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Until recently, the lack of ground truth data has hindered the application of discriminative structured prediction techniques to the stereo problem. In this paper we use ground truth data sets that we have recently constructed to explore different model structures and parameter learning techniques. To estimate parameters in Markov random fields (MRFs) via maximum likelihood one usually needs to perform approximate probabilistic inference. Conditional random fields (CRFs) are discriminative versions of traditional MRFs. We explore a number of novel CRF model structures including a CRF for stereo matching with an explicit occlusion model. CRFs require expensive inference steps for each iteration of optimization and inference is particularly slow when there are many discrete states. We explore belief propagation, variational message passing and graph cuts as inference methods during learning and compare with learning via pseudolikelihood. To accelerate approximate inference we have developed a new method called sparse variational message passing which can reduce inference time by an order of magnitude with negligible loss in quality. Learning using sparse variational message passing improves upon previous approaches using graph cuts and allows efficient learning over large data sets when energy functions violate the constraints imposed by graph cuts.  相似文献   

Recognizing human actions from a stream of unsegmented sensory observations is important for a number of applications such as surveillance and human-computer interaction. A wide range of graphical models have been proposed for these tasks, and are typically extensions of the generative hidden Markov models (HMMs) or their discriminative counterpart, conditional random fields (CRFs). These extensions typically address one of three key limitations in the basic HMM/CRF formalism – unrealistic models for the duration of a sub-event, not encoding interactions among multiple agents directly and not modeling the inherent hierarchical organization of activities. In our work, we present a family of graphical models that generalize such extensions and simultaneously model event duration, multi agent interactions and hierarchical structure. We also present general algorithms for efficient learning and inference in such models based on local variational approximations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework by developing graphical models for applications in automatic sign language (ASL) recognition, and for gesture and action recognition in videos. Our methods show results comparable to state-of-the-art in the datasets we consider, while requiring far fewer training examples compared to low-level feature based methods.  相似文献   

提出一种新的基于条件随机域和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的人类动作识别方法——HMCRF。目前已有的动作识别方法均使用隐马尔可夫模型及其变型,这些模型一个最突出的不足就是要求观察值相互独立。条件模型很容易表示上下文相关性,且可使用动态规划做到有效且精确的推论,它的参数可以通过凸函数优化训练得到。把条件图形模型应用于动作识别之上,并通过大量的实验表明,所提出的方法在识别正确率方面明显优于一般线性结构的CRF和HMM。  相似文献   

Embedding Gestalt laws in Markov random fields   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The goal of this paper is to study a mathematical framework of 2D object shape modeling and learning for middle level vision problems, such as image segmentation and perceptual organization. For this purpose, we pursue generic shape models which characterize the most common features of 2D object shapes. In this paper, shape models are learned from observed natural shapes based on a minimax entropy learning theory. The learned shape models are Gibbs distributions defined on Markov random fields (MRFs). The neighborhood structures of these MRFs correspond to Gestalt laws-colinearity, cocircularity, proximity, parallelism, and symmetry. Thus, both contour-based and region-based features are accounted for. Stochastic Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are proposed for learning and model verification. Furthermore, this paper provides a quantitative measure for the so-called nonaccidental statistics and, thus, justifies some empirical observations of Gestalt psychology by information theory. Our experiments also demonstrate that global shape properties can arise from interactions of local features  相似文献   

针对现有基于条件随机场(CRF)的多类别视频分割计算量随帧数不断增加的问题,提出了一种用于密集(全连接)CRF推断的快速、全动态推理(inference)算法,并有效地推断出了增量式多类别视频分割中动态密集CRF的最大后验概率(MAP)解决方案。与传统的密集CRF处理视频相比,该方法更适合于在线的机器人增量式视频分割的处理计算。实验结果表明,在多类别视频分割应用中,该动态算法明显快于广为人知的标准密集CRF算法,其计算精度与标准密集CRF算法保持不变。几个多类别视频分割测试证实了本算法的推理效率。该算法不仅限于视频分割,还可应用于诸多类似的增量式动态变化CRF模型中MAP推理计算的优化解决方案。  相似文献   

This paper represents a two-phase approach based on semi-Markov conditional random fields model (semi-CRFs) and explores novel feature sets for identifying the entities in text into 5 types: protein, DNA, RNA, cell_line and cell_type. Semi-CRFs put the label to a segment not a single word which is more natural than the other machine learning methods such as conditional random fields model (CRFs). Our approach divides the biomedical named entity recognition task into two sub-tasks: term boundary detection and semantic labeling. At the first phase, term boundary detection sub-task detects the boundary of the entities and classifies the entities into one type C. At the second phase, semantic labeling sub-task labels the entities detected at the first phase the correct entity type. We explore novel feature sets at both phases to improve the performance. To make a comparison, experiments conducted both on CRFs and on semi-CRFs models at each phase. Our experiments carried out on JNLPBA 2004 datasets achieve an F-score of 74.64 % based on semi-CRFs without deep domain knowledge and post-processing algorithms, which outperforms most of the state-of-the-art systems.  相似文献   

