvantages such as monotony and lack of interaction. In the article, a web-based self-testing system with some features of Web 2.0 is designed and implemented, aiming at overcoming the weaknesses of current online self-testing system. Firstly, taking English self-testing as an example, the framework of the system and functions of its main modules is designed according to theories of social learning and constructivism as well as the idea of Web 2.0 and the characteristics of server-side programming. Secondly, in accordance with the design above, a new system is implemented for English learners primarily by using HTML, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL comprehensively. The role and duty of webmaster are also described briefly. To test the system, some English learners were invited randomly to use it, and feedback information was collected from them after a period of time. It is shown by feedbacks that most learners are satisfied with the system, and the system is of distinct features and favorable practicality compared with other systems, but it still needs to be improved in the design of user interface and some other details. Results in the article demonstrate that the new system can overcome the shortcomings of current systems to some extent.  相似文献   

Traditional e-learning systems support “one-way” communication. Teachers provide knowledge for learners, but they are unable to use a student’s learning experiences to benefit the class as a whole. To address these problems, this study explores e-learning success factors via the design and evaluation of an e-learning 2.0 system. This study develops a theoretical model to assess user satisfaction and loyalty intentions to an e-learning system using communication quality, information quality, system quality, and service quality. The empirical results show that communication quality, information quality, and service quality significantly and positively affect user satisfaction and loyalty intentions to use the e-learning system for sharing experience, communicating with others, and getting feedback.  相似文献   

This study aims at highlighting the collaborative activity of two high school students (age 14) in the cases of modeling the complex biological process of plant growth with two different tools: the ‘paper & pencil’ concept mapping technique and the computer-supported educational environment ‘ModelsCreator’. Students’ shared activity in both cases is carried out in the presence of a facilitator providing technical as well as cognitive support when necessary. The objective of the study is to highlight the ways in which the collaborating students are engaged in the plant growth modeling activity in the two cases and also identify the activity’s similar and different aspects in each one. Our analysis is carried out on two complementary axes, the first of which concerns the process of collaboratively creating a plant growth model with each different tool, while the second has to do with the students’ conceptualizations of the biological aspect of the modeling task in each case. A two-level analytic tool for the modeling process has been derived within the theoretical framework of ‘activity theory’ on the basis of the OCAF scheme for basic modeling operations and the scheme of Stratford et al. [Stratford, S. J., Krajcik, J., & Soloway, E. (1998). Secondary students’ dynamic modeling processes: analyzing, reasoning about, synthesizing, and testing models of stream ecosystems. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 7(3), 215–234.] for higher-order modeling actions. According to our results, four major modeling actions (analysis, synthesis, testing-interpreting, technical and cognitive support) performed through a plethora of modeling operations define the steps of the modeling process in both cases, while specific qualitative differences can be actually identified. Finally, the students’ conceptualizations of the biological aspect of the modeling task in the two-case activity is analyzed in regard with their capability of shifting reasoning between macro- and micro-levels, while educational implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Although students could effectively search for web data with proper keywords and select web pages related to the studied core issue, however summarizing or organizing the retrieved information remains a difficult task for them. Concept mapping is known to be an effective knowledge construction tool for helping learners organize important concepts related to a core issue. To address the problem, an integrated concept mapping and web-based problem-solving environment, CM-Quest, has been developed; moreover, an experiment has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach on students' learning performance, learning satisfaction and cognitive load in an elementary school social studies course. The results show that the concept map-integrated approach can significantly enhance the students' web-based problem-solving performance, although the students showed lower degrees of technology acceptance and learning satisfaction in comparison with the conventional web-based problem-solving approach. Moreover, it is found that the students in the concept mapping group revealed higher cognitive loads than those in the control group, which could be the factor contributing to the lower technology acceptance degree and learning satisfaction. As a consequence, it is concluded that the integrated concept mapping and web-based problem-solving approach is helpful to students in guiding them to learn in a more effective way. On the other hand, it remains an open issue to find a suitable way of integrating concept maps into the learning process without introducing too much extra cognitive load so as to promote students' acceptance degree of using technology for better learning.  相似文献   

The advancement of mobile and wireless communication technologies has encouraged an increasing number of studies concerning mobile learning, in which students are able to learn via mobile devices without being limited by space and time; in particular, the students can be situated in a real-world scenario associated with the learning content. Although such an approach seems interesting to the students, researchers have emphasized the need for well-designed learning support in order to improve the students’ learning achievements. Therefore, it has become an important issue to develop methodologies or tools to assist the students to learn in a mobile learning environment. Based on this perspective, this study proposes a formative assessment-based approach for improving the learning achievements of students in a mobile learning environment. A mobile learning environment has been developed based on this approach, and an experiment on a local culture course has been conducted in southern Taiwan to evaluate its effectiveness. The experimental results show that the proposed approach not only promotes the students’ learning interest and attitude, but also improves their learning achievement.  相似文献   

