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Initial experiments using whole cells have shown that there were specific and saturable interactions between kunjin (KUN) virus and receptor molecules on the Vero cell surfaces. Solubilisation of Vero cell plasma membranes with octyl-D-glucoside (OG) yielded an extract which also interacted specifically with KUN virus. This was proven using electron microscopy. When the virus-OG-extract complex was exposed onto Vero cell monolayers, no KUN virus was observed to enter into the whole cells. This would imply that there was virus-receptor interaction with the OG-extract leaving no free virus to attach to the whole cells. The attachment kinetics of KUN virus was studied further using the Scatchard analysis which indicated the involvement of more than one interactive macromolecule in the attachment event.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine uptake from dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine liposomes by rabbit spermatozoa showed a complex dependence on temperature in these experiments. At 5 degrees and 20 degrees C, the rate of lipid uptake correlated with temperature. However, from 20 degrees to 37 degrees C uptake did not evidently increased. The results in interpreted as evidence of a thermotropic transition in the sperm plasma membrane. Data are presented showing incorporation of these lipids, especially that of cholesterol, into sperm plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Isolated human erythrocyte membranes (red blood cell (RBC) ghosts) were incubated with glucose at 5, 10, 20 and 100 mmol/l concentrations, with insulin (0.01 to 200 mU/l) and metformin (CAS 657-24-9) 0.5 up to 50.0 mumol/l). Binding studies with 14C-glucose and subsequent gel electrophoresis revealed 60% of the radioactivity around ban 4.2-4.5 at 5 mmol/l, whereas a random distribution of radioactivity over all protein bands of the RBC membrane was found at 20 mmol/l concentration after incubation for 30 min or 48 h. Metformin does not bind covalently to RBC membranes, however, after photochemical linkage of 14C-metformin via the aminoreactive linker azidophenylglyoxal the highest radioactivity (21%) was counted in the range of band 4.2-4.5. In parallel with an increase of order parameters of 5-doxyl-stearic acid the thiol status of the membranes decreases as determined by monobromobimane fluorescence. 20 and 100 mmol/l concentrations of glucose decrease the reactivity of membrane thiols towards bromobimane significantly to 73 and 62% of the controls. Concomitantly, membrane fluidity at polar sites is diminished as measured by order parameters of spin label 5-doxyl stearic acid. In RBC membranes pretreated with 20 mmol/l glucose the decreased fluorescence is significantly raised again by insulin and metformin. This effect is even more pronounced, if insulin and metformin are incubated together. Reaction of membrane thiols with a maleimido spin label detects modification in the ratio of mobile and immobilized spin label populations in the electron paramagnetic resonance signal under the above conditions, indicative of conformational changes of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

A study of various factors influencing the Con A-mediated cell agglutinability failed to reveal any correlation between the agglutinability and the binding capacity of Con A-agglutinable and non-agglutinable human, rabbit, and sheep erythrocytes. Treatment with trypsin and neuraminidase on the one hand and chondroitin sulphate, polyvinylpyrrolidone and polylysine on the other hand made the agglutination of human erythrocytes possible, promoted the agglutination of rabbit erythrocytes, but had almost no effect on sheep erythrocytes, which agglutinated only after treatment with pronase or polylysine. The negligible effects of low temperature, NaN3, cytochalasine B and theophylline on cell agglutinability indicate that neither membrane fluidity, metabolic energy, cAMP, nor the microfilamentous apparatus are likely to play any important role in the Con A-mediated agglutination of erythrocytes. Differences in agglutinability between erythrocytes obtained from different animal species and subjected to different treatments with enzymes and polymers are explained as being due to alterations in the surface charge and the zeta potential.  相似文献   

