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Millimeter wave (MMW) communication provides high data rates for the personal area networks with the availability of 57–64 GHz unlicensed spectrum, in indoor environment. Multipath fading being pre-dominant in indoor, multi input multi output (MIMO) technology is considered to be the ideal choice compared with the existing systems. As spatial diversity in both transmit and receive enhances the diversity gain, the performance of the system is further enhanced by introducing transmit beamforming based antenna beam diversity. In classical \(2\times 2\) MIMO, a diversity gain of 4 is achieved, whereas in this work, space time block code matrix of code rate 1/2 and dualbeam \(2\times 2\) MIMO with diversity gain 8 is considered. Dualbeam is generated by antenna array with four elements per array with out of phase feed configuration. The weight vector of the beamforming network is out of phase as to reduce the interference between the beams. The dualbeam transmitter is designed with unknown channel state information. Training symbols are transmitted to train and track the channel statistics at the receiver. The proposed work is carried out for MMW indoor system. The indoor channel is modeled using Triple Saleh–Valenzuela (TSV) model that takes into account both time of arrival and the angle of arrival information of the rays. Channel estimation is done for classical MIMO and the above proposed model in both Rayleigh and TSV channel. The orthogonal beams facilitate linear processing in the receiver. Hence maximum ratio combiner with maximum likelihood decoder is used in the receiver to decode the transmitted data. Classical MIMO and dualbeam MIMO are evaluated with respect to bit error rate and channel models. An improved diversity order is achieved with dualbeam MIMO compared to classical MIMO, with a power gain of 1.6 dB. The dualbeam MIMO using TSV is found to perform better compared to dualbeam MIMO using Rayleigh in the low Energy per bit to Noise level \((\hbox {E}_{\mathrm{b}}/\hbox {N}_{0})\) with a power gain of 2 dB.  相似文献   

随着太赫兹波技术的发展,对其在各种大气条件下的传播特性的研究是很有必要的。本文利 用扩散限制凝聚模型(DLA 方法)模拟了组成烟尘气溶胶的簇团粒子,并利用广义Mie 理论(GMM)方法 计算了不同基本粒子个数的单个簇团粒子对波长分别为30μm、35μm 和40μm 的太赫兹波的散射特性。 另外本文还利用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算了浓度较大的烟尘气溶胶对太赫兹波的衰减特性并将结果与波 长为6.2μm 的红外波段的结果进行比较,结果显示,太赫兹波在烟尘气溶胶中传播的衰减要小的多, 这也说明太赫兹波更加适合在烟尘气溶胶中传播。  相似文献   

射线跟踪(RT)算法与时域有限差分(FDTD)法是对室内无线电波传播进行研究的有力工具。大多文献对此作有详细的探讨,而对于两者结合而形成的混合法则很少提及。本文对基于混合法的室内传播预测进行了详细的讨论,计算结果表明了该方法的有效性和准确性。  相似文献   

射线跟踪方法是研究室内复杂环境电波传播特性的有效技术。基于改进的入射及反弹射线法和镜像法研究了室内有金属家具的电波传播特性,仿真结果与已知文献测量结果对比,一致性良好,证明了该方法在室内复杂环境预测电波传播特性的正确性和有效性。仿真结果表明:(1)视距传播(LOS)绕射对接收功率贡献很小,可以忽略;非视距范围内(NLOS)绕射贡献较大,不可忽略,三次反射对整个室内的接收功率影响都很小。(2)金属家具的存在导致了视距范围内接收功率的剧烈波动,非视距范围内的接收功率波动不明显。(3)有金属家具房间的均方根时延变化幅度大。(4)到达角在空房间中近似于均匀分布,加入金属家具后,在视距范围内波动剧烈。(5)受到达角的影响,多普勒频移变化情况与到达角分布一致。分析结果为室内有金属家具环境的无线通信系统设计提供了有效的理论依据。  相似文献   

