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水质检测是利用相关仪器和技术确定待测水中污染物的成分、浓度及其变化趋势,进而综合评价水质状况的手段,水质检测对于保障供水安全具有重要意义。为配套实施《饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006),环保部特颁布了相应的检测制度,要求各检测单位应具备106项指标的检测能力。针对我国饮用水水质检测体系存在检测技术落后、检测中心分布不均、检测采样点设置不合理、未考虑地域水源差异、检测仪器配置不齐全、检测人员技术水平有限以及缺乏相应的检测监督管理制度和信息公开制度等问题,以完善我国饮用水水质检测体系为目的提出相应的改进建议,为《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)的有效实施提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

综述了我国《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006)106项水质指标实施情况,通过国家水质监测网的23个监测站,评估了全国104个城镇的284个供水厂的98项水质指标状况、检测能力以及存在的问题,分析了超标指标状况、超检指标状况以及不同工艺对各种污染物的去除能力,总结了需要进一步关注的水质指标和标准的后期执行、修订情况.  相似文献   

饮用水净水器、除铁除锰净水器、低温低浊水净水器、特高浊原水净水器、中水水质净水器等专业水处理设备。  相似文献   

以新疆和田地区和田县为例,通过对该县所辖10乡2镇的264个行政村生活饮用水水样进行采集和分析,并应用SPSS15.0软件分丰水期和枯水期,对该县分散式供水和集中式供水两种供水方式下水样各项指标进行了统计学描述及t检验和x2检验.分析结果显示,集中供水方式下该县农村生活饮用水水质比分散式供水方式下水质较优,但合格率仍然...  相似文献   

杭东 《水利天地》2014,(6):10-11
<正>生活饮用水水质的好坏,直接关系到人们的身体健康。随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对饮用水的要求也日益提高,确保生活用水品质的标准和处置措施也需相应提升。一、我国生活饮用水卫生标准我国现行的生活用水品质标准是1958年下发的,这项标准强行制定了饮用水必须达到的清洁需求、水源水品质需求、循环供水卫生需求和水品质检测以及水品质查看  相似文献   

饮用水和生活健康息息相关,因此质量问题不容忽视。近年来常有关于饮用水水质安全隐患的报道,一直以来都对饮用水水质检测非常重视,为了能及时、准确的提供水质检测结果,因此要提高检测员的基础水平和熟知各检测项目在检测过程中的注意事项,避免为检验结果带来影响。  相似文献   

围绕我国《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749—2006)中对微生物、毒理、消毒剂指标等的更高要求,分析了传统消毒方式存在的问题,提出了安全消毒的概念,指出紫外线 氯组合消毒工艺是保障消毒安全的重要技术选择。为保障饮用水安全,降低微生物安全风险,减少消毒副产物形成,紫外线 氯组合消毒将成为实施饮用水安全消毒的重要技术选择。  相似文献   

此文以水质指数法为方法综合评价了岗南水库的水质状况,得出了岗南水库水质全年变化平稳,为良好供水水源地的结论。  相似文献   

饮用水在人们日常生活中是一种不可缺少的物质,其安全性会对人们的身体健康造成直接影响,国家对饮用水进行水质检验,不仅是实施监督工作的重要方法,还是管理水质的重要措施,但在处理水质上仍需要进一步提高,要确立现代化水质检验目标,以满足社会和人们的需求。文章简要叙述了我国农村饮用水的主要检验内容,为加强检验技术提供强有力的参考依据。  相似文献   

2010年亚运会亚运村分质供水系统构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚运村供水方式采用饮用水和杂用水两套分质供水系统,规划总用水量为2.2万m3/d,其中饮用水量为1.4万m3/d,杂用水量为0.8万m3/d.饮用水由沙湾新建水厂和南洲水厂提供,并建设饮用水管网.杂用水系统近期采用河水作为水源,远期则以番禺区前锋污水处理厂市政再生水作为水源,并建设杂用水管网.重点介绍了用水量预测和水源选择等规划内容.  相似文献   

以2004年为基准年,对江门市城市饮用水水源地进行了安全状况评价,结果表明除潭江大泽牛勒水源地外,其余水源地水质均达到了安全评价指标,建议各级水行政主管部门采取相应措施保护饮用水水源地水质。  相似文献   

《室外排水设计规范》(GB 50014—2006,2011版)是对国家标准《室外排水设计规范》(GB50014—2006)的局部修订。2011版规范从目前我国城镇排水建设运行的实际状况出发,通过对排水体制、低影响开发(LID)、排水标准、雨水调蓄和渗透设施等一系列重要内容的补充和修订,解决了原规范中排水标准偏低、无防治城镇积水措施、无雨水综合利用设施等问题,充分体现了我国城镇排水系统在提高污染治理效率、防止城市内涝灾害、保障城镇排水安全等方面所承担的重要作用。对新版设计规范的局部修订条文进行详细解读,以供工程技术人员参考。  相似文献   

引配水对京杭运河杭州段水质的改善预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据平原河网的水动力和水质特点,建立了运河水系河网水质模型,并利用2007年该运河水系河网的实测水位及水质资料对模型进行验证。进行了杭州市主城区引配水方案下的水动力计算,并对设计水动力条件下的运河水质进行预测。结果表明,杭州市主城区引配水方案实施后,运河干流及主要支流水质将有较大改善。  相似文献   

