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介绍了韩国宽带业务的现状:宽带普及率世界最高、宽带运营商的实力在亚太最强、继续提高宽带普及率和接入速度、积极发展无线和卫星宽带业务。认为用户的文化程度、特殊的地理环境和人口分布、政府的支持、高度竞争的市场、设备制造业的保障等是推动韩国宽带业务高速发展的主要原因。  相似文献   

近年来,欧洲和亚洲部分国家的宽带网络高速发展,引领全球宽带市场。在亚洲,韩国和日本的发展尤为突出,就宽带普及率和FTTX看,这两个国家的发展水平高于欧洲,在全球市场位居前列。  相似文献   

“他山之石,可以攻玉”,我们不妨借鉴一下韩国、日本、英国、德国、新加坡、美国的宽带业务成功的发展经验和状况,来推进我国宽带市场的发展。  相似文献   

随着宽带业务用户数量的激增和内容的日益丰富,我国宽带市场的环境也出现了深刻化的客户需求,尚不完善的产业链等等问题也为宽带产业的发展带来了一定的挑战。  相似文献   

本文探讨了宽带内容服务的提供策略及宽带环境下产业各环节应采取的合作方式;同时,通过分析宽带内容市场与宽带的区别,提出了宽带市场的发展道路。  相似文献   

产业环境。我国宽带市场步入了快速成长阶段,但普及率仍大大低于发达国家,我们应继续加快宽带发展,中国电信等运营商要进一步加大对宽带网络的投资,并继续联合自己的战略合作伙伴,着力开发更多能够吸引用户的内容应用,以此激活整个产业链,促进宽带市场的发展。  相似文献   

国内外宽带业务市场的发展及参考策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在信息化建设中,随着IP网络应用的普及,宽带业务的丰富化、个性化、融合化和多媒体化已经成为用户新的需求趋向。介绍了韩国、美国、日本、德国以及中国部分省、市宽带业务的发展情况及一些参考策略,对中国宽带业务市场发展中存在的问题进行了总结,并提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

姚群峰  刘旭峰  张磊 《世界电信》2005,18(8):18-21,39
韩国电信通信子公司KTH提供宽带应用运营服务,其成功经验对我国电信企业具有借鉴意义。从商业模式的角度分析其成功原因。首先研究了韩国的宽带发展环境,分析了KTH发展宽带应用运营的业务模式,重点分析了KTH的商业模式,包括在宽带应用价值链上的定位、与CP的合作模式、培养CP的模式、与CP的分成模式,最后提出几点借鉴意义。  相似文献   

移动通信以及宽带因特网接人市场已经成为驱动韩国信息技术的主要力量。韩国的宽带因特网接人渗透率现在处于世界的领先位置。根据国际电信联盟的数字,韩国的因特网渗透率是世界第二(6.3%),仅位列冰岛的67.5%和瑞典的63.8%之后。目前韩国政府最引人注目的一个项目是部署宽带聚合网(BCN broadband conversence network)。BON被看作是韩国欲制造一个结合有线和无线通信、广播以及数字传输的合一的服务环境的最重要的努力,  相似文献   

雷震洲 《世界电信》2004,17(10):6-10,26
韩国是全球宽带接入发展最快的国家之一,也有一套用全缜密的规划和行之有效的发展措施。从发展策略、网络建设和应用服务三个方面详知介绍了韩国宽带发展的历史、现状和走向.揭示了它们之间的关系和目前应用领先.推动发展的市场特点。  相似文献   

《Multimedia, IEEE》2003,10(2):12-14
South Korea has found the killer application for broadband services: online gaming. Korea's broadband revolution has taken much of the world by surprise. In 2001, Korea had a third of all asymmetric digital subscriber lines (ADSL) in the world. In January 2003, Korea's Ministry of Information and Communication announced that 26.27 million South Koreans had access to broadband, more than 50 percent of the population. In comparison, the penetration rate in the US and the European Union is barely 10 percent. The overall market for video games, both online gaming and packaged software, is growing faster than the market for movies and music.  相似文献   

The present study explores the economic and public policy factors that have contributed South Korea’s global leadership in broadband adoption. In particular, the authors explore the economic and public policy factors shaping telecommunication development in South Korea, employing a conceptual framework that explicates a triangular relationship between the government, service providers, and users.

