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A recently developed mathematical model (DMOD) also predicts that Ss prefer the unpredictable reward situation under conditions that substantially decrease aversiveness of unpredictable nonreward (Daly & Daly, 1982). Because a high proportion of reinforced trials (lenient schedule) and alcohol decrease aversive conditioning, these variables were tested with rats in 5 E-maze experiments. A choice to 1 side of the maze resulted in a stimulus uncorrelated with reward outcome (unpredictable). A choice to the other side resulted in stimuli correlated with reward and nonreward (predictable). Stimuli were not visible until after the choice was made. A lenient reinforcement schedule resulted in preference for the unpredictable reward situation if rewards were not delayed. Alcohol resulted in preference for the unpredictable reward situation if a medium 5-pellet reward was given. A lenient reinforcement schedule combined with an alcohol injection resulted in faster acquisition of the preference for the unpredictable reward situation than did a lenient schedule combined with a saline control injection. These results pose a major challenge to most theories, yet were predicted by DMOD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the effects of FR reinforcement on generalized self-control involving high effort and punishment. In Experiment 1, rats received food in a runway for the completion of each round trip (continuous-reinforcement group) or every fifth round trip (FR group). Control rats received food at the same temporal intervals as these groups but without any instrumental requirement. When all rats were next given a series of choices between a large food reward requiring high lever force versus a small reward requiring low lever force, the FR rats showed the greatest self-control. In Experiments 2 and 3, rats were rewarded on a continuous or FR schedule followed by choice between a large food reward accompanied by intermittent shock vs a small or absent food reward without shock. The FR rats again showed the greatest self-control. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the literature on predictability and describes the factors that affect choice. Emphasis is given to the reliability of basic findings, including replications and failures to replicate. Behavioral measures related to choice are reviewed, and some physiological correlates of predictable and unpredictable shock are noted. The data allow several firm conclusions regarding preference, notably that (a) rats (albino, hooded, male, female) prefer predictable shock conditions; (b) they prefer predictable conditions whether shock is avoidable, escapable, or inescapable and whether it is scrambled or unscrambled grid shock; (c) this preference occurs with different procedures, apparatus, and shock delivery systems, such as water electrodes or electrodes attached to the tail, back, ears, or pubis bone; (d) fish and birds also prefer the signaled condition; and (e) although the preference is robust, it is affected by shock intensity, signal duration, intershock intervals, amount of training, and the dependability of shock-free periods. Other factors that may affect preference are also noted. Finally, the theoretical views of conditioned reinforcement, of information, of preparation, and of safety are evaluated, and their strengths and weaknesses are described (4 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We advanced and tested a multiple-motive model of resource allocation. In this model we identified importance instrumental, social-emotional, and group maintenance goals, and asserted that rational managers will sometimes allocate reduced rewards to employees with constrained mobility. Consistent with predictions, managers allocated greater salary funds to more deserving employees: those with high competence and dedication. However, allocations also differed as a function of employee mobility. This effect was strongest among competent employees, whose membership was most desirable. Furthermore, the tendency to allocate lesser rewards to low-mobility employees was particularly pronounced under conditions of low reward availability and low labor availability. These effects were not mediated by changes in perceptions of the competence of low-mobility employees. These findings are discussed as a form of rational selective exploitation: The rational manager's need to attend to employee mobility, particularly under conditions of reward or labor constraint, may erode equity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that dual-task processing impairs sequence learning; others suggest it does not. The reason for this discrepancy remains obscure. It may have to do with the dual-task procedure often used. Many dual-task sequence learning studies pair the serial reaction time (SRT) task with a tone-counting secondary task. The tone-counting task, however, is not ideal for studying the cognitive processes involved in sequence learning. The present experiments sought to identify the nature of the interference responsible for disrupting sequence learning in dual-task situations using more tractable dual-task procedures. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that parallel-interfering central processing disrupts sequence learning. Experiment 3 used a novel combination of the SRT task as the secondary task in a psychological refractory period procedure. It showed that SRT task performance can be disrupted without disrupting sequence learning when that disruption involves a response-selection bottleneck rather than parallel response selection. Together, these results suggest that it is the overlap of central processes involved in successfully performing the 2 tasks concurrently that leads to learning deficits in dual-task sequence learning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The perceived intention model incorporates a new moderator, beliefs about reward-giver intention, into the overjustification paradigm. In 2 simulated shopping studies featuring products paired with promotional rewards, consumers who believed the marketer was promotion focused (reward used to encourage purchase) reported lower purchase intentions and brand attitudes for promoted products after promotion, whereas,consumers who believed the marketer was reward focused (promotion used to distribute the reward) showed no attitude change. Promotion-focus beliefs lowered attitudes by heightening the contingency between the promotion and purchase and thereby increasing the perceived causal role of the reward. This effect was contingent on initial behavior—postpromotion attitude change occurred for consumers who actively engaged in product decisions but not for consumers who passively observed the choice sets. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to the critique by A. Z. Arthur (see record 1987-09623-001) of the literature review by the authors and L. S. Schoen (see record 1984-28077-001) dealing with the effects of predictable vs unpredictable shock conditions on physiological measures of stress. The classification of studies as short- and long-term is defended, and it is argued that Arthur's criteria for including studies to be reviewed are overly restrictive in that they limit identification of potentially important variables and eliminate most of the relevant literature. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent theory and empirical research have suggested that fear and anxiety are distinct processes with separable neurobiological substrates. Furthermore, a laboratory procedure has been developed to manipulate fear versus anxiety independently via administration of predictable or unpredictable electric shock, respectively. Benzodiazepines appear to selectively reduce anxiety but not fear in this procedure. The primary aim of this experiment was to determine if alcohol produced a similar selective reduction in anxiety. Intoxicated (target blood alcohol concentration of .08%) and nonintoxicated participants viewed a series of colored squares separated by variable intertrial intervals (ITIs) in 3 conditions. In the predictable shock condition, shocks were administered contingently during every square. In the unpredictable shock condition, shocks were administered noncontingently during both squares and ITIs. In the no-shock condition, no shocks were administered at any time. Alcohol significantly reduced startle potentiation during cues signaling unpredictable but not predictable shock, consistent with the thesis that alcohol selectively reduces anxiety but not fear. In addition, alcohol’s effect on startle potentiation during unpredictable shock was mediated by vigilance. This anxiolytic effect may clarify the nature of alcohol’s reinforcing effects in social and problem drinkers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 60(4) of Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research (see record 2008-17523-006). The author refers to "Paul Winn." The referenced author's last name was printed incorrectly. The correct spelling is Winum.] Consulting and training for cultural diversity is both challenging and rewarding. This article issues a call to face the challenges of diversity consulting and describes strategies and approaches for successful work. Using examples from the author's practice, the author calls on consultants to (1) get up to speed with knowledge about diversity and social justice, (2) avoid consultations that are too superficial, (3) balance content and process, (4) find ways to sustain themselves and their clients, and (5) work for the Common Good. A social justice frame is seen as a necessary adjunct to promoting equity and excellence in organizations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Researchers examined the performance–turnover relationship under conditions of varying reward contingency with 189 sales representatives who earned base pay plus commission (moderately contingent rewards) during their first 2 months of work and commission-only pay (maximally contingent rewards) thereafter. As predicted by an expanded version of the contingent rewards hypothesis, the performance–turnover relationship was stronger under maximally contingent rewards, higher than any reported in the literature. Using event history analyses, the researchers also showed that current (time-dependent) performance affords a better prediction of turnover than average (time-stationary) performance. Performance velocity (slope over time) had a further, unique effect on turnover risk. The implications of these findings for future studies of the employee turnover process and pay systems were discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the representational nature of configural response learning using a task that required simultaneous keypresses with 2 or 3 fingers, similar to the production of chords on the piano. If the benefits of learning are related to the retrieval of individual stimulus-response mappings, performance should depend on the frequencies of the individual responses forming each chord. Alternatively, learning may involve the encoding of configural information concerning the relationship between the chord elements. In Experiment 1, training was restricted to a subset of the 120 possible 3-element chords. Probe blocks included the practiced chords, chords composed of novel configurations of practiced elements (reconfigured), and chords that contained a new element (new). Practiced chords were performed faster than reconfigured chords, indicating learning involves the encoding of configural information. Experiment 2 showed that learning was not restricted to configurations within each hand. Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that learning was largely response based. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Monitored eye movements in each of 3 studies with 20, 19, and 18 undergraduates, respectively, while Ss were given 8 study trials on a 7-item paired-associate list. Ss were then subjected to a single test trial of associative matching (Exp. I), response production (Exp. III) or stimulus and response production (Exp. IV). A 4th study with 42 Ss, (Exp. II), without eye movement monitoring, involved 3 groups of Ss given either 2, 4, or 6 study trials followed by a single test trial of associative matching. Results, with the exception of Exp. I, were generally consistent with a 2-stage notion of verbal paired-associate learning. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ovarian cycles of females living and interacting together have been shown to synchronize in a number of species. In humans, the related phenomenon of menstrual synchrony has been reported among roommates and best friends. Menstrual data were collected prospectively for 3 months from 27 Bedouin nuclear families living under conditions optimally conducive for synchrony: (a) women living together for many years, (b) a highly sexually segregated society, (c) standard living conditions, and (d) minimal use of oral contraceptives. Results show unequivocally the existence of menstrual synchrony: A 20%–25% shift toward synchrony was found for sisters-roommates, sisters-roommates who are close friends, and the family (all women in the family between 13 and 50 years of age). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A retrospective study was conducted to examine aripiprazole's effectiveness and safety in a naturalistic treatment setting in both inpatients and outpatients affected by schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. All patients with schizophrenia, schizoaffective and delusional disorders, and schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders treated with aripiprazole from March 1, 2005, to March 1, 2006, in the authors' community mental health service were divided into outpatient (n=26) and inpatient (n=17) groups; the average treatment periods were 204 days and 25 days, respectively. Effectiveness was evaluated by improvement of symptoms (a 25% reduction of Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale [BPRS] score from baseline) and functioning level (a 50% increase of Global Assessment of Functioning [GAF] scale score from baseline), as well as dropout rate. Adverse effects and their impact on treatment course were also evaluated. The final scores of the 2 scales showed a statistically significant difference from baseline (BPRS: p  相似文献   

Determined whether a list of pairs acquired under conditions of interference is more susceptible to retroactive inhibition (RI) produced by additional interpolated interference than a list learned under noninterference conditions. The RI produced by groups differing in the type of prior learning administered, i.e., lists forming either an A-B, C-D, or an A-B, A-D relationship with the list being recalled, was compared. Results of modified-modified free recall test strongly support the susceptibility hypothesis. Data suggest (a) some evidence for proactive inhibition, but the demonstration was not reliable; and (b) that Ss who received nonspecific practice prior to their learning of 2 lists corresponding to an A-B, A-D paradigm showed less RI than Ss who had had no practice. (French summary) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Little is known about when or how different disgust elicitors are acquired. In Study 1, parents of children (0–18 years old) rated how their child would react to 22 disgust elicitors. Different developmental patterns were identified for core, animal, and sociomoral elicitors, with core elicitors emerging first. In Study 2, children (2–16 years old) were exposed alone and then with their parent to a range of elicitors derived from Study 1. Self-report, behavioral, and facial expression data were obtained along with measures of contagion, conservation, and contamination. Convergent evidence supported the developmental patterns reported in Study 1. Evidence for parent–child transmission was also observed, with parents of young children emoting more disgust to their offspring and showing greater behavioral avoidance. Moreover, child reactivity to animal and sociomoral elicitors and contamination correlated with parental responsiveness. Finally, young children who failed to demonstrate contagion and conservation knowledge were as reactive to core elicitors and contamination as children of the same age who demonstrated such knowledge. These findings are interpreted within an evolutionary framework in which core disgust responses are acquired early to promote avoidance of pathogens. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Throughout a lifetime of interaction with the physical environment, people develop a strong bias to respond on the same side as the location of a target object, even when its location is irrelevant to the task at hand. Recent research has shown that this compatibility bias can be overridden with relatively brief but focused training. To better understand how such training affects preexisting response biases, we investigated whether attention is required to acquire and express a new bias to respond on the opposite side, thus creating an incompatibility bias. Participants practiced making responses on the opposite side from left and right tones and then made responses based on the frequencies (high or low) of the same tones. As in previous research, practice with a spatially incompatible mapping eliminated the compatible bias in the Simon task. The addition of an attention load (continuous secondary tracking task) during practice prevented learning the new response bias. However, once the new bias was learned, it overrode the compatibility bias regardless of available attentional resources. We suggest that not only can a quickly learned response bias overwhelm preexisting biases that are acquired over years of experience but that recently learned and older, preexisting biases are similarly affected by attention load. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effect of mood on memory was studied under natural conditions in 2 field quasi-experiments. In both, Ss in happy moods recalled autobiographical memories that were more negative than were memories recalled by subjects in bad moods, a phenomenon termed mood incongruent recall. Three subsequent laboratory experiments are reported that suggest that mood incongruent recall is a reliable phenomenon, occurring when subjects are unaware that their moods are relevant to the experiment. Mood incongruent recall is hypothesized to be related to mood regulation. The implications of these findings for the relation between mood and memory, for mood congruent recall, for laboratory mood inductions, and for self-regulation of mood and depression are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to ask if conditioned emotional responses (CERs) controlled by contextual cues modulate the acquisition of eyelid conditioned responses (CRs) to discrete conditioned stimuli (CSs). Experiment 1 showed that 30-s auditory stimuli that were paired with aversive shocks to one paraorbital region or the other controlled discriminated CERs, as measured by potentiation of a startle response. In Experiments 2 and 3, similarly trained 30-s stimuli served as contexts in which 1,050-ms CSs were paired with a paraorbital unconditioned stimulus (US). Reinforced contexts both impaired (Experiments 2A and 2B) and facilitated (Experiment 3B) acquisition of the eyeblink CR, depending on the locus of the USs involved. The data are consistent with the interpretation that CERs controlled by contextual cues facilitate CR acquisition, but do so in the face of blocking effects of CR tendencies also conditioned to the contextual cues. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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