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Heart rate variability as an index of regulated emotional responding.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of individual differences in emotional responding can provide considerable insight into interpersonal dynamics and the etiology of psychopathology. Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is emerging as an objective measure of regulated emotional responding (generating emotional responses of appropriate timing and magnitude). This review provides a theoretical and empirical rationale for the use of HRV as an index of individual differences in regulated emotional responding. Two major theoretical frameworks that articulate the role of HRV in emotional responding are presented, and relevant empirical literature is reviewed. The case is made that HRV is an accessible research tool that can increase the understanding of emotion in social and psychopathological processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Do people aggress to make themselves feel better? We adapted a procedure used by G. K. Manucia, D. J. Baumann, and R. B. Cialdini (1984), in which some participants are given a bogus mood-freezing pill that makes affect regulation efforts ineffective. In Study 1, people who had been induced to believe in the value of catharsis and venting anger responded more aggressively than did control participants to insulting criticism, but this aggression was eliminated by the mood-freezing pill. Study 2 showed similar results among people with high anger-out (i.e., expressing and venting anger) tendencies. Studies 3 and 4 provided questionnaire data consistent with these interpretations, and Study 5 replicated the findings of Studies 1 and 2 using measures more directly concerned with affect regulation. Taken together, these results suggest that many people may engage in aggression to regulate (improve) their own affective states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 17(2) of International Journal of Play Therapy (see record 2008-14897-001). A reference was incomplete. The correct reference is Trotter, K., Eshelman, D., & Landreth, G. (2003). A place for Bobo in play therapy. International Journal of Play Therapy, 12, 117-139.] There has been some discussion in the play therapy literature regarding whether to use a Bobo doll (bop bag) in the play therapy room. The following article reviews research studies from the fields of personality, learning, and social psychology, and underlying theories to help inform and assist play therapists in their decision-making regarding Bobo. Suggestions are offered regarding future empirical research in play therapy outcomes and the choices of play materials in the playroom. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigating the dynamic bases of the reported negative relationship of overt aggression to persuasibility postulated that low persuasibility is associated with an overtly aggressive orientation, high persuasibility with a defensive need to inhibit strong aggressive motivation, and medium presuasibility with a relative absence of aggressive motivation and inhibitions against aggression. 3 groups of 15 were selected from an initial sample of 169 1st-grade boys for high, medium, and low presuasibility, and were compared on aggressive motivation and an aggression conflict ratio. The results are that High and Low persuasible (P) Ss have more aggressive motivation than Medium P Ss; High P Ss have a smaller aggression conflict ratio than Low P Ss. The results thus support the initial postulates. (16 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

People sometimes claim they gamble for excitement rather than money. The authors examined in a laboratory analog whether excitement is generated by the expectancy of winning money. Eighty male undergraduate students watched a videotaped horse race with an exciting neck-to-neck finish. Half bet $1 for a chance of winning $7 if they picked the winning horse; the other half predicted the winning horse without wagering. Winning and losing were experimentally manipulated. Participants with a chance to win money showed greater heart rate (HR) elevations and reported more subjective excitement while watching the race compared with those who did not wager. Of students who wagered, the winners showed higher HRs after the end of the race than did those who lost, even though differences in subjective excitement were not statistically significant. The findings suggest that the expectancy of winning money is an important contributing factor to the excitement associated with gambling. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experimental research and popular belief suggest that, among its many effects, alcohol consumption reduces tension and facilitates aggression. Such observations could result from direct, pharmacological effects of alcohol on neural control of behavior but also may be accounted for by positing that drinking behavior activates mental representations of relaxation-related or aggression-related alcohol expectancies in long-term memory. Building on this latter view, in 2 experiments, the authors investigated whether rudimentary drinking-related cues, which presumably activate encoded alcohol expectancies, facilitate tension reduction and hostility in the complete absence of actual or placebo alcohol consumption. In Experiment 1, following contextual exposure to alcohol-related words, individuals with stronger expectancies that drinking reduces tension showed an increased willingness to meet with an opposite-gender stranger under relatively anxiety-provoking circumstances, suggesting that they experienced less apprehension regarding the meeting. Analogously, in Experiment 2, following near-subliminal exposure to alcohol-related words, individuals with stronger expectancies that drinking fosters aggression showed greater hostility toward a target person following an experimentally engineered provocation. Neither of the latter effects was obtained following exposure to nonalcoholic beverage words, which presumably did not activate alcohol outcome expectancy representations in long-term memory. Moreover, the strength of relevant, content-specific expectancies (i.e., for tension reduction or aggression, respectively) moderated alcohol cue exposure effects, but the strength of other expectancies (e.g., for sociability or sexual arousal) did not. Together, these findings demonstrate that exposure to rudimentary alcohol cues independently engenders expectancy-consistent behavior, thereby attesting to the remarkable breadth and subtlety of the behavioral impact of alcohol expectancy activation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationships between two forms of husband sexual aggression (coercion and threatened/forced sex) and husband physical and psychological aggression were examined among a community sample of 164 couples. A stronger relationship between physical and sexual aggression was obtained than in previous research. Husbands' physical and psychological aggression predicted husbands' sexual coercion, but only physical aggression predicted threatened/forced sex. The more severely physically violent subtypes of the A. Holtzworth-Munroe et al. (2000) typology engaged in the most sexual coercion, and the most violent subtype (generally violent/antisocial) engaged in the most threatened/forced sex. In examining C. M. Monson and J. Langhinrichsen-Rohling's (1998) typology, the existence of a sexually violent-only subtype was documented, physically nonviolent husbands were found to engage in sexual coercion, and sexually and physically violent husbands engaged in the highest level of sexual aggression. The utility of using multiple measures, and both spouses' reports, to assess sexual aggression is emphasized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To study differences in the effects of stress exposure and affective responding on aggression in men and women, the authors examined the effects of an acute stressor (air blast) on subsequent aggressive behavior, measured as the intensity of shocks men and women delivered to a putative employee. The authors measured participants' affective responding using the startle reflex. Results showed that although men and women did not differ in their startle responses to the actual stressor, high stress led to contrasting patterns of subsequent aggressive behavior. Women under high stress responded with less aggression than women under low stress, whereas men exposed to high stress exhibited increases in aggression relative to those under low stress. Affective responding during the stressor differentially modulated aggression in men and women: Startle responses predicted increasing levels of aggression in men and less aggression in women. These findings suggest that although men and women show similar basic affective processing in response to stressors, the behavioral profiles associated with stress differ in men and women. These findings have implications for understanding gender differences in the prevalence of internalizing and externalizing psychopathology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Impersonal stressors, not only interpersonal provocation, can instigate aggression through an associative network linking negative emotions to behavioral activation (L. Berkowitz, 1990). Research has not examined the brain mechanisms that are engaged by different types of stress and serve to promote hostility and aggression. The present study examined whether stress exposure elicits more left than right frontal brain activity implicated in behavioral approach motivation and whether this lateralized brain activity predicts stress-induced aggression and hostile/aggressive tendencies. Results showed that (a) participants in the impersonal (assigned to stress by a computer) and interpersonal (assigned to stress by a provoking confederate) stress conditions both showed more left than right frontal electroencephalogram activity after condition assignment and stress exposure and (b) the 2 stress groups exhibited subsequent increases in aggression relative to the no-stress group. Importantly, left frontal asymmetry in response to stress exposure predicted increases in subsequent aggressive behavior, a finding that did not emerge in the no-stress condition. Thus, both the interpersonal and impersonal stressors impacted state changes in brain activity related to behavioral approach, suggesting that stress reactivity involving approach activation represents risk for behavioral dysregulation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Measuring the activity of the autonomic nervous system may yield insights into individual stress levels. One small, nonintrusive instrument for collecting such data is a high-resolution heart rate monitor that allows measurement