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Flash photolysis of alkaline peroxynitrite solutions results in the formation of nitrogen monoxide and superoxide. From the rate of recombination it is concluded that the rate constant of the reaction of nitrogen monoxide with superoxide is (1.9 +/- 0.2) x 10(10) M-1 s-1. The pKa of hydrogen oxoperoxonitrate is dependent on the medium. With the stopped-flow technique a value of 6.5 is found at millimolar phosphate concentrations, while at 0.5 M phosphate the value is 7.5. The kinetics of decay do not follow first-order kinetics when the pH is larger than the pKa, combined with a total peroxynitrite and peroxynitrous acid concentration that exceeds 0.1 mM. An adduct between ONOO- and ONOOH is formed with a stability constant of (1.0 +/- 0.1) x 10(4) M. The kinetics of the decay of hydrogen oxoperoxonitrate are not very pressure-dependent: from stopped-flow experiments up to 152 MPa, an activation volume of 1.7 +/- 1.0 cm3 mol-1 was calculated. This small value is not compatible with homolysis of the O-O bond to yield free nitrogen dioxide and the hydroxyl radical. Pulse radiolysis of alkaline peroxynitrite solutions indicates that the hydroxyl radical reacts with ONOO- to form [(HO)ONOO].- with a rate constant of 5.8 x 10(9) M-1 s-1. This radical absorbs with a maximum at 420 nm (epsilon = 1.8 x 10(3) M-1 cm-1) and decays by second-order kinetics, k = 3.4 x 10(6) M-1 s-1. Improvements to the biomimetic synthesis of peroxynitrite with solid potassium superoxide and gaseous nitrogen monoxide result in higher peroxynitrite to nitrite yields than in most other syntheses.  相似文献   

Previous studies and the crystal structure of Anabaena PCC 7119 FNR suggest that the side chains of Arg100 and Arg264 may be directly involved in the proper NADP+/NADPH orientation for an efficient electron-transfer reaction. Protein engineering on Arg100 and Arg264 from Anabaena PCC 7119 FNR has been carried out to investigate their roles in complex formation and electron transfer to NADP+ and to ferredoxin/flavodoxin. Arg100 has been replaced with an alanine, which removes the positive charge, the long side chain, as well as the ability to form hydrogen bonds, while a charge reversal mutation has been made at Arg264 by replacing it with a glutamic acid. Results with various spectroscopic techniques indicate that the mutated proteins folded properly and that significant protein structural rearrangements did not occur. Both mutants have been kinetically characterized by steady-state as well as fast transient kinetic techniques, and the three-dimensional structure of Arg264Glu FNR has been solved. The results reported herein reveal important conceptual information about the interaction of FNR with its substrates. A critical role is confirmed for the long, positively charged side chain of Arg100. Studies on the Arg264Glu FNR mutant demonstrate that the Arg264 side chain is not critical for the nicotinamide orientation or for nicotinamide interaction with the isoalloxazine FAD moiety. However, this mutant showed altered behavior in its interaction and electron transfer with its protein partners, ferredoxin and flavodoxin.  相似文献   

Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) is an effective inhibitor of Lactobacillus casei thymidylate synthase (TS), competitive with respect to the nucleotide substrate dUMP (Chen et al., 1989). The UV/vis difference spectra of TS-PLP complexes show lambda max at 328 nm due to the specific interaction between Cys 198 of TS and PLP to form a thiohemiacetal, and lambda min at 388 nm due to depletion of free PLP. At high concentrations of PLP a new absorbance at 430 nm forms due to nonspecific Schiff base formation between PLP and lysine residues of the enzyme. Using spectral titration at 328 nm, the binding constant of the specific TS-PLP complex was determined to be 0.5 microM, and the stoichiometry was 2 mol of PLP/mol of TS dimer. The 328-nm absorbance of the TS-PLP complex can be competitively and completely eliminated by addition of dUMP or dTMP; this serves as a convenient binding assay for molecules which bind to the active site of TS. Analogs of PLP which do not contain the phosphate or the aldehyde moieties of PLP bound poorly to the enzyme, thus demonstrating the importance of these functional groups for binding. When treated with PLP, C244T TS, which contains the active site Cys 198 as the sole cysteine residue, showed the same properties as the wild-type enzyme. Treatment of the C198A and C198S mutants with PLP did not produce the absorbance at 328 nm assigned to thiohemiacetal formation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The interaction of a series of benzothiadiazides with human serum albumin (HSA) was investigated by equilibrium dialysis (ED) and spectroscopic methods including circular dichroism (CD). The primary binding site of benzothiadiazides was designated site II, the diazepam site on the HSA molecule, as indicated by displacement experiments using different site-selective probes. Tyrosine and lysine amino acid residues were probably involved in the binding site of these compounds to HSA. Both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions were found to play a role in the binding of these compounds to HSA. Among the compounds tested, chlorothiazide had the highest affinity (K1 = 5.5 x 10(4) M-1, K2 = 5.8 x 10(3) M-1). The primary binding affinity of the compounds for HSA was of the order: chlorothiazide > cyclopenthiazide > polythiazide > ethiazide > trichlormethiazide = methyclothiazde > hydrochlorothiazide. Binding was insensitive to the N-B transition of HSA. The binding site is proposed to consist of a cationic site on the surface of the HSA molecular with a hydrophobic crevice to accommodate the aromatic ring of the compounds. Positions 3 and 7 of the benzothiadiazide molecule is thought to affect the binding affinity to HSA.  相似文献   