Data used in the study are based on government statistics, company-published information, and secondary sources. Our analysis suggests that (1) the Korean government’s cyber vision plan has provided an open market that encourages competition, as the dramatic growth of the broadband market in Korea is the culmination of appropriate government policy, growing demand, and fierce market competition based on responsive supply, and (2) operators can benefit from consolidation as well as multiple revenue sources generated by new services in order to remain competitive.  相似文献   

Penetration of broadband services is seen as a key for developing Europe into an information society. This paper provides an overview of broadband policies in the EU, South Korea, Japan and US. On this background, the paper discusses how active policy can stimulate the demand for broadband services.  相似文献   

With the growing popularity of the Internet, Korea has been successful in providing broadband Internet services to the level of universal service. More than 70 percent of households have high-speed Internet connection, and their lives have been changed dramatically. The cutting edge technology of broadband Internet has a profound impact on many aspects of the economy, education, entertainment, and social culture. This article addresses the experiences and future perspectives of KT (formerly Korea Telecom) in providing the broadband network and services in Korea. We present our experiences in the deployment of the world's largest ADSL network, and our ongoing deployment of VDSL and WLAN. Based on the accomplishment in broadband access, we also provide a forecast on the next generation of broadband services and the corresponding technologies required to support these services.  相似文献   

熊四皓 《世界电信》2001,14(6):46-49
目前各种宽带接入技术层出不穷,且各具特色,究竟哪种技术会成为未来宽带接入的主流,不同的国家和运营商会有不同的选择。我国的宽带接入市场中,以太网接入市场份额最大;ADSL因Internet的发展而快速崛起;宽带无线接入的市场也即将启动。  相似文献   

随着技术和设备的逐渐成熟,2006年HSDPA开始在全球规模商用,成为全球通信市场的亮点。在无线宽带化和宽带无线化的大趋势下,各种宽带无线新技术层出不穷,其中,HSPA发展前景最大,将成为无线宽带市场的主导力量,以WiMAX为代表的宽带无线接入技术将获得一定的市场空间。从整个移动运营商技术策略的发展来看,在市场细分的驱动下,各种无线宽带技术开始走向融合。  相似文献   

区海英 《电信科学》2002,18(7):38-41
本文介绍了中国接入网市场的发展情况,比较了几种不同宽带接入方式的优劣,详细分析了VDSL在广州市的市场前景,并进一步提出了具体的业务推广方案。  相似文献   

As broadband access networks are relatively new in Greece, it is really difficult and involves great risk to determine the potential market for broadband services. The intent of this paper is to add to the discussion of delivering fixed broadband lines to customers in Greece taking into account regulation issues, the strategic movements of the market key players and the commonly admitted inequality of broadband access availability between urban and rural areas. In addition, using time-series analysis and examining the correlations between the number of fixed broadband lines and specific demographic factors for the past three years (mid 2006–mid 2009), an attempt to estimate empirically the forthcoming demand for broadband lines is conducted. Population’s income and effective competition are recognized as the strongest determinants of broadband development. In addition, it yields that demand for broadband will continue to have a positive trend for the years to come as people are becoming more and more familiar with new technologies, with youth being the pioneer to the use of innovative services that require broadband access.  相似文献   

我国WLAN建设思路探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国电信市场的进一步开放以及宽带市场的逐步成熟,近几年国内各大运营商都在建设WLAN。WLAN正受到国际和国内电信行业越来越多的重视。在热点地区部署WLAN节点以提供宽带多媒体业务的接入,是各大运营商争夺宽带数据多媒体业务市场的手段之一。WLAN的建设有利于提高各大运营商的市场竞争力。  相似文献   

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