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Loop细分曲面的自适应等距面生成算法与实现 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出一种精确快速生成有边界等距 L oop细分曲面的新算法 ,其核心思想是 :从控制网格顶点在 L oop细分曲面上的位置 ,按照给定的等距值 ,沿其法矢正 (反 )向等距 ,通过解线性方程组求出等距后的控制网格 ,然后检测等距误差 ,对部分超过给定等距精度的控制网格进行局部自适应细分 ,重新生成等距面并检测误差 ,直至整个细分等距曲面满足精度要求 ,所生成的等距细分曲面除局部 C1 外其余 C2 连续。实例表明 :本算法高效稳定 ,生成的等距细分曲面已完全满足实际工程需要。 相似文献
自适应混合细分算法研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
提出一种适用于三角形和四边形组成的混合网格的自适应细分算法 ,该自适应细分过程通过二面角的阀值来控制 ,在拓扑分裂时将自适应细分与混合细分有效结合。实例表明 ,该算法运算效率高 ,在细分过程中能够大幅度地控制网格的增长 ,获得效果良好的曲面 相似文献
针对由激光三维扫描设备获取的点云数据及其后续RPM操作,提出基于栅带的自由曲面点云自适应分层方法.以栅带为基元,将点云投影栅带化,从中获取特征点集,结合相邻栅带距离最小值点找寻构建层间轮廓.定义投影点云栅带面积比为表面误差,建立其与堆层厚度的关系,通过表面误差逼近定值最终确定堆层厚度.经实例验证,此方法得到的分层模型充分满足RPM的要求. 相似文献
During the production process of rolled steel plates quality control plays an important role. The temperature distribution in the plate, which is determined with a temperature measuring device, has to be assessed on homogeneity. The temperature data is stored in a rectangular array. A real-time assessment is required. A new method, the Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) for the temperature assessment is proposed. The ACA-method is applied to a two-dimensional rectangular temperature array. The temperature array as a result of measurements contains a stochastic measuring tolerance. Nevertheless, the temperature field, which is usually a full matrix, can be approximated by a series of low rank matrices according to the ACA-method. The number of iteration steps is used as the criterion on homogeneity. Numerical examples, based on real industrial data, illustrate the efficiency of the ACA-method. In most cases, the subjective human evaluation of temperature fields matches with the assessment made by the ACA-method. Furthermore, the ACA-method leads to a significant compression of the temperature arrays and can be also used for archiving of the measured data almost without loss of information. 相似文献
称重传感器自适应动态补偿方法 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
本文根据称重传感器的动态特性随着被测量而变化这一特点,提出自适应动态补偿方法,设计的动态补偿器能跟踪传感器模型的变化,始终保证测量系统动态响应的快速性。 相似文献
Profile error of free-form surface is evaluated in this paper based on sequential quadratic programming (SQP) algorithm. The optimal localization model is established with the minimum zone criterion firstly. Subsequently, the surface subdivision method or STL (STeror Lithography) model is used to compute the point-to-surface distance and the approximate linear differential movement model of signed distance is deduced to simplify the updating process of alignment parameters. Finally, the optimization model on profile error evaluation of free-form surface is solved with SQP algorithm. Simulation examples indicate that the results acquired by SQP method are closer to the ideal results than the other algorithms in the problem of solving transformation parameters. In addition, real part experiments show that the maximum distance between the measurement points and their corresponding closest points on the design model is shorter by using SQP-based algorithm. Lastly, the results obtained in the experiment of the workpiece with S form illustrate that the SQP-based profile error evaluation algorithm can dramatically reduce the iterations and keep the precision of result simultaneously. Furthermore, a simulation is conducted to test the robustness of the proposed method. In a word, this study purposes a new algorithm which is of high accuracy and less time-consuming. 相似文献
基于B样条曲面的点云孔洞拟合填充 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了后续曲面重构的需要,针对有孔洞的点云数据,提出了一种孔洞拟合填充的自适应方法。由于孔洞与其周围离散点有一定的连续性,该算法首先从孔洞周围已有的点云数据中选取离散点,用新的参数化方法对得到的离散点参数化后,用最小二乘法进行自适应曲面拟合,对得到的拟合曲面通过迭代法逐步逼近优化,考虑曲率变化的影响在曲面上取点,实现了孔洞光滑填充。实例表明,改进的参数化方法使算法的复杂度减低,进一步迭代优化提高了曲面拟合精度,在面上取点时考虑了曲率变化,因此该方法可以应用于具有复杂曲面形状的点云中的孔洞填充。 相似文献
1INTRODUCTIONMostofthecurrentresearchonadaptivefuzzycontrolonlytunestheparametersoftheconsequencesoffuzzyrules.Thismaycausetheapproximationpropertyoffuzzysystemsnottobegood熏andaffecttheperformanceofthecon鄄troller.Aimingatthisproblem熏wehopetotuneallparam鄄etersoffuzzyrules.Inordertotunetheseparameters熏lin鄄earrelationshipbetweenapproximationerrorandallparam鄄etersoffuzzyrulesisestablishedfirst.ThenwedesigntheadaptivelawsoftheseparametersbasedonLyapunovsyn鄄thesisapproach.Theadva… 相似文献
