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30 undergraduates completed the Depression Adjective Check List daily for 14–28 days to evaluate differences in depressed mood level and variability across time among Ss grouped on the basis of irrational beliefs, as measured by the Idea Inventory. As hypothesized, high levels of irrational thinking were associated with greater intensity and variability of depressed mood. Data provide partial confirmation for A. Ellis's (1962) theory of emotional disturbance, which holds that persons whose thinking is more dominated by irrational beliefs are more influenced by unpleasant experiences. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The cognitive components of relationship distress have received increasing recognition from marital therapists. In particular, attention has focused on the beliefs people hold about intimate relationships and how these beliefs may adversely affect relationship quality. The present study describes the development and validation of an inventory measuring 5 such dysfunctional relationship beliefs. This Relationship Belief Inventory (RBI) was administered to 95 25–69 yr old clinical and 52 18–69 yr old nonclinical couples along with measures of marital functioning (the Marital Adjustment Test) and The Irrational Beliefs Test. Results demonstrate internal consistency, convergent validity, and construct validity for the RBI scales. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

293 psychiatric outpatients provided data to test the symptom specificity and final common pathway hypotheses about symptoms of depression and anxiety. The symptom specificity hypothesis predicts that the symptoms reported by a depressed or anxious patient depend on the dysfunctional beliefs he or she endorses. In contrast, the final common pathway hypothesis predicts that symptoms are unrelated to the types of beliefs the patient endorses. These hypotheses were tested in the context of theories that emphasize the importance of dysfunctional beliefs about achievement and attachment. Only limited support for the symptom specificity hypothesis was obtained; support was strongest for the link between attachment beliefs and anxiety symptoms. Relationships between symptoms and dysfunctional beliefs did not depend on psychiatric diagnosis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The literature on empathy, primarily from counseling and psychotherapy and secondarily from social and developmental psychology, is reviewed. Obstacles that may account for theoretical confusions and empirical difficulties in studying empathy are highlighted. The decrease in empathy research in recent years appears attributable to the lack of clear focus and effective research tools as well as the shift in interest from empathy to other concepts such as the working alliance. It is argued that there is a need to return to studying empathy. Researchers should distinguish between dispositional and experiential empathy and between intellectual empathy and empathic emotions and indicate whether they are examining therapist or client experience of empathy. Suggestions for future research are offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Individuals suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) hold dysfunctional beliefs about worry. The present study assessed the changes among 37 GAD patients (mean age 41 yrs) before and after a cognitive-behavioral treatment. Results show that dysfunctional beliefs were significantly reduced after treatment compared to a waiting list control group. This result supports the importance of assessing and targeting beliefs about worry in the treatment of GAD patients. The role of dysfunctional beliefs about worry in GAD is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored the influence of elated and depressed moods on (a) the affective evaluation of sentences and (b) efficiency in learning these sentences. 105 college students were given sentences from Time magazine that were modified to insure structural equivalence and selected to elicit pleasant and unpleasant reactions. Ss were asked to rate the sentences on affect, memorize them, and recall them. Results indicate that elated moods facilitate the clear differentiation between pleasant and unpleasant sentences as well as the remembrance of them. Depressed moods lead to indifferent evaluations, less recall of propositions, and more total zero recall. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The field of travel medicine is undergoing rapid change. Vaccination recommendations change with disease outbreaks, emerging infections and the availability of new vaccines. The following information on typhoid and cholera vaccination should be used in conjunction with up to date information and individualised for each traveller. It is emphasised that vaccination forms just part of the pretravel health consultation and does not replace the need for appropriate preventive advice and information.  相似文献   