Discriminative techniques, such as conditional random fields (CRFs) or structure aware maximum-margin techniques (maximum margin Markov networks (M3N), structured output support vector machines (S-SVM)), are state-of-the-art in the prediction of structured data. However, to achieve good results these techniques require complete and reliable ground truth, which is not always available in realistic problems. Furthermore, training either CRFs or margin-based techniques is computationally costly, because the runtime of current training methods depends not only on the size of the training set but also on properties of the output space to which the training samples are assigned. We propose an alternative model for structured output prediction, Joint Kernel Support Estimation (JKSE), which is rather generative in nature as it relies on estimating the joint probability density of samples and labels in the training set. This makes it tolerant against incomplete or incorrect labels and also opens the possibility of learning in situations where more than one output label can be considered correct. At the same time, we avoid typical problems of generative models as we do not attempt to learn the full joint probability distribution, but we model only its support in a joint reproducing kernel Hilbert space. As a consequence, JKSE training is possible by an adaption of the classical one-class SVM procedure. The resulting optimization problem is convex and efficiently solvable even with tens of thousands of training examples. A particular advantage of JKSE is that the training speed depends only on the size of the training set, and not on the total size of the label space. No inference step during training is required (as M3N and S-SVM would) nor do we have calculate a partition function (as CRFs do). Experiments on realistic data show that, for suitable kernel functions, our method works efficiently and robustly in situations that discriminative techniques have problems with or that are computationally infeasible for them.  相似文献   

As a powerful sequence labeling model, conditional random fields (CRFs) have had successful applications in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, the high complexity of CRFs training only allows a very small tag (or label) set, because the training becomes intractable as the tag set enlarges. This paper proposes an improved decomposed training and joint decoding algorithm for CRF learning. Instead of training a single CRF model for all tags, it trains a binary sub-CRF independently for each tag. An optimal tag sequence is then produced by a joint decoding algorithm based on the probabilistic output of all sub-CRFs involved. To test its effectiveness, we apply this approach to tackling Chinese word segmentation (CWS) as a sequence labeling problem. Our evaluation shows that it can reduce the computational cost of this language processing task by 40-50% without any significant performance loss on various large-scale data sets.  相似文献   

An Introduction to Variational Methods for Graphical Models   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
This paper presents a tutorial introduction to the use of variational methods for inference and learning in graphical models (Bayesian networks and Markov random fields). We present a number of examples of graphical models, including the QMR-DT database, the sigmoid belief network, the Boltzmann machine, and several variants of hidden Markov models, in which it is infeasible to run exact inference algorithms. We then introduce variational methods, which exploit laws of large numbers to transform the original graphical model into a simplified graphical model in which inference is efficient. Inference in the simpified model provides bounds on probabilities of interest in the original model. We describe a general framework for generating variational transformations based on convex duality. Finally we return to the examples and demonstrate how variational algorithms can be formulated in each case.  相似文献   

Many important real-world applications of machine learning, statistical physics, constraint programming and information theory can be formulated using graphical models that involve determinism and cycles. Accurate and efficient inference and training of such graphical models remains a key challenge. Markov logic networks (MLNs) have recently emerged as a popular framework for expressing a number of problems which exhibit these properties. While loopy belief propagation (LBP) can be an effective solution in some cases; unfortunately, when both determinism and cycles are present, LBP frequently fails to converge or converges to inaccurate results. As such, sampling based algorithms have been found to be more effective and are more popular for general inference tasks in MLNs. In this paper, we introduce Generalized arc-consistency Expectation Maximization Message-Passing (GEM-MP), a novel message-passing approach to inference in an extended factor graph that combines constraint programming techniques with variational methods. We focus our experiments on Markov logic and Ising models but the method is applicable to graphical models in general. In contrast to LBP, GEM-MP formulates the message-passing structure as steps of variational expectation maximization. Moreover, in the algorithm we leverage the local structures in the factor graph by using generalized arc consistency when performing a variational mean-field approximation. Thus each such update increases a lower bound on the model evidence. Our experiments on Ising grids, entity resolution and link prediction problems demonstrate the accuracy and convergence of GEM-MP over existing state-of-the-art inference algorithms such as MC-SAT, LBP, and Gibbs sampling, as well as convergent message passing algorithms such as the concave–convex procedure, residual BP, and the L2-convex method.  相似文献   