An assay for the simultaneous measurement of nitrite and nitrate, products of nitric oxide metabolism, is described. Others have reported pretreating sample by using nitrate reductase (NR) and NADPH to reduce endogenous NO3- before assaying the resultant NO2- using the Griess reaction. However, we found that the NADP+ formed during pretreatment interfered with the Griess reaction when NADPH was used at concentrations necessary to drive the NR reaction. For instance, 500 microM NADP+ in 100 microM NaNO3- (without NR) causes a 90% interference with the formation of Griess reaction product. To limit interference, we modified the method by decreasing the NADPH concentration to 1 microM. NADPH was regenerated by coupling the NR reaction with that catalyzed by glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (GD). Using this method, NaNO3- standard curves were linear up to 100 microM and coincided with control curves obtained using NaNO2- incubated in parallel. Addition of urine up to a strength of 20% did not interfere with the assay. Comparison with an alternative assay based on cadmium reduction resulted in the following linear regression: [Cd method] = 0.915*[NR-GD method] + 0.37, r2 = 0.997. Coupling GD to NR to recycle NADPH allows this cofactor to be used at a low concentration so that interference with the Griess reaction is negligible.  相似文献   

The reaction of monodehydroascorbate (MDA) radical with purified cytochrome b561 from bovine adrenal chromaffin vesicles was investigated by the technique of pulse radiolysis. Radiolytically generated MDA radical oxidized rapidly the reduced form of cytochrome b561 to yield the oxidized form. Subsequently the oxidized form of cytochrome b561 was re-reduced by ascorbate in the medium. The second-order rate constants of the reaction of MDA radical were increased with decreasing pH, whereas a maximum of the second-order rate constant for the reaction with ascorbate was obtained around pH 6.8. At excess MDA radical to cytochrome b561 concentration, only half of the heme in cytochrome b561 was oxidized, indicating that only one of the two heme centers can react with MDA radical. On the other hand, when the reactions were examined using cytochrome b561 pretreated in a mild alkaline condition in the oxidized state, the cytochrome b561 could not be oxidized with MDA radical, suggesting that the heme center specific for the electron donation to MDA radical is selectively modified upon the alkaline treatment. These results suggest that the two heme b centers have distinct roles for the electron donation to MDA radical and the electron acceptance from ascorbate, respectively.  相似文献   