The spacecraft will experience the well-known “blackout” problem when it re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere, which results in communication failures between the spacecraft and the ground control center. It is important to study the properties of terahertz (THz) wave propagation in plasma for communications using THz wave is an alternative method for solving the blackout problem. The properties of THz wave propagation in plasma have been studied with the ZT-FDTD (Z-Transform Finite Difference Time Domain) method and experimental method in this paper. The dependence of plasma density, plasma collision frequency, thickness of plasma and THz wave frequency on the THz wave propagation are presented. The properties of 0.22THz electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma have been studied experimentally with shock tube, and the experimental results are in good agreement with the FDTD ones. Both the FDTD and experimental results indicate that communications using THz wave is an alternative and effective way to solve the blackout problem.  相似文献   

An efficient, full-wave computational technique to investigate the electromagnetic wave propagation within a complex building environment, resulting from contemporary indoor communication systems, is proposed. Unlike a standard ray-tracing technique, this new methodology is based on the parabolic wave equation (PE), appropriately modified to deal with the extremely wide-angle propagation cases, encountered in a typical wireless system of this kind. It is also successfully applied to model the field in the presence of walls, doors or other penetrable structures, taking into account the exact geometric configuration of the environment under consideration. Next, the PE technique is significantly enhanced by an integral equation formulation, in which the computed field in the interior of the walls and other obstacles is used as a secondary equivalent current source and a corrected version of the electromagnetic field is recalculated in the whole indoor environment. This combined approach has all the advantages of a full wave method, does not call for a highly dense mesh, and it also has moderate requirements of computational resources.  相似文献   

地面移动通信、互联网与航天技术等的高速发展使得太赫兹通信系统备受关注,其中太赫兹调制器负责将基带信号调制到太赫兹频段,是太赫兹通信系统的关键组件,也是近年来太赫兹通信硬件系统的研究热点.介绍了主要面向通信系统的太赫兹调制器的电子学实现手段,并通过阐述使用混频调制和载波直接调制方案的调制器件性能,以及应用各类调制器件的典...  相似文献   

智能化住宅小区通信网络是小区内综合信息服务、小区与外界广域网连接、小区智能物业管理的物理平台。本文介绍了构建智能化住宅小区通信网络平台的两种主要方式:局域以太网和HFC网。  相似文献   

方飞 《电子科技》2005,(9):56-59
射线跟踪(RT)法和时域有限差分(FDTD)法是研究无线电波传播的重要的方法,本文对基于混和法的室外到室内的电波传播预测进行了详细的介绍和讨论,同时通过计算结果来验证了此方法的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

现代战争已进入信息化时代,指挥信息系统不仅拉开了信息化战争的帷幕,并主导着战争的整个过程,而获取的信息优势已成为决定战争胜负的关键,指挥信息系统中的通信分系统是整个系统运转的中枢。传统的通信系统由于局限性,已不能满足新式指挥信息系统的需求,文章对未来通信分系统应具备的能力及实现提出了设想,以便更好的满足未来发展的需要。  相似文献   

张青洪  廖成  盛楠  陈伶璐 《电子学报》2015,43(8):1668-1672
针对室内垂直墙面、家具等对电磁波后向反射较大的问题,提出了Pade型双向抛物方程,在增大抛物方程计算角度的同时提高了室内场计算的精度.利用Crank-Nicolson有限差分法推导了Pade型双向抛物方程的离散差分格式,同时,通过对室内天花板和地板采用阻抗边界条件,导出了上下边界场满足的有限差分格式,与射线跟踪法的对比验证了边界处理的正确性.采用双向抛物方程仿真了包含家具的单层单建筑物存在时室内电磁波的传播特性,结果表明,双向抛物方程的仿真结果是可靠的,其符合现实物理规律,最后基于该双向抛物方程模型模拟和分析了存在二栋双层建筑物时室内的电磁波分布特性.  相似文献   