Comments on the article "Psychology and Phenomenology: A Clarification" by H. H. Kendler (see record 2005-05480-003). Kendler contrasted objective phenomena going on in the mind with phenomenological convictions. He concluded, on the basis of a thoughtful analysis, that scientific psychology cannot validate moral principles, which have to be agreed upon by discussion among educated members of a democratic community. He recommended psychological research on the consequences of social policies that may facilitate humans' decisions. I argue that research on the nature of phenomenological convictions is useful as well, enabling human beings to amend their strategies when reasoning about moral values. Scientific psychology can contribute to moral reasoning not only by examining social consequences of certain policies but also by highlighting the very process, starting from phenomenological convictions and ending in moral values within a community. Thus, psychological research contributes to the reflection of how members of a community exert their freedom and may give them the opportunity to enhance their reasoning and negotiation procedures. Scholars have to be humble and admit that the limit to this enhancement lies in the limitations of human reasoning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies examined how destiny beliefs (that potential relationships are or are not "meant to be") interact with state attachment anxiety to predict forgiveness tendencies. In Study 1, participants experienced an experimental manipulation of attachment anxiety (vs. security) before indicating the degree to which they would forgive a series of hypothetical partner offenses. In Study 2, participants reported every 2 weeks for 6 months (14 waves in total) on offenses enacted by their partner and indicated the degree to which they forgave the partner, both concurrently and 2 weeks later. Consistent with predictions, results revealed Destiny Beliefs × State Attachment Anxiety interaction effects: Strong (relative to weak) destiny beliefs predicted reduced forgiveness tendencies for individuals experiencing state attachment anxiety, but such beliefs were not associated with forgiveness for individuals experiencing state attachment security. Results from Study 2 suggest that this interaction effect was significantly mediated through trust in the partner. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article discusses the common themes in this special issue of Consulting Psychology Journal on "Leadership Development" and summarizes some of the current issues in leadership development. A particular focus is on using an integrated model or framework to guide leadership development efforts. Emphasis is also placed on assessment of leadership development programs. Finally, expectations for future research and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments assessed the effects of mood on symptom appraisal, health behavior self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and perceptions of vulnerability. Ss in Experiments 1 and 2 were acutely ill, whereas Ss in Experiment 3 were healthy. In each experiment, happy, sad, and neutral moods were induced. In Experiment 1, Ss who experienced sadness reported more aches and pains and greater discomfort than happy Ss. Sad Ss were less confident that they could carry out illness-alleviating behaviors. Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that mood's influence of vulnerability perceptions is moderated by health status. Although mood had little impact on perceptions of vulnerability among ill Ss, probability estimates of future negative health-relevant events among healthy Ss were mood sensitive. Seeing oneself as invulnerable to future negative events was accentuated among happy Ss and attenuated among sad Ss. Mood may be an important determinant of care seeking, adherence, and recovery from illness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Do people aggress to make themselves feel better? We adapted a procedure used by G. K. Manucia, D. J. Baumann, and R. B. Cialdini (1984), in which some participants are given a bogus mood-freezing pill that makes affect regulation efforts ineffective. In Study 1, people who had been induced to believe in the value of catharsis and venting anger responded more aggressively than did control participants to insulting criticism, but this aggression was eliminated by the mood-freezing pill. Study 2 showed similar results among people with high anger-out (i.e., expressing and venting anger) tendencies. Studies 3 and 4 provided questionnaire data consistent with these interpretations, and Study 5 replicated the findings of Studies 1 and 2 using measures more directly concerned with affect regulation. Taken together, these results suggest that many people may engage in aggression to regulate (improve) their own affective states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The influence of simple carbohydrate, complex carbohydrate, protein, and delayed meal conditions on plasma tryptophan ratios and mood of normal Ss was investigated. In Exp 1, 27 women consumed 1 of 4 meal conditions, had blood samples drawn, and completed mood assessment measures before and at 5 times during the next 3 hrs. Exp 2 replicated Exp 1 except that blood samples were not drawn and an additional simple carbohydrate condition was included. The carbohydrate meal conditions elevated blood glucose levels and plasma ratio of tryptophan to other large neutral amino acids over that of the protein condition. A decline in feelings of fatigue and distress occurred 30 min postprandial regardless of condition and persisted for the rest of the study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A recent article by E. C. Poulton (see record 1978-20232-001) attempted to reinterpret a number of studies on the effects of noise by claiming that the results were due to acoustic masking. It is suggested that the article ignored or misrepresented the controls and checks made in each of the studies concerned. Every test of the theory has been inconsistent with it, and it appears to be based on a misapprehension concerning units of noise measurement. More positively, 3 effects on performance during noise appear to have been established, as well as 2 changes of a social psychological nature. The question of whether these 5 effects can have a common explanation is discussed and is tentatively answered in the negative. (74 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The dependence of the