Lateral assemblies of glycolipids and cholesterol, "rafts," have been implicated to play a role in cellular processes like membrane sorting, signal transduction, and cell adhesion. We studied the structure of raft domains in the plasma membrane of non-polarized cells. Overexpressed plasma membrane markers were evenly distributed in the plasma membrane. We compared the patching behavior of pairs of raft markers (defined by insolubility in Triton X-100) with pairs of raft/non-raft markers. For this purpose we cross-linked glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), Thy-1, influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA), and the raft lipid ganglioside GM1 using antibodies and/or cholera toxin. The patches of these raft markers overlapped extensively in BHK cells as well as in Jurkat T-lymphoma cells. Importantly, patches of GPI-anchored PLAP accumulated src-like protein tyrosine kinase fyn, which is thought to be anchored in the cytoplasmic leaflet of raft domains. In contrast patched raft components and patches of transferrin receptor as a non-raft marker were sharply separated. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that coalescence of cross-linked raft elements is mediated by their common lipid environments, whereas separation of raft and non-raft patches is caused by the immiscibility of different lipid phases. This view is supported by the finding that cholesterol depletion abrogated segregation. Our results are consistent with the view that raft domains in the plasma membrane of non-polarized cells are normally small and highly dispersed but that raft size can be modulated by oligomerization of raft components.  相似文献   

We describe herein the refined high resolution x-ray structures of two components of the bacterial cell wall, muramic acid and muramyl dipeptide complexed to isolectin I from Lathyrus ochrus seeds. In both complexes, only the ring hydroxyl oxygen atoms of the bound sugar establish direct hydrogen bonds with isolectin I, as in the case of all the previously determined monosaccharide-lectin complexes. In addition, the lactyl methyl of both components strongly interacts via hydrophobic contacts with the side chains of residues Tyr100 and Trp128 of isolectin I, which could explain the higher affinity of isolectin I for muramic acid as compared with glucose. These 2 residues, however, are not involved in the stabilization of the oligosaccharide-isolectin I complexes. The dipeptide (D-Ala-D-iGln) of the second component is in stacking interaction with the N-acetyl group of glucose and with loop Gly97-Gly98 of isolectin I. In addition to these van der Waals' contacts, the dipeptide interacts with the lectin via well ordered water molecules also. Superposition of the structures of the muramyl dipeptide complex and of the muramic acid complex shows that the glucose ring in the dipeptide compound is tilted by about 15 degrees in comparison with that of muramic acid. The fact that the lactyl group has the same confrontation in both components reveals that the lectin is stereospecific and recognizes only diastereoisomer S of this group, which better fits the saccharide-binding site.  相似文献   

The object of this study was to develop a method to quantify the amount of outer acrosomal membrane material in isolated plasma membranes from boar sperm cells. The cells were fractionated by nitrogen cavitation, and plasma membranes were isolated by subsequent differential centrifugation steps. Marker enzyme measurement showed that the plasma membrane isolates were enriched in plasma membrane markers and did not contain nuclei, inner acrosomal membranes, or mitochondria. Since there is no marker enzyme known for the outer acrosomal membrane, lectins were used for the detection of this membrane. The membrane specificity of a number of lectin conjugates was tested with fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Membrane binding of these lectin conjugates was quantified with flow-cytometry and an enzyme-linked lectin binding assay. Wheat germ agglutinin was specific for the plasma membrane while peanut agglutinin was specific for the outer acrosomal membrane. The use of these lectins made it possible for the first time to discriminate between these two membranes. The isolated plasma membrane fraction was enriched more than 10-fold (17-fold after further purification by a sucrose gradient) in plasma membrane material compared to outer acrosomal membrane material. Highly purified sperm plasma membranes should prove to be useful for research on primary sperm-zona interactions.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of biological and artificial membranes were studied in the presence of a number of negatively charged tungsten carbonyl complexes, such as [W(CO)5(CN)]- , [W(CO)5(NCS)]-, [W2(CO)10(CN)]-, and [W(CO)5(SCH2C6H5)]-, using the single-cell electrorotation and the charge-pulse relaxation techniques. Most of the negatively charged tungsten complexes were able to introduce mobile charges into the membranes, as judged from electrorotation spectra and relaxation experiments. This means that the tungsten derivatives act as lipophilic anions. They greatly contributed to the polarizability of the membranes and led to a marked dielectric dispersion (frequency dependence of the membrane capacitance and conductance). The increment and characteristic frequency of the dispersion reflect the structure, environment, and mobility of the charged probe molecule in electrorotation experiments with biological membranes. The partition coefficients and the translocation rate constants derived from the electrorotation spectra of cells agreed well with the corresponding data obtained from charge-pulse experiments on artificial lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