分析近距短波无盲区通信的电波传播方式及性能,对指导工程实践具有重要的意义。在现有研究成果的基础上,总结了陆地地面近距短波通信电波传播仿真计算模型,论述了相关参数的计算取值,针对某在用系统的近距短波通信网,对地波和天波传播进行了Matlab仿真计算及对比分析,得出了较实用的结论。  相似文献   

We propose and study the use of angle diversityto combat the ambient noise in indoor optical wirelesscommunication systems. Models for the radiation patternof spot lamps and for the spatial distribution of the ambient light based on an isotropic anda directional noise component are derived. Performanceevaluation of receivers using angle diversity is carriedout and significant optical power gains are demonstrated. The optical gains are seen toincrease with the relative weight of the directionalnoise within the cell, with the sharpness of thedirectional noise source beam width, and in environments where there are noise sources positionedoutside the cell. Also, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)of a sectored receiver is seen to be much less sensitiveto the position and beam width of the noise sources than the SNR of a nonsectored receiver,allowing for more universal transceiverdesigns.  相似文献   

未来无线通信系统的体系结构研究及物理实现方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵明  朱健  王京 《通信学报》1998,19(4):77-81
本文从综合各种不同业务以及综合各种不同的无线通信体制的角度引入了未来无线通信系统的体系结构,也是无线异步转移模式(AsynchronousTransferMode,ATM)的体系结构。这种体系结构试图从更低的层次上将不同的无线通信体制统一起来。在一定前提下,它试图把不同无线通信体制传输一个(或整数个)固定长度的数据包(ATM的Cel)的能力抽象成为资源块的概念,通过对资源块的控制实现灵活地访问物理介质。资源块到物理层具体传输方式的映射通过软件无线电技术来实现,从某种意义上讲,软件无线电对无线ATM提供一个物理支撑。  相似文献   

介绍了DECT的发展历程,讨论了DECT为了前向兼容所采取的技术和措施,研究了DECT的技术特点和应用领域,展示DECT独特的特点和应用前景。  相似文献   

为了得到光子晶体太赫兹波段的传输特性,研究了晶体材料和晶体类型两个主要因素对传输特性的影响。利用MATLAB程序分别优化计算得到宽禁带和窄禁带光子晶体材料的最大完全带隙以及不同晶格结构和最大完全带隙之间的关系。对于相同晶格结构,带隙随介电常数比增大,对于不同晶格结构,三角晶格形成的最大带隙最大,最后根据太赫兹波的性质设计了太赫兹传输器件。研究结果为太赫兹波器件的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

地台风机对办公建筑室内环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对某办公室使用地台风机送风的室内环境现场测试和问卷调查,分析和比较了地台风机的气流组织、热舒适、空气品质、声环境等室内环境特性,从而对于地板送风系统末端选择和维护提供一些行之有效建议。  相似文献   

Large-scale photonic integrated circuits (LS PICs) have been extensively deployed throughout the fiber optic communication network. This paper discusses the properties of the LS PICs, the interaction between them, and what is necessary to create an optical transport system that fully utilizes the properties of the LS PIC  相似文献   

由于群速度的偏振依赖性,飞秒激光脉冲入射到双波长波片时出射光脉冲会分离为两个具有一定时间延迟的飞秒激光脉冲。从实验和理论模拟两方面研究了双波长波片导致的脉冲分离现象对飞秒激光双色场成丝辐射太赫兹(THz)波效率的影响。实验结果表明,脉冲分离导致的时间延迟会降低双色场辐射THz波的效率,可通过零级双波长波片缩短分离脉冲之间的时间延迟,有效提高THz波的产生效率。  相似文献   

入射及反弹射线法是研究MIMO信道的有效技术.基于入射及反弹射线法对室内环境中的MIMO信道电波传播特性进行研究,在不同粗糙度条件下,针对接收功率、均方根时延扩展、MI-MO系统信道容量的分布情况及其特点进行了比较分析.仿真结果与文献已知结论一致性良好.  相似文献   

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