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This article examines whether longitudinal reading trajectories vary by the generational status of immigrant children as they begin formal schooling through the 3rd grade. The results of the hierarchical linear model indicated that 1st and 2nd generation children (i.e., those born in a foreign country and those born in the United States to foreign-born parents, respectively) had higher achievement scores at the spring of kindergarten than did 3rd generation children. Yet, controlling for race/ethnicity and maternal education fully reduced the 1st generation advantage. In addition, 1st generation children grew in reading achievement at a faster rate than did 3rd generation children. Controlling for a host of proximal and distal factors that included demographic, race/ethnic, family, and school characteristics somewhat reduced the association between generational status and rate of growth. First and 2nd generation children continued to increase their reading scores at a faster rate than did 3rd generation children. It is likely that additional factors not measured in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey-Kindergarten cohort, such as selection, cultural, or motivational factors, would be useful in further explaining the immigrant advantage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A group (Group A) of 119 college freshmen whose quantitative (Q) scores on the ACE Psychological Examination were 20 or more points higher than their language (L) scores, were compared with a group (Group B) of 110 students (equated with Group A on Q scores) whose Q and L scores did not differ by more than 4 percentile points. Strong VIB scores for 6 occupational scales and for 3 non-occupational scales were compared for the 2 groups. The Group B, with equal Q and L scores, scored significantly higher than Group A on the Interest Maturity VIB scale. No other differences were significant. "In view of the findings… , IM appears to be related to a balance in development between verbal and quantitative abilities." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Commentary on an article by P. J. Silvia et al. (see record 2008-05954-001) which discusses the topic of divergent thinking. Although their findings appear reasonable, we have two key concerns with regard to these conclusions, 1) the strength of the available construct validity evidence, and 2) the substantive logic underlying the study. The next generation of measures should be applying a domain, strategy, process approach rather than the domain-free, output-based approach recommended by Silvia et al. (2008). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Parental responsibility laws hold parents accountable for the delinquent behaviors of their children even when parents' actions are not the direct cause of an offense. Despite the prevalence of these laws, we know little about their perceived fairness. Is it reasonable to make parents vicariously responsible for outcomes they could not have foreseen and if so, under what circumstances? Our series of three studies addressed those questions by systematically examining the impact of various situational and dispositional factors on public opinions regarding parental responsibility. Respondents attributed most of the responsibility for a crime to the child, and attributions of responsibility to the parents varied as a function of the child's age. Case characteristics including the type of crime committed and the described parents' actions versus inactions did not consistently influence responsibility attributions. We conclude that people feel rather lukewarm about the notion of vicarious parental responsibility and this indifference may be related to issues surrounding the laws' enforcement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies reported that breast-feeding protects children against a variety of diseases, but these studies were generally conducted on "high-risk" or hospitalized children. This paper describes the results of our study on the effects of breast-feeding on rate of illness in normal children with a family history of atopy. METHODS: A historic cohort approach of 794 children with a family history of atopy was used to assess the effects of breast-feeding on illness rates. Family history of atopy was based on allergic diseases in family members as registered by the family physician. Illness data from birth onwards were available from the Continuous Morbidity Registration of the Department of Family Medicine. Information on breast-feeding was collected by postal questionnaire. We then compared rates of illness between children with a family history of atopy who were and who were not breast-fed. RESULTS: Breast-feeding was related to lower levels of childhood illness both in the first and the first three years of life. In the first year of life they had fewer episodes of gastroenteritis, lower respiratory tract infections, and digestive tract disorders. Over the next three years of life they had fewer respiratory tract infections and skin infections. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest a protective effect of breast-feeding among children with a family history of atopy that is not confined to the period of breast-feeding but continues during the first three years of life. Breast-feeding should be promoted in children with a family history of atopy.  相似文献   

An educational project in nursery schools was carried out with the aim to improve children's sleep. Its effectiveness was tested in terms of awareness of families and length of sleep of children. The method was a prevention trial based on the random division of classes of 3-year old into two groups (intervention group and control group) comprising children enrolled in nursery schools in the Rh?ne region (France) in 1992. The project, lasting 2 years, relied on physicians from the community (Maternal, Child Health Service and School Health Service), their role being to mobilise the teaching teams, distribute specific teaching tools and raise awareness of families to respect the sleep patterns of children, during routine medical examinations. The study was carried out in 140 nursery schools with 1,500 children in each group. The evaluation was based on the application of a logistical regression model taking potentially confounding factors into account, and an analysis in sub-groups in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of intervention on particularly exposed groups. The results show: 1) the feasibility of such an intervention among nursery school children on a large scale, 2) the effectiveness of the action, with a reduction of the risk of "poor knowledge" among parents (OR = 0.76), particularly in urban areas, and a reduction in the risk "short nights" in the sub-group of children who had " little sleep at 3 years" in low social class families (OR = 0.50).  相似文献   

