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Two experiments, with 16 university students, revealed that errors of identification for alphanumeric characters increased approximately linearly with increased angular deviation from the standard upright orientation. Thus, pattern recognition does not seem to proceed via the extraction of "orientation-invariant features." It is argued that prior failures to discover systematic effects of orientation on the identification of simple patterns may have resulted from the use of RT as a dependent measure. Based on the data from Exp II, it was estimated that as little as 15 msec of processing time may have been sufficient to compensate fully for a 180° rotation of a simple pattern in the present experimental situation. Thus, RT experiments seeking effects of orientation must be designated to detect effects of smaller magnitude than may have been previously anticipated. (French abstract) (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To explore how honeybees, Apis cerana, discriminate the orientation of patterns, we trained workers to discriminate between a black stripe of a certain orientation on a white disc and a pure white disc. We tested trained bees for their ability to discriminate between the trained orientation and deviations from it. This was done either in a dual choice situation where the bees had to choose between the trained orientation and one deviation from it at a time, or in a multiple choice situation where bees had to choose simultaneously between the trained orientation and 11 successive deviations from it. In the dual choice situation, bees did not discriminate behaviourally between the trained orientation and deviations up to 25 degrees, whereas in a multiple choice situation, they discriminated between the trained orientation and a deviation of 15 degrees or more. Thus, orientation can be analysed more precisely in multiple choice experiments. The response of the bees was independent of the orientation of the trained orientation; the 12 different trained orientations all yielded identical results. This finding, considered together with a model that we present for orientation discrimination, suggests that at least three orientation-sensitive channels (a neuron or a set of neurons that respond maximally to a particular orientation) participate in the analysis of pattern orientation. (c) 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

针对图像匹配制导中异源图像匹配难度大的问题,提出一种基于椭圆对称方向矩的可见光与红外图像配准算法.基于最稳定极值区域提取异源图像中具有尺度和仿射不变特性的椭圆区域,利用聚类分割方法从中自动选取具有异源不变性的同质区域特征,用椭圆对称方向矩描述区域特征边界各方向上的相似程度,通过互相关性指标进行特征匹配,获取匹配特征对,利用匹配矫正策略减少误匹配.实验结果表明:较传统算法,进一步提高了可见光与红外图像关联特征的匹配效率,正确率超过了95%,计算时间缩短了近一半.基本满足图像匹配制导对匹配算法实时性好、匹配正确率高、抗干扰能力强等要求.  相似文献   

The structure of the suprarenal venous system of 25 human suprarenal glands has been studied. From a structural point of view, four portions of the suprarenal vein have been distinguished: the proximal section, the hilus section, the section of the prehilus collaterals, and the distal section. In the hilus section and the section of the prehilus collaterals, the structure of the tunica media is more complex. In the hilus section, spiral fibres are found besides the longitudinal muscle fibres. Three strata of fibres can be observed in the section of the prehilus collaterals at the point where these veins drain into the central vein: two longitudinal strata, external and internal, and a third intermediate stratum corresponding to the looped fibres. The spiral and looped fibres, on contracting, can function as a sphincter. The longitudinal fibres, by means of the traction they exert on the stroma and connective capsule of the suprarenal, increase the intraglandular pressure while decreasing the periglandular pressure. A sympathetic stimulus provokes an increase in the secretion of adrenalin, and, at the same time, a contraction of the muscle fibres of the suprarenal venous system. Under these conditions, the venous return makes use of the emissary veins; and in this way, the secreted adrenalin establishes a close contact with the cortico-suprarenal parenchyma.  相似文献   

Following our strategy of using simple discrimination tasks to investigate the primate visual system, we trained both human and monkey subjects for two orientation discrimination tasks: an identification and a successive discrimination. Contrasting these two tasks allowed us to isolate the temporal comparison component and to relate this component to activity in right fusiform gyrus using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and to infero-temporal cortex using a lesion approach in monkeys. Single-cell recordings in infero-temporal cortex demonstrated that neurons in this region can contribute to the three processes underlying temporal comparison: (1) sensorial representation of visual stimuli, (2) maintaining a trace of the preceding stimulus, and (3) comparison of the incoming stimulus with that trace. By the same token, a comparison of these two tasks, which use the same input and the same attribute, demonstrates the task dependency of processing in the human and non-human primate visual system.  相似文献   

