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Polished sections of pyrometallurgical intermediate products from a simulated commercial flash furnace were examined by reflected light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectrometry and electron backscatter analysis, and microprobe analysis for phase and textural relationships. The smelter feed is a copper concentrate from a porphyry copper deposit. The concentrate consists primarily of chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite with smaller amounts of covellite, chalcocite, molybdenite, magnetite, galena, and sphalerite. The flash furnace reactions for pyrite and chalcopyrite can be observed by reflected light microscopy. Reacted angular particles of pyrite exhibit successive rims of fibrous pyrrhotite and hematite or magnetite. Reacted angular chalcopyrite particles show successive rims of bornite, digenite, and chalcocite. Spherical particles, formed by the complete melting of former pyrite and chalcopyrite particles, consist of variable amounts of granular pyrrhotite with magnetite rims and minor hematite. Spherical particles, formed by the complete melting of former chalcopyrite particles, exhibit exsolution intergrowths with varying proportions of intermediate solid solution, bornite, digenite, and chalcocite, and have rims of hematite, magnetite, and copper-iron spinel. Electron microprobe analyses show that the iron oxides contain significant copper and minor zinc in their structures. Sphalerite and molybdenite do not show evident mineralogical reactions.  相似文献   

铁颖  熊召华  胡梦忠  马生萍 《黄金》2022,43(4):79-83
采用显微镜、X射线衍射仪、化学分析等多种手段,对青海某金矿石进行了工艺矿物学研究,查明矿石中矿物组成、主要矿物嵌布状态、嵌布粒度等。结果表明:矿石中主要有价元素为金,伴生低品位银,金品位4.20 g/t、银品位<2.0 g/t、碳品位1.17%、硫品位1.92%,属微细粒—超微细粒浸染型高碳低硫极难处理金矿石;金主要以微细粒、超微细粒包裹于毒砂和黄铁矿中,部分以单体金形式嵌布于脉石矿物中;毒砂、黄铁矿嵌布粒度较粗,硫化矿物包裹金可通过初步磨矿达到回收效果,脉石矿物中金则需要进一步磨矿进行回收。  相似文献   

蔡明明  张文平 《黄金》2020,41(4):64-66,74
为更好地查清某铜矿石选别过程中铜流失的主要原因,借助先进的扫描电镜、能谱仪及BPMA分析系统等分析手段,测定铜尾矿中的矿物组成、解离度、连生程度、嵌布关系等工艺矿物学参数。结果表明:铜尾矿中铜矿物主要为黄铜矿和铜蓝,铜分布率分别为89. 01%和10. 99%;铜矿物粒度较细,黄铜矿和铜蓝粒径均小于38μm,呈微细粒分布;黄铜矿单体解离度较低,与脉石矿物连生较为密切,铜蓝多以单体形式存在。工艺矿物学研究结果可为该铜矿石生产工艺优化改造,提高铜回收率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

张金矿  杜晓冉  周姣花 《黄金》2012,(10):44-46
通过对玻利维亚某金钴多金属矿石的工艺矿物学研究,查清了原矿物质组成,矿石的结构构造和金、钴、铜、铋的赋存状态。金载体矿物为硫(辉)钴矿、黄铜矿、辉铋矿。银金矿和硫(辉)钴矿包裹于毒砂矿物中,单体解离困难,只能以毒砂精矿回收,铋以辉铋矿的形式包裹于黄铜矿和毒砂中,可以在回收毒砂和黄铜矿过程中综合回收。  相似文献   