of heart rate variability (HRV). This complements brain-scanning methods and increases the number of participants that can be studied simultaneously. Combining HRV data with recorded data on the decisions made in experimental games throws light on how different individuals react in (economic) decision-making situations. This article therefore introduces the HRV measurement method and, using data from an ultimatum bargaining experiment in a laboratory environment, illustrates its application in experimental economic research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Together, the results of 3 studies examining heart rate reactivity (HRR) in male batterers do not provide strong support for the I M. Gottman et al (see record 2001-11319-004) batterer typology. All research groups found similar proportions of severely violent male batterers who show heart rate increases or decreases during a marital conflict discussion, but there was inconsistent validation of this taxonomy on variables of interest. This difference was also found among less violent and nonviolent men. The authors believe HRR may be useful for differentiating batterers on the dimension of anger-hostility but are less optimistic that HRR will reliably identify psychopathic or antisocial batterers. The authors do not agree that low levels of marital interaction conflict led to their failure to replicate. Reanalysis of data from I C. Meehan, A. Holtzworth-Munroe, and K. Herron (2001) suggests baseline artifacts may be an important determinant of HRR differences. Methodological changes may improve the reliability of HRR assessment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A sample of 489 employed men between 32 and 36 years old responded to questions concerning rates of having engaged in workplace aggression and conflict. These individuals also completed a personality inventory and questionnaires related to past antisocial behavior and alcohol abuse. Consistent with prior research, workplace aggression and conflict were significantly correlated with particular personality variables (stress reaction, aggression, and control) as well as with general past antisocial behavior and alcohol abuse. Furthermore, these relationships were moderated by the perception of being victimized by others (alienation), with such perceptions strengthening associations between workplace aggression and other risk factors. These interaction effects, which cannot plausibly be attributed to the use of a self-report criterion, could have important implications for understanding and predicting aggression and conflict behavior within organizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Stress reduction and prevention edited by Donald Meichenbaum and Matt E. Jaremko (1983). In this edited volume, Meichenbaum and Jaremko extend the heuristic value of the stress management paradigm by having a number of researchers present their observations and programmes under the stress inoculation training umbrella. The organizational tactic is a success, as the book contains a wealth of theoretical and practical information dealing with stress management and prevention. The book is divided into three sections. The goal of the first section is to have the contributors survey the literature on stress and coping and to demonstrate the practical implications of their research. The second section of the book deals exclusively with the stress inoculation training paradigm. The third and final section represents the heart of the book. The reader is led through a number of interesting and novel applications of stress inoculation training. The editors are to be commended for this book--it is definitely worth purchasing (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adequate short-term responses to stressors are of great importance for the health and well-being of individuals and factors modulating the physiological stress response (e.g., controllability, suddenness, familiarity) of a stimulus are well described under laboratory conditions. In the present study we aimed at investigating the stress response in greylag geese (Anser anser) in the field, confronting individuals with naturally occurring stressors. We measured beat-to-beat heart rate (HR) via fully implanted transmitters during three different experimental challenges: (1) catching and holding, (2) confrontation with a model predator, and (3) approach by different humans. We compared this to a control period and HR during agonistic encounters, a naturally occurring stressor. All three experimental situations evoked a HR increase. Highest HR responses were elicited by catching and holding the animals. In the third experiment, HR responses were greatest when the geese were approached by a human stranger (i.e., somebody the geese have never seen before). Hence, geese discriminated between different kinds of stressors and adjusted their physiological response depending on the type of stressor. Our results show that geese were able to discriminate between individual humans. In line with a number of lab studies, we suggest that particularly the controllability of certain situation determines the intensity of the HR response, also in a natural setting in the field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined heart-rate responses to alcohol consumption and video lottery terminal (VLT) play. Regular VLT players (30 probable pathological gamblers [PPGs]; 30 