Water quality in the Delaware River, USA, has improved significantly since the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (1948), Clean Water Act of 1972, and authorization of the Delaware River Basin Commission Compact in 1961. Initial economic analysis by the Federal Water Pollution Administration in 1966 concluded the multimillion dollar pollution abatement programme would generate $350 million in annual benefits by improving dissolved oxygen levels to fishable standards in the Delaware River. Although water quality in the Delaware has improved substantially, scientists have called for raising the 1960s dissolved oxygen criteria from 3.5 mg/L to 5.0 mg/L to ensure year‐round propagation of anadromous American shad and Atlantic sturgeon. This higher level would also mitigate atmospheric warming resulting in increased water temperatures and sea water incursion, both of which would lead to reductions in dissolved oxygen saturation in the river. Additional economic valuation of this water quality improvement shows direct use benefits in the Delaware River to range from $371 million to $1.1 billion per year. Other economic sectors benefiting from improved water quality include recreational boating ($46–$334 million), recreational fishing ($129–$202 million), agriculture ($8–$188 million), nonuse value ($76–$115 million), viewing/boating/fishing ($55–$68 million), bird watching ($15–$33 million), property value ($13–27 million), water supply ($12–$24 million), commercial fishing (up to $17 million), and navigation ($7–$16 million). Future economic research is needed in the Delaware River watershed to more precisely measure nonuse benefits by public willingness to pay for improved water quality.  相似文献   

摘要:传统的非充分灌溉理论主要基于水分生产函数考虑产量损失最小或总产量及效益最佳,较少考虑水分-品 质响应关系及其对节水效益的影响。针对此问题,本文归纳了节水调质高效灌溉的生理学、生物学和工程学基 础,探讨了水分-品质响应关系的研究进展与存在的问题。在此基础上,针对特色经济作物构建了基于水分-品质 响应关系的节水调质高效灌溉理论,提出了节水调质高效灌溉的实施思路,阐述了节水调质高效灌溉需要解决的 几个重要科学问题。以期能为充分挖掘作物生理节水潜力,大幅度提高作物水分利用效率和实现节水、丰产、优 质、高效的  相似文献   

刁江水质的时空变化规律及污染防治建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据几年来对刁江水质监测成果资料和排污口调查资料,从时间和空间两因子分析了该江段水质变化规律及其污染对红水河的影响情况,并提出治理措施。  相似文献   

编制《公共浴池水质标准》(CJ/T 325—2010)主要目的是对我国沐浴行业中热水浴池和温矿泉水浴池的水质标准做出规定[区别于《游泳池水质标准》(CJ 244—2007)],弥补我国缺少该项国家水质卫生标准的缺憾。本标准的制定与实施可以更好地防止传染病传播,确保浴池水质卫生,加强水质安全管理、保障人民身体健康。介绍了主要水质指标及限值的制定依据。  相似文献   

Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) is the largest river system draining the northern slopes of the Himalayan ranges on the southern Tibetan Plateau. It remains one of only two large non‐regulated rivers in China. In this paper the chemical composition of Yarlung Tsangpo and its major tributaries (Raga Tsangpo, Nyangchu and Lhasa River) are studied. Water samples (n = 55) were collected and measured for major ions, trace elements and nutrients in order to: (1) define the present chemical quality of this water course; (2) address possible mechanisms governing the water chemical compositions, and (3) identify potential sources for contaminants. Multivariable analysis shows that geology and climate are the major explanatory variables for the spatial variation in water chemistry in this river system. In general, water chemistry is mainly controlled by carbonate weathering, with Ca2+ and HCO being the dominant ions. In addition, runoff from brackish/saline lakes and geothermal waters, enriched in Na+, Cl?, SO, Mg2+ and Li, are major contributors of elevated concentrations of these solutes in the headwater regions resulting in a relatively high loading of total dissolved solids (TDS, 146–397 mg L?1). Levels of most heavy metals and total dissolved nutrients were generally found to be low. However, elevated As concentration (avg. 95 μg L?1) in the headwaters and additions from untreated wastewater were evident at some locations. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Existing hydrological approaches to support the determination of environmental water requirements (EWRs) were largely developed for perennial rivers and may not be applicable to ephemeral rivers, where the quantity and quality dynamics of pool storage and frequency of connection can be more important than flow rates. The current understanding of semi‐arid hydrological processes and how best to apply hydrological models in ephemeral systems is less well developed than for more humid regions. The paper reports on the application of monthly and daily time‐step rainfall‐runoff models to simulating the hydrology (including pool storage) of the Seekoei River basin, a tributary of the Orange River in the Northern Province, South Africa. The hydrological response of the basin is spatially variable, a relatively small part of the basin generating a large proportion of the total stream flow. The outputs from the hydrological models have been used as inputs to a simple water quality mass balance model designed to simulate the total dissolved solids (TDS) of both flow and pool storage. The results from both the water quantity and quality models are encouraging when compared with the available observed data. While there are no data to confirm the simulation results at sub‐basin scales, they do appear to be conceptually acceptable. The conclusion is that the results are adequate to support ecological studies in the determination of EWRs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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