The efficient radiation protecting agents homocysteine-thiolactone x HCl (HCTL x HCl) and its alpha-alkylated derivative (alpha-methyl-homocysteine, alpha-MHCTL x HCl) have been investigated in respect to the identification of the primarily formed species after absorption of ionizing radiation using pulse radiolysis technique.The reaction of e-(aq) with the unprotonated form of HCTL (k = 2.1 x 10(9) dm3 mol(-1) s(-1)) is leading to the formation of a radical anion having two absorption bands: at 275 nm (epsilon = 2500 dm3 mol(-1) cm(-1)) and 510 nm (epsilon = 930 dm3 mol(-1) cm(-1)), which decay with 2k = 2.3 x 10(9) dm3 mol(-1) s(-1). The protonated form of HCTL reacts with e-(aq) with k = 4.0 x 10(10) dm3 mol(-1) s(-1). The OH-radicals react with HCTL with k = 1.95 x 10(9) dm 3 mol(-1) x s(-1) resulting in a transient spectrum with lambda(max) = 265 nm (epsilon =2000 dm3 mol(-1) cm(-1)). The transients disappear with 2k = 2.1 x 10(9) dm3 mol(-1) s(-1). The reactivity of e-(aq) with alpha-MHCTL was determined for both forms: for the protonated, k = 1.25 x 10(10) dm3 mol(-1) s(-1) and for the unprotonated, k = 2.6 x 10(9) dm3 mol(-1) s(-1). The transient absorption spectrum at pH = 8.4 shows two absorption bands: lambda = 275 nm (epsilon = 3500 dm3 x mol(-1) x cm(-1)) and 490 nm (epsilon = 1160 dm3 x mol(-1) x cm(-1)). The transients disappear with 2k = 2.2 x 10(9) dm3 x mol(-1) x s(-1). The reaction of OH with alpha-MHCTL x HCl,k = 8.4 x 10(9) dm3 x mol(-1) x s(-1) (pH = 8.6) is resulting in an absorption spectrum with lambda(max) < 260 nm and an absorption band at 350 nm (epsilon = 510 dm3 x mol(-1) x cm(-1)). Up to 50 micros after pulse the transients decay with 2k = 5.5 x 10(9) dm3 x mol(-1) x s(-1) and thereafter by a k = 8.4 x 10(9) dm3 x mol(-1) x s(-1) (pH = 8.6) is resulting in an absorption spectrum with lambda(max) < 260 nm and an absorption band at 350 nm (epsilon = 510 dm3 x mol(-1) x cm(-1)). Up to 50 micros after pulse the transients decay with 2k = 5.5 x 10(9) dm3 x mol(-1) x s(-1) and thereafter by a first order reaction. In addition, the formation of some products was also studied. The yield of ammonia resulting from alpha-MHCTL x HCl strongly depends on pH, e.g. at pH = 5.1 Gi (NH3) = 0.95, whereas at pH = 9.15 it increases to Gi = 3.1. Hydrogen sulphide is formed in airfree solutions, Gi (H2S) = 0.29, whereas in the presence of N2O it is reduced to Gi (H2S) = 0.10. Some probable reaction mechanisms are presented.  相似文献   

Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (2H NMR) has been employed to investigate the interaction of lung type II myosin protein with neutral bilayers containing dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) as the only constituent and mixed bilayers containing the negatively charged lipid dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG). DMPC was deuterated at its headgroup by substituting the four protons at the alpha- and beta-positions (DMPC-d4) and the nine protons at the gamma-position (DMPC-d9). DMPG was perdeuterated at its headgroup (DMPG-d5). No changes were observed in the quadrupole splittings or spin-lattice relaxation times for the deuterated DMPC headgroup segments when increasing amounts of myosin were added to liposomes, made exclusively of DMPC-d9 or of DMPC-d4. However, upon the insertion of the negatively charged lipid DMPG at 1:1 molar ratio into the DMPC bilayers, myosin was found to interact electrostatically with the liposomes, thereby affecting significantly both the quadrupole splittings and spin-lattice relaxation rates of the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-deuterons in labeled DMPC. Monitoring DMPG-d5 in mixed DMPC/DMPG bilayers revealed a direct electrostatic interaction of DMPG with the protein, where positively charged lysine residues located at the tail domain of myosin provide the necessary sites for the interaction to occur. When ATP and Mg2+ were complexed to the head domain of myosin, a reduced interaction with the negatively charged bilayers was observed. The results clearly indicate that a type II myosin can interact with membranes without the need for a specific hydrophobic domain or an anchor in the protein molecule, provided that negatively charged lipids are present in the bilayer.  相似文献   

Purple membranes (PM) from Halobacterium were reconstituted with 57Fe ions and investigated by M?ssbauer spectroscopy within the temperature range from 5 to 300 K at the Fe/bacteriorhodopsin (BR) ratio 0.6-300. When the Fe/Br ratio was below 2, Fe3+ bonded to PM mostly as hydroxymonomeric particle [FeOH]2+.5H2O, the apparent charge of the iron ion being two. When the Fe/BR ratio exceeded two, the dimeric form [FeOH](2+)4.8H2O along with a cluster form dominated. The temperature dependences of the mean square displacement show that the mobility of Fe ions changes from the solid-state type to the quasi-diffusional one at temperatures approximately 200 and approximately 230 K for the dimeric or monomeric and cluster iron forms, respectively. The nature of the cation binding sites and their location on the PM surface are discussed. A possible role of the divalent cation binding to PM in the mechanism of BR proton pumping is suggested.  相似文献   