采用化学分析、X射线衍射(XRD)、光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和能谱(EDS)等方法,研究了金川镍沉降渣的矿物组成、结构、嵌布特征、主要有价成分Fe、Ni、Cu、Co的分布等工艺矿物学性质.结果表明,金川镍沉降渣主要由铁镁橄榄石和玻璃质组成,并含少量的铜镍铁硫化物、辉铜矿、磁铁矿等;沉降渣的结构单一,微细粒的铜镍铁硫化物呈星散状无规律分散在硅酸盐基质中;铁主要存在于铁镁橄榄石内,镍和铜主要赋存在铜镍铁硫化物中,钴没有独立矿物存在,主要以类质同象形式赋存在其他矿物中.镍渣中有价成分的回收可考虑用深度还原法或湿法冶金工艺.  相似文献   

祁玉海  王艳  高歌 《黄金》2012,(9):47-50
长山壕金矿是低品位、高吨位的特大型金矿。工艺矿物学研究的重点是查明金矿物在矿石中赋存状态、嵌布特征等工艺特性;同时,对矿石物质组成及超出显微镜分辨能力的次显微金,采用扫描电镜进行系统研究,特别是对氰化浸渣中金流失状态的确定,将金的流失控制在合理范围内。矿石的工艺矿物学研究为选矿试验工艺流程和条件的选择确定提供了依据。选矿试验获得了较好的指标,金的氰化浸出率达93.62%。  相似文献   

为查明安徽某矿石的综合利用价值,采用化学方法、显微镜鉴定、扫描电镜能谱分析等手段, 研究其化学组成、矿物组成及嵌布特征. 结果表明:试样属铜铁硫矿石,铜、铁、硫品位分别为 0.27 %、 27.87 %、16.76 %. 铜主要(94.4 %)以黄铜矿的形式存在,铁约 84.63 %以非磁性铁(黄铁矿、赤铁矿) 形式存在,次为磁铁矿,并含有少量磁黄铁矿. 铜、硫矿物主要为细粒嵌布,且单体解离良好,铁以粗中粒级嵌布为主,单体解离情况较差. 铜、铁、硫矿物形态各异,嵌布特征较复杂,分离较难.   相似文献   

Mineral liberation analyser (MLA) was applied to quantitatively analyze the rare earth ore from Weishan in Shandong. Mineralogy parameters, such as mineral composition, occurrence states of rare earth elements (REEs) and valuable elements, mineral embedded grain size distribution, mineral association and liberation, are obtained. Results show that the contents of REEs and other valuable elements mainly contained in the ore were La 1.02 wt%, Ce 4.29 wt%, Pr 0.34 wt%, Nd 0.84 wt%, Sr 3.4 wt% and Ba 26.53 wt%, respectively. The REEs mainly occur in bastnaesite and carbocernaite in the form of independent mineral and the contents of bastnaesite and carbocernaite in the ore were 5.96 wt% and 12.30 wt%, respectively. 67.34% of strontium occurs in carbocernaite and the rest occurs in celestobarite and strontianite mineral. 92.71% of barium occurs in barite. Liberation of main rare-earth minerals such as bastnaesite and carbocernaite is more than 80% when the grinding fineness is 78.42% passing 74 μm. The research results could be employed to provide detailed basic theoretical data for further improvement of the beneficiation process flow and the processing index of rare earth ore, the recycling of other valuable minerals and the comprehensive utilization of tailings.  相似文献   

采用粒度分析、X射线衍射、光学显微镜及扫描电镜等分析方法对河北赤城某选矿厂的萤石浮选精矿进行工艺矿物学研究,为进一步提高浮选精矿品位提供理论支撑.研究表明:浮选精矿中主要杂质为石英,还有微量铁矿物、长石、磷灰石等杂质矿物.石英中有15.87%为完全解离的单体颗粒,其余为连生体颗粒.萤石/石英连生体中包裹型连生体占67%,毗邻型和细脉型连生体分别占24%和9%.此外矿物表面存在铁质污染及泥化现象,这会阻碍选矿过程中萤石与药剂的接触,影响选矿效果.在工艺矿物学分析的基础上,提出强化浮选、络合除铁、精矿再磨再选等建议以提高浮选效率.  相似文献   