Rate responsive cardiac pacemakers are capable of adapting their pacing rate according to metabolic demands in the physical effort and some of the sensors in use even according to such physiological stimuli in which the level of metabolism remains unchanged. Central blood temperature (CVT) could possibly represent a much-needed and searched ideal sensor, which truly reflects physiological processes. In order to verify the response of the thermistor sensor under various physiological conditions, 10 single-chamber VVIR pacemakers Thermos M 02 (Biotronik) were implanted since 1993 through 1995. Our group of patients consisted of 9 men and 1 women. 8 patients had chronic atrial fibrillation with bradycardia and ventricular chronotropic incompetence, 2 patients suffered from the 3rd degree atrioventricular block. The mean age at the time of implant was 62.4 (52-72) years, the mean follow-up period has amounted to 23 (2-32) months. The CVT response to physical exercise was proportional and smooth, especially in the strenuous physical effort. In contrast to some other sensors, CVT exhibited the physiological reaction also in situations in which the metabolic level did not change. It displayed a physiological circadian fluctuation of the pacing rate. Nevertheless, a markedly prolonged reaction time at the onset of physical exercise in the patients who were still "cold" was a shortcoming of this principle. The special sensor lead is a must and only the ventricular pacing is possible. Isolated CVT is not the ideal sensor but it be combined with fast sensors. It will undoubtedly be one of the sensors within the automatic multisensor pacemaker in the forseeable future. (Tab. 1, Fig. 1, Ref. 15.)  相似文献   

Children with unilateral pre- or perinatal brain injury (BI) show remarkable plasticity for language learning. Previous work highlights the important role that lesion characteristics play in explaining individual variation in plasticity in the language development of children with BI. The current study examines whether the linguistic input that children with BI receive from their caregivers also contributes to this early plasticity, and whether linguistic input plays a similar role in children with BI as it does in typically developing (TD) children. Growth in vocabulary and syntactic production is modeled for 80 children (53 TD, 27 BI) between 14 and 46 months. Findings indicate that caregiver input is an equally potent predictor of vocabulary growth in children with BI and in TD children. In contrast, input is a more potent predictor of syntactic growth for children with BI than for TD children. Controlling for input, lesion characteristics (lesion size, type, seizure history) also affect the language trajectories of children with BI. Thus, findings illustrate how both variability in the environment (linguistic input) and variability in the organism (lesion characteristics) work together to contribute to plasticity in language learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to explore the role of childcare history as a potential moderating factor in the development of anxiety in early elementary school. Data were drawn from multiple cycles of the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. At Time 1, the sample included n = 3,100 children aged 4 to 5 years. Based on parent ratings at Time 1, groups of extremely anxious, aggressive, and comorbid children were identified, as well as a comparison group. Parents also reported on children's primary care experiences (e.g., centre-based care, home-based care, no care). Two years later, teachers provided ratings of child anxiety and aggression in elementary school. Results indicated an interaction between early behavioural risk group and childcare type in the prediction of later anxiety. Anxious children who participated in home-based care were significantly less anxious 2 years later than anxious children in the centre-based care or no-care groups. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of the fit between child characteristics and childcare type in the emergence of anxiety in early childhood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The medial preoptic area (mPOA) is a key site for the dopaminergic enhancement of male sexual behavior. Dopamine release increases in the rat mPOA with mating, supporting the critical stimulatory role played by preoptic dopamine on male sexual behavior. However, it has been questioned whether dopamine is specifically related to the occurrence of male sexual behavior and not simply involved in general arousal. To address this question, we asked whether dopamine release in the mPOA is linked to the production of male sexual behavior in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), a species that exhibits a much shorter temporal pattern of copulation than rats and does not have an intromittent organ, resulting in a very different topography of their sexual response. Extracellular samples from the mPOA of adult sexually experienced male quail were collected every 6 min before, during, and after exposure to a female using in vivo microdialysis and analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Extracellular dopamine significantly increased in the presence of a female and returned to baseline after removal of the female. However, quail that failed to copulate did not display this increased release. These findings indicate that it is not solely the presence of a female that drives dopamine release in males, but how a male responds to her. Furthermore, in quail that copulated, dopamine release did not change in samples collected during periods of no copulation. Together, these findings support the hypothesis that dopamine action in the mPOA is specifically linked to sexual motivation and not only to copulatory behavior or physical arousal. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Advances in endoscopic instrumentation and techniques offer new alternatives for safe and effective treatment of urethral strictures. Visual internal urethrotomy, the standard treatment modality, is associated with new scar formation with stricture recurrence. This experience has led to the investigation of alternative techniques which would avoid or ameliorate this result. This article reviews the current literature and discusses these newer approaches, including balloon dilatation, laser urethrotomy, endoscopic urethroplasty, "cut to the light" and "core through" procedures, and urethral wallstent implantation.  相似文献   