In this study, a prompt-based annotation approach is proposed for developing mobile learning systems for architecture design courses. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an experiment was conducted by assigning 56 freshmen randomly to an experimental group and a control group. The students in the experimental group adopted the mobile learning approach with a prompt-based annotation strategy, while those in the control group learned with the conventional in-field instruction and annotations. From the experimental results, it was found that the proposed prompt-based annotation strategy not only promoted the students' self-efficacy, but also improved their learning achievements. In the meantime, it is interesting to find that the experimental group students had medium cognitive load during the field trip, while the control group had rather low cognitive load. This implies that the prompt-based annotation approach engaged the students in mobile learning tasks with reasonable challenges and efforts.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have reported the benefits of educational computer games in promoting students' learning motivations. On the other hand, however, the effect of digital game-based learning in improving students' learning performance has been questioned. Several previous studies have reported that without properly integrating learning strategies into gaming scenarios, the effectiveness of educational computer games could be limited, or may be even worse than that of the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. In this study, a concept map-embedded gaming approach is proposed for developing educational computer games by integrating concept mapping as part of the gaming scenarios to help students organize what they have learned during the game-based learning process. Moreover, a role-playing game has been developed for an elementary school natural science course based on the proposed approach. From the experimental results, it is found that the concept map-embedded gaming approach can significantly improve the students' learning achievement and decrease their cognitive load. Moreover, the students who learned with the proposed approach revealed a significantly higher degree of perceived usefulness than those who learned with the conventional game-based learning approach.  相似文献   

An advanced learning system for interactive simulation of patient cases (ISP) is described. The system was designed to meet specific pedagogical needs where student activation and problem orientation were two of the key issues. The system includes features such as video based illness history-taking function using free text input, highly interactive physiological examination procedures, extensive laboratory tests and detailed user feedback. The system was constructed mainly in Authorware Professional, starting more than 10 years ago, and it is now available in refined versions in different languages. Twelve pedagogical and three technical features were initially defined for the project. All of these aims were fulfilled. The ISP system has been successfully used in education, and in international collaboration, including three applicability field tests. The system is also a powerful research tool for studying for instance medical decision-making.  相似文献   

In the past, the term e-learning referred to any method of learning that used electronic delivery methods. With the advent of the Internet however, e-learning has evolved and the term is now most commonly used to refer to online courses. A multitude of systems are now available to manage and deliver learning content online. While these have proved popular, they are often single-user learning environments which provide little in the way of interaction or stimulation for the student. As the concept of lifelong learning now becomes a reality and thus more and more people are partaking in online courses, researchers are constantly exploring innovative techniques to motivate online students and enhance the e-learning experience. This article presents our research in this area and the resulting development of CLEV-R, a Collaborative Learning Environment with Virtual Reality. This web-based system uses Virtual Reality (VR) and multimedia and provides communication tools to support collaboration among students. In this article, we describe the features of CLEV-R, its adaptation for mobile devices and present the findings from an initial evaluation.  相似文献   

Fostering problem-solving abilities has long been recognized as an important issue in education; however, past studies have shown that it is difficult and challenging to find effective learning strategies or tools for improving students’ problem-solving abilities. To cope with this problem, in this study, a hybrid approach that integrates the cognitive apprenticeship model with the collaborative learning strategy is proposed for conducting web-based problem-solving activities. Students’ problem-solving performance is examined in such a hybrid learning context. Furthermore, past studies indicate that cognitive load could affect learners’ performance; thus, the influence of cognitive load on students’ problem-solving effectiveness with this new approach is investigated in depth. The experimental results show that middle- and low-achievement students in the experimental group gained significant benefits from the hybrid approach in comparison with those who learned with the traditional approach. Accordingly, a discussion of how to accommodate the needs of different learning ability groups is provided.  相似文献   

The present study intends to explore the role of collectivism and group potency at group level in predicting individual Internet self-efficacy (ISE) and individual e-learning outcomes for people aged over 45. Group learning has been widely discussed in the research into online formats. However, less study has been carried out about how collectivism and collective group potency affect individual learning decisions, especially using the technique of Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) for cross-level analysis, which provides the solution of case dependency between group members. This study examines the mediation effects of ISE between peer support and e-learning outcomes. It also explores the contextual effects of group potency, and the moderation effects of collectivism and group potency at an individual level. The results show that ISE fully mediates the relationship between peer support and learners’ persistence in e-learning, and partially mediates learners’ perceived learning and satisfaction. It is noteworthy that the findings do not support direct group-level contextual effects of group potency. Instead, the results suggest that group potency moderates ISE-perceived learning and ISE-satisfaction relationships. On the other hand, collectivism also moderates the relationship between peer support and ISE. This study highlights the group-level effects of group potency, and suggests that adult educators design and deliver e-learning courses with an emphasis on facilitating group processes.  相似文献   

