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Motivated by the recently observed sublattice asymmetry of substitutional nitrogen impurities in CVD grown graphene, we show, in a mathematically transparent manner, that oscillations in the local density of states driven by the presence of substitutional impurities are responsible for breaking the sublattice symmetry. While these oscillations are normally averaged out in the case of randomly dispersed impurities, in graphene they have either the same, or very nearly the same, periodicity as the lattice. As a result, the total interaction energy of randomly distributed impurities embedded in the conduction-electron-filled medium does not vanish and is lowered when their configuration is sublattice-asymmetric. We also identify the presence of a critical concentration of nitrogen above which one should expect the sublattice asymmetry to disappear. This feature is not particular to nitrogen dopants, but should be present in other impurities.  相似文献   

The Raman spectra of graphene with three different types of point defects, namely, a mono-vacancy, a di-vacancy, and a Stone-Wales defect, was calculated within a non-orthogonal tight-binding model using supercells of graphene with a single defect. The defects were found to modify the electronic structure and the phonons of graphene giving rise to new optical transitions and defect-related phonons. Based on the calculated Raman spectra, we determined the Raman lines that can serve as signatures of the specific defects. The comparison of the calculated Raman intensity of the graphitic (G-) band of perfect graphene and graphene with defects shows that the intensity can be enhanced up to one order of magnitude by the presence of defects.  相似文献   

Graphene nanosheet has been doped with nitrogen, boron and nitrogen–boron pair of different concentrations. Modifications of electronic and optical properties due to nitrogen, boron and nitrogen–boron codoping in graphene nanosheet have been explored in the frame work of ab-initio density functional theory. Band gap opening has been observed and besides, its magnitude increases with the doping concentration of three different species of adatoms. The static dielectric constant in the long wave length limit for parallel polarization of electric field increases with the doping concentration, whereas for perpendicular polarization it remains almost constant with respect to the doping concentration and specific types. Moreover, in case of nitrogen doped systems, a new electron energy loss spectra peak emerges around ∼2.4 eV for parallel polarization of applied external electric field vector. This peak height increases with the doping concentration. The maximum value of the reflectivity is enhanced with nitrogen concentration while for boron and nitrogen–boron pair concentration, a decreasing tendency is noticed.  相似文献   

Fluorinated reduced graphene oxide (F-RGO) is prepared by CF4 plasma treatment of RGO. The fluorine (F) doping is confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and its content is directly related to the plasma exposure time. A modest p-doping effect of the fluorination is observed from the electrical measurements. It is found that the F-RGO is an even better substrate for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of molecules than RGO. The relative enhancement factor can be tuned by manipulating the F content in the F-RGO. The effect is attributed to the presence of the strong local electric field induced by the local dipoles of F-containing groups on the F-RGO surface. This shows that the formation of well-designed surface dipoles could be a general way to increase the chemical enhancement of molecular Raman spectra.  相似文献   

张紫萍  刘秀军  李同起  胡子君 《化工进展》2011,30(4):788-792,806
简述了石墨烯具有独特的结构、优异的性能以及制备方法;着重探讨了石墨烯基纳米复合材料的主要掺杂方法,如元素掺杂法,主要包括非金属元素和金属元素掺杂;化合物掺杂法以及碳素材料掺杂法。这些掺杂法制备出的纳米复合材料应用广泛,主要在超级电容器、传感器、储氢方面以及生物医学等领域突出。最后进一步提出了在石墨烯探索过程中的一些问题,如其易产生褶皱以及分散性能不稳定等。同时也阐述了其未来可能发展趋势,如探讨磁性、光学性能等。  相似文献   

Fano resonances and their strong doping dependence are observed in Raman scattering of single-layer graphene (SLG). As the Fermi level is varied by a back-gate bias, the Raman G band of SLG exhibits an asymmetric line shape near the charge neutrality point as a manifestation of a Fano resonance, whereas the line shape is symmetric when the graphene sample is electron or hole doped. However, the G band of bilayer graphene (BLG) does not exhibit any Fano resonance regardless of doping. The observed Fano resonance can be interpreted as interferences between the phonon and excitonic many-body spectra in SLG. The absence of a Fano resonance in the Raman G band of BLG can be explained in the same framework since excitonic interactions are not expected in BLG.  相似文献   

The pure and transition metal (Co and Fe = 3 and 5 mol%) doped SnO2 nanoparticles have been synthesized by a chemical route using polyvinyl alcohol as surfactant. These nanoparticles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, photoluminescence (PL) and magnetic measurements. The XRD patterns show that all the samples have tetragonal rutile structure without any extra phase and the value of average particle size using FWHM lies within 12–29 nm is also confirmed by TEM. FTIR spectrum has been used to confirm the formation of SnO bond. Raman spectroscopy shows the intensity loss of classical cassiterite SnO2 vibration lines which is an indication of significant structural modifications. From PL, an intense blue luminescence centered at a wavelength ~530 nm is observed in the prepared SnO2 nanoparticles, which is different from the yellow-red light emission observed in SnO2 nanostructures prepared by other methods. The strong blue luminescence from the as-grown SnO2 nanoparticles is attributed to oxygen-related defects that have been introduced during the growth process. These Co and Fe-doped SnO2 nanoparticles exhibit room temperature ferromagnetism and the value of their magnetic moment and phase transition temperature are sensitive to their size and stoichiometric ratio.  相似文献   