Trained 4 large goldfish to choose a vertically oriented grating when it appeared along with gratings of other orientations on a circular field. Ss produced psychometric functions of responses correct as a function of stimulus orientation. 2 psychophysical methods, constant stimuli and stimulus tracking, yielded similar orientation thresholds which ranged from about 14 to 30. of tilt for the 4 Ss. One of these Ss and 2 untrained Ss were subsequently trained to choose a grating tilted 45., and yielded similar thresholds, ranging from 15 to 28.. Results are discussed in relation to orientation detectors which have been investigated neurophysiologically in the visual systems of several species. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The contribution of decision factors to the meridional variations in line orientation discrimination (OD) was determined for 2-alternative forced-choice experimental designs. With K. O. Johnson's (1980) formalization of decision processes in discrimination tasks, 3 decision factors were identified: decision rule, memory variance, and criterial noise. Exp I (with 13 Ss) showed the effect of experimental design on OD to be similar at horizontal and oblique standard orientations, indicating that the meridional variations in OD were not due to a decision rule anisotropy. In Exp II (with 5 Ss) the effect of the interstimulus interval was also found to be similar at both standard orientations, suggesting that the memory variance is isotropic in the orientation domain. Exps III and IV (with a total of 7 Ss) supported the hypothesis that the meridional variations in OD are not due to a criterial noise anisotropy. Results strongly suggest that the oblique effect in OD is due to sensorial factors rather than to decision factors. Therefore, they further support the hypothesis linking the anisotropy of the preferred orientation distribution of Area 17-S cells (a single physiologically defined class of cells in the primary visual cortex) and the meridional variations in OD. (58 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of eccentricity and spatial frequency on the discrimination of vertical and oblique (10 deg from vertical) Gabor patches. Within a display stimuli were scaled by a factor F = 1 + E/E2 at each eccentricity (E) in an attempt to equate either the number of photoreceptors (E2 = 2.5) or cortical area (E2 = 0.77) engaged at each eccentricity. The task was to detect a differently oriented target among eleven distractors. Orientation discrimination asymmetries (ODAs) were found such that an oblique stimulus was easier to detect in a background of vertical stimuli than vice versa. Subjects were equally sensitive to the two highest frequency Gabor patches and less sensitive to the lowest frequency Gabors. When stimuli were scaled with E2 = 2.5 sensitivity was constant at all eccentricities and the ODA magnitude was unaffected. When stimuli were magnified with E2 = 0.77 both sensitivity and ODA magnitude increased with eccentricity. Generally, we may conclude that the ODA effect is not a strictly foveal phenomenon nor is it a strictly high frequency effect.  相似文献   

Change blindness--our inability to detect large changes in natural scenes when saccades, blinks and other transients interrupt visual input--seems to contradict psychophysical evidence for our exquisite sensitivity to contrast changes. Can the type of effects described as 'change blindness' be observed with simple, multi-element stimuli, amenable to psychophysical analysis? Such stimuli, composed of five mixed contrast elements, elicited a striking increase in contrast increment thresholds compared to those for an isolated element. Cue presentation prior to the stimulus substantially reduced thresholds, as for change blindness with natural scenes. On one hand, explanations for change blindness based on abstract and sketchy representations in short-term visual memory seem inappropriate for this low-level image property of contrast where there is ample evidence for exquisite performance on memory tasks. On the other hand, the highly increased thresholds for mixed contrast elements, and the decreased thresholds when a cue is present, argue against any simple early attentional or sensory explanation for change blindness. Thus, psychophysical results for very simple patterns cannot straightforwardly predict results even for the slightly more complicated patterns studied here.  相似文献   

Learning new information requires practice. The degree of learning can be influenced by the amount of practice and whether subjects sleep between sessions. Over-practice, however, can lead to performance deterioration. The interaction between practice-dependent deterioration and sleep-dependent learning needs more study. We examine whether the amount of practice before sleep alters learning, and whether prior sleep protects against deterioration. Two groups (N = 33) were tested three times across two days on an orientation discrimination task. The High practice group was tested twice before a night of sleep and once after, at 9 a.m., 7 p.m., and 9 a.m. The Low practice group was tested once before a night of sleep and twice after, at 7 p.m., 9 a.m., and 7 p.m. Overall, both groups showed (1) deterioration with repeated, within-day testing, (2) performance improvement only after a night of sleep, (3) similar amounts of sleep-dependent learning and practice-dependent deterioration. In summary, we found that sleep resets visual contrast thresholds to a lower baseline (i.e., produces learning), but does not prevent over-practice deterioration effects. Likewise, over-practice deterioration does not influence the magnitude of overnight learning on this task. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We present an overview of behavioral genetics research on homosexual and heterosexual orientation. Family, twin, and adoptee studies indicate that homosexuality and thus heterosexuality run in families. Sibling, twin, and adoptee concordance rates are compatible with the hypothesis that genes account for at least half of the variance in sexual orientation. We note observations of homosexual behavior in animal species, but the analogy to human sexual orientation is unclear. We discuss the reproductive disadvantage of a homosexual orientation and present possible mechanisms that could maintain a balanced polymorphism in human populations.  相似文献   

Responses from 6 subjects show that pupillary changes observed during short-term information processing with retention intervals of 0, 5, and 10 sec. delay occur during recognition memory for tones as well as recall of 7-digit numbers.  相似文献   