Simon effect on the correspondence of the previous trial can be explained by the conflict-monitoring theory, which holds that a control system adjusts automatic activation from irrelevant stimulus information (conflict adaptation) on the basis of the congruency of the previous trial. The authors report on 4 experiments showing that conflict adaptation is mediated by task structure as well as previous congruency. Experiment 1 showed that for 2 completely segregated sets of stimulus-response pairs there was no conflict adaptation across sets. However, if the stimulus sets overlapped for 2 separate response sets, conflict adaptation could be observed across the response sets. Experiment 2 showed that this effect was not due to the use of stimulus-response sets lateralized to 1 hemisphere each. Experiment 3 showed that if response sets are common for 2 separate stimulus sets, then conflict adaptation can again be observed across sets. Finally, Experiment 4 showed local control effects in the absence of confounding feature-overlap effects. These results indicate that deployment of control as evidenced by conflict adaptation reflects task structure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When people are asked to assess or compare the value of experienced or hypothetical events, one of the most intriguing observations is their apparent insensitivity to event duration. The authors propose that duration insensitivity occurs when stimuli are evaluated in isolation because they typically lack comparison information. People should be able to evaluate the duration of stimuli in isolation, however, when stimuli are familiar and evoke comparison information. The results of 3 experiments support the hypothesis. Participants were insensitive to the duration of hypothetical (Experiment 1) and real (Experiment 2) unfamiliar experiences but sensitive to the duration of familiar experiences. In Experiment 3, participants were insensitive to the duration of an unfamiliar noise when it was unlabeled but sensitive to its duration when it was given a familiar label (i.e., a telephone ring). Rather than being a unique phenomenon, duration neglect (and perhaps other forms of scope insensitivity) appears to be a particular case of insensitivity to unfamiliar attributes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined whether psychiatrically disturbed adults have higher mean MMPI profile elevations than parents of disturbed children. It was found that parents attending an adult psychiatric outpatient clinic had higher elevations on the clinical scales than child guidance clinic parents. The 2 groups were similar in MMPI code types. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss ecological momentary assessment (EMA) studies on mood disorders and mood dysregulation, illustrating 6 major benefits of the EMA approach to clinical assessment: (a) Real-time assessments increase accuracy and minimize retrospective bias; (b) repeated assessments can reveal dynamic processes; (c) multimodal assessments can integrate psychological, physiological, and behavioral data; (d) setting- or context-specific relationships of symptoms or behaviors can be identified; (e) interactive feedback can be provided in real time; and (f) assessments in real-life situations enhance generalizability. In the context of mood disorders and mood dysregulation, we demonstrate that EMA can address specific research questions better than laboratory or questionnaire studies. However, before clinicians and researchers can fully realize these benefits, sets of standardized e-diary questionnaires and time sampling protocols must be developed that are reliable, valid, and sensitive to change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors postulated a model in which children's perceptions of their parents' job insecurity indirectly affect their grade performance through the effects of beliefs in an unjust world and negative mood. A total of 127 undergraduate students (55 male, 72 female) completed questionnaires on their perceptions of their parents' job insecurity and their own beliefs in an unjust world and negative mood. The parents reported on their own job insecurity. In addition, students provided their course grades from the previous semester 3 months after completing the questionnaires. Support for the proposed model was provided using LISREL VIII. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

FixL is a ferrous heme protein whose kinase activity is inhibited by oxygen. Here we show that met-FixL, which is the ferric unliganded form, has the same activity as deoxy-FixL, the ferrous unliganded form, indicating that activity does not depend on the oxidation state of the heme iron. The ferric derivative fluoro-FixL is fully active, indicating that the presence of a heme ligand is not sufficient to cause kinase inhibition. An inverse relation between the rate of autophosphorylation of ferric FixL and the fractional saturation with cyanide shows that the cyanomet form has zero activity. All our active derivatives were high-spin, while our inactive derivatives were low-spin. In mixtures of high- and low-spin FixL, resulting from partial saturation with low-spin ligands, the activity was that which would be expected for the concentration of the high-spin component alone. Therefore the spin state of the heme iron rather than the oxidation state or presence of ligands must be the factor that controls FixL's kinase activity. On transition from low to high spin, the heme iron moves out of the porphyrin plane by 0.4 A. We propose that, as in hemoglobin, this motion triggers a long-range conformational change which in FixL is responsible for a switch to an active form.  相似文献   

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