The control scheme using fuzzy modeling and Parallel Distributed Compensation (PDC) concept is proposed to provide asymptotic
tracking of a reference signal for the flexible joint manipulators with uncertain parameters. From Lyapunov stability analysis
and simulation results, the developed control law and adaptive law guarantee the boundedness of all signals in the closed-loop
multi-input/multi-output system. In addition, the plant state tracks the state of the reference model asymptotically with
time for any bounded reference input signal. 相似文献
Enlightened by empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and matching pursuit (MP), adaptive sparsest narrow-band decomposition (ASNBD) method is proposed in this paper. The main idea of the method is to obtain the sparsest representation of a signal by constraining the components to be local narrow-band signals. In ASNBD, an optimized filter must be established at first. The parameters of the filter are determined by solving a nonlinear optimization problem. A regulated differential operator is used as the objective function so that each component is constrained to be a local narrow-band signal. Afterwards, the signal is filtered by the optimized filter to generate a single component. ASNBD is superior to matching pursuit in both the adaptivity and the physical meaning of the components. And problems such as mode mixing and end effect in EMD are alleviated in ASNBD as the computing of extremas is avoided. As it is robust and adaptive to non-stationary signals, artificial chemical reaction optimization algorithm (ACROA) is chosen to solve the optimization problems in ASNBD. Compared with GA, ACROA can reach a global optimum in a shorter time while the classification result is the same. Comparisons are made between ASNBD optimized by ACROA, ASNBD optimized by genetic algorithm and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) by analyzing simulation and experimental signals. The results indicate that ASNBD–ACROA is superior to the other two methods at least in restraining boundary effect, gaining more accurate components in the presence of noise and showing better orthogonality; moreover, it performs better in the analysis of experimental data. 相似文献
Chen Jianjiang Xiao Renbin Zhong Yifang 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2005,26(4):301-309
A multidisciplinary robust optimization design framework, concurrent subsystem robust design optimization, is proposed to obtain robust optimum solution in the large-scaled and coupled system. In this framework, response surfaces in the form of artificial neural networks provide information pertaining to system performance characteristics, and individual subsystems engage in performing robust optimization design in parallel while communicating with the system level. This optimization approach incorporates uncertainty analysis and generates a global robust optimum solution in an iterative fashion. Two applications are considered, and the results demonstrate that the approach yields a reasonable robust optimum solution, and it is a potential and efficient multidisciplinary robust optimization approach . 相似文献
Honing is a machining process which can economically produce exact bores regarding form, geometry and surface quality. During the honing process, the tool, equipped with one or several abrasive honing stones, combines three movement components: rotation, oscillation in axial direction and radial feed movement of the honing stone. The feed movement is a decisive factor for the results of the honing process and can be controlled either by a gradual lining in fixed time intervals or by the regulation of the occurring forces. The presented studies show different approaches for the regulation of force controlled honing and their effects on the measured forces, the torque and the quality parameters of the process. 相似文献