Thresholds were measured for five tasks: line detection, intensity discrimination, two-line resolution, vernier acuity and line-orientation discrimination. For each task, 30 arcmin lines were presented foveally in eight retinal meridians to assess similarities in orientation anisotropies across tasks in the same observer. Three observers were tested. The pattern of the orientation anisotropy differs across tasks. Meridional anisotropies exist in detection, increment discrimination thresholds, and vernier acuity but the classical oblique effect is consistently found only in orientation discrimination.  相似文献   

This study examined the ionic mechanism of ibutilide, a class III antiarrhythmic in clinical use, on freshly isolated human atrial cells. Cells had resting potentials of -71.4 +/- 2.4 mV, action potentials with overshoot of 36.8 +/- 1.8 mV, duration of 265 +/- 89 msec at 90% repolarization and slow repolarization (n = 16). Ibutilide, at 10(-7) M, markedly increased action potential duration. Four types of outward currents were detected: Ito, Iso, a delayed rectifier and IK1. Ibutilide had no inhibitory effect on these outward currents at 10(-7) M (n = 28). In K(+)-free solutions and -40 mV holding potential, mean peak inward current at 20 mV was -1478 +/- 103 pA (n = 12). Ibutilide increased this current to -2347 +/- 75 pA at 10(-7) M, with half maximal effect (Kd) of 0.1 to 0.9 nM between -10 and +40 mV (n = 21). At similar concentrations, the drug increased APD, with Kd of 0.7 and 0.23 nM at 70 and 90% repolarization, respectively (n = 8). Ibutilide shifted the mid-point of the steady-state inactivation curve from -21 to -12.2 mV (n = 6), and reduced current decline during repetitive depolarization (n = 5). The drug induced inward current was carried by Na+o through a nifedipine inhibited inward channel because Na+o removal eliminated the effect, and nifedipine abolished the inward current and the drug induced APD prolongation. We propose that a Na+ current through the L-type Ca++ channel mediates ibutilide's potent clinical class III antiarrhythmic action.  相似文献   

3 experiments examined serial pattern learning in younger and older adults. Unlike the usual repeating pattern, the sequences alternated between events from a repeating pattern and those determined randomly. The results indicated that no one was able to describe the regularity, but with practice every individual in all 3 age groups (including old old) became faster, more accurate, or both, on pattern trials than on random trials. Although this indicates that adults of all ages are able to learn second-order statistical dependencies in a sequence, age-related deficits were obtained in the magnitude of pattern learning. There were also age differences in what was learned, with only younger people revealing sensitivity to higher order statistical dependencies in the sequence. In addition, whereas younger people revealed evidence of their pattern learning in a subsequent conceptually driven production test, young-old and old-old people did not. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ethnic identity and other-group orientation were examined as possible moderators and mediators on the effects of personal ethnic discrimination and minority group discrimination in 2 studies of Asian Americans. Results demonstrated that discrimination, particularly when directed personally at an individual, correlated negatively with psychological well-being and correlated positively with distress. Ethnic identity and other-group orientation, however, correlated positively with psychological well-being. Contrary to the main hypothesis, ethnic identity did not moderate or mediate the effects of discrimination, although other-group orientation demonstrated a moderator effect on community well-being. More research on ethnic identity and other-group orientation as protective factors that enable Asian Americans to be resilient against discrimination is necessary to clarify the findings from these studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

(This reprinted article originally appeared in Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1955, Vol 50, 81–88. The following abstract of the original article appeared in PA, Vol 30:4111.) Ss had to predict which of a pair of reinforcing lights would appear following a signal. Uniform reinforcement (conditioning phase) or nonreinforcement (extinction phase) was given in the presence of one stimulus set and 50% random reinforcement in the presence of the other. Correspondence of theory and data, although by no means perfect, tended to support the view that discrimination learning in this situation is a simple resultant of effects of reinforcement and nonreinforcement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although motion-sensitive neurons in macaque middle temporal (MT) area are conventionally characterized using stimuli whose velocity remains constant for 1-3 s, many ecologically relevant stimuli change on a shorter time scale (30-300 ms). We compared neuronal responses to conventional (constant-velocity) and time-varying stimuli in alert primates. The responses to both stimulus ensembles were well described as rate-modulated Poisson processes but with very high precision (approximately 3 ms) modulation functions underlying the time-varying responses. Information-theoretic analysis revealed that the responses encoded only approximately 1 bit/s about constant-velocity stimuli but up to 29 bits/s about the time-varying stimuli. Analysis of local field potentials revealed that part of the residual response variability arose from "noise" sources extrinsic to the neuron. Our results demonstrate that extrastriate neurons in alert primates can encode the fine temporal structure of visual stimuli.  相似文献   

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