Bioleaching of copper from the flue dust of the Sarcheshmeh copper smelter has been investigated. A series of continuous tests were carried out in two-stages of airlift bioreactors inoculated with the acidophilic, iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria, initially derived from acid mine drainage. The effects of different parameters such as pulp density, retention time and temperature on the mesophile bioleach performance of the copper sulfide rich dust were evaluated after pre-leaching with dilute acid. Pulp densities of 2% and 4% gave the same oxidation–reduction potential in both reactors. However, increasing the average pulp density to 7% generated an unstable oxidation–reduction potential in the first bioreactor at 34 °C. Overall copper extractions calculated for 2%, 4% and 7% pulp densities were 90%, 89% and 86% with mean retention times of 2.7, 4 and 5 days, respectively. The process is net acid consuming and has the potential for further development and feasibility studies.  相似文献   

A fast two-color pyrometer has been constructed and applied to simultaneous temperature and size measurements of individual chalcopyrite particles (CuFeS2) during flash oxidation in a laminar flow reactor. The influence of different oxygen concentrations (0, 10, 20, 50, and 75 vol pct), gas temperatures (1073 and 1273 K), particle size fractions (53 to 74 μm and 74 to 150 μm), and reaction times (up to 0.17 seconds) on chalcopyrite particle temperature and size distributions was studied. The particle reaction rates were characterized by the sulfur mass in the solid reaction product. Particle temperatures ranged from the ambient gas temperature up to 2700 K. A strong correlation between the oxygen concentration and the median particle temperature was observed.  相似文献   

Numerical computations have been performed for the behavior of a vertical turbulent particle-laden gas jet exemplified by the shaft region of a flash-smelting furnace. The two-equation(k-ε) model was used to describe turbulence. Model predictions for the gas and solid flow fields give a satisfactory representation of experimental data taken from the literature. The predictions of flow properties of the two phases under flash-smelting conditions have been obtained for various inlet conditions, particle sizes, particle loading, and oxygen enrichment. Model predictions show that the axial velocity of the particle phase is substantially higher than that of the gas phase. The presence of solid particles causes the axial velocity of the gas phase to be greater near the centerline and lower in the outer region than in a single-phase gas jet. A more uniform distribution of particles was obtained by introducing a strong radial velocity of the distribution air at the inlet. The implications of the behavior of a particle-laden gas jet on flash-smelting processes arc discussed.  相似文献   

本文针对黄金冶炼厂中萃取法提铜,通过实验研究,探讨萃取剂和稀释剂的选择,并提出萃取法提铜的主要思路,最后分析了杂质对萃取提铜需要。分析结果表明,在黄金冶炼厂,通过萃取法在废水、废渣中可以提出大量的铜,既有助于提升黄金冶炼厂的经济效益,也可以降低对周围生态环境造成的污染,值得高度重视。  相似文献   

A hydrometallurgical process has been developed for the recovery of valuable metals from the flue dust of a copper smelter. The dust containing various metals, such as lead, zinc, copper, bismuth, indium, cadmium, iron, arsenic etc., was treated using this hydrometallurgical process to recover all these metals and also to solve environmental pollution problems. Leachings were carried out under atmospheric and elevated pressure utilizing sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid pressure leaching in the absence of oxygen provided the best separation of copper and arsenic. About 80% of arsenic went into solution during leaching, and more than 90% of copper remained in the residue as cupric sulfide. Zinc, cadmium and indium from the solution and bismuth, copper and lead from the residue were recovered by various well-known processes. Arsenic and iron were removed from the solution by oxidation and precipitation as ferric arsenate. Both laboratory and bench-scale experiments were carried out with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

云南镇沅金矿矿石工艺矿物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦洪根  宋斌杰  蔺春英 《黄金》2005,26(12):36-39
在对镇沅金矿矿石进行显微镜镜下鉴定、单矿物含金分析、选择性溶金分析的基础上,对矿石性质、金的工艺特性及影响金回收效果的主要因素进行了研究。这项工作对该矿石的选矿工艺及条件选择很有意义。  相似文献   

