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A model is proposed for errors that occur in estimating frequency offset between oscillators driving two clocks that are synchronized with a digital control loop. Three specific estimators are analyzed. One, the maximum-likelihood estimator, yields a minimum-mean-square estimate for Gaussian errors. A second offers convenient implementation and provides performance close to that of the maximum-likelihood estimator 相似文献
蓝牙正在以稳健的步伐接近我们的日常生活,越来的应用已经被开发出来。在国内,已经有很多单位和企业开始应用蓝牙技术来充实自己的产品。蓝牙射频及基带部分的价格随着产品的量产而迅速下降。蓝牙技术正在被各个行业的人所认识,开始阶段,为了简单扼要,通俗易懂地说明,我们说蓝牙是一种电缆替代的短距离无线通讯技术。这也是现代很多人对蓝牙的印象。然而这里需要指出的是,蓝牙不仅仅如此,蓝牙技术从一开始就是一个高起点的设计,它能紧密地配台3G移动通讯设备,是3G设备的补充;具有蓝牙功能的设备能很快组成一个移动网络,具有… 相似文献
Serpedin E. Ciblat P. Giannakis G.B. Loubaton P. 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2001,49(8):1816-1823
Large quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) constellations are currently used in throughput efficient high-speed communication applications such as digital TV. For such large signal constellations, carrier-phase synchronization is a crucial problem because for efficiency reasons, the carrier acquisition must often be performed blindly, without the use of training or pilot sequences. The goal of the paper is to provide thorough performance analysis of the blind carrier phase estimators that have been proposed in the literature and to assess their relative merits 相似文献
The effects of phase on high-resolution frequency estimators 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Several different ways in which the initial phase differences between two closely spaced sinusoids manifests itself, e.g., in the singular values of the data matrix, the angles between signal vectors, and the Cramer-Rao bound, are described. A closed-form expression for the singular values of the data matrices used in subspace-based algorithms and an expression for the angle between the signal components are presented. Based on these expressions, conjectures are made regarding the effect of the relative phase difference between signal components on the resolving ability of subspace-based techniques. The behavior of the Cramer-Rao bound for the two-complex-sinusoid case is examined as a function of phase difference. Predictions are made as to the effect of this behavior on expected algorithm performance as a function of the phase difference. Empirical results that validate the prediction are provided 相似文献
Performance of quadratic time-frequency distributions as instantaneous frequency estimators 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
General performance analysis of the shift covariant class of quadratic time-frequency distributions (TFDs) as instantaneous frequency (IF) estimators, for an arbitrary frequency-modulated (FM) signal, is presented. Expressions for the estimation bias and variance are derived. This class of distributions behaves as an unbiased estimator in the case of monocomponent signals with a linear IF. However, when the IF is not a linear function of time, then the estimate is biased. Cases of white stationary and white nonstationary additive noises are considered. The well-known results for the Wigner distribution (WD) and linear FM signal, and the spectrogram of signals whose IF may be considered as a constant within the lag window, are presented as special cases. In addition, we have derived the variance expression for the spectrogram of a linear FM signal that is quite simple but highly signal dependent. This signal is considered in the cases of other commonly used distributions, such as the Born-Jordan and the Choi-Williams distributions. It has been shown that the reduced interference distributions outperform the WD but only in the case when the IF is constant or its variations are small. Analysis is extended to the IF estimation of signal components in the case of multicomponent signals. All theoretical results are statistically confirmed. 相似文献
We propose a non-data-aided technique for the estimation of the carrier frequency offset in minimum-shift keying (MSK)-type modulations. The proposed algorithm has a feedforward structure and is suited for burst-mode transmissions. Computer simulations are used to assess its performance and make comparisons with other existing methods in terms of estimation accuracy and minimum operating signal-to-noise ratio (threshold). Numerical results are provided for modulation schemes of practical interest such as MSK and Gaussian MSK 相似文献