Estimating the partition function is a key but difficult computation in graphical models. One approach is to estimate tractable upper and lower bounds. The piecewise upper bound of Sutton et al. is computed by breaking the graphical model into pieces and approximating the partition function as a product of local normalizing factors for these pieces. The tree reweighted belief propagation algorithm (TRW-BP) by Wainwright et al. gives tighter upper bounds. It optimizes an upper bound expressed in terms of convex combinations of spanning trees of the graph. Recently, Globerson et al. gave a different, convergent iterative dual optimization algorithm TRW-GP for the TRW objective. However, in many practical applications, particularly those that train CRFs with many nodes, TRW-BP and TRW-GP are too slow to be practical. Without changing the algorithm, we prove that TRW-BP converges in a single iteration for associative potentials, and give a closed form for the solution it finds. The closed-form solution obviates the need for complex optimization. We use this result to develop new closed-form upper bounds for MRFs with arbitrary pairwise potentials. Being closed-form, they are much faster to compute than TRW-based bounds. We also prove similar convergence results for loopy belief propagation (LBP) and use it to obtain closed-form solutions to the LBP pseudomarginals and approximation to the partition function for associative potentials. We then use recent results proved by Wainwright et al for binary MRFs to obtain closed-form lower bounds on the partition function. We then develop novel lower bounds for arbitrary associative networks. We report on experiments with synthetic and real-world graphs. Our new upper bounds are considerably tighter than the piecewise bounds in practice. Moreover, we can compute our bounds on several graphs where TRW-BP does not converge. Our novel lower bound, in spite of being closed-form and much faster to compute, outperforms more complicated popular algorithms for computing lower bounds like mean-field on densely connected graphs by wide margins although it does worse on sparsely connected graphs like chains.  相似文献   

Structural Support Vector Machines (SSVMs) and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) are popular discriminative methods used for classifying structured and complex objects like parse trees, image segments and part-of-speech tags. The datasets involved are very large dimensional, and the models designed using typical training algorithms for SSVMs and CRFs are non-sparse. This non-sparse nature of models results in slow inference. Thus, there is a need to devise new algorithms for sparse SSVM and CRF classifier design. Use of elastic net and L1-regularizer has already been explored for solving primal CRF and SSVM problems, respectively, to design sparse classifiers. In this work, we focus on dual elastic net regularized SSVM and CRF. By exploiting the weakly coupled structure of these convex programming problems, we propose a new sequential alternating proximal (SAP) algorithm to solve these dual problems. This algorithm works by sequentially visiting each training set example and solving a simple subproblem restricted to a small subset of variables associated with that example. Numerical experiments on various benchmark sequence labeling datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm scales well. Further, the classifiers designed are sparser than those designed by solving the respective primal problems and demonstrate comparable generalization performance. Thus, the proposed SAP algorithm is a useful alternative for sparse SSVM and CRF classifier design.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of predicting a sequence of real-valued multivariate states that are correlated by some unknown dynamics, from a given measurement sequence. Although dynamic systems such as the State-Space Models are popular probabilistic models for the problem, their joint modeling of states and observations, as well as the traditional generative learning by maximizing a joint likelihood may not be optimal for the ultimate prediction goal. In this paper, we suggest two novel discriminative approaches to the dynamic state prediction: 1) learning generative state-space models with discriminative objectives and 2) developing an undirected conditional model. These approaches are motivated by the success of recent discriminative approaches to the structured output classification in discrete-state domains, namely, discriminative training of Hidden Markov Models and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs). Extending CRFs to real multivariate state domains generally entails imposing density integrability constraints on the CRF parameter space, which can make the parameter learning difficult. We introduce an efficient convex learning algorithm to handle this task. Experiments on several problem domains, including human motion and robot-arm state estimation, indicate that the proposed approaches yield high prediction accuracy comparable to or better than state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

We propose incorporating semantic topic information into a hierarchical conditional random fields (CRFs) framework to promote object recognition and retrieval accuracy. Specially, we devise convenient yet effective methods based on multiple segmentations to perform accurate image retrieval tasks for rigid and amorphous man-made objects. Through a robust topic consistency potential (RTCP) modelling approach, we perform accurate multi-class segmentation on high-resolution remote-sensing images. The generated segments can be readily used for object recognition and discovery. We report satisfactory the performance on two sets of high-resolution remote-sensing images that cover a highly populated urban area and a rural area, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art CRF models, due to its ability to capture inherent semantic information for efficient object recognition and boundary discovery.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of Markov Random Fields (MRFs) in computer vision and image understanding, with respect to the modeling, the inference and the learning. While MRFs were introduced into the computer vision field about two decades ago, they started to become a ubiquitous tool for solving visual perception problems around the turn of the millennium following the emergence of efficient inference methods. During the past decade, a variety of MRF models as well as inference and learning methods have been developed for addressing numerous low, mid and high-level vision problems. While most of the literature concerns pairwise MRFs, in recent years we have also witnessed significant progress in higher-order MRFs, which substantially enhances the expressiveness of graph-based models and expands the domain of solvable problems. This survey provides a compact and informative summary of the major literature in this research topic.  相似文献   