The face-to-face computer-supported collaborative learning has emerged as an important strategy to elementary students' learning. Few studies have explicitly incorporated the structured peer tutoring to the synchronous environment in mathematics. This study was aimed to explore the effects of the synchronous peer tutoring system on children's mathematics learning. In the project, there were 88 10-11-year-old students who peer tutored each other in mathematics in the face-to-face online environment for a year. Compared to the control group, students in the experimental group had significant gains in mathematics learning, especially in the arithmetic and application types of questions. This study demonstrated the positive effects of peer support via the online synchronous learning on students' self-concept and attitudes toward mathematics learning. The results indicated that the longer the vulnerable pupils engaged in peer tutoring online, the more they benefited from the process. The finding suggests that students demonstrate different mathematics reasoning skills when they are paired with peers at different levels of ability. These findings demonstrate that the synchronous peer tutoring system is an effective tool to enhance elementary students' learning in mathematics, as well as promote positive self-concepts.  相似文献   

This study attempts to implement a cooperative reading environment for EFL early reading using a mobile-device-supported computer-assisted reciprocal early English reading (CAREER) system, and to evaluate its effect on the early reading skills and learning behaviors of elementary EFL learners. The design rationale of CAREER is based on the three essential components of effective reading instructions: balanced reading structure, immediate and specific feedback, and reciprocal learning scenario. Analytical results indicate that the CAREER system reduces the problems experienced by students in a conventional cooperative learning environment and effectively helps elementary EFL learners orchestrate their learning while completing individual reading tasks and pursuing group goals. The results also demonstrate that CAREER appears to be able to benefit elementary EFL learners in developing reading skills. In sum, with the support of CAREER, the early reading skills of elementary students are benefited by cooperating with each other.  相似文献   

Vocabulary acquisition and assessment are regarded as the key basis for the instruction of English as a second language. However, it is time-consuming, fallible and repetitive for the school teachers and parents to assess the proficiency of the students’ vocabulary acquisition. We customized the open source course management system Moodle to build the individualized vocabulary review and assessment functions for English instruction. This web-based system was integrated into the regular English instruction of an experiment class of Grade three in a junior middle school, i.e. it was used in one school hour almost every week for an entire school term. Within this blended learning environment, the students’ performance of the experiment class in the ordinary and especially vocabulary examinations throughout the school term was improved gradually and was better than that of the control class, so that it achieved number one among sixteen classes in the same grade at the final term examination, compared with number eight before this experiment. The survey and interview with the students also demonstrated the system’s valuable functions for vocabulary acquisition and listening comprehension, and showed the students’ favor to such a kind of syllabus design with the intelligent course management system. The implication of this research is that the blended learning of English class with the individualized vocabulary acquisition and assessment system can improve the students’ performance in vocabulary acquisition and in ordinary test. This system can also be applied in other English classes.  相似文献   

A mobile guide system that integrates art appreciation instruction with augmented reality (AR) was designed as an auxiliary tool for painting appreciation, and the learning performance of three groups of visiting participants was explored: AR-guided, audio-guided, and nonguided (i.e., without carrying auxiliary devices). The participants were 135 college students, and a quasi-experimental research design was employed. Several learning performance factors of the museum visitors aided with different guided modes were evaluated, including their learning effectiveness, flow experience, the amount of time spent focusing on the paintings, behavioral patterns, and attitude of using the guide systems. The results showed that compared to the audio- and nonguided participants, the AR guide effectively enhanced visitors' learning effectiveness, promoted their flow experience, and extended the amount of time the visitors spent focusing on the paintings. In addition, the visitors' behavioral patterns were dependent upon the guided mode that they used; the visitors who were the most engaged in the gallery experience were those who were using the AR guide. Most of the visitors using the mobile AR-guide system elicited positive responses and acceptance attitudes.  相似文献   

A limitation of current Web-based collaborative learning is the restricted ability of students to create and share individual annotations with annotated documents. Applying Web 2.0 collaborative annotation systems and analyzing students’ annotation behavior has attracted attention to improve collaborative learning. This study designed a personalized annotation management system 2.0 (PAMS 2.0) for managing, sharing, and reusing individual and collaborative annotations as well as providing a shared mechanism for discussion about shared annotations among multiple users.  相似文献   

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