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胡常清  刘景  谢卫东  李伍 《中国矿业》2020,29(7):92-99+105
唐山市钱家营矿地处开平向斜南东翼,地质条件复杂,为探究钱家营矿12煤层底板突水危险性,基于矿井钻孔与水文地质资料,选取钱家营矿12煤层底板受奥灰水水压、隔水层厚度、有效脆性岩层厚度以及断层与褶皱分布作为影响钱家营矿12煤层底板突水的主控地质因素,运用层次分析法对各主控因素进行评价、构造判断矩阵、计算各主控因素所占权重、引入危险性评价模型并为所得数据选取合理的界限值,最终得到钱家营矿12煤层底板突水危险性评价分区图。研究表明:钱家营矿12煤层底板突水可能性较大,尤其是构造较为发育的东北地区,对比矿井水文地质资料,评价结果与实际拟合较好。本次研究为有效防治煤层底板水害提供了理论与技术支持。  相似文献   

通过对唐山矿大倾角厚煤层开采过程中遇到的技术难题进行分析,提出了大倾角厚煤层错层位综放开采这一新技术。该技术采用立体化巷道布置方式,通过起坡段将工作面角度减小,甚至摆平。这种创新性巷道布置方式,实现了主动解决工作面设备防倒防滑难题,且煤层倾角越大,这一优势越明显。同时通过对唐山矿Y294大倾角厚煤层错层位综放工作面观测研究分析发现,工作面支架满足生产要求,但工作面中、上、下部支架的受力情况不同,工作面同样具有初次和周期来压,但呈不对称性分布,出现来压不同步现象。大倾角厚煤层错层位综放开采技术、经济和社会效益明显,为类似条件矿井的安全高效回采提供了新思路。  相似文献   

为了查明9煤层瓦斯涌出量偏高异常原因,对9煤层瓦斯涌出量预测并进行综合危险区划。结果表明,9煤层孔隙度、最大甲烷吸附量明显高于其他煤层,储层特征形成了瓦斯异常的基础;在研究区西部、中部及东部瓦斯涌出量随深度均呈增大趋势,9煤层瓦斯重点防治区域主要分布于研究区中部及两侧深部。  相似文献   

李岿然 《煤炭技术》2012,31(8):103-106
通过对开滦集团唐山矿原煤开采和洗选加工现状的分析,结合原煤性质的研究,论证原煤井下排矸是必要可行的,提高了矿井原煤提升能力,解决了矸石占地和污染环境等问题,有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Mu  Wenping  Wu  Xiong  Ding  Hanghang  Geng  Fuqiang  Yu  Shuai  Zhang  Xiao 《Mine Water and the Environment》2022,41(4):906-920
Mine Water and the Environment - Comprehensive analysis of hydrogeological conditions at a typical coal mine in northwestern China allowed us to establish a groundwater numerical model, which we...  相似文献   

Disasters caused by water inrush affect many coal mines in China. In order to predict and prevent water inrushes during mining of the no. 17 coal seam in the Sanhejian coal mine, the factors that affect water inrush from the underlying Ordovician limestone were studied using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The AHP method is based on the geographic information system, through which the sub-thematic layer and the overlying layers of each dominating factor were constructed. An expert system was used to calculate weighting for each factor. Integration of the controlling factors through the AHP allowed us to develop a vulnerability index map in which the mining area was divided into different zones according to the risk level for water inrush during mining. Furthermore, water control measures were recommended in response to each risk level.  相似文献   

Water that accumulates in the void space where overburden strata separate can be an inrush source. We established an engineering geology model of bed-separation water inrush, and chose five factors (hard rock thickness, coal seam thickness, aquifuge thickness, aquifer thickness and hydrostatic head) as risk factors. Additionally, based on an analysis of hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions at two areas in the Yangliu coal mine, the comprehensive weight values of these factors were found to be 0.32, 0.24, 0.18, 0.15, and 0.11, respectively, using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and entropy method. Finally, the data were normalized, and a zoning map for risk evaluation was created using the space superposition function of GIS. This method was further used to evaluate the risk at the Haizi coal mine, and the results were in accordance with an inrush disaster that occurred at the 745 working face at that mine. This validated the model’s practical applications. This provides mines with strategies to prevent and control bed-separation water inrush.  相似文献   