The segmentation of objects and people in particular is an important problem in computer vision. In this paper, we focus on automatically segmenting a person from challenging video sequences in which we place no constraint on camera viewpoint, camera motion or the movements of a person in the scene. Our approach uses the most confident predictions from a pose detector as a form of anchor or keyframe stick figure prediction which helps guide the segmentation of other more challenging frames in the video. Since even state of the art pose detectors are unreliable on many frames –especially given that we are interested in segmentations with no camera or motion constraints –only the poses or stick figure predictions for frames with the highest confidence in a localized temporal region anchor further processing. The stick figure predictions within confident keyframes are used to extract color, position and optical flow features. Multiple conditional random fields (CRFs) are used to process blocks of video in batches, using a two dimensional CRF for detailed keyframe segmentation as well as 3D CRFs for propagating segmentations to the entire sequence of frames belonging to batches. Location information derived from the pose is also used to refine the results. Importantly, no hand labeled training data is required by our method. We discuss the use of a continuity method that reuses learnt parameters between batches of frames and show how pose predictions can also be improved by our model. We provide an extensive evaluation of our approach, comparing it with a variety of alternative grab cut based methods and a prior state of the art method. We also release our evaluation data to the community to facilitate further experiments. We find that our approach yields state of the art qualitative and quantitative performance compared to prior work and more heuristic alternative approaches.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a statistical-structural character modeling method based on Markov random fields (MRFs) for handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR). The stroke relationships of a Chinese character reflect its structure, which can be statistically represented by the neighborhood system and clique potentials within the MRF framework. Based on the prior knowledge of character structures, we design the neighborhood system that accounts for the most important stroke relationships. We penalize the structurally mismatched stroke relationships with MRFs using the prior clique potentials, and derive the likelihood clique potentials from Gaussian mixture models, which encode the large variations of stroke relationships statistically. In the proposed HCCR system, we use the single-site likelihood clique potentials to extract many candidate strokes from character images, and use the pairsite clique potentials to determine the best structural match between the input candidate strokes and the MRF-based character models by relaxation labeling. The experiments on the KAIST character database demonstrate that MRFs can statistically model character structures, and work well in the HCCR system.  相似文献   

Conditional random fields (CRFs) are a statistical framework that has recently gained in popularity in both the automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language processing communities because of the different nature of assumptions that are made in predicting sequences of labels compared to the more traditional hidden Markov model (HMM). In the ASR community, CRFs have been employed in a method similar to that of HMMs, using the sufficient statistics of input data to compute the probability of label sequences given acoustic input. In this paper, we explore the application of CRFs to combine local posterior estimates provided by multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) corresponding to the frame-level prediction of phone classes and phonological attribute classes. We compare phonetic recognition using CRFs to an HMM system trained on the same input features and show that the monophone label CRF is able to achieve superior performance to a monophone-based HMM and performance comparable to a 16 Gaussian mixture triphone-based HMM; in both of these cases, the CRF obtains these results with far fewer free parameters. The CRF is also able to better combine these posterior estimators, achieving a substantial increase in performance over an HMM-based triphone system by mixing the two highly correlated sets of phone class and phonetic attribute class posteriors.  相似文献   

中文分词是众多自然语言处理任务的基本工作。该文提出了一个用双层模型进行中文分词的方法。首先在低层利用前向最大匹配算法(FMM)进行粗分词,并将切分结果传至高层;在高层利用CRFs对文本重新进行标注,其中低层的识别结果作为CRFs的一项特征,最后将对每个字的标注结果转换为相应的分词结果。,跟以前单独利用CRF进行分词的模型相比.低层模型的加入对CRFs模型的标注起到了重要的辅助作用。在北京大学标注的1998年1月份的人民日报语料上进行了大量的实验,取得了精确率93.31%,召回车92.75%的切分结果,证明该方法是切实可行的。  相似文献   

概率图模型学习技术研究进展   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
概率图模型能有效处理不确定性推理,从样本数据中准确高效地学习概率图模型是其在实际应用中的关键问题.概率图模型的表示由参数和结构两部分组成,其学习算法也相应分为参数学习与结构学习.本文详细介绍了基于概率图模型网络的参数学习与结构学习算法,并根据数据集是否完备而分别讨论各种情况下的参数学习算法,还针对结构学习算法特点的不同把结构学习算法归纳为基于约束的学习、基于评分搜索的学习、混合学习、动态规划结构学习、模型平均结构学习和不完备数据集的结构学习.并总结了马尔科夫网络的参数学习与结构学习算法.最后指出了概率图模型学习的开放性问题以及进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

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