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低碳钢表面激光熔覆碳化金属合成粉末的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
开裂问题是碳化物喷射激光表面处理的一个严重问题,对由碳化钨颗粒和粘结金属组成的混俣粉末进行激光熔覆是解决这一问题一个方法。本实验将一种成分为60%wc/Co和40%NiCrBSi的粉末熔覆在低碳钢上。通过优化工艺参量可以获得无裂纹和几乎没有铁的溶解扩散的熔覆层。 相似文献
激光熔覆镍基粉末涂层的研究 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
分析了激光熔覆表面处理技术对镍基自熔性合金粉末材料性能的要求,研究了合金粉末的化学成分、微观组织及熔覆层的性能,并对涂层的耐磨性进行了分析。 相似文献
离焦量对 45# 钢表面激光熔覆镍基碳化钨粉的影响 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1
目的研究激光熔覆过程中离焦量对熔覆层成形质量的影响。方法在扫描速度(2 mm/s)和送粉电压(8 V)不变的情况下,通过改变熔覆头与基体间的距离和激光功率,对比分析不同离焦量对熔覆层尺寸、洛氏硬度、界面显微硬度和金相组织的影响,并确定最佳离焦量。结果当离焦量D_L=3,4 mm时,熔覆层表面硬度先逐渐增大后趋于稳定,洛氏硬度高达55~56HRC;当离焦量D_L=5,6 mm时,由于离焦量过大,导致基体与熔覆层冶金结合不牢固,部分粉末颗粒没有充分熔化附着在熔覆层表面,熔覆层质量较差。同一功率下,随着离焦量的增大相对熔覆层宽度会减小;当离焦量D_L=3 mm时,冷却速度最大、熔覆层底部由柱状晶沿着熔体最易散热方向生长明显,在熔覆层上部形成了等轴晶组织。结论激光熔覆时离焦量是不可忽视的工艺参数之一,最终优化工艺参数为:扫描速度2 mm/s,送粉电压8 V,激光功率1200 W,最佳离焦量3 mm。 相似文献
在45钢表面激光熔覆原位合成TiC颗粒增强Fe基复合涂层。利用扫描电镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射仪对TiC/Fe复合涂层的显微组织、合金成分以及物相进行分析,测试了熔覆层的显微硬度和耐磨性能。结果表明,当(Ti+C)的含量在复合粉末中的比例达到15%时,熔覆层生成了少量的TiC颗粒,其形状呈多面体和花瓣状,直径为1~5μm,长度为3~5μm,TiC增强相组织中含有Fe、Cr等元素,而不是单纯的二元碳化物。由于少量TiC颗粒的团聚现象,造成TiC激光熔覆层的显微硬度低于Fe基熔覆层,但TiC激光熔覆层磨损性能优于Fe基熔覆层。 相似文献
为了有效延长材料和设备的使用寿命、改善其表面状态,使其性能更好地发挥;探讨激光扫描速度对熔覆层耐磨性的影响;对比单道和大面积激光熔覆层的耐磨性。采用CO2激光器及LASERCELL-1005六轴六联动三维激光加工机床在40Cr钢上进行激光熔覆处理。利用X射线衍射仪、显微硬度计、磨料磨损试验机等设备对熔覆层硬度、耐磨性能进行研究。结果表明:激光熔覆层的显微硬度HK在4200~17792MPa之间;随扫描速度的的增加,激光熔覆涂层的最高硬度及耐磨性呈现先升高后降低的趋势;大面积激光熔覆层的硬度、耐磨性能不及单道激光熔覆层,原因在于大面积激光熔覆过程中受到重复加热的影响,易使硬度下降并产生裂纹;多层叠加熔覆涂层的硬度及耐磨性能优于多道搭接熔覆涂层。 相似文献
目的 为实现冷冲模具凸模刃口的修复,研究了基体表面的倾斜角度对激光熔覆制备熔覆层质量的影响,寻找能够用于修复冲头刃口的最佳工艺方法,通过冲裁加工的数值模拟分析与实际冲裁,验证激光熔覆技术修复冷冲模具刃口的可行性。方法 在不同倾斜角度的Cr12MoV基材表面上,分别采用垂直于地面和垂直于基体表面两种熔覆方法制备WC/Ni熔覆层,通过熔覆层的截面形貌、结合质量变化以及硬度的分析,选取最佳的修复工艺。利用X 射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和能谱仪(EDS),对比分析了基材表面倾斜角度变化对熔覆层截面组织形貌与物相组成的影响。根据熔覆层的平均硬度检测值以及被加工板料实测数据建立有限元仿真模型,利用磨损累计法对其求解,得出符合预期的使用寿命后,将修复冲头参与实际冲裁加工,验证激光修复冷冲模具的可行性以及有限元仿真模型的可靠性。结果 选择激光功率为1.2 kW,扫描速度为2 mm/s,送粉电压为8 V,离焦量(基体与熔覆头的直线距离)为12 mm,当基体的被熔覆表面相对于地面的倾斜角度不超过50°且与激光束形成的夹角不超过35°时,制备出的熔覆层质量较高。基体表面倾斜时,熔覆层的峰值点始终位于熔覆层中心区域,熔池最大深度值会向靠近激光头的一侧移动。采用垂直于地面和垂直于基体表面两种熔覆方式,在不同倾角的基材表面上制备得到熔覆层,其均由γ-Ni(Fe)、Fe6W6C、Fe2B、WC、W2C、Cr7C3、W2B等硬质相和复杂的间隙化合物组成,基材表面倾斜角度的变化只对熔覆层组织结构的细化程度以及各元素的质量分数产生影响。结论 使用激光熔覆技术搭配合适的修复工艺,不仅可以有效地修复磨损失效后的冷冲模具,还能起到局部改性的作用,熔覆过程中生成的碳化物等硬质相对修复区域硬度的提高起到了主要作用。修复后的冲头的平均使用寿命为5283次/支,与有限元寿命预测的仿真结果5600次/支基本吻合,进一步验证了有限元仿真模型的准确性。 相似文献
以Ni25、WO3、Al、石墨混合粉体为预制合金材料,采用YAG固体激光器进行激光熔覆处理,在45钢表面原位合成了WxC颗粒增强镍基复合涂层。利用扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)、X射线衍射(XRD)对涂层显微组织、相组成以及硬质颗粒的分布进行了观察、分析。结果表明,在高能激光辐照下,可以获得WC、W2C、W3C、Cr7C3弥散分布的多元硬质相增强的镍基复合涂层。WxC颗粒尺寸小于200 nm。涂层组织致密、无裂纹和孔洞等缺陷,与基体间有良好的冶金结合。涂层的显微硬度最高可达900 HV0.2,为45钢基体的4.5倍。 相似文献
采用钛铁、钒铁、石墨等组分,利用5 kW横流CO2激光器,氩气保护在低碳钢板上制备了致密、无孔隙与基体呈冶金结合的原位自生TiC-VC复合碳化物颗粒增强Fe基熔覆层.利用金相显微镜、X射线衍射、电子探针及显微硬度计,研究了熔覆层的显微组织及性能.结果表明,钛铁、钒铁与石墨通过激光熔覆的反应,所得细小的TiC-VC复合碳化物增强相弥散分布Fe基体之中,熔覆层硬度从基体到表面呈梯度分布,较基体有显著提高. 相似文献
Titanium metal matrix composite coatings (MMC) are considered to be important candidates for high wear resistance applications. Laser cladding (LC) by coaxial powder feeding is an advanced coating manufacturing process, which involves laser processing fine powders into components directly from computer aided design (CAD) model.In this study, the LC process was employed to fabricate TiC particle reinforced Ti6Al4V MMC coatings on Ti6Al4V hot rolled samples.The experimental results show that during LC process, TiC particles are partially dissolved into melted Ti-base alloy and precipitated in the form of TiC dendrites during cooling.Dry sliding wear properties of these MMC layers have been compared with substrate materials wear. The observed wear mechanisms are summarized and related to detailed microstructural observations. The layers have been found to show improved tribological properties connected with the TiCp addition and the LC process parameters. 相似文献
Microstructure and wear resistance of TaC reinforced Ni-based coating by laser cladding 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ming-ju Chao Wen-li Wang Er-jun Liang Dongxun Ouyang 《Surface & coatings technology》2008,202(10):1918-1922
The in situ synthesized TaC particulate reinforced Ni-based composite coating was fabricated on a mild steel by laser cladding of powder mixture of Ni60 alloy powder with (Ta2O5 + C)-doping. The microstructure and wear resistance of the TaC/Ni60 composite coating were investigated. It is shown that the coating is bonded metallurgically to the substrate and has a homogeneous fine microstructure containing both approximate cubic TaC particle and acicular chromium carbide uniformly dispersed in the dual phase matrix of γ(Ni) solid solution and eutectic of Cr3C2, Fe2B with γ(Ni). Compared to a Ni60 coating, the hardness of the TaC/Ni60 composite coating was enhanced by a factor of 1.38, could achieve a Vicker microhardness of Hv0.31100. And the wear rate in a block on ring test against hardened steel was reduced by a factor of five. This is attributed to the presence of in situ synthesized TaC particles and their well distribution in the coating. 相似文献
《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2014,214(4):899-905
FeCrBSi alloy powder with higher Cr content was used for laser cladding by employing a 3 kW solid-state laser. Ni- and Fe-based alloy powders, which were more resistant to cracking, were added into FeCrBSi alloy powder with higher Cr content to increase the ductile phases, lower thermal expansion coefficient, and reduce the crack sensitivity of the cladding layer. FeCrBSi alloy powder with higher Cr content combined Ni- and Fe-based alloy powder were cladded on the substrates, which yield two different phases. The hard phases of the cladding layer were mainly composed of carbide phase M23C6, and the ductile phases which played a lubrication function in the cladding layer were mainly composed of austenite γ-Fe and γ-Ni. The ductile phases increased by adding Ni- and Fe-based alloy powder into FeCrBSi alloy powder with higher Cr content, and the hard phases became sparser relatively. Smooth cladding layers, which were free of macroscopic pores, cracks and void between the adjacent tracks, were achieved. Therefore, the toughness of the cladding layer was improved, and the crack tendency was reduced. Three kinds of composite powder were obtained. The composition and morphology of the cladding layer were analyzed, and the microhardness between the hard phases and the ductile phases was compared. The average microhardnesses of the three cladding layers varied from HV0.2 760 to HV0.2 950. 相似文献
A. G. Grigoryants A. Ya. Stavertiy K. O. Bazaleeva T. Yu. Yudina N. A. Smirnova R. S. Tretyakov 《Welding International》2017,31(1):52-57
Investigations were carried out into the phase and structural state of the gradient coating produced by laser surfacing using tungsten carbide powders in a cobalt coating and a nickel alloy. The results show that the structure contains the WC carbide with the particles of the carbide forming spherical agglomerates, a nickel solid solution, alloyed with iron and cobalt, Me2W6 intermetallic phase, where Me = Fe, Cr and also CrO2 oxide. It is shown that the layers after reheating are characterized by the more extensive dissolution of the carbide and agglomerates and the formation of chromium-containing inclusions. The distribution of the elements and microhardness values in the cross section of the deposited coating was determined. 相似文献
Wear resistant TiC reinforced Ti–Ni–Si intermetallic composite coating with a microstructure consisting of TiC uniformly distributed in Ti2Ni3Si–NiTi–Ti2Ni multi-phase intermetallic matrix was fabricated on a substrate of TA15 titanium alloy by the laser cladding process using TiC/Ti–Ni–Si alloy powders as the precursor materials. Microstructure of the coating was characterized by optical microscope (OM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Dry sliding wear resistance of the laser clad TiC reinforced Ti–Ni–Si intermetallic composite coating was evaluated at room temperature. Results indicated that the TiC/(Ti2Ni3Si–NiTi–Ti2Ni) intermetallic composite coating exhibited excellent abrasive and adhesive wear resistance. 相似文献
采用无压浸渗工艺制备了铸造碳化钨颗粒增强PDC钻头胎体材料,胎体材料组织均匀,胎体中碳化钨颗粒完整,碳化钨颗粒与铜合金基体形成均匀扩散层。重点研究了PDC钻头胎体的三体磨料磨损行为和磨损机理。结果表明:铸造碳化钨颗粒形貌是影响PDC钻头胎体三体磨料磨损行为的主要因素。相对于破碎铸造碳化钨,球形碳化钨内部微裂纹少且无应力集中,具有耐磨增效作用,可显著提高PDC钻头胎体材料的三体磨损性能。球形碳化钨颗粒增强PDC钻头胎体的相对耐磨性是破碎碳化钨颗粒增强PDC钻头胎体的10倍。破碎碳化钨颗粒增强PDC钻头胎体的磨损表面呈现大量铜合金基体犁沟,多角状碳化钨颗粒被磨损变圆滑;而球形碳化钨颗粒增强PDC钻头胎体的磨损表面碳化钨颗粒突出林立,少量碳化钨颗粒被折断或发生破裂。 相似文献
Xiao-Tao Liu Wen-Bin Lei Jie Li Yu Ma Wei-Ming Wang Bao-Hua Zhang Chang-Sheng Liu Jian-Zhong Cui 《稀有金属(英文版)》2014,(6)
High-entropy alloy layer up to 150 lm in thickness was formed on H13 substrate with a metallurgical bonding at the coating/substrate interface. Simple solid solution phases were formed in the coating layer with a typical microstructure composed of both dendrite and interdendrite. The microstructure at the top of the cladding zone consists of equiaxed grains while that at the bottom consists of columnar grains. The coating layer exhibits great enhancement in microhardness and wear resistance compared with the H13 substrate. 相似文献
Titanium carbide particles reinforced Fe-based surface composite coatings were fabricated by laser cladding using a 5 kW CO2 laser. The microstructure, phase structure and wear properties were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, as well as dry sliding wear test. The results showed that TiC carbides were formed via in situ reaction between ferrotitanium and graphite in the molten pool during the laser-clad process. The morphology of TiC is mainly cubic and dendritic form; and the TiC carbides were distributed uniformly in the composite coating. The TiC/matrix interface was found to be free from cracks and deleterious phases. The coatings reinforced by TiC particles revealed higher wear resistance and lower friction coefficient than that of the substrate and FeCrBSi laser-clad coating. 相似文献