This paper introduces a new carrier frequency recovery approach. It can be applied before modulation classification and/or demodulation of the M-ary PSK signals. It relies on the entropy of the instantaneous phase probability density function, and uses the fact that it reaches minimum when the receiver is fine-tuned to the unknown carrier frequency. This estimator is applicable to algorithms requiring high accuracy without any a priori knowledge concerning modulation scheme, signal contents (bit-stream), or its timing parameters. Simulation results have proved the robustness of the algorithm: for low carrier to noise ratios (CNR), corresponding variances are proportional and close to Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLB). For CNR greater than 20 dB, they are constant and limited by the resolution of the algorithm. 相似文献
Analysis of experimental data shows that a simple relationship connects the electron mobility with the donor concentration ND. At room temperature, the mobility is inversely proportional to 1+?(ND/1017) for a number of important semiconductors. 相似文献
The frequency synchronization issue of multiuser in the uplink of an orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA) system is investigated in this letter. We develop a subspace based blind carrier frequency offsets (CFOs) estimation algorithm for the base station (BS) equipped with uniform linear array (ULA). Due to the adoption of ULA at the BS and the narrowband signal assumption, CFOs of different users can be separated by their spatial information. Thus, unlike existing blind alternatives, which are subject to some specific carrier assignment schemes (CAS) or rely on null subcarriers, our proposed method can support generalized carrier assignment scheme (GCAS) and fully loaded systems, i.e., all subcarriers are available to users. Consequently, the dynamic channel assignment is available and the bandwidth efficiency is higher. Moreover, the closed-form directions of arrival (DOAs) of all active users are also obtained, which can be used in downlink beamforming in frequency division duplex (FDD) systems. Performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated by computer Monte Carlo simulations. 相似文献
针对多载波直扩码分多址(MC-DS-CDMA)系统上行链路提出一种基于导频的多用户载波频偏估计算法:利用频偏向量的低通特性设计了一种新的梳状导频传输方案,从而在接收端的各用户的导频子载波上近似获得单用户信号,利用相位角平均法对该信号前后相邻两项的商的幅角取平均值,得到了效果较好的多载波频偏估计值;并进一步采用了傅立叶变换法来进行多载波频偏估计,提高了算法的抗干扰性能.仿真实验结果表明:相位角平均法在用户数较少(<3)和信噪比较高(>15dB)时的频偏估计误差均值能达到1%以下;而傅立叶变换法在多用户情形和较低信噪比(<5dB)下对较大归一化频偏范围(-0.5,0.5)内的频偏估计误差均值仍能保持在0.1%.提出的算法适合于在频率选择性衰落的慢变信道中对细频偏进行估计. 相似文献
We propose a burst frequency synchronization procedure which is based on the usage of single-carrier training data and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) payload modulation. The payload modulation format is similar to the one that is used in the DAB standard, whereas training data are chosen as simple CAZAC sequences. It is shown that the resulting modulation and transmission scheme is suitable for burst transmission and single-burst demodulation. Performance degradation due to synchronization errors is shown to be small 相似文献
Conventional free-running multivibrators are frequently used as voltage-to-frequency convertors, although the fmax/fmin ratio of this circuit is rather small. A free-running multivibrator with complementary transistors has advantages concerning this ratio as well as regards some other convertor parameters. 相似文献
Zaitsev B.D. Fedorenko V.A. Ermolenko A.V. Sinitsyn N.I. 《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1998,46(7):894-899
A new method for measuring the carrier frequency of single microwave (MW) radiowave pulse is described, which is based on its transduction to a series of echo pulses using a transversal filter. The analysis of the radio-wave pulses exhibiting constant carrier frequency or frequency modulation is shown to be both theoretically and experimentally feasible with the help of a bulk acoustic-wave delay line. A frequency meter has been developed for single short-duration 2.5-10.5-GHz radiowave pulses, which was demonstrated to be operative under strong radio-interference conditions 相似文献
We investigate the sensitivity of a downlink MC-DS-CDMA system to carrier frequency offsets. It is shown that the resulting interference power depends only on the ratio of the frequency offset to the carrier spacing. Hence, for given a frequency offset and system bandwidth, the MC-DS-CDMA performance degradation is independent of the spreading factor but increases with the number of carriers; equivalently, for given frequency offset and symbol rate, the performance degradation increases with the ratio of the number of carriers to the spreading factor 相似文献
Younsun Kim Keukjoon Bang Sooyong Choi Cheolwoo You Daesik Hong 《Electronics letters》1999,35(5):378-379
The bit error probability of the downlink of an MC-CDMA system is analysed taking into account the effect of a carrier frequency offset for Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. Derived results show that the performance of an MC-CDMA system is very sensitive even to a relatively small frequency offset 相似文献
一种卫星信号载波频率精确估计算法 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
针对卫星载波频率高精度估计问题,阐述了现有的频率估计实时处理方法,结合类Rife频率修正算法,并考虑卫星信号特点,给出了适用于数字方法实现的卫星信号载波频率高精度估计算法流程。对其进行了仿真实现,其结果表明,该算法能有效提高卫星信号载频估计精度。 相似文献