In vivo regulation of the early embryonic cell cycle in Xenopus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report here the first extensive in vivo study of cell cycle regulation in the Xenopus embryo. Cyclin A1, B1, B2, and E1 levels, Cdc2 and Cdk2 kinase activity, and Cdc25C phosphorylation states were monitored during early Xenopus embryonic cell cycles. Cyclin B1 and B2 protein levels were high in the unfertilized egg, declined upon fertilization, and reaccumulated to the same level during the first cell cycle, a pattern repeated during each of the following 11 divisions. Cyclin A1 showed a similar pattern, except that its level was lower in the egg than in the cell cycles after fertilization. Cyclin B1/Cdc2 kinase activity oscillated, peaking before each cleavage, and Cdc25C alternated between a highly phosphorylated and a less phosphorylated form that correlated with high and low cyclin B1/Cdc2 kinase activity, respectively. Unlike the mitotic cyclins, the level of cyclin E1 did not oscillate during embryogenesis, although its associated Cdk2 kinase activity cycled twice for each oscillation of cyclin B1/Cdc2 activity, consistent with a role for cyclin E1 in both S-phase and mitosis. Although the length of the first embryonic cycle is regulated by both the level of cyclin B and the phosphorylation state of Cdc2, cyclin accumulation alone was rate-limiting for later cycles, since overexpression of a mitotic cyclin after the first cycle caused cell cycle acceleration. The activity of Cdc2 closely paralleled the accumulation of cyclin B2, but cell cycle acceleration caused by cyclin B overexpression was not associated with elevation of Cdc2 activity to higher than metaphase levels. Tyrosine phosphorylation of Cdc2, absent during cycles 2-12, reappeared at the midblastula transition coincident with the disappearance of cyclin E1. Cyclin A1 disappeared later, at the beginning of gastrulation. Our results suggest that the timing of the cell cycle in the Xenopus embryo evolves from regulation by accumulation of mitotic cyclins to mechanisms involving periodic G1 cyclin expression and inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation of Cdc2.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine electroencephalographic (EEG) changes occurring during syncope induced by headup tilt table testing. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. SETTING: Calgary General Hospital Syncope Clinic, Calgary, Alberta. PATIENTS: Eighteen patients with a history of recurrent syncope who developed syncope while undergoing diagnostic isoproterenol tilt table testing. INTERVENTIONS: Continuous EEGs were recorded in 18 sequentially consenting patients while they underwent diagnostic headup tilt table testing. MAIN RESULTS: Patients developed presyncope after 2.6 +/- 2.4 mins and syncope after 3.7 +/- 2.5 minutes. Systolic blood pressure dropped from 117 +/- 17 mmHg to 65 +/- 9 mmHg, and heart rate dropped from 124 +/- 26 beats/min to 65 +/- 27 beats/min. Fourteen patients developed presyncope, while five developed syncope without appreciable presyncope. Abnormal EEGs were recorded in 13 of 14 patients during presyncope and in 18 of 18 patients during syncope. No patients developed EEG abnormalities before the onset of presyncope, and the proportion of patients with EEG abnormalities gradually increased throughout presyncope. During presyncope, theta and delta wave slowing, and background suppression were noted in eight of 14, nine of 14 and one of 14 patients, respectively. During syncope, theta and delta wave slowing, and background suppression were noted in nine of 18, 11 of 18 and six of 18 patients, respectively (not significant versus presyncope). There were strikingly abrupt changes in the EEG rhythm within 15 s of the transition to syncope in 14 of 18 patients. Six patients developed new theta wave slowing, 11 developed new delta wave slowing, and seven developed background suppression. No epileptiform activity was recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Both presyncope and syncope induced by tilt testing are associated with EEG abnormalities, and no single EEG pattern is pathognomonic of either. The transition from presyncope to syncope is marked by abrupt EEG changes.  相似文献   