nonpathological gamblers [NPGs]) were randomized to an alcohol (mean postdrinking blood alcohol concentration = 0.056%) or placebo condition. Heart rate was recorded at pre- and postdrinking baselines and during VLT play. Consistent with an earlier study (S. H. Stewart, P. Collins, J. R. Blackburn, M. Ellery, & R. Klein, 2005), alcohol-condition participants displayed elevated heart rates relative to placebo-condition participants only at postdrinking and VLT play. Moreover, alcohol-condition participants showed a greater heart rate increase to VLT play than did placebo-condition participants. However, PPGs were not more susceptible to alcohol- and/or VLT play-induced heart rate accelerations than were NPGs. Implications for gambling/alcohol-disorder comorbidity are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Under what circumstances are spouses more or less likely to engage in aggressive behaviors? To address this question, the current study drew on multiple longitudinal assessments of 1st-married newlyweds to examine correlates of within-subject variability in aggressive behavior. Controlling for marital satisfaction, the authors found that spouses were more likely to engage in physical aggression at times when they engaged in higher levels of psychological aggression. Additionally, husbands reporting higher levels of chronic stress were more likely to engage in physical aggression overall and were more likely to engage in physical aggression when they were experiencing higher than average levels of acute stress. These results highlight how demands and supports in the context external to a marriage may affect processes within the marriage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To examine the relationship between Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED; a psychiatric diagnosis characterized by episodes of affective aggression) and adverse physical health outcomes. Design: A large epidemiological sample drawn from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiological Surveys (N = 10,366), was used to compare participants with a lifetime diagnosis of IED (n = 929) to those without any history of IED (n = 9,437) on demographic variables (age, education, gender, race) common risk factors (smoking status, body mass index, substance use disorders, past accident or injury requiring treatment, major depression) and the presence of 12 adverse health outcomes. Main Outcome Measures: History of heart attacks, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, lung disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, back/neck pain, ulcer, headaches, and other chronic pain. Results: Logistic regression analysis controlling for demographic and other risk factors indicated that IED was associated with 9 of the 12 adverse physical health outcomes (coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, back/neck pain, ulcer, headaches, and other chronic pain). Only cancer, heart attacks, and lung disease were not significantly related to IED. Conclusion: IED may be a risk factor for several significant adverse physical health outcomes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individual differences in high-frequency heart rate variability (HRV) have been conceptualized in terms of a greater capacity to self-regulate problematic outcomes, but have also been conceptualized in terms of greater moment-to-moment flexibility. From a self-regulation perspective, higher HRV should be inversely correlated with trait neuroticism and problematic daily outcomes. From a flexibility perspective, high HRV should result in more state-like functioning—that is, functioning that is more contextual and less trait-like in nature. In the latter case, HRV and trait neuroticism may interact to predict problematic outcomes such that neuroticism should be a less consequential predictor at higher levels of HRV. The flexibility perspective was systematically supported in a daily experience-sampling protocol. Implications focus on theories of neuroticism and HRV. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although evolutionary perspectives such as the inclusive fitness theory (Hamilton, 1964) have made unique contributions to explaining human altruism, their implications for interpersonal and intergroup aggression have remained largely overlooked. It is advanced that many of the same kin-based psychological mechanisms that promote altruism and prosocial behavior can be used in a similar fashion to promote or deter aggression and antisocial behavior. On the basis of a conceptual framework that incorporates evolutionary and social psychological constructs, a kinship, acceptance, and rejection model of altruism and aggression (KARMAA) is proposed. The KARMAA bridges the conceptual gap between human altruism and aggression, unites altruism and aggression under the common rubric of evolutionary psychology, and incorporates two key proximal constructs--social acceptance and rejection--that mediate the direct links between kinship cues and altruism, and between kinship insults and aggression, respectively. A critical review of the extant empirical literature supports the proposed links that comprise the KARMAA. The limitations of the KARMAA, as well as its broader implications for researching interpersonal and intergroup aggression, are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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