Wang  Xinyi  Li  Fang  Kan  Xuedong  Guo  Shuitao  Li  Wenjun  Luo  Wenjun 《Mine Water and the Environment》2022,41(2):475-486

A groundwater drainage system comprising five drainage points and seven submersible pumps was designed to relieve the threat of flooding by 2.9 million m3 of mine water and a dynamic water supply volume of 718 m3/h in the Guhanshan Coal Mine. The key aim of the design was to ensure safe production. A mathematical model of the optimal scheduling of the water drainage system was constructed and solved using an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm to minimize long-term energy consumption. The algorithm had high convergence accuracy, and quickly and efficiently realized the optimal configuration of the pumping volume of the mine drainage system. When the Wucun mine was full of water, the flow of submersible pumps no. 1 (or 2) and nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6 were set to 58, 150, 150, 180, and 180 m3/h, respectively, and the energy consumption of the system was minimal. When the water level in the Wucun mine was less than ? 40 m, the lowest energy consumption was found when the flow rates of pumps nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 were, respectively set to 150, 150, 180, 180, and 58 m3/h. This overcame the shortcomings of adjusting the submersible pump flow based only on past experience and should be useful for many future mine water drainage projects.


许超 《煤矿安全》2018,(4):92-95
基于煤矿井下煤层大直径钻孔特点,开发了"先施工先导孔、再扩孔"的大直径钻孔施工工艺技术,以及配套的ZDY12000LD大功率钻机、φ400/127 mm大直径螺旋钻杆和φ450/153mm、φ650/450 mm大直径扩孔钻头等关键装备,有效保证了大直径钻孔的成孔质量。通过现场试验完成了孔径φ650 mm、最大孔深75 m大直径钻孔。  相似文献   

我国大倾角、大采长煤层开采研究现状   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大倾角、大采长煤层开采是当前我国部分矿区(特别是西部矿区)中大量实践且有着广泛应用前景的一种煤层开采技术。结合我国大倾角、大采长煤层开采发展现状,对大倾角、大采长煤层开采进行了研究,从机械化开采方法与变革、非机械化开采方法与变革、与大倾角煤层开采相关的其他研究等方面探讨了大倾角、大采长煤层开采发展前缘,介绍了大倾角、大采长煤层开采在我国的应用概况,最后指出解决大倾角煤层机械化开采技术难题应从系统研究大倾角煤层开采的矿山压力规律人手,研究大倾角煤层开采"R—S—F"系统稳定性是今后的研究重点,并提出了合理的对策。  相似文献   

东曲煤矿对吸附常数、瓦斯压力、瓦斯含量、瓦斯放散初速度、煤的坚固系数等煤层瓦斯参数进行了测试,测试结果表明该矿井瓦斯含量较大;并根据瓦斯含量得出东曲煤矿2~#、4~#、8~#、9~#四个煤层的瓦斯赋存规律,随着埋深的不断增加,瓦斯含量逐渐增加。  相似文献   

分析了几种提高煤层透气性途径,进行2。煤层瓦斯抽放工艺实验,针对屯兰矿下组煤在掘进时瓦斯涌出异常及瓦斯赋存情况采用综合瓦斯抽放工艺。通过抽放工艺改造,提高了瓦斯抽放率,确保了安全生产。  相似文献   

某煤矿10#煤层底板标高为370~620 m,奥灰水位为517.88~520.96 m,低于奥灰岩溶水水位标高,奥灰含水层富水性强、水量大,属于强径流区。10#煤层底距奥灰界面平均距离只有34.81 m,奥灰岩溶水成为煤层底板突水的主要水源。介绍了底板突水的几个通道,分析了对应底板突水的几种防治水措施,最后采用回采工作面斜长缩小、隔水岩段隔水层加固与含水层改造、地面帷幕注浆截流与井田内疏水降压联合工作的防水措施,最终实现煤层在承压下的安全开采。  相似文献   