Nitrogen doped reduced graphene oxide (N-RGO) is synthesized using microwave-assisted hydrothermal (MAHA) reaction. The proper configurations of nitrogen atoms in graphene sheets considerably increase the intrinsic electrical properties of N-RGO resultantly improving its capacitance and other kinetic properties in supercapacitor. Here, under the controlled MAHA reaction, we adjusted the ratio of nitrogen configurations (pyridinic-N, pyrrolic-N and quaternary-N) for the most optimum supercapacitor performances of N-RGOs in the shortest time ever reported, and clarified that its enhanced electrical conductivity and supercapacitor performances are attributed to its enlarged concentration of quaternary-N. With this MAHA reaction, we present a supercapacitor based on N-RGO, which is capable of displaying the promising electrochemical properties.  相似文献   



The interactions between phonons and electrons induced by the dopants or the substrate of graphene in spectroscopic investigation reveal a rich source of interesting physics. Raman spectra and surface-enhanced Raman spectra of supported and suspended monolayer graphenes were measured and analyzed systemically with different approaches. The weak Raman signals are greatly enhanced by the ability of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy which has attracted considerable interests. The technique is regarded as wonderful and useful tool, but the dopants that are produced by depositing metallic nanoparticles may affect the electron scattering processes of graphene. Therefore, the doping and substrate influences on graphene are also important issues to be investigated. In this work, the peak positions of G peak and 2D peak, the I2D/IG ratios, and enhancements of G and 2D bands with suspended and supported graphene flakes were measured and analyzed. The peak shifts of G and 2D bands between the Raman and SERS signals demonstrate the doping effect induced by silver nanoparticles by n-doping. The I2D/IG ratio can provide a more sensitive method to carry out the doping effect on the graphene surface than the peak shifts of G and 2D bands. The enhancements of 2D band of suspended and supported graphenes reached 138, and those of G band reached at least 169. Their good enhancements are helpful to measure the optical properties of graphene. The different substrates that covered the graphene surface with doping effect are more sensitive to the enhancements of G band with respect to 2D band. It provides us a new method to distinguish the substrate and doping effect on graphene.


78.67.Wj (optical properties of graphene); 74.25.nd (Raman and optical spectroscopy); 63.22.Rc (phonons in graphene)  相似文献   

Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), obtained by different methods from carbon nanotubes (CNTs) or graphene, are attractive materials for polymer nanocomposites due to their considerably high interfacial area, as compared to CNTs. Consequently, a better adhesion with a polymer matrix is anticipated for GNRs. Also, surface modification of these nanofillers, such as nitrogen doping, is known to be an efficient method to improve their properties. In this work, fluoroelastomers (FKM) were used as the polymer matrix to host GNRs. Undoped and nitrogen doped GNRs were synthesized from the parent multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). MWCNT/FKM and GNR/FKM nanocomposites were prepared via a solution mixing/melt mixing protocol.  相似文献   

Polymer composites reinforced by graphene platelets (GPLs) have the advantage of enhanced mechanical properties at low loadings. However the planar geometry of GPLs and their entanglement complicate the dispersion of graphene in the polymer matrix and limit the improvement of the mechanical properties. In this study, confocal Raman spectroscopic imaging was used to map the dispersion of GPLs in an epoxy-based composite and was shown to be a suitable technique to study the dispersion of GPLs in the matrix. The Raman images were then used to explain the observed mechanical behavior of graphene–epoxy composites.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of Graphon carbon black   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Raman spectrum of Graphon carbon black has been recorded using rotating cell techniques. Angular dependence of scattering at 1360, 1580 and 2700 cm?1 are reported and these data suggest that the 1360 cm?1 line is associated with non-planar microstructure distortions. The excitation frequency dependence of the intensity ratio of the bands at 1360 (D) and 1580 cm?1 (G) is interpreted in terms of resonance (vibronic) interaction. This dependence is primarily the result of an increase in the intensity of the 1360 cm ?1 line. The disorder-associated line (D) exhibits a significant excitation-dependent shift from 1378 cmi?1 (457.9 nm Ar+) to 1330 cm?1 (647.1 nm Kr+). The “graphite” (G) line position is less sensitive to changes in excitation frequency. The spectral features are discussed in terms of factor group, C6v4, and layer site symmetry, C3v. Also the possible role of localized alkene-like structure in zones of structural distortion is considered.  相似文献   