The present study compared the Kato-Katz thick smear and formol ether sedimentation techniques in the diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni infections. A stool specimen was collected from 915 individuals representing a high prevalence community (63.3%) and from 471 individuals representing a relatively low prevalence village (40%). The overall sensitivity of a single Kato-Katz smear was 70.8%, and it increased with each additional slide to reach 91.7% on examining four smears. However, the sensitivity was 83.3% when using the formol ether sedimentation technique. In terms of quantitative analysis, the geometric mean egg count was 94 eggs per gram (epg) of stool by two Kato-Katz smears, and 43 epg by the sedimentation technique. This means that more than 50% of eggs were missed when using the sedimentation technique, a fact that should be taken into consideration when relating infection level with morbidity.  相似文献   

An affinity chromatograpy method utilising transferrin liganded agarose has been developed for the partial purification of transferrin binding components from Triton X-100 solubilised rabbit reticulocyte plasma membranes. A protein of molecular weight 30-35 000, shown to be located at the reticulocyte extra-cellular surface by lactoperoxidase 125I labelling, was isolated by the affinity method. The protein appeared to form a dimer of molecular weight 65-70 000 in Triton X-100 solution and was shown to associate with both 125I-labelled and unlabelled rabbit transferrin to form a high molecular weight complex in the same solution. N-[14C]Ethylmaleimide appeared to disrupt this association with transferrin and inhibit the formation of the dimer in Triton X-100 by binding to the protein. The protein appeared as a broad band of molecular weight 40 000 on sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

An improved methodology is described for the separation of yolk IgG into subpopulations using immobilized metal ion (Fe3+) affinity chromatography. The yolk IgG was first extracted using a prechilled, pre-acidified method. After extraction, the yolk IgG was then fractionated using an Fe3+ column. Using an ascending pH gradient, four IgG containing peaks were well resolved based upon the elution pH, specific activity and the relative avidity index.  相似文献   

Although morphological restoration of the hepatic mass after partial hepatectomy has been well studied, fewer reports have appeared on the change of functional hepatic capacity during liver regeneration. Asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R) is a hepatic cell surface receptor specific for galactose-terminated glycoprotein. Kinetic modeling of 99mTc-labeled diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-galactosyl-human serum albumin (TcGSA) time-activity data yields estimates of ASGP-R concentration [R]o and amount R0, which are directly related to functional liver mass. We have investigated the changes in ASGP-R status as well as liver volume in regenerating human liver after major hepatic resection. METHODS: Twenty-two patients (18 noncirrhotic, 4 cirrhotic) had a TcGSA study before and 3 wk after major hepatic resection, with a mean hepatic parenchymal resection rate of 36.0%. RESULTS: [R]0 was significantly decreased from 0.683+/-0.024 micromol/L to 0.565+/-0.032 micromol/L (P < 0.001) after resection. The decrease in [R]0 was more prominent in cirrhotic patients. Recovery of ASGP-R was observed as a significantly increased R0 3 wk after the operation. Subsequent (long-term) restoration of ASGP-R appeared to be slower when compared with the volume restoration. CONCLUSION: ASGP-R concentration of the liver significantly decreased after major hepatic resection. Subsequent recovery of ASGP-R amount was shown by TcGSA study. By estimating hepatic functional reserve expressed by ASGP-R amount and concentration, one may detect a delayed or impaired liver regeneration with higher sensitivity.  相似文献   

Plasma cystinylaminopeptidase (CAP) activity and 24 h urinary excretion of oestrogens were measured simultaneously in 102 pathological pregnancies. The correlation between the two chemical assays is weak (p = 0,13, to 0,47). Plasma CAP levels were significantly (p less than 0,01) lowered in cases of fetal death; but urinary oestrogen assays were within the normal limits (p greater than 0,1) in this group. Each assay suggested an equal number of correct or incorrect prognoses. Their association resulted in 9 correct prognoses in 12 pregnancies with unfavourable outcome, but led to 12 unduly bad prognoses in a group of 40 normal births. The association of the two assays allows a more adequate diagnosis of high-risk pregnancies, but has the disadvantage of offering an unduly bad prognosis in a greater number of normal cases.  相似文献   

Tracking performance with a differentiating amplifier in the control loop, an integrating amplifier, and a simple amplifier were compared experimentally on 2 random inputs. Learning curves were obtained from separate groups of inexperienced Ss. With a high frequency input the differentiating control system gave a smaller mean error than the integrating system (p  相似文献   

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