Photoaffinity labeling with [2'-32P]2N3NADP+ and [32P]2N3NAD+ was used to identify two overlapping tryptic and chymotryptic generated peptides within the adenine binding domain of NADP(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH). Photolysis was required for insertion of radiolabel, and prior photolysis of photoprobes before addition of IDH prevented insertion. Photoincorportion of 2N3NAD+ inhibited the enzymatic activity of IDH. Photolabeling of IDH with both [32P]2N3NAD+ and [2'-32P]2N3-NADP+ showed saturation effects with apparent Kds of 20 and 14 microM (+/-12%), respectively. The efficiency of photoincorporation at saturation of binding sites was determined to be about 50%. Also, photolabeling was observed with [32P]8N3ATP and [32P]2N3ATP but with saturation effects observed at lower affinity. With all radiolabeled probes reduction of photoinsertion was effected best by the addition of NADP+ followed by NAD+ and then ATP, indicating that photoinsertion with all the probes was within the NADP+ binding site. Isolation of [32P]2N3NAD+ and [2'-32P]2N3NADP+ photolabeled peptides by use of immobilized boronate and immobilized Al3+ chromatography, respectively, followed by HPLC purification resulted in the identification of overlapping peptides corresponding to Ile244-Arg249 and Leu121-Arg133 (tryptic fragments) and Lys243-His248 and Leu121-His135 (chymotryptic fragments). Trp125 and Trp245 were identified as the sites of photoinsertion based on these residues not being detectable on sequencing, the lack of chymotryptic cleavage at these residues, and the decreased rate of trypsin digestion at nearby Lys243 and Lys127. Sequence analysis of [32P]8N3ATP and [32P]2N3ATP photolabeled peptides gave essentially the same peptide regions being photolabeled but at much lower efficiency, indicating that the effects of ATP on IDH activity are dependent on competition for the same site.  相似文献   

Primary kinetic deuterium, 13C, and multiple deuterium/13C-isotope effects on V/K6PG have been measured for the Candida utilis (cu) and sheep liver (sl) 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenases (6PGDH). With NADP as the dinucleotide substrate, the following values of D(V/K6PG), 13(V/K6PG)H, and 13(V/K6PG)D were measured at pH 8 for cu6PGDH (sl6PGDH): 1.57 +/- 0.08 (1.87 +/- 0.10), 1.0209 +/- 0.0005 (1.0059 +/- 0.000 10), 1.0158 +/- 0.0001 (1.0036 +/- 0.0008). With APADP as the dinucleotide substrate, values for the above isotope effects at pH 8 are as follows: 2.98 +/- 0.08 (2.47 +/- 0.06), 1. 0106 +/- 0.0002 (1.0086 +/- 0.000 09), and 0.9934 +/- 0.0003 (0.9950 +/- 0.0003). Results indicate the oxidative decarboxylation of 6PG to the 1,2-enediol of ribulose 5-phosphate proceeds via a stepwise mechanism with hydride transfer preceding decarboxylation in all cases. The inverse 13C-isotope effect observed with APADP and 6PG-3d may reflect a preequlibrium isotope effect on the binding of 6PG preceding hydride transfer. Deuterium-isotope effects on V, V/KNADP, and V/K6PG are identical at all pHs and for both enzymes. The primary deuterium-isotope effect on V/K6PG for both enzymes is constant at pH values below the pK in the pH profile for V/K6PG, and decreases as the pH increases. Data suggest the development of rate limitation by a step or steps other than the hydride-transfer step as the pH is increased.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the most characteristic acute-phase proteins in humans and many other animals. It binds to phosphorylcholine in a calcium-dependent manner. In addition, CRP activates the complement systems via the classical pathway. The interaction between rabbit CRP (rCRP) and model biological membrane is studied using dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine monolayers. Observations with fluorescence microscopy indicate that rCRP is more likely to be incorporated in the liquid phase of monolayers. Such incorporation does not depend on the presence of calcium and is not inhibited by phosphocholine. The area occupied by the protein when incorporated into the monolayer was estimated. The dipole moment density of the protein crossing the air/water interface was measured by applying an external electric field. Our results indicate that calcium binding leads to a conformational change in CPR, which might modify the orientation of CRP in the monolayer. In addition, a negative charge or negative difference in dipole moment density facilitates the incorporation of CPR into the monolayer.  相似文献   

The reactions of NO. with O2.- and with HO2. were studied using the pulse radiolysis technique under pseudo first order conditions where ([O2.-]o + [HO2.]o) > [NO.]o at pH 3.3-10.0. The rate constant of the reaction of NO. with O2.- was determined both by monitoring the decay of O2.- at 250 nm and the formation of ONOO- at 302 nm to be (4.3 +/- 0.5) x 10(9) M-1s-1, independent of ionic strength and pH in the range of 6.1-10.0. The rate constant of the reaction of NO. with HO2.- was determined by following the decay of HO2. at 250 nm to be (3.2 +/- 0.3) x 10(9) M-1s-1 at pH 3.3.  相似文献   

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