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n-Type nanoporous Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials with different porosity ratios have been prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The microstructure and phase morphology have been analyzed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and the thermoelectric properties of the SPS samples have been measured. Experimental results show that the nanoporous structures lying in the sheet layers and among the plate grains of the Bi2Te3 bulk material can lead to an increase in the Seebeck coefficient and a decrease in the thermal conductivity, thus leading to an enhanced figure of merit.  相似文献   

A thermopile sensor was processed on a glass substrate by electrodeposition of n-type bismuth telluride (Bi-Te) and p-type antimony telluride (Sb-Te) films. The n-type Bi-Te film electrodeposited at −50 mV in a 50 mM electrolyte with a Bi/(Bi + Te) mole ratio of 0.5 exhibited a Seebeck coefficient of −51.6 μV/K and a power factor of 7.1 × 10−4 W/K2 · m. The p-type Sb-Te film electroplated at 20 mV in a 70 mM solution with an Sb/(Sb + Te) mole ratio of 0.9 exhibited a Seebeck coefficient of 52.1 μV/K and a power factor of 1.7 × 10−4 W/K2 · m. A thermopile sensor composed of 196 pairs of the p-type Sb-Te and the n-type Bi-Te thin-film legs exhibited sensitivity of 7.3 mV/K.  相似文献   

We report the thermoelectric properties of spark plasma-sintered In4Se3-In4Te3 materials. For comparison, pure In4Se3 and In4Se3 (80 wt.%)/In4Te3 (20 wt.%) mixture samples were prepared. In4Se3 and In4Te3 powders were synthesized by a conventional melting process in evacuated quartz ampoules, and a spark plasma method was used for the sintering of the pure In4Se3 and mixture samples. Thermoelectric and structural characterizations were carried out, and the mixing effect of In4Se3 and In4Te3 on the thermoelectric properties was investigated.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric compounds based on doped bismuth telluride and its alloys have recently attracted increasing interest. Due to their structural features they show increased values of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT). A promising approach to improve the thermoelectric properties is to manufacture nanocomposite materials exhibiting lower thermal conductivities and higher ZT. The ZT value of compounds can be shifted reasonably to higher values (>1) by alloying with IV-Te materials and adequate preparation methods to form stable nanocomposites. The influence of PbTe and Sn on the thermoelectric properties is studied as a function of concentration and preparation methods. Melt spinning and spark plasma sintering were applied to form nanocomposite materials that were mechanically and thermodynamically stable for applications in thermoelectric devices. The structural properties are discussed based on analysis by transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

Mo3Sb7, crystallizing in the Ir3Ge7 type structure, has poor thermoelectric (TE) properties due to its metallic behavior. However, by a partial Sb-Te exchange, it becomes semiconducting without noticeable structure changes and so achieves a significant enhancement in the thermopower with the composition of Mo3Sb5Te2. Meanwhile, large cubic voids in the Mo3Sb5Te2 crystal structure provide the possibility of filling the voids with small cations to decrease the thermal conductivity by the so-called rattling effect. As part of the effort to verify this idea, we report herein the growth as well as measurements of the thermal and electrical transport properties of Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6 and Ni0.06Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6.  相似文献   

In this work, nano-structured Bi2Te3 and PbTe thermoelectric materials were synthesized separately via solvothermal, hydrothermal and low-temperature aqueous chemical routes. X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning-electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used to analyze the powder products. Results showed that the as-prepared Bi2Te3 samples were all single-phased and consisted of irregular spherical granules with diameters of ∼30 nm whereas the PbTe samples were mainly composed of well-crystallized cubic crystals with average size of approximately 100 nm. Some nanotubes and nanorods were found in Bi2Te3 and PbTe samples, respectively; these were identified as Bi2Te3 nanotubes and PbTe nanorods by EDS analysis. Possible reaction mechanisms for these syntheses are discussed in detail herein.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility of Czochralski-grown single crystals of Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 alloys containing 0, 10, 25, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 80, 90, 99.5, or 100 mol % Sb2Te3 has been investigated. The magnetic susceptibility of these crystals was determined at the temperature T = 291 K and the magnetic field H oriented parallel (χ) and perpendicularly (χ) to the trigonal crystallographic axis C 3. A complicated concentration dependence of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility χ has been revealed. The crystals with the free carrier concentration p ≈ 5 × 1019 cm?3 do not exhibit anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. The transition to the isotropic magnetic state occurs for the compositions characterized by a significantly increased (from 200 to 300 meV) optical bandgap.  相似文献   

In this work, Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 superlattices were prepared by the nanoalloying approach. Very thin layers of Bi, Sb, and Te were deposited on cold substrates, rebuilding the crystal structure of V2VI3 compounds. Nanoalloyed super- lattices consisting of alternating Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 layers were grown with a thickness of 9 nm for the individual layers. The as-grown layers were annealed under different conditions to optimize the thermoelectric parameters. The obtained layers were investigated in their as-grown and annealed states using x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and electrical measurements. A lower limit of the elemental layer thickness was found to have c-orientation. Pure nanoalloyed Sb2Te3 layers were p-type as expected; however, it was impossible to synthesize p-type Bi2Te3 layers. Hence the Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3 superlattices consisting of alternating n- and p-type layers showed poor thermoelectric properties.  相似文献   

