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根据SmithersPira的最新研究,2011年全球数字印刷包装和标签业市场价值为48亿美元。这份题为《包装数字印刷未来》的研究报告称:这个市场正在迅速增长,到2016年,这一数字有望接近122亿美元,2011年到2016年之间的复合年均增长率(CAGR)将达到20.6%,这相当于在2011年生产370亿印A4,2016年将达759亿印张。  相似文献   

The assessment of ocular irritation potential is an important part of safety testing for cosmetic and consumer products. The purpose of this investigation was to examine ocular irritancy levels elicited in humans by various categories of a specific class of cosmetic and consumer products that have a potential to enter the eye inadvertently during use. Test materials assessed belonged to one of seven categories, which included liquid make-up, shampoo, baby wash, mascara, eye make-up remover, powder eye shadow, and facial cleanser. These test materials were evaluated by human ocular instillation, followed by examinations, for which subjective perceptions of irritation were recorded, and component areas of ocular tissues were individually examined for inflammation and for the area and density of fluorescein staining patterns at 30 s and at 5, 15, 60, and 120 min post-instillation. Subjective and objective ocular irritation scores of 410 eyes were analyzed by product classification. Average score levels were determined for subjective responses, inflammation, and fluorescein staining patterns. This investigation determined that irritation levels of the evaluated test materials varied markedly with respect to product category, type of ocular irritation, and ocular tissue, demonstrating that these factors are important considerations for the prediction of the ocular irritancy of a test material.  相似文献   

The large volume and complex organisational structure of sensory analysis data places particular demands on any database management system. Key advantages of a sensory database include independence of file structure, data organisation and data type, metadata, the ability to form multiple relationships and a standardised interface which allows interaction with a variety of sensory software packages. This paper discusses these issues in some detail.  相似文献   

针对服装生产企业高能耗的现状,分析了企业高能耗的原因,然后从照明节能、缝纫设备节能、熨烫设备节能3个方面探讨了节能降耗的有效对策与措施,并提出几种不同的改造方案,经过可行性分析、投资回收期计算等方面的综合分析找出最适合服装生产企业的改造方案.针对中小型企业缺乏改造资金,无力承担投资和技术风险的现状,提出采用国外比较成熟...  相似文献   

冬去春来,万物复苏,流行病也潜滋暗长.无论是雾霾天气还是流行病发生,人们习惯于戴口罩出门.目前,整个世界都在关注发生在中国的H7N9禽流感.每当发生疫情,用得最多的是口罩,而全世界口罩却没有适用于所有国家的标准.目前医用口罩和工业口罩都有专业标准,但民用口罩并无专门的安全标准,挑选起来很令人纠结. 在这个冬季,弥漫中国许多地区的雾霾天气让平日里无人问津的口罩热销,那么,这些口罩能防护PM2.5、阻隔微尘颗粒吗?由于我们使用的口罩并无统一的鉴定标准,只能凭价格区别好坏.价格相差数千倍的口罩有何悬殊?无统一的鉴定标准导致很多口罩质量良莠不齐,除了留下一阵喧嚣,很难界定防护PM2.5口罩的真假.  相似文献   

浸胶帘子布横向收缩问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从浸胶液的作用、伸张作用、张力不匀的影响和弧形扩布器的扩布效果几方面分析了帘子布产生横向收缩的机理。认为造成帘子布横向收缩的主要原因是伸张、经丝纬纱收缩及直径变化、纬纱沿布面弯曲,降低收缩率必须提高织机性能、选用重型或特重型织机,注意经丝原料性能和经丝张力的均匀稳定,适当调节弧形扩布器。  相似文献   

渐近分析中的经典最速下降法近十年来出现的重要新发展-超渐近展开,使人们对于历史上名的Stokes现象实质有了更深刻的认识。然而,有关这方面的资料却各自独立且不易读懂,尤其缺少思路清晰的综述。本力求通俗自然概括整理出其中的主要成果,有些地方不得不根据作的理解作了改动与补充,一些概念的中译名亦仅供参考。  相似文献   

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