研究了国内外有关学者提出的各种煤层渗透率测定及计算方法,分析了煤层瓦斯运移计算模型,在此基础上提出煤层瓦斯渗流的几点假设。利用瓦斯渗流动量守恒方程和气体状态方程,建立了煤层瓦斯径向流动流量计算方程,并依据现场测试实际情况给定边界条件,建立了煤层瓦斯径向流动状态下的渗透率计算方程,为现场渗透率测试提供理论支撑。通过对地面实验室和煤矿井下现场测试煤层渗透率方法的研究,提出了煤矿井下直接测试煤层渗透率的新方法:圆周渗透率测试法。利用该方法对中马村矿27采区煤层渗透率进行现场实测,并通过反算出的煤层透气性系数与以往实测数据对比,结果表明:圆周渗透率测试法能够实现煤矿井下煤层渗透率的现场直接测定,测试结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

针对厚煤层大巷强矿震诱冲实例,通过建立底板梁动静载力学模型,结合数值模拟及微震监测等进行研究,得出结论:动载主导型底板冲击分为拉应力破坏和挠曲变形破坏,其中震动加速度引起的惯性力q惯的大小决定底板梁是否破坏及其破坏类型;对于同一底板深度的质点,距震源水平距离越近,q惯越大,底板梁越容易冲击破坏,距震源水平距离相同的质点,深度越小,q惯越大。模拟结果对比证实了理论分析的科学性,并指导制订了卸压解危措施,取得了良好的防治效果。  相似文献   

Li  Chunyuan  Zuo  Jianping  Huang  Xuanhao  Wu  Genshui  Li  Yubao  Xing  Shikun 《Mine Water and the Environment》2022,41(4):954-969
Mine Water and the Environment - Water inrush disasters caused by confined aquifers under high pressure below the mine floor are a major problem in China, restricting the safe and efficient mining...  相似文献   

承龙煤矿位于贵州省兴义市,该文采用钻探取芯和取样化验的方法,通过地质勘探数据分析得出承龙煤矿17号煤层属于低灰分、特低挥发分、中硫三号无烟煤等煤质特征,煤质主要指标适合作为气化用煤、动力用煤和火力发电之原料,为业主实现绿色矿山开发利用煤炭资源具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

陈佳  严家平  陈超 《煤炭技术》2012,31(7):80-82
从地质学角度,运用瓦斯地质学的观点,对大槽煤层瓦斯含量分布及影响因素进行了分析。通过建立煤层瓦斯含量与埋深、地质构造及煤的变质程度之间的关系,得出大槽煤层瓦斯含量分布特征及对主要影响因素的认识。  相似文献   

Complex hydrogeological conditions in China’s coal mines have contributed to frequent mine water disasters. A simple and effective method to determine water inflow sources and paths is therefore essential. The Longmen Mine, located in Henan Province, in central China was used as a case study. A Piper diagram and cluster analysis were used to screen the characteristic values of 18 water samples from potential aquifers. A comprehensive fuzzy evaluation of the groundwater ions was carried out to determine the main source of the total mine inflow. Then, based on conservation of ionic masses, a matrix function was established to calculate the groundwater recharge composition. Finally, using measured water inflows for the Cambrian limestone aquifer, the calculated and observed results were compared. The results showed that the Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation limestone aquifer (the L7 limestone aquifer) accounts for 60.8% of the total mine inflow, while the Cambrian limestone and roof sandstone aquifers account for 34.8 and 4.4% of the inflow, respectively. The normal mine inflow totals about 19,200 m3/day, of which 6,840 m3/day is from the Cambrian limestone aquifer. This agrees well with the calculated value of 6,720 m3/day. Thus, the method is feasible and reliable.  相似文献   

贾波 《煤》2020,29(1):5-8
裂缝形态特征是储层压裂改造效果评价、压裂工程设计及优化、煤层气井井网布置及优化等的重要研究内容。为摸清寺河井田3号煤层气主力开发煤层人工压裂裂缝形态特征,对井田内微地震裂缝监测资料进行了研究。结果表明:浅埋深、厚煤层、中小型压裂规模及中小排量压裂情况下,裂缝长度171.3~284.2 m,平均219.7 m;裂缝高度13.3~16.5 m,平均14.9 m;裂缝方位为北东42.5~47.9°,平均45.9°;受煤的非均质性和应力状态影响,在压裂规模及压裂参数相近的情况下,各压裂井的裂缝形态特征有所不同。  相似文献   

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