The effects of deformation temperature on texture and thermoelectric properties of p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 sintered materials were investigated. The sintered materials were prepared by mechanical alloying and hot-press sintering. The hot-press deformation was performed at 723 K and 823 K by applying mechanical pressure in a graphite die. Then, the materials were extruded in the direction opposite to the direction of applied pressure. X-ray diffraction and electron backscattered diffraction patterns showed that the hexagonal c-plane tended to align along the extruded direction when the samples were deformed at high temperatures. The thermoelectric power factor was increased by high-temperature hot-press deformation because of the low electrical resistivity that originated from the c-plane orientation.  相似文献   

Cu0.003Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 alloys were prepared by using encapsulated melting and hot extrusion (HE). The hot-extruded specimens had the relative average density of 98%. The (00l) planes were preferentially oriented parallel to the extrusion direction, but the specimens showed low crystallographic anisotropy with low orientation factors. The specimens were hot-extruded at 698 K, and they showed excellent mechanical properties with a Vickers hardness of 76 Hv and a bending strength of 59 MPa. However, as the HE temperature increased, the mechanical properties degraded due to grain growth. The hot-extruded specimens showed positive Seebeck coefficients, indicating that the specimens have p-type conduction. These specimens exhibited negative temperature dependences of electrical conductivity, and thus behaved as degenerate semiconductors. The Seebeck coefficient reached the maximum value at 373 K and then decreased with increasing temperature due to intrinsic conduction. Cu-doped specimens exhibited high power factors due to relatively higher electrical conductivities and Seebeck coefficients than those of undoped specimens. A thermal conductivity of 1.00 Wm?1 K?1 was obtained at 373 K for Cu0.003Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3 hot-extruded at 723 K. A maximum dimensionless figure of merit, ZT max = 1.05, and an average dimensionless figure of merit, ZT ave = 0.98, were achieved at 373 K.  相似文献   

Bi2Te3 thin films were electrodeposited at various pH values of a bismuth nitrate and tellurium oxide plating solution. Enhancement in pH results in a decrease in grain size. Transmission electron microscopy reveals the transformation of the film morphology from dispersed nanoparticles to connected chain-like nanostructures of Bi2Te3 as pH is increased. Electrical characterization for samples deposited in the temperature range of 300 K to 425 K shows a fourfold increase in Seebeck coefficient, S, between its maximum and minimum value as the solution pH changes from 1 to 3.5. Such enhancement of S is attributed to the increased connectivity of the nanostructures at higher pH.  相似文献   

n-Type Bi2Te3 nanocomposites with enhanced figure of merit, ZT, were fabricated by a simple, high-throughput method of mixing nanostructured Bi2Te3 particles obtained through melt spinning with micron-sized particles. Moderately high power factors were retained, while the thermal conductivity of the nanocomposites was found to decrease with increasing weight percent of nanoinclusions. The peak ZT values for all the nanocomposites were above 1.1, and the maximum shifted to higher temperature with increasing amount of nanoinclusions. A maximum ZT of 1.18 at 42°C was obtained for the 10 wt.% nanocomposite, which is a 43% increase over the bulk sample at the same temperature. This is the highest ZT reported for n-type Bi2Te3 binary material, and higher ZT values are expected if state-of-the-art Bi2Te3−x Se x materials are used.  相似文献   

The key properties for the design of high-efficiency thermoelectric materials are a low thermal conductivity and a large Seebeck coefficient with moderate electrical conductivity. Recent developments in nanotechnology and nanoscience are leading to breakthroughs in the field of thermoelectrics. The goal is to create a situation where phonon pathways are disrupted due to nanostructures in “bulk” materials. Here we introduce promising materials: (Ga,In)2Te3 with unexpectedly low thermal conductivity, in which certain kinds of superlattice structures naturally form. Two-dimensional vacancy planes with approximately 3.5-nm intervals exist in Ga2Te3, scattering phonons efficiently and leading to a very low thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

A series of Bi2(Se0.4Te0.6)3 compounds were synthesized by a rapid route of melt spinning (MS) combined with a subsequent spark plasma sintering (SPS) process. Measurements of the Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity were performed over the temperature range from 300 K to 520 K. The measurement results showed that the cooling rate of melt spinning had a significant impact on the transport properties of electrons and phonons, effectively enhancing the thermoelectric properties of the compounds. The maximum ZT value reached 0.93 at 460 K for the sample prepared with the highest cooling rate, and infrared spectrum measurement results showed that the compound with lower tellurium content, Bi2(Se0.4Te0.6)3, possesses a larger optical forbidden gap (E g) compared with the traditional n-type zone-melted material with formula Bi2(Se0.07Te0.93)3. Our work provides a new approach to develop low-tellurium-bearing Bi2Te3-based compounds with good thermoelectric performance.  相似文献   