Quantifying ion-induced defects and Raman relaxation length in graphene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Raman scattering is used to study disorder in graphene subjected to low energy (90 eV) Ar+ ion bombardment. The evolution of the intensity ratio between the G band (1585 cm−1) and the disorder-induced D band (1345 cm−1) with ion dose is determined, providing a spectroscopy-based method to quantify the density of defects in graphene. This evolution can be fitted by a phenomenological model, which is in conceptual agreement with a well-established amorphization trajectory for graphitic materials. Our results show that the broadly used Tuinstra-Koenig relation should be limited to the measure of crystallite sizes, and allows extraction of the Raman relaxation length for the disorder-induced Raman scattering process.  相似文献   

In Raman spectroscopy investigations of defective suspended graphene, splitting in the D band is observed. Four double resonance Raman scattering processes: the outer and inner scattering processes, as well as the scattering processes with electrons first scattered by phonons (“phonon-first”) or by defects (“defect-first”), are found to be responsible for these features of the D band. The D sub-bands associated with the outer and inner processes merge with increasing defect concentration. However a Stokes/anti-Stokes Raman study indicates that the splitting of the D band due to the separate “phonon-first” and “defect-first” processes is valid for suspended graphene. For graphene samples on a SiO2/Si substrate, the sub-bands of D band merge due to the increased Raman broadening parameter resulting from the substrate doping. Moreover, the merging of the sub-bands shows excitation energy dependence, which can be understood by considering the energy dependent lifetime and/or scattering rate of photo-excited carriers in the Raman scattering process.  相似文献   

Individual graphene layers in a multilayer graphene sample contribute their own edges. The edge of a graphene layer laid on an n layer graphene (nLG) is a building block for the edges of multilayer graphenes. We found that the D band observed from the edge of the top graphene layer laid on the nLG exhibits an identical line shape to that of disordered (n + 1)LG. Based on the spectral features of the D and 2D bands, we identified two types of alignment configurations at the edges of bilayer and trilayer graphenes, whose edges are well-aligned from their optical images.  相似文献   

M. Nakamizo  H. Honda  M. Inagaki 《Carbon》1978,16(4):281-283
Structural changes in Ceylon natural graphite with grinding were studied by Raman spectroscopy along with X-ray diffraction. The natural graphite shows a single Raman band at 1580 cm?1, but the ground graphite samples exhibit two Raman bands at 1360 and 1620 cm?1 in addition to the 1580 cm?1 graphite band. The 1360 cm?1 band increases in intensity with increasing grinding time, and becomes much stronger than the 1580 cm?1 band after 200-hr grinding. Raman results are compared with structural parameters such as effective Debye parameter and C0 spacing obtained from X-ray diffraction measurements, and discussed in terms of structural defects introduced into the crystal lattice of natural graphite. A linear relationship was obtained for the ground graphite when the relative intensity of the 1360 cm?1 band is plotted as a function of effective Debye parameter. The slope of the linear plot is different for the ground graphite from that for the graphitized cokes, indicating a difference in the type of structural defects involved.  相似文献   

The nonlinear spin-dependent transport properties in zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) edge doped by an atom of group III and V elements are studied systematically using density functional theory combined with non-equilibrium Green’s functions. The dopant type, acceptor or donor, and the geometrical symmetry, odd or even, are found critical in determining the spin polarization of the current and the current–voltage characteristics. For ZGNRs substitutionally doped on the lower-side edge, the down (up) spin current dominates in odd-(even-) width ZGNRs under a bias voltage around 1 V. Remarkably, in even-width ZGNRs, doped by group III elements (B and Al), negative differential resistance (NDR) occurs only for down spins. The bias range of the spin NDR increases with the width of ZGNRs. The clear spin NDR is not observed in any odd-width ZGNRs nor in even-width ZGNRs doped by group V elements (N and P). This peculiar spin NDR of edge doped ZGNRs suggests potential applications in spintronics.  相似文献   

Herein, we employed first-principle calculations to study the structure and reactivity of dual-doped graphene. The new materials were derived from graphene by replacing two carbon atoms with one 2p element (B, N or O), and one 3p element (Al, Si, P or S). A total of 12 dual-doped graphenes were used to perform a comparative study and identify the most promising materials for the development of new catalysts and anchoring nanoparticles. The structural analysis indicated that in all cases, except SiB, the dopants prefer to replace a CC bond. Yet, not always the dopants are bonded, presenting an edge-like bonding. As regards chemical reactivity, in general the introduction of two atoms remarkably increases reactivity as compared to graphene. The most prominent examples are Al–O, S–N, P–O and Si–B(para) codoped graphene which present reactivity higher than perfect and monodoped graphenes. This effect was attributed to the strong charge redistribution induced by the dopants. In most cases the heteroatoms are the most reactive sites, but in others the carbon atoms are more reactive, as in Al–O and Si–B codoped graphene. The combination of 2p and 3p dopants offers the possibility of adjusting over a wide range the reactivity of graphene.  相似文献   

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