Since the proposal of Tolman (1948) that mammals form maplike representations of familiar environments, cognitive map theory has been at the core of debates on the fundamental mechanisms of animal learning and memory. Traditional formulations of cognitive map theory emphasize relations between landmarks and between landmarks and goal locations as the basis of the map. More recently, several models of spatial coding have taken the boundaries of an environment as the basis of the cognitive map, with landmark relations being processed through alternative, operant learning mechanisms. In this review, the evidence for this proposed dichotomy is analyzed. It is suggested that 2 factors repeatedly confound efforts to compare spatial coding based on landmark arrays, formed by 2 or more landmarks, and that based on the boundaries of an environment. The factors are the perceived stability of the landmark arrays and their placement relative to the larger environment. Although the effects of landmark stability and of placement on spatial navigation have been studied extensively, the implications of this work for debates concerning the role of boundaries in cognitive map formation have not been fully realized. It is argued that when these 2 factors are equated between landmark arrays and bounded environments, current evidence supports a commonality of spatial coding mechanism rather than a dichotomy. The analysis places further doubt on the existence of a dedicated geometric module for reorientation and is consistent with models of navigation containing mapping and operant learning components, both taking as input local views (Sheynikhovich et al., 2009). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The impairing effects of alcohol are especially pronounced in environments that involve dividing attention across two or more stimuli. However, studies in cognitive psychology have identified circumstances in which the presentation of multiple stimuli can actually facilitate performance. The “redundant signal effect” (RSE) refers to the observation that individuals respond more quickly when information is presented as redundant, bimodal stimuli (e.g., aurally and visually), rather than as a single stimulus presented to either modality alone. The present study tested the hypothesis that the response facilitation attributed to RSE could reduce the degree to which alcohol slows information processing. Two experiments are reported. Experiment 1 demonstrated the validity of a reaction time model of RSE by showing that adults (N = 15) responded more quickly to redundant, bimodal stimuli (visual + aural) versus either stimuli presented individually. Experiment 2 used the RSE model to test the reaction time performance of 20 adults following three alcohol doses (0.0 g/kg, 0.45 g/kg, and 0.65 g/kg). Results showed that alcohol slowed reaction time in a general dose-dependent manner in all three stimulus conditions with the reaction time (RT) speed-advantage of the redundant signal being maintained, even under the highest dose of alcohol. Evidence for an RT advantage to bimodal stimuli under alcohol challenges the general assumption that alcohol impairment is intensified in multistimulus environments. The current study provides a useful model to investigate how drug effects on behavior might be altered in contexts that involve redundant response signals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individuals are often unable to identify the second target (T2) of two when it is presented within 500 ms after the first target (T1). This “attentional blink” (AB) is attenuated by an emotionally arousing T2. Stress is known to affect cognitive performance, in particular for emotional material. In the present study, we asked whether (a) an emotional T2 reduces the AB when preceded by an emotional T1 and (b) the emotional modulation of the AB is affected by stress. Participants were presented neutral and aversive words as T1 and T2 in rapid serial visual presentation after they were exposed to stress (socially evaluated cold pressor test) or a control condition in a crossover manner. Our results indicate that an aversive T1 extends the AB. Aversive T2 attenuated the AB in the presence of a neutral, but not an aversive, T1. Stress-enhanced T2 detection and high cortisol responses to stress reduced the AB. However, neither stress nor cortisol interacted with the emotionality of the target words. In summary, these findings point to a strong impact of emotional factors on early perceptual experiences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research draws from social cognitive theory to develop a construct known as moral attentiveness, the extent to which an individual chronically perceives and considers morality and moral elements in his or her experiences, and proposes that moral attentiveness affects a variety of behaviors. A series of 5 studies with undergraduates, MBA students, and managers were conducted to create and validate a reliable multidimensional scale and to provide evidence that moral attentiveness is associated with (a) the recall and reporting of self- and others' morality-related behaviors, (b) moral awareness, and (c) moral behavior. Results of the studies suggest that moral attentiveness has a significant effect on how individuals understand and act in their moral worlds. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Premises about the effects of early engagement on achievement were investigated with 383 children who were followed from ages 5.5 to 13.5. Change and continuity in behavioral (cooperative-resistant classroom participation) and emotional (school liking-avoidance) engagement were assessed during Grades 1-3 and were examined within variable- and person-oriented analyses as antecedents of scholastic progress from Grades 1 to 8. Findings corroborated the premises that change as well as continuity in early school engagement is predictive of children's long-term scholastic growth. Compared to children who participated cooperatively in classrooms, those who became increasingly resistant across the primary grades displayed lesser scholastic growth. Among children who manifested enduring engagement patterns, those who exhibited a combination of higher behavioral and emotional engagement across the primary grades made greater academic progress than those who displayed lower levels of these two forms of engagement. Overall, the results of this investigation were consistent with the school engagement hypothesis and extend what is known about the predictive contributions of early school engagement to children's achievement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess the suitability of the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay as a biological dosimeter following in-vivo radiation using cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. METHODS: Blood from 4 healthy donors was irradiated in vitro with gamma-rays and the dose response of induced micronuclei in binucleate lymphocytes following cytokinesis block was determined. Micronucleus frequency was ascertained before and at intervals during radiotherapy treatment in 6 patients with various tumors in the pelvic region. Equivalent whole body doses (physical doses) at these times were calculated from radiation treatment plans and cumulative dose volume histograms. RESULTS: Linear dose response relationships were found for induced micronucleus frequency in lymphocytes resulting from both in-vitro and in-vivo irradiation. Doses resulting from in-vivo irradiation (biological doses) were estimated by substitution of micronucleus frequency observed in radiotherapy patients into the dose response curve from in-vitro irradiation of blood. The relationship between the biologically estimated dose (BD) and the calculated equivalent whole body dose (PD) was BD = 0.868 (+/- 0.043)PD + 0.117 (+/- 0.075). CONCLUSION: The micronucleus assay appears to offer a reliable and consistent method for equivalent whole body radiation dose estimation, although our findings should be confirmed using lymphocytes from radiotherapy patients with tumors at anatomical sites other than the pelvis. Except at doses lower than about ).4 Gy, the method yields dose estimates acceptably close to "true" physically determined doses. The assay can be performed relatively rapidly and can be used as a "first line" biological dosimeter in situations where accidental exposure to relatively high radiation doses has occurred.  相似文献   

K. Lewes's (see record 1998-10061-002) article is seen as an effort to locate the psychopathology and desiring patterns of some gay men in a variant of the Oedipus complex. This commentary questions the value of the Oedipus complex as a theoretical tool in the psychoanalytic formulation of male same-sex eroticism both on clinical and political grounds. It argues that the embedded primary of evaluation and reproduction in the theory of the Oedipal complex inevitably devalues same-sex desire. Equally, it argues that the Oedipus complex's tendency to reinforce gender norms and stereotypes is especially distorting when applied to sample-sex desiring men, in that it may contribute to the analyst's clinical neglect of the role of gender conflict in pathogenesis. The author tries to show this through some examination of K. Lewes's (1998) clinical examples. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This investigation explores the contribution of two working memory systems (the articulatory loop and the central executive) to the performance differences between learning-disabled (LD) and skilled readers. Performances of LD, chronological age (CA) matched, and reading level-matched children were compared on measures of phonological processing accuracy and speed (articulatory system), long-term memory (LTM) accuracy and speed, and executive processing. The results indicated that (a) LD readers were inferior on measures of articulatory, LTM, and executive processing; (b) LD readers were superior to RL readers on measures of executive processing, but were comparable to RL readers on measures of the articulatory and LTM system; (c) executive processing differences remained significant between LD and CA-matched children when measures of reading comprehension, articulatory processes, and LTM processes were partialed from the analysis; and (d) executive processing contributed significant variance to reading comprehension when measures of the articulatory and LTM systems were entered into a hierarchical regression model. In summary, LD readers experience constraints in the articulatory and LTM system, but constraints mediate only some of the influence of executive processing on reading comprehension. Further, LD readers suffer executive processing problems nonspecific to their reading comprehension problems.  相似文献   

In this study the authors conducted single-case analyses of the dosage and time-course effects of methylphenidate (MPH; Ritalin) on disruptive classroom behavior, math and reading performance, and social engagement. Clear individual differences were demonstrated (a) across children (aged 7 yrs) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); (b) across academic, behavioral, and social domains of functioning; (c) for dose-response effects; and (d) in the onset and duration of effects. These results are in contrast to the majority of group studies that suggest a generally positive and linear dose-response effect for MPH across both children and domains of functioning. No particular dose-response relationship between disruptive behavior and academic performance was indicated. However, an increasing dosage of MPH was associated with increasing social withdrawal for 2 of the 3 participants. Implications for school-based medication evaluations and for designing optimal comprehensive interventions for children who receive MPH are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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