株冶从2006年开始结合铅系统工艺特点,进行了以加大锌系统铅渣处理量为核心的环保效益型生产转型并取得突破,为铅生产企业赢利能力提升探索出了一条新的途径.本文分析探讨了加大渣料处理对烧结焙烧工艺过程及生产的影响,提出了相应的改进措施.  相似文献   

研究了一种简单的从电解锌流程中产生的Cd-Cu-Zn滤饼中选择性回收镉的湿法工艺。镉的浸出、过滤和再浸出常规流程需多个阶段,成本较高。此研究的目的是寻找一种更简单的方法从电解锌流程锌净化阶段的Cu-Cd滤饼中回收镉。所研究的流程包括从Cu-Cd滤饼中除去锌,选择性浸出镉和通过去除Fe、Tl和Co,净化之后再进行电解和熔铸。Cu-Cd滤饼中的锌通过两个阶段转移至液相中,铜和镉在滤饼中富集。在较高的固液质量体积比条件下从滤饼中选择性浸出镉,溶液中镉的浓度较高。在特殊条件下选择性浸出镉可使富镉溶液中共同沉淀的杂质最少。浸出反应在铜的溶解开始时停止。用KMnO_4和NaOH氧化和沉淀杂质,如Fe、Tl和部分Co。净化后的硫酸镉溶液通过电积得到阴极镉,然后熔铸得到99.95%的金属镉。整个流程中,镉总回收率为70%~72%。  相似文献   

Previous research has consistently found that spontaneous analogical transfer is strongly tied to concrete and contextual similarities between the cases. However, that work has largely failed to acknowledge that the relevant factor in transfer is the similarity between individuals' mental representations of the situations rather than the overt similarities between the cases themselves. Across several studies, we found that participants were able to transfer strategies learned from a perceptually concrete simulation of a physical system to a task with very dissimilar content and appearance. This transfer was reflected in better performance on the transfer task when its underlying dynamics were consistent rather than inconsistent with the preceding training task. Our data indicate that transfer in these tasks relies on the perceptual and spatial nature of the training task but does not depend on direct interaction with the system, with participants performing equally well after simply observing the concrete simulation. We argue that participants generated a spatial, dynamic, and force-based mental model while interacting with the training simulation and tended to spontaneously interpret the transfer task according to this primed model. Unexpectedly, our data consistently show that transfer was independent of reported recognition of the analogy between tasks: Although such recognition was associated with better overall performance, it was not associated with better transfer (in terms of applying an appropriate strategy). Together, these findings suggest that analogical transfer between overtly dissimilar cases may be much more common—and much more relevant to our cognitive processing—than is generally assumed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Thermally stable TiN particles can effectively pin austenite grain boundaries in weld heat-affected zones (HAZs), thereby improving toughness, but can also act as cleavage initiators. The HAZs simulated in a GLEEBLE 1500 TCS using two peak temperatures (T p ) and three cooling times (Δ 8/5) have determined the effects of matrix microstructure and TiN particle distribution on the fracture toughness (crack tip opening displacement (CTOD)) of three steels microalloyed with 0.006, 0.045, and 0.1 wt pct Ti. Coarse TiN (0.5 to 6 μm) particles are identified in steels with the two higher levels of Ti, and fine Ti(C, N) (35 to 500 nm) particles were present in all three steels. Large prior austenite grain size caused by higher T p decreased fracture toughness considerably in steels containing coarse TiN particles but had little effect in their absence. Fracture toughness was largely independent of matrix microstructure in the presence of coarse particles. Cleavage fracture initiation was observed to occur at coarse TiN particles in the samples with a large prior austenite grain size. Alloy thermodynamics have been used to rationalize the influence of Ti content on TiN formation and its size.  相似文献   

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