We have performed a detailed study of the electrical and thermal conductivities and thermoelectric power behavior of an antiferromagnetic-layer compound of chromium, CuCrS2, from 15 K to 300 K. Unlike previous studies, we find noninsulating properties and sensitive dependence on the preparation method, the microstructure, and the flaky texture formed in polycrystalline samples after extended sintering at high temperatures. Flakes are found to be metallic, with strong localization effects in the conductivity on cooling to low temperatures. The antiferromagnetic transition temperature T N (=40 K) remains essentially unaffected. The Seebeck coefficient is found to be in the range of 150 μV/K to 450 μV/K, which is exceptionally large, and becomes temperature independent at high temperatures, even for specimens with low resistivity values of 5 mΩ cm to 200 mΩ cm. We find the thermal conductivity κ to be low, viz. 5 mW/K cm to 30 mW/K cm. This can be attributed mostly to the dominance of lattice conduction over electronic conduction. The value of κ is further reduced by disorder in Cu occupancy in the quenched phase. We also observe an unusually strong dip in κ at T N, which is probably due to strong magnetocrystalline coupling in these compounds. Finally we discuss the properties of CuCrS2 as a heavily doped Kondo-like insulator in its paramagnetic phase. The combination of the electronic properties observed in CuCrS2 makes it a potential candidate for various thermoelectric applications.  相似文献   

The output power and conversion efficiency of thermoelectric modules (TEMs) are mainly determined by their material properties, i.e., Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity, and thermal conductivity. In practical applications, due to the influence of the harsh environment, the mechanical properties of TEMs should also be considered. Using the finite-element analysis (FEA) model in ANSYS software, we present the thermal stress distribution of a TEM based on the anisotropic mechanical properties and thermoelectric properties of hot-pressed materials. By analyzing the possibilities of damage along the cleavage plane of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials and by optimizing the structure parameters, a TEM with better mechanical performance is obtained. Thus, a direction for improving the thermal stress resistance of TEMs is presented.  相似文献   

The thermoelectric properties of cobalt-doped compounds Co x Ti1−x S2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.3) prepared by solid-state reaction were investigated from 5 K to 310 K. It was found that the electric resistivity ρ and absolute thermopower |S| for all the doped compounds decreased significantly with increasing Co content over the whole temperature range investigated. The increased lattice thermal conductivity of the doped compounds would imply enhancement of the acoustic velocity. Moreover, the ZT value of the doped compounds was improved over the whole temperature range investigated, and specifically reached 0.03 at 310 K for Co0.3Ti0.7S2, being about 66% larger than that of TiS2.  相似文献   

The Shubnikov–de Haas effect and the Hall effect in n-Bi2–xTlxSe3 (x = 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04) and p-Sb2–xTlxTe3 (x = 0, 0.005, 0.015, 0.05) single crystals are studied. The carrier mobilities and their changes upon Tl doping are calculated by the Fourier spectra of oscillations. It is found shown that Tl doping decreases the electron concentration in n-Bi2–xTlxSe3 and increases the electron mobility. In p-Sb2–xTlxTe3, both the hole concentration and mobility decrease upon Tl doping. The change in the crystal defect concentration, which leads to these effects, is discussed.  相似文献   

On one Sb2Te3 single crystal, the temperature dependences of all three independent components of the Nernst-Ettingshausen tensor (Q ikl ) are measured in the temperature range of 85–450 K, all three components being negative. Alongside with the Nernst-Ettingshausen effect, the anisotropy of the Hall (R ikl ) and Seebeck (S ij ) coefficients and the conductivity (σ ii ) is also investigated. The carried-out analysis of the experimental data on the Nernst-Ettingshausen and Seebeck effects indicates that there is the mixed scattering mechanism with the participation of acoustic phonons and impurity ions, the relative contributions of these mechanisms varying with temperature. In the relaxation-time-tensor approximation, the values of the effective scattering parameter (r) are determined. The obtained values point to the dominant scattering at acoustic phonons in the cleavage plane and to the substantial contribution of charged ions to the scattering along the trigonal axis c 3. It is shown that it is possible to explain the major features of experimental data on the Nernst-Ettingshausen effect within the two-valence-band model with the participation of several groups of holes in the transport phenomena.  相似文献   

The results of studying the thermoelectric properties of p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 alloy samples prepared by melt spinning quenching are presented. The material after melt spinning is shaped as thin ribbons and has a quasi-amorphous structure. The thermoelectric properties (thermoelectric power and electrical resistance) and crystallization processes of as-prepared melt-spun ribbons are studied at 300–800 K for the first time. The stability range of the initial state, the crystallization-onset temperature, and the effect of thermal annealing on the thermoelectric-power factor of the